My Lovely Trabia

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My Lovely Trabia
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Posts: 38
By jmarkle 2011-01-27 04:22:53
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I'm pretty sure I'm not in or want to be Conviction, but yet they still allow me to party with them (I also don't suck). Puscifer booted me from prty because I refused to equip their pearl when I was only given it for communication by Deviant One to do leve runs and partner up with them to be extra bodies if needed.

Conviction was kind enough to take us in and respect that I have my own Linkshell, and I've noted them taking many people in on pick up parties from other Linkshells as well. Sure it's to their benefit, but it's just as mutually to mine.

You guys are also criticizing Conviction of taking other members from LS's. You guys did the same thing to Rancor but yet we don't cry about it. It's a game and the point is to have fun.

Conviction is just more competitive than Elite, and Elite you are by no means a hardcore progression LS. You cant blame people who have that same play style as Conviction leaving an LS to join Conviction. If anything you should be happy for members who find an LS to fit in with. That just means you helped them get to a point where they can enjoy the game in the way THEY want to enjoy it, rather than being selfish and looking at it as if you lost a member and the sky is crashing down around you.

IMO from everything I've seen and heard on both sides of the story, in game, you kind of had it coming. You also have to admit that despite what truth or lie is indeed factual, the situation gravely points to Elite just because of it's reputation and history of this whole shenanigan.

It's funny that so many members of Elite still socialize with members of conviction (the ones who don't care and know it's just a game), yet Elites Leaders can't just get on with life and they dwindle.

I think it would be cool if you guys could both just shrug it off, shake hands and be done with it. You're not really competing with each other. Right now you're just kind of having an EP sword fight and nobody is ever going to win that.

*Edited paragraph format for the next's posts sake! :D*
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Riggy
Posts: 1028
By Siren.Demetreos 2011-01-27 04:40:20
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jmarkle said:
I'm pretty sure I'm not in or want to be Conviction, but yet they still allow me to party with them (I also don't suck). Puscifer booted me from prty because I refused to equip their pearl when I was only given it for communication by Deviant One to do leve runs and partner up with them to be extra bodies if needed. Conviction was kind enough to take us in and respect that I have my own Linkshell, and I've noted them taking many people in on pick up parties from other Linkshells as well. Sure it's to their benefit, but it's just as mutually to mine. You guys are also criticizing Conviction of taking other members from LS's. You guys did the same thing to Rancor but yet we don't cry about it. It's a game and the point is to have fun. Conviction is just more competitive than Elite, and Elite you are by no means a hardcore progression LS. You cant blame people who have that same play style as Conviction leaving an LS to join Conviction. If anything you should be happy for members who find an LS to fit in with. That just means you helped them get to a point where they can enjoy the game in the way THEY want to enjoy it, rather than being selfish and looking at it as if you lost a member and the sky is crashing down around you. IMO from everything I've seen and heard on both sides of the story, in game, you kind of had it coming. You also have to admit that despite what truth or lie is indeed factual, the situation gravely points to Elite just because of it's reputation and history of this whole shenanigan. It's funny that so many members of Elite still socialize with members of conviction (the ones who don't care and know it's just a game), yet Elites Leaders can't just get on with life and they dwindle. I think it would be cool if you guys could both just shrug it off, shake hands and be done with it. You're not really competing with each other. Right now you're just kind of having an EP sword fight and nobody is ever going to win that.

Get these, please.


What I could read without getting a migraine was spot on, though.
Posts: 38
By jmarkle 2011-01-27 04:50:48
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:-P I have granted your wish!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Riggy
Posts: 1028
By Siren.Demetreos 2011-01-27 04:52:14
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jmarkle said:
:-P I have granted your wish!
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-01-27 05:13:26
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indecent said:
oh but I thought you guys were the victim and did nothing to deserve such bullying but your shouting and merlins shouting in uldah seems to show otherwise....

oh here it is....

with a nice post from one of your ls members on our general forums shown here....kinda sounds like he is bragging about "destroying" us.

unfortunately I chose to ignore mister Edge Master leader of the Firm Erection ls rather than screenshot it

you challenged us, lost, and are now trying to save whatever face you can. Damage is done, no one likes you guys and knows you are a bunch of trash.
LMAO +1 Mystina! (Someone I know in-game)

And wow this thread got fun.. Sorry I missed it.
Posts: 17
By Shadou 2011-01-27 05:33:19
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Yes! I do admit that I shouted some random trash. But look closer numb nuts, at no point does that reference a firm erection nor does it say Indecent Proposal as the name. We are still waiting for the damning evidence of a fake character and the supposed firm erection ls. Once again you must be completely blind to the bullcrap and easily dooped into thinking what she says is gold.

oh hai thar, I can play the SS game too!
Posts: 259
By ZettaiRyouiki 2011-01-27 07:49:25
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Dear Conviction members,

Please stfu and get back to farming. My mules need HQ tricornes.

