Are You Playing In FFXI-HORIZON Server?

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are you playing in FFXI-HORIZON server?
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 10:46:28
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GetHelpNerd said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Are you getting paid by post? Asking for a friend.
the person pos hacking the 300 galkas around south gustaberg on asura/bismarck/everywhere currently is paying me to reply to you to take attention away from him.

Ah, wouldn’t know, been parked all night beside my boys in Bhaflau getting sick gains while I get entertained by this vat of runny ***.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:50:44
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going back through the AMA, 95%+ of the questions i'd say were about retail ffxi.

there was a very very small minority that was asking about a 75 era ffxi.

here it is for reference.

also on the top posts in every thread you linked above, which again were specifically for the classic version of the game, none of them were bashing retail. most were talking about community aspects and the pacing of the game.

you need to find other ways to project your insecurities instead of digging through reddit comments and finding the minority posters.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 963
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:52:53
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GetHelpNerd said: »
you need to find other ways to project your insecurities instead of digging through reddit comments and finding the minority posters.

I was referring to the discussion around the AMA that happened on Reddit when it was announced, not the AMA itself (which was trimmed a bit more). I guess it's easier to focus on that, though, than the 3 I linked where it's more clearly highlighted.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: briko
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 10:55:07
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Retail players mad because bad.

The game is not the same, let classic players enjoy their servers lol
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:55:22
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
GetHelpNerd said: »
you need to find other ways to project your insecurities instead of digging through reddit comments and finding the minority posters.

I was referring to the discussion around the AMA that happened on Reddit when it was announced, not the AMA itself (which was trimmed a bit more). I guess it's easier to focus on that, though, than the 3 I linked where it's more clearly highlighted.
already covered those, you seem mad that topics about classic have discussion around classic in them?

you also seem mad and surprised that people that like classic don't like the retail version of the game? (even though in the threads you yourself linked, there is 0 people saying retail sucks, just people commenting on it's pacing and lack of community.)

this is by far the dumbest take i've ever seen, which is very impressive in a thread with radial and draylo
By 2023-01-15 10:56:02
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By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:57:06
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
GetHelpNerd said: »
you need to find other ways to project your insecurities instead of digging through reddit comments and finding the minority posters.

I was referring to the discussion around the AMA that happened on Reddit when it was announced, not the AMA itself (which was trimmed a bit more). I guess it's easier to focus on that, though, than the 3 I linked where it's more clearly highlighted.

Asura.Iamaman said: »

Literally every time classic comes up, they come out of the woodwork including the AMA earlier this year.
sorry for proving you wrong on what you literally said and not knowing you were talking about something you didn't say
Posts: 139
By Banhammer 2023-01-15 10:58:15
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I got to level 7 with 60 gil and no spells/armor, got face planted by an EM bunny, leveled down and haven't been back.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 963
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:59:05
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GetHelpNerd said: »
already covered those, you seem mad that topics about classic have discussion around classic in them?

you also seem mad and surprised that people that like classic don't like the retail version of the game? (even though in the threads you yourself linked, there is 0 people saying retail sucks, just people commenting on it's pacing and lack of community.)

this is by far the dumbest take i've ever seen, which is very impressive in a thread with radial and draylo

Here, i'll reiterate this for the fourth time: I. Do. Not. Give. A. Flying. ***. About. Classic. (or Horizons), is that clear enough now? If people want classic, fine, take it. Not my thing, but I can see why people are into it.

If you read those threads, there are plenty of people ripping on current retail for, mainly, being: too easy and lacking community, mainly by people who haven't played in years. It's prevalent in those threads, if you missed it then you must not have read them. That people who haven't participated in current content are complaining about it being something it isn't is the only thing I am commenting on.

Fair point on the AMA discussion, though, I misspoke. There were meta threads discussing the AMA before it happened where a lot of this came up.
Server: Excalibur
user: Rooks
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2023-01-15 11:03:03
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Okay I've mostly stayed out of this thread but I keep getting asked about it, so:

Play on Horizon if you want to. The changes they've made don't sound like great ones to me, but if they tickle your fancy, by all means. The big problem with any sort of nostalgia tour like this is that while they can re-create the 2000's era game, they can't make you 25 with loads of free time again, and that sort of time is what made XI work for a lot of people in the first place.

