are you playing in FFXI-HORIZON server?
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 08:41:26
you and radial are delusional. for so many more reasons than i'm going to lay out
they are not faking their sea numbers. it's popular because it's not trash. everyone that i've ever known that has played this game has at least tried it besides the ffxi purist nutjobs like yourself.
get the *** over it you delusional man child.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:01:21
If he actually did fund the server, then that probably explains why the balance changes are so pants-on-head HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. He asks for something, and they're obligated to do it because he pays them. Definitely not a good sign long term.
I'm shocked he openly said it on the stream like that too, this is the kind of thing you keep quiet normally. he's likely paying for the server costs and hosting.
you know someone has to do this right? it's not free or cheap.
it still amazes me that someone that's never stepped foot into content that's been made in the last 3 years can be so invested in retail ffxi. you're a gem lmao
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Creaucent 2023-01-15 09:01:31
you and radial are delusional. for so many more reasons than i'm going to lay out
they are not faking their sea numbers. it's popular because it's not trash. everyone that i've ever known that has played this game has at least tried it besides the ffxi purist nutjobs like yourself.
get the *** over it you delusional man child.
Can't believe I'm agreeing with Radial!
Horizon is just trash, its login server is down for hours until one of the wakes up, its absolutely full of bugs and all the game is full of changed hidden mechanics that the dev team has a massive head start compared to the rest of the player base.
While I look back at the 75 cap fondly its not because of the game play which current retail is far better.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 285
By Asura.Aquatiq 2023-01-15 09:13:02
huh? of course the numbers are fudged. launch with several thousand players isn't a thing. the sole draw being "it's popular" is how people got scammed on crypto ponzies, I'm sure the owners know this.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:24:35
huh? of course the numbers are fudged. launch with several thousand players isn't a thing. the sole draw being "it's popular" is how people got scammed on crypto ponzies, I'm sure the owners know this. given that asuras active population is probably about 700 unique players it must really rustle your jimmies that horizon is 6x the size of the largest ffxi server
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 09:25:24
Need some clarification here. Do you get banned/gil reset/rollback if: you ***out too many HQs, get too many rare drops, argue with the main dude and his cronies? Also can you pay the dude to issue a ban?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Trixi 2023-01-15 09:27:54
Private servers are dumb unless the retail version of the game is dead and that's the only way to play, or if the private server has some crazy features like fast leveling, new jobs/features/abilities, GM commands, etc, to *** around and have fun with. See Ragnarok Online.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:29:42
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »Need some clarification here. Do you get banned/gil reset/rollback if: you ***out too many HQs, get too many rare drops, argue with the main dude and his cronies? Also can you pay the dude to issue a ban? nope. the moderation on the server is likely more fair than anything SE has to offer.
considering they are on a lottery system and seem to just let the RMT that are ruining the game fly free!
nice bait though. i don't even play this ***but you all are so indoctrinated it's cringe as ***
Server: Asura
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Posts: 285
By Asura.Aquatiq 2023-01-15 09:32:44
do retail players go on horizonxi forums/discord to white knight for retail, or is it only the other way around
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 09:34:11
nice bait though. i don't even play this ***but you all are so indoctrinated it's cringe as ***
It really wasn’t bait. I was honestly curious based on what I’ve been reading here. If you don’t even play it, why are you so invested in this conversation? If anything, that’s cringey as ***.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-01-15 09:37:15
Someone was already banned for too many HQs
Not even good HQ or hacking, they *** up and made the rate too high, and banned (rolled back?) the player for their *** up.
Another person got banned for getting their craft skill too high.
I wouldnt do *** all there, there's no way to know if their special server has these intended rates and then you find out they weren't and get rolled back. If you do ANYTHING to stand out (even simply knowing what the *** you're doing) there's a nonzero chance you get eliminated.
By Aquapenguin 2023-01-15 09:39:07
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »nice bait though. i don't even play this ***but you all are so indoctrinated it's cringe as ***
It really wasn’t bait. I was honestly curious based on what I’ve been reading here. If you don’t even play it, why are you so invested in this conversation? If anything, that’s cringey as ***.
