Farming Dyna Currency
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-24 11:30:55
***someone should link him to a standard tp set w.o thaumas. As for dancer solo in dynamis, go dnc/thf. Use aluh jambiya/str thokcha, unless you're really willing to go 90+ a twashtar. Swap in oynos when haste is down(typically after you weaponskill, so you don't lose 50-60 tp, same applies to swapping onto str dagger). As for dnc self skillchaining, 5/5 reverse flourish merits and charis +2 bangles macroed in during reverse flourish will give you a free weaponskill. With dancer solo, keep saber dance up unless you drop down to around 500 hp, then remove to drop a waltz 5. Keep haste samba up fulltime, drain samba is basically useless, as 10% haste will actually get you more tp to use for cures than you will be able to drain the monster for. ABUSE wild flourish for a proc. Nothing better than going up to the mob, using wild flourish, it procs, and then you use exent. Usually does around 4k+ total damage. Never hold TP unless you're out of monsters to kill. Holding over 100 tp is just slowing you down.
Edit. Also Evisceration -----> exent is far superior to cleos---- evis. Exent goes usually 2k-3.5k. And climactic flourish is your friend during wild flourish btw. Atleast eat yellow curry buns to cap attack too.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2012-10-24 11:42:11
Siren.Fupafighters said: »***someone should link him to a standard tp set w.o thaumas.
Thaumas actually isn't overly impressive for DNC TP.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-24 11:45:13
Siren.Fupafighters said: »***someone should link him to a standard tp set w.o thaumas.
Thaumas actually isn't overly impressive for DNC TP. Nope. Lotta different gear choices that have such close results. I use thaumas in 2 slots over the simple fact that is saves me 2 invy and isn't worth the gil or time to upgrade by basically nothing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Ivykyori 2012-10-28 00:43:05
Okay, I have a question about going subjob-less as DNC. I heard that you can come out filthy rich this way (clearly hearing differently on this forum now), but is the dynamis instance slightly easier when you pick subjob restriction or what?
I haven't tried soloing dyna just yet and it's gonna be a while before I feel comfortable enough to do so (I'm still missing AF3 +1/2 pieces and I would kill to get rid of these damn daggers I'm rolling with, and...I'm a mage main poking stuff on a melee job so that adds on to the comfort thing), but since I shudder at the thought of leveling thf (I leveled it to 7, said "*** this ***" and leveled mnk instead), I feel like going sans subjob might be my only choice unless I can prod my fiance to duo with me.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-10-28 14:18:52
General consensus is that you don't go without a subjob unless you have, at minimum, one other person. But still not recommended unless you have 2 other people. It still won't be an optimal setup, but it really just depends on where you are in terms of gear and weapons.
Before I go in to this further, I think I will direct you to this post instead: Dynamis FAQ
If you still have any questions regarding dynamis, you can ask there. If you still have more dancer-specific questions, ask here.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-10-28 14:30:41
There is no reduction in difficulty with a restricted subjob, if that's what you mean. And as I'm sure you've been reading, the advantages of /THF while solo outweigh the low probability of proccing white.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Carbuncle.Pwnzone 2012-10-28 16:01:27
There is no reduction in difficulty with a restricted subjob, if that's what you mean. And as I'm sure you've been reading, the advantages of /THF while solo outweigh the low probability of proccing white.
Pretty much this. I still go with no sub when Treasure Bound is up but besides that you're usually better off going with /thf. Unless you like taking that gamble for white, which i do sometimes simply cuz.
Only thaumas that i use for TP is legs on the rare occurance saber dance is down.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Siren.Mcclane 2012-10-28 16:25:33
Pretty sure mog tablet effects dont carry into dynamis
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2012-10-28 16:45:38
They don't. Signet's def/eva bonus vs target EM and lower still applies but that isn't connected to kupopowers at all.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Carbuncle.Pwnzone 2012-10-29 00:45:09
Guess i have just been gambling then...dayum lol. Thanks for the info though
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-01 13:06:34
So I didn't wanna make a new thread, altho this doesn't pertain to the currencty itself.
What's up with the Etoile Tiara -1 ??
Does it have an extremely low drop rate or something? I've been farming currency in Valkurm for the past couple of weeks and I have yet to see one. I thought the damaged relic pieces were just random off any nightmare monster. Do certain ones only drop from certain mobs?
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2012-11-01 13:12:33
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-01 15:33:14
I thought so. Random is random.
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-12-03 13:45:50
So I've played both DNC/THF and BLU/DNC in dynamis with a BRD/WHM mule. I ran both jobs in Dynamis Valkurm for a few weeks each.
So far DNC/THF has proven to be much better with a bard mule. The highest coin count I ever got with BLU/DNC was in the mid 300's. Highest coin count with DNC/THF has been in the low 400's.
TP Gear was as follows (both Shikargar and Thokcha are augmented with STR/ATK):
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-12-03 13:51:03
Alternatively could do two runs as two solo BLU/DNCs and get 500!
Anyways, yeah, obviously a dualbox with y + x will always do better than blu + x, that isn't the point of bringing blu to dynamis. BLU is the superior solo dynamis job, due to how many things its capable of covering nearly flawlessly. When you give another job more efficient healing, status removal, damage potential, etc. through a dualbox, you're removing BLU's edge.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-12-03 23:13:11
I was thinking of trying THF/DNC next to see if it would be better, but I kinda doubt it. Wild Flourish has proven to be invaluable and a quick Fan Dance -> Waltz 5 has come in handy a couple times.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-12-03 23:31:56
Could have your brd go /dnc too and melee.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Sylph.Decimus 2012-12-03 23:37:25
I was thinking of trying THF/DNC next to see if it would be better, but I kinda doubt it. Wild Flourish has proven to be invaluable and a quick Fan Dance -> Waltz 5 has come in handy a couple times.