With love,
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimatsu
Posts: 847
By Siren.Kunimatsu 2011-01-27 08:00:16
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U shud all just get a life LMAO all u can do is argue on a game that sucks xDDDD you think your so elitist well guess what you dont come close to me IRL so that makes me better then u, just come at me bro, im a black belt in origami ill fold you into pieces fagets
Posts: 5
By Puscifer 2011-01-27 08:22:18
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In regards to Indecents screen shot, lol, where is the rest of that convo? Are you afraid that you may not be able to "save face"? I rarely IF EVER say anything to anyone without being spoken to. I speak to the people of our LS and that is about it. That is where Solara comes in. That is why she is "Public Relations". It started as a joke title but has shown here to be completely necessary.

In regards to Jason's post, we didnt kick you! I was not party lead. It was brought to my attention that if we are out as an LS that everyone should represent said LS. As far as you guys being booted/leaving our LS that is on your friend Tanner. It is quite unfortunate that I dont screen shot all convos because I have had some indepth convos that would shine light on this whole situation. As far as you posting here, once again all you have become is puppet for Indecent, this is the kind of thing she does to try and get under our skin. As soon as we got back to the node I do believe she said (just to make sure we heard) "Welcome Tanner and Jason, oh and you can leave your LS flag up" or something along those lines. The differance is, you were not apart of conviction but were a part of Elite. We were helping you out when your player base (as with all original LSs) dwindled. And yes we know it dwindled, hence "Zid"

In regards to "crying" that we lost members to other LSs, incase you cant read and use a speech to type program, I said " Your LS was created from some really great members from all the LSs in the world. Most of the people that went to your LS went with respect I.E. Legend, Draconian, Swynn, and a few others. There is those select few that did not leave with any kind of respect I.E. Hawt, Kaidien." We do realize that this game is ever changing and KNOW that people will flock to where they are comfortable or where they can get something one place cannot offer. unfortunately you happen to be one of the people that is "Mad" at Elite for this or that reason. Its cool bro, I still wish you no ill will. Bandwagons are fun till the wheels fall off. (/em throws the lug nuts into the feild)

With regards to the Ideecent<---(accussed Imp) post, LMAO. I was not fortunate enough to be online when that was shouted so this is the first time Ive seen it. But like I said in the original post, maybe it was you or one of your members showing us how you really feel and still having the abbility to "save face" or better put "plossible deniability".

Once again Solara asked for this drama to stop and let us go on about our buisiness and we will let you go on about yours. We are not here in this game to have a fight with other people. I once again say that "I was not completely idle during these arguements" but I will be damned if I gonna stand by when we are under attack from anyone. This is my FFXIV family and we all come here for fun. I support anything the LS does and if it ends up beeing an issue we deal with it like adults.
Posts: 25
By Yuhase 2011-01-27 09:11:05
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Wow. I really didn't want to get dragged into this. Thanks tho.

After being in pickup parties with Elite for a few weeks Dev offered everyone who was in the party pearls. I asked "What is this for?" to which he told the party "So everyone will know when we are running leves." I accepted under this pretense and used it as such. I did not equip it, I did not receive any materials, post in your forums or in anyway associate myself with your shell aside from the R40 pickup parties. It was a nice offer but I never asked to be a part of your shell. I used it only as a communication tool.

The night in question, you asked us to flag up for events... First off, wow, leves are your events? Cool. Anyways, I politely sent you a /t letting you know that as the pearl master of my own shell I wished to represent it. To which you replied that this was already decided by your leadership.

I /bow'd and left party, since at this point, party leader HAD been passed to you and we've seen this before. I've witnessed you break pearls and kick from party without warning in /p or /l chat. I'm not dumb, I knew what was coming.