I haven't personally read of anyone legitimately getting banned for a reason that wasn't actually botting, exploits, etc. As much as someone can say they got banned unfairly for xyz reason usually that's not the case, even in retail. From what I've been reading the people who play on horizon are enjoying it regardless of bugs/issues and the ones complaining or saying that something happens aren't playing.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:39:24
do retail players go on horizonxi forums/discord to white knight for retail, or is it only the other way around actually yeah, here you can find draylo/spicy complaining for like 20 pages about horizon on a thread dedicated to horizon. much like you're doing. these are two people, much like yourself, who have 0 intention on playing the server and still insist on posting in every single thread where it's brought up. pretty cringe right?
and here https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/132675-FFXI-Classic-Thread/page83
this would be akin to a horizon player going into the RDM retail discussion thread, or the patch notes for january thread and saying "this ***sucks this is why you guys should play horizon". note, no one is doing that because they aren't a fraction of as cringe as you are
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »nice bait though. i don't even play this ***but you all are so indoctrinated it's cringe as ***
It really wasn’t bait. I was honestly curious based on what I’ve been reading here. If you don’t even play it, why are you so invested in this conversation? If anything, that’s cringey as ***.
literally started posting about it within the last page, there's 5 pages total. only to call out the incredibly cringe and indoctrinated behavior.
touch grass
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 09:40:57
Thanks Eiryl. So clearly GetHelpNerd has his hand in the pot and is offering a biased opinion. If that’s the case of rollbacks and bannings, why the *** would anyone waste their time on this unless the nostalgia goggles are on too tight?
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-01-15 09:41:49
Its not like those arent two totally not-unhinged people there
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:42:47
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »Thanks Eiryl. So clearly GetHelpNerd has his hand in the pot and is offering a biased opinion. If that’s the case of rollbacks and bannings, why the *** would anyone waste their time on this unless the nostalgia goggles are on too tight? same reason anyone wastes their time on ffxi when there are 300 galka bots running around gustaberg right now.
you're playing retail ffxi and talking about a fair playing field?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 09:46:03
I’ve also never complained about the bots. The joys of being casual and not giving a ***, plus I pay them to get my ML while I sleep.
By dontclickme 2023-01-15 09:47:40
I've even been threatened by another player with a server blacklist for not letting him have a mob he was running at.
that's my kinda community!
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 09:47:48
i never said you complained about the bots, i said you're complaining about horizon not being a fair playing field
while playing the most mass-bot infested game of all time
I've even been threatened by another player with a server blacklist for not letting him have a mob he was running at.
that's my kinda community!
don't worry then, you're on the correct game! spicy is doing the same on BG for retail!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 09:52:01
Nah, just needed clarification. Place sounds like a ***hole.
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 10:13:43
The only problem I have with this server is with some of the people who play on it, they seem to want validation they did the right thing or want to attract more people? So they come and start bad mouthing the game we are playing and telling us how good this ps is, while often glossing over the blatant failures and limitations of it.
Wings, Catseye and all the others don't act like this. They show respect to retail and even other ps as far as i know, however it seems the "high player numbers" went to the head of some people on this one and now not only do they bad mouth other private servers but retail as well. It's like some kind of popularity contest or something.
Since it's hosted on an Amazon server, they are in no position to rile up a large group of people. So don't.
I had an overall positive opinion of the server because the game means a lot to me and seeing other people enjoy it makes me happy, but any kind of promotion of this to retail players is gonna rustle jimmies. Cause profitability matters here, in a way it does not for that one.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:22:39
There are plenty of 75 thumpers running around going on about how retail sucks, it's too easy, there is no community, etc despite the fact they haven't done any current content or played in years. EvErYtHiNg CaN bE sOlo when the only content they've done is 4+ years old. There is even someone in this thread doing the same thing. It may not be directly Horizon players, but the people who have 75-cap blinders on absolutely infest other FFXI related forums and go on about this subject every time it comes up, saying the same thing, and it seems to have gotten worse since Horizon.