I don't have any objection to this thread being here, or any discussion about it, though.

Tanag said: »
The leader adding -P to his name and doing a 'letter from the director' tells me everything I need to know about this server.
Okay, I take back everything I said, avoid this place like discounts at a brothel. Holy ***
By 2023-01-15 11:10:12
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Server: Excalibur
user: Rooks
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2023-01-15 11:14:29
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Asura.Jyubeii said: »
thread has no benefit to being here
The day that this is the standard for thread removal, this place is gonna get real quiet real quick.
Posts: 15223
By Pantafernando 2023-01-15 11:46:32
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Idiot Boy said: »
avoid this place like discounts at a brothel

Is this an incentive to go for it?
Server: Excalibur
user: Rooks
Posts: 673
By Idiot Boy 2023-01-15 12:15:50
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Pantafernando said: »
Idiot Boy said: »
avoid this place like discounts at a brothel

Is this an incentive to go for it?
Only you can live your life, my friend.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2023-01-15 12:55:17
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Idiot Boy said: »
Okay, I take back everything I said, avoid this place like discounts at a brothel. Holy ***

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2023-01-15 13:22:00
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The big problem with any sort of nostalgia tour like this is that while they can re-create the 2000's era game, they can't make you 25 with loads of free time again, and that sort of time is what made XI work for a lot of people in the first place.

For what it's worth,

I have somehow managed to amass 15 of my FFXI friends from various eras and people are just playing at their own pace. People are sticking around. I really deeply believed I would get tired of this within 5 minutes of whacking rabbits and having 0 gil. And I think most others had the same thought. I thought "No way it's gonna stick. I've just got my nostalgia glasses on."

And then it does, and people still have time, maybe not as much as our younger years, but it's really a play at your own pace type deal. Only one sweatsquad of tryhards no-lifed it to 75 already.

I don't know what endgame will bring and I'm not sure I really care. If it sucks, I'll just be done playing. But for right now, it's a lot of fun. I'm tunneling hard on the 'I'm having fun right now' aspect.

I tab back over to retail with my six characters and everything I could ever want in FFXI life and I just kind of shrug.
By 2023-01-15 13:23:28
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Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: icilies
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2023-01-15 13:34:23
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Icilies said: »

Doesn't your love to era comes from fishing and crafts being important and more like playing FFXI economy instead of actual fighting mobs gameplay.

I think its general rule, that people who love Classic just loves crafting/fishing and playing with real people and they think it's only possible in Era. I'm like 1000% sure that Classic server run by SE would end up exactly like retail. You will have fish bots, crafting bots, crafting hacks, pulling hacks, 6boxing etc. and Im like 100% sure that ilvl run on private server by people who care would be no hacks, no bots, no boxing etc. What Im trying to say it's not really related to ilvl or era. It's related to who run the server. Whats related to Era or ilvl is the fact that Era has super boring gameplay on most jobs, because of lack of JA, interactions, spells or gear impacting your strategy. I mean they did something to Relics, so it's possible Relics on Horizon are game changing, but they are as realistic to get in Era as Bonanza weapons on retail :) You basically need slaves doing Dynamis for your own benefit to ever get one.

Hmm, I don't have a good answer for this one. I believe the population is real as every zone is full with players. It really makes the game enjoyable. I am focusing on crafting and fishing so it's possible once I Play the game more I'll no longer find it enjoyable.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Make any amount of gil or get something shiney they'll just ban you lol

Essentially this was the drama the two weeks of the server. And why the "play and find out" marketing is not working out well.