Jason shouted to see if anyone needed a couple members. Indy was kind enough to invite us. We never told him what happen because he already knew. But you've cleaned house so I'm sure its fine.

Further more, we've never told anyone outside of Conviction (since they already knew). We didn't say anything about it in LS, vent or anywhere else. Because we didn't care. Also instead of chasing people through town to break their pearls, you could just ask.

That being said, I wish your members the best of luck. I'm sure this is a trying time for them. I really like many of Elites members and enjoyed partying with them. Its very unfortunate that you would not allow that to continue.
Posts: 5
By Puscifer 2011-01-27 09:48:21
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So apparently you still have problems reading, so I am gonna leave it like this and hope this thread go quietly into the night.

I did not act alone on this matter with you. It was brought to my attention and asked that I say something, consider me the liaison for the leaders to the shell. I harbored no bad feelings for you and wasnt going to kick you from our party. You, for lack of better words, rage quit before we could have a discussion. The place and time was not at that moment to finish the convo. As far as asking someone to drop the pearl, Dev did so, just exactly what you are crying about now. Unfortunately you sealed the deal for both of your fates in the Elite LS with your tells to us and joining in on the Elite bash with the all infamous Indecent. Like I said I wish I would have screen shot them. I am not saying that you spoke negatively to me just that the convo was for the most part of ut most respect and was confused when you quit the party and soon after the LS. Unfortunately this all comes on the heals of some misguided frustration that may have inadvertently stemed more fued for no good reason at all. We still welcome other members of other shells to join in the reindeer games.

We to enjoyed the parties together and are sorry to see you join the bandwagon but as this game is ever changing, we understand. And yes anytime WE as a whole go out to do anything, farming, Leve runs, NM battles, or whatever we as a group deem to be an "LS Event" ask that we all rep our shell. It is not about anything other than we are apart of the same group and wish to be viewed that way. It really baffles me as to how this was a hard idea for you to wrap your brain around because even conviction members that also were in our shell reped us while we did leve runs.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Relleum
Posts: 602
By Bismarck.Rellz 2011-01-27 10:39:14
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indecent said:

Shiva.Flionheart said:
Ever thought of getting along?

Like it's ridiculously sad acting like elitists in a game at XIV's current level.
Posts: 92
By indecent 2011-01-27 10:39:31
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Even Elite members that were in the party msg'd me when that said event happened and told me they couldnt believe you did that and picking up Markle and Yuhase was a great addition and all I said was its just leves idc who joins its more sp for all. YOUR OWN MEMBERS SAID THIS people still in the shell after your "spy" cleanout fyi. You would be surprised who tells me when you rage pus, you really would.

I dont know what you guys expected coming on here claiming to be the victims in all you've been proven wrong and made out to be even worse than before this all came out publicly, good job.

Advise to you is to stop engaging us you are only fueling the fire...unfortunately deviant cant shut his mouth so that will never happen.

Fact: we recruited the people in your shell that were hardcore and were only there for grouping purposes, they saw an organized end game guild and took the opportunity and you guys got butt hurt and started talking ***in LS about us and let it get to the point of doing stupid ***in game.

Fact: you are not the victim you brought this on yourselves.
Posts: 92
By indecent 2011-01-27 10:40:53
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ZettaiRyouiki said:
Dear Conviction members,

Please stfu and get back to farming. My mules need HQ tricornes.

With love,

damn he found us!
Posts: 7
By ZhangoSqu 2011-01-27 10:48:21
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Seriously? This is still going on? There are people in both Elite and Conviction with abrasive personalities. Conviction has done some impressive stuff, Rancor is cool in my opinion, and Elite has helped me out (and continues to help me out) in leveling my Gladiator.

If you don't like someone, do yourself a favor and ignore them, blacklist them, etc. The great thing about the game is that you can actually "mute" people whose comments you don't want to be reading.

Can we please find a path to more civility in the game, because if this crap doesn't die down, I hate to think of what the game will be like a couple years from now if Square Enix successfully turns it around.
Posts: 16
By kanji 2011-01-27 10:52:03
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Zhango!!! :D!!
Posts: 7
By ZhangoSqu 2011-01-27 10:56:59
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Kaidien! XD
Posts: 92
By indecent 2011-01-27 10:58:28
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Im not denying my abrasiveness, we are not the victim.

