New HTBF Shinryu 2.0
By SimonSes 2021-12-16 13:38:28
When it puts up Mighty Guard, I switch my offhand to Pukulatmuj +1 for the higher enspell damage until it wears off.
I dont understand this part. It's because Mighty Guard applies MDB to Shinryu and you stop RLB then and only do enspell or something?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-12-16 13:41:53
Mighty Guard makes him take 0 damage from any hits that do less than 150 damage (at least, on VD; might be lower on other difficulties). For a solo RDM, that will be the majority of hits when his wings are up and all hits when his wings are down, which means you gain TP drastically slower. As such, when MG is up it swings the balance of damage from primarily WS damage to primarily enspell damage, so improving offhand enspell damage with Puku +1 is more significant than what Bunzi offers until it wears.
By SimonSes 2021-12-16 17:17:58
Mighty Guard makes him take 0 damage from any hits that do less than 150 damage (at least, on VD; might be lower on other difficulties). For a solo RDM, that will be the majority of hits when his wings are up and all hits when his wings are down, which means you gain TP drastically slower. As such, when MG is up it swings the balance of damage from primarily WS damage to primarily enspell damage, so improving offhand enspell damage with Puku +1 is more significant than what Bunzi offers until it wears.
Now its clear thx :)
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Azagarth 2021-12-16 17:35:44
Thanks for the tip about rlb, that made a big difference.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Velner 2021-12-16 18:04:06
Has anybody noticed an increase in drops lately? I went back-to-back drops on Tuesday and got a third drop last night in ten runs to go 3/27 since the update. Obviously RNG is gonna RNG so it could just be unbelievable luck (except still no dagger or cloak). Could the drop rate have been adjusted? Probably not but just curious.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Azagarth 2021-12-16 18:32:56
seeing that Ive done easily 100 runs this last 2 weeks, no.... not a thing as normal.
By Draylo 2021-12-16 18:33:36
Because that's the highest he can solo on THF?
What would you suggest? Trying to solo D on non THF job?
I suggest not doing it on E... if that means having to team up with someone, god forbid, then probably better than going 0/2000+. You don't have to have TH9+ anyways, TH4 on a higher difficulty better given those results.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Velner 2021-12-16 18:43:53
seeing that Ive done easily 100 runs this last 2 weeks, no.... not a thing as normal.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Neojuggernautx 2021-12-16 18:49:16
Has anybody noticed an increase in drops lately? I went back-to-back drops on Tuesday and got a third drop last night in ten runs to go 3/27 since the update. Obviously RNG is gonna RNG so it could just be unbelievable luck (except still no dagger or cloak). Could the drop rate have been adjusted? Probably not but just curious.
Did about 25 runs on VD this past week with TH8-10. Only thing I got were Lilith flashbacks
By SimonSes 2021-12-16 19:27:52
Because that's the highest he can solo on THF?
What would you suggest? Trying to solo D on non THF job?
I suggest not doing it on E... if that means having to team up with someone, god forbid, then probably better than going 0/2000+. You don't have to have TH9+ anyways, TH4 on a higher difficulty better given those results.
It's a matter of time. When I have 10 min and 60 merits I just do 2 fast Shinryu. Shouting for it and getting people who want something else than you etc. takes time. I could understand it for old htbf when doing VD would almost definitely give you 1-2 good items. With Shinryu 500 VD runs might result in the same as 500 E runs, because item distribution in slot is just super terrible. So for many people it will be better to make 1500 solo E runs in the same time they would do 500 VD pugs, because 500 VD pugs wouldn't guarantee anything.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-16 21:28:16
Shouting for it and getting people who want something else than you etc. takes time.
If you have 2-3 other people who want drops, you can just lowman it on VD and burn merit points, and just have everyone free lot. Only a <3 minute kill with 3-4 people.
With a drop rate as bad as Shinryu's armor/weapons, it kind of doesn't make any sense to force /seacom, since there's such a low chance to see anything, let alone the item you want. Would rather everyone have a chance at something than only 1-2 people have an extremely low chance at one thing only, especially if people need multiple things.
By Felgarr 2021-12-16 23:03:33
Shouting for it and getting people who want something else than you etc. takes time.
If you have 2-3 other people who want drops, you can just lowman it on VD and burn merit points, and just have everyone free lot. Only a <3 minute kill with 3-4 people.
With a drop rate as bad as Shinryu's armor/weapons, it kind of doesn't make any sense to force /seacom, since there's such a low chance to see anything, let alone the item you want. Would rather everyone have a chance at something than only 1-2 people have an extremely low chance at one thing only, especially if people need multiple things.
How exactly are you killing it 3 minutes with 3-4 people?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-16 23:12:23
WHM BRD THF Any DD, usually COR. just spam WS, what else is there to it? The Bard has to DD of course. It doesn't even have that much health on VD, the chunk of the time is buffing. Can throw in Excenmille(s), selt'heus, Koru or