Like myself, many people went straight to fishing instead of progressing in the game. They didn't predict this and lots of people were finding ways to make a lot of gil. This allowed an individual to get his Lu Shang rod after 4 days. (He was buying moat carp stacks at 200 gil, lol) It turns how he was using the retail mechanic of fishing up Bluetails outside of skill range. IE it was possible to catch a level 55 fish 30-40 etc levels below cap. These NPC for 300 each.

Discord started complaining so this first "Lu Shanger" just explained his strategy in discord to defend himself. This resulted in everyone knowing the strategy and you seen people getting more and more lu shangs.

Fast forward a week and if you fished outside their "acceptable range" you had your fishing reset and lu shang removed and received a temp ban. This was interesting to me as it's an intended mechanic of retail to be able to fish far outside level.

The second issue with fishing, and another problem with this "go and find out", was Clothespole was apparently not working as intended. It's attack was coded to high and it was able to pull up small fish to frequently. Now, I never experienced this, but apparently when it was found out people assumed the rod was simply buffed. Which, for me, someone who has never fished in 20 years, would never think twice about. Because I had no idea how rod attack works, large, etc. (I do now as anyone who fishes to scared anything could be an exploit now)

So, if you were someone who heard about the Clothespole that everyone was using and fishing to far outside your fishing skill you received perm ban.

So the argument can be made both ways on if people deserved punishment. However, just drop the "Play and Find Out" because now anything different about the game just seems like you should report it as exploit just to cover your tracks. Which, in my opinion, is not a good culture to have in game.

There was also a BST Era+ xp camp that turned out to not actually be an intended "play and find out" mechanic. Apparently the mob bst pet spawn was ~45 seconds instead of the intended 1:15 ish. So someone would have to remember what the real respawn rate of beast pets than cross reference it to what it is on Horizon. And then know it was a bug. IMO this is not reasonable as many of the people playing have not played the game in many many years.

Once again "Play and Find Out" is not working as intended. Just layout the changes at this point so people are not scared of being banned for finding out something different about the Horizon server.

Once again I'm having fun playing. Will it last? I don't know. I'd say this depends on direction of future patches / handling of communication of server etc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 90
By Bahamut.Skald 2023-01-15 13:36:50
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Bahamut.Belkin said: »
...time, maybe not as much as our younger years, but it's really a play at your own pace type deal. Only one sweatsquad of tryhards no-lifed it to 75 already.

I don't know what endgame will bring and I'm not sure I really care. If it sucks, I'll just be done playing. But for right now, it's a lot of fun. I'm tunneling hard on the 'I'm having fun right now' aspect.

I tab back over to retail with my six characters and everything I could ever want in FFXI life and I just kind of shrug.

100% this for me, I can do whatever I want in retail and for the things that just don't happen or exist anymore I can poke around in Horizon for funsies :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2023-01-15 13:40:26
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I don't understand this vehement defense of retail like your identity and life depends on it. If people log into retail and are bored, or not having fun for whatever their specific reasons are - trying to beat into them that 'odyssey is fun tho' isn't going to do much.

FFXI is 20 years old, retail is trending downwards not upwards and it's clearly eating at a lot of you lol. The same reason Draylo keep asking for a new expansion, or a remastered version of the game is the same reason people jumped to play other things - they just weren't having as much fun. It's a game, that's the point.

I tried Horizon, it's cool and I'm having fun poking goblins and messing around. More fun than I was having on retail. When it gets boring, I'll log off - just like I did on retail. Don't see why it has to go any deeper than that.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-01-15 14:03:14
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My biggest complaint with "play and find out" is that the developers are playing on the same server and don't have to play to find out. If something custom is implemented and known to be valuable to progression, they are on top of it. Take away that and the fear of banning for using something that's really more of a bug than an exploit, and I like the idea of having custom changes that take time to discover. Not knowing *exactly* what SE did was a big part of the intrigue at 75.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 963
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 14:07:49
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Asura.Toeknee said: »
I don't understand this vehement defense of retail like your identity and life depends on it. If people log into retail and are bored, or not having fun for whatever their specific reasons are - trying to beat into them that 'odyssey is fun tho' isn't going to do much.