I was able to bring in 250+ on thf, but I also have a Mandau and focus much more on my thf than dnc. That was by far my best in limited thf runs though. It could be worth a try but dnc might be like bst in that you can sort of turn your brain off where on thf I had to pay much more attention due to less effective healing capabilities.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 323
By Carbuncle.Pwnzone 2012-12-03 23:45:06
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »Could have your brd go /dnc too and melee.
I would be doing this if i went in as blu on 1 char. no real point in any other sub for brd. But yeah even solo, i have better results with my non empy dnc than i do with my blu depending on competition. If theres a lot of ppl in say Valkurm, I go blu & run the routes bsts avoid. If theres few ppl in the zone, i go dnc.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-12-03 23:53:30
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »Could have your brd go /dnc too and melee. Yeah I've just been worried about losing spectral jig while running from one TE to the other while not looking at his screen lol.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-12-03 23:55:35
I have chatmon yell at me when sneak or invis are wearing. It's prevented that from ever happening again.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-12-04 01:01:39
Well, raise (and reraise altho I know I could just buy it) from /whm has also saved me from a failed run on a few occasions. Plus Cure4 heals for a lot more than Waltz3.
Also I'd actually have to level up my mule's combat skills and level dancer to 49. I think I'd rather just work on getting my mule a Daurdabla lol. At least that would be helpful and amusing at the same time.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Phoenix.Purpleeyes 2012-12-04 01:46:20
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »I have chatmon yell at me when sneak or invis are wearing. It's prevented that from ever happening again.
Please do tell how you do that. I thought only tells, invites, name calling etc., were possible.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1335
By Bismarck.Helel 2012-12-04 02:08:16
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Alternatively could do two runs as two solo BLU/DNCs and get 500!
Anyways, yeah, obviously a dualbox with y + x will always do better than blu + x, that isn't the point of bringing blu to dynamis. BLU is the superior solo dynamis job, due to how many things its capable of covering nearly flawlessly. When you give another job more efficient healing, status removal, damage potential, etc. through a dualbox, you're removing BLU's edge.
I disagree. I've yet to try a better combo than RDM/DNC + BLU/DNC. I can pull in 450+ easily.
I'm guessing Peldin's problem is that he's not using his spells efficiently since our gear looks relatively similar. Benthic typhoon, heavy strike, and delta thrust are pretty much the only three I use. I also have my RDM mule melee, which actually adds quite a bit of damage. Requiescat is pretty ridiculous on RDM with so much MND gear.
I don't know if you have the option of trying RDM + BLU but at least have your BRD mule melee. It's a waste just having him/her stand there. A huge factor in farming currency is the speed at which you can proc the mob. The speed of killing the mob is less important.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-12-04 02:30:15
Quote: I'm guessing Peldin's problem is that he's not using his spells efficiently since our gear looks relatively similar.
Your guess is wrong.
The 20-30 coin difference between you and me is that your mule can melee. Mine can't (yet). If mine could, I'm sure it would help me net a LOT more than 20-30 coins.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Siren.Entrerie 2012-12-04 03:26:53
Bahamut.Aramachus said: »I pull in 150-200 a run as DNC/THF solo in Valk. Varies depending on mobs being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE with procs or getting singles every *** drop. Recommend Dreamlands simply because you can have competition and still pull in good numbers due to the amount of camps/mobs.
I do not believe anyone getting 200 coins solo unless I see a proof, its just too unrealistic and this board notorious for the formula (real value) = (told value) / (bragging factor ~1.5 - 2). and btw I pull in 300 solo on whm21/drk. drk because of the resist para trait, helps tons >_>
I'm not SOLO, but dualbox, and my best run was 288 coins.
Second character beeing there basicly just for TH, fulltime TH gear and stuff like that (really need to make a thf xml so I can have gearswaps with multisend >_>)
Best I have pulled before they nerfed Th on pets was 235 solo on bst/dnc was getting good fast procs and they where dropping multiples like crazy
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2012-12-16 15:50:00
So i started teaming up with a THF friend of mine for dyna farming
is DNC/WAR, DNC/SAM or DNC/THF the way to go if i have a THF/dnc and a brd/whm with me?
By mortontony1 2012-12-16 15:54:18
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »So i started teaming up with a THF friend of mine for dyna farming
is DNC/WAR, DNC/SAM or DNC/THF the way to go if i have a THF/dnc and a brd/whm with me?
Probably either /war or if the thf/brd duo can dish out enough damage by themselves go /---
By mortontony1 2012-12-16 15:56:36
Phoenix.Purpleeyes said: »Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »I have chatmon yell at me when sneak or invis are wearing. It's prevented that from ever happening again.
Please do tell how you do that. I thought only tells, invites, name calling etc., were possible.
This. Chatmon help plz
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2012-12-16 16:00:03
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »So i started teaming up with a THF friend of mine for dyna farming
is DNC/WAR, DNC/SAM or DNC/THF the way to go if i have a THF/dnc and a brd/whm with me?
Probably either /war or if the thf/brd duo can dish out enough damage by themselves go /---
Im concerned that me going dnc/00 is going to significantly reduce my dmg output and therefore hinder currency
ok can DNC farm currency decently in xarc or beuc solo? i dont have bst leveled but have fairly well geared 95 dnc and thf. any suggestions for best areas for farming?