I was pretty quiet about all the trash talk that was going on in the Elite LS until they started mocking us openly with mister Indeecent Proposal.
Posts: 25
By Yuhase 2011-01-27 11:03:57
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Puscifer said:

I did not act alone on this matter with you. It was brought to my attention and asked that I say something,
Never said you did.
Yuhase said:

To which you replied that this was already decided by your leadership.
Puscifer said:

I harbored no bad feelings for you and wasnt going to kick you from our party.
You specifically said that everyone who wanted to do leves needs to flag up. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted that. Had I refused to do so and stayed in party, would we have proceeded as if nothing happened? You would have just backed down from the issue? I have a hard time believing that.
Puscifer said:

Dev did so

If he did, I never saw it. Nor did Jason. Strange how we both missed that.
Puscifer said:

Unfortunately you sealed the deal for both of your fates in the Elite LS with your tells to us and joining in on the Elite bash with the all infamous Indecent. Like I said I wish I would have screen shot them. I am not saying that you spoke negatively to me just that the convo was for the most part of ut most respect and was confused when you quit the party and soon after the LS.

So was I trash talking or being respectful? I've never spoken ill of Elite in game. Ask your members who carry a rancor pearl.
Puscifer said:

We still welcome other members of other shells to join in the reindeer games.

Right, its only your own members who are made to follow your largely unpopular rule.
"I tend to agree with you *****. Although I would like to see our crest during events. It's not always the reality. And we welcome people in other shells. At least I thought we did. We don't want to be a shell that scrutinizes what crest you represent at all times. (with the exception of a few other LS's). But we do expect that you contribute to Elite when and where you're capable. And represent us with respect with or without wearing the crest. "
Puscifer said:
Puscifer said:

bandwagon ...
As far as you guys being booted/leaving our LS that is on your friend Tanner.
To quote a 5yo, You started it. Even now I hold my tongue about subjects in this thread that did not pertain directly to me. Its your mess and I want nothing to do with it. Maybe you should consider taking the Higher Roads.
Puscifer said:

It really baffles me ...
I bet.
Puscifer said: to how this was a hard idea for you to wrap your brain around because even conviction members that also were in our shell reped us while we did leve runs.
I already addressed this. My situation was slightly more unique.
Yuhase said:

I politely sent you a /t letting you know that as the pearl master of my own shell I wished to represent it.

Is there anything else I can clarify for you?

Posts: 7
By ZhangoSqu 2011-01-27 11:25:33
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So, did everyone read the recent lodestone update reflecting some of the contents in the next patch? Looks like they are going to be improving party SP rates!

(Feeble attempt to move this thread in another direction, probably bound to fail! ^^;)
Posts: 6
By mundie 2011-01-27 11:25:36
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this thread is amazing.

Posts: 92
By indecent 2011-01-27 11:27:25
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mundie said:
this thread is amazing.

*wave@slipi* are amazing.
Posts: 4
By linafanboy 2011-01-27 11:29:29
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Crazy old mundie... Also why was i not invited to this party? Is it my cooking? Is it really that bad? /wrist

-Sandal Tan
Posts: 16
By kanji 2011-01-27 11:31:18
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Its about time they improve the sp rate!
Posts: 7
By ZhangoSqu 2011-01-27 11:32:26
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kanji said:
Its about time they improve the sp rate!
Seriously, I nearly jumped for joy when I read that. Though it would have drawn curious looks from my coworkers. >_>
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: mundie
Posts: 4
By Valefor.Mundie 2011-01-27 11:36:10
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indecent said:
mundie said:
this thread is amazing.

*wave@slipi* are amazing.

You charming rogue, you.

Posts: 16
By kanji 2011-01-27 11:36:18
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Rofl :)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-27 11:39:08
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You guys are getting mad over such a terrible game.
Posts: 92
By indecent 2011-01-27 11:40:55
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
You guys are getting mad over such a terrible game.

then why you playing it and engaging in such silliness? Im far from mad, I get a good laugh at all this. In fact I think I rubbed one out last night just thinking about all the anger we have caused.

yes the sp rates are a nice addition, except that we all have 50's for the most part lol....SUB GRINDING SEXY PARTY
Posts: 7
By ZhangoSqu 2011-01-27 11:42:05
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
You guys are getting mad over such a terrible game.
I wouldn't necessarily call it terrible... its like a lump of coal, with enough time and pressure it could become a diamond some day. Optimism people! Optimism! =)
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