I don't really take issue with people not liking Odyssey or Sortie (or the game content), tbh I find Sortie wears out its welcome really quickly and is kinda dull aside from the people I play the content with. Odyssey has a lot of issues too, but I do appreciate the challenge and difficulty of the content. There are plenty of reasons to not like these things and that's not anything I am (or anyone else as far as I can tell) is arguing against.

The only thing I am 'defending' retail against is people who haven't done anything in it in the past few years making claims about something they've not done or experienced. Despite what the other user going in circles with me about said, it seems pretty common that people are repeating the same myths over and over despite not done anything in retail for ages. I can see why Horizons and 75-cap appeals to people, I'm not faulting anyone for that.

"I tried the content and it wasn't for me" is different than "I read on a forum everything can be soloed with Trusts, so it's too easy", the latter is what I'm pointing out.

In the grand scheme of things, you are right, it doesn't really matter, but like Draylo said in another post, if no one takes to pointing out the flaws in this then retail will suffer as these misconceptions continue to circulate via people who haven't actually participated. This is probably preaching to the choir on this forum, though.
Posts: 4892
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 14:07:57
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Here is the coming year for horizon:

People will start killing bst pets for XP, so they don't have to group up. On a server that's supposed to be about grouping up LoL.
People will start organizing summoner burn parties in KT.
People will start paying to be allowed in SMN burn parties.
Smn burn parties will allow people to cap jobs in a day.
People will create cliques and not invite randoms anymore.

There is already a thriving RMT industry.

You're not on a utopia, you're just resetting back to the start of the road. The destination will be the same, and then you'll want a new server and the months and years you put into getting a few jobs to 75 will be wiped and you start again.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-15 14:08:04
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
My biggest complaint with "play and find out" is that the developers are playing on the same server and don't have to play to find out. If something custom is implemented and known to be valuable to progression, they are on top of it. Take away that and the fear of banning for using something that's really more of a bug than an exploit, and I like the idea of having custom changes that take time to discover. Not knowing *exactly* what SE did was a big part of the intrigue at 75.

You can't ever get that back though, you can't un-know what you already found out.

It's just a different game at that point.

Imagine being super hype to get dancing edge and instead you got energy drain II. You're going to be disappointed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-15 14:11:21
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It is also very easy to stop korroloka burns. Like actually a dozen options lol.

Alter the mob behavior, no aggroing the puller. No linking. Raise their damage output. Raise their hp. Give full thunder nullification. Alter sync to maximum range of 10. Change the mobs.

And it can all be zone specific. It's only really possible to do well in korroloka (and kind of maze of shikrami, but not as good)
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2023-01-15 14:15:08
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Apply eke dmg aoe nerf to AF above a certain number of targets, done.
Posts: 4892
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 14:15:33
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True but the server has bst pets right now (they were broken for a while and insta repopping actually and so people were leveling really fast off them), and that goes against the entire point of the server.. so they probably won't.

The biggest failure of these servers is the people that play on them, people are hypocrites. They will say they want this pristine experience and go on about community then login and kill bst pets solo like plebs.

It's nonsense.
Guildwork Premium
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: icilies
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2023-01-15 14:16:16
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
My biggest complaint with "play and find out" is that the developers are playing on the same server and don't have to play to find out. If something custom is implemented and known to be valuable to progression, they are on top of it. Take away that and the fear of banning for using something that's really more of a bug than an exploit, and I like the idea of having custom changes that take time to discover. Not knowing *exactly* what SE did was a big part of the intrigue at 75.

Yes, this was a big issue as 6 people hit 75 in the first 10 days. 2 of them were part of exp charting and balancing. I was told these two would not have helped in development if they could not play on release.

I was also told these two were prohibited from using any era+ camps. So, it could have been all legit. But optics were bad and it was never publicly addressed that the group was given stipulations if they wanted to play.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2323
By Bahamut.Negan 2023-01-15 14:23:26
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Guys, guys, guys...

This is clearly a plot by George Soros to get us to forget about the REAL ENEMIES:
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