You don't see it as much here because they are more likely to be called out and people here actually play current content, so they can't sit in their echo chamber, but it happens.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:23:52
There are plenty of 75 thumpers running around going on about how retail sucks, it's too easy, there is no community, etc despite the fact they haven't done any current content or played in years. EvErYtHiNg CaN bE sOlo when the only content they've done is 4+ years old. There is even someone in this thread doing the same thing. It may not be directly Horizon players, but the people who have 75-cap blinders on absolutely infest other FFXI related forums and go on about this subject every time it comes up, saying the same thing.
You don't see it as much here because they are more likely to be called out and people here actually play current content, so they can't sit in their echo chamber, but it happens.
i don't see it as much here because this place is an echo chamber, you're right about that at least
There are plenty of 75 thumpers running around going on about how retail sucks, it's too easy, there is no community, etc despite the fact they haven't done any current content.
they have this in common with draylo/radial
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:32:05
There are plenty of 75 thumpers running around going on about how retail sucks, it's too easy, there is no community, etc despite the fact they haven't done any current content or played in years. EvErYtHiNg CaN bE sOlo when the only content they've done is 4+ years old. There is even someone in this thread doing the same thing. It may not be directly Horizon players, but the people who have 75-cap blinders on absolutely infest other FFXI related forums and go on about this subject every time it comes up, saying the same thing.
You don't see it as much here because they are more likely to be called out and people here actually play current content, so they can't sit in their echo chamber, but it happens.
i don't see it as much here because this place is an echo chamber, you're right about that at least
Might wanna read that again, I never said this was an echo chamber, if anything we claw each others faces off in every update thread, so that really isn't the case. I said the people with 75-blinders on sat in theirs over on Reddit and various other boards where people don't actually play current content, but repeat the same nonsense about current retail. The same thing you accused them of doing here. You don't see that here because we all know it's ***, places full of idle lurkers who haven't played in years tend to get the same nonsense echoed.
I personally dgaf about Horizons. I'm just tired of people yammering about how retail is this and that when none of them have done anything in retail for years or done any current content, which is exactly what you were accusing people here of doing about Horizons. The difference is that most of us played during 75 cap so we have a pretty good idea what it's about, the people yammering on about retail being xyz and having not done it have 0 context but love to repeat the same nonsense.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:34:02
odd that you provide 0 sources of things like that, yet you have 6 pages of the opposite here and 100+ some pages on BG that i referenced.
it's almost like you've got blinders on for retail and are jaded towards people who like the 75 era.
that's wild
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Firedemon 2023-01-15 10:41:12
Are you getting paid by post? Asking for a friend.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 962
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:42:23
odd that you provide 0 sources of things like that, yet you have 6 pages of the opposite here and 100+ some pages on BG that i referenced.
Page 4, Brixy's entire post
Literally every time classic comes up, they come out of the woodwork including the AMA earlier this year.
I'm not active on BG but I'd be shocked if it wasn't there also.
I personally do not care if people like 75 cap, that's fine, but whining about how retail is too easy, lacks community, or whatever when you haven't played in 5 years is dumb. Like I said in an earlier post, there are reasons I liked 75 cap and I don't fault anyone for preferring it, but you can't argue that retail is xyz when you haven't played it in the last 4+ years.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:42:46
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »Are you getting paid by post? Asking for a friend. the person pos hacking the 300 galkas around south gustaberg on asura/bismarck/everywhere currently is paying me to reply to you to take attention away from him.
By GetHelpNerd 2023-01-15 10:44:34
wait so you're surprised that classic people "come out of the woodwork" in topics specifically for classic?
meanwhile you're here shitting on classic and promoting retail in a thread specifically for classic?
making sure i understand this correctly
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 962
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-01-15 10:46:15
wait so you're surprised that classic people "come out of the woodwork" in topics specifically for classic?
meanwhile you're here shitting on classic and promoting retail in a thread specifically for classic?
making sure i understand this correctly
Are you reading my posts or just lumping me in with others?
I do not care that people want classic. The issue, which you claim we are doing, is people not participating in the content then complaining about it being x, y, or z (too easy, no community, etc). This comes up constantly when classic does from people who haven't played current retail in years.
I'm not debating classic or Horizons. I dunno how many times I can reiterate that, idgaf about either.
Are any of you playing FFXI-HORIZON the private server with 3500-4000 people on average?
I personally will give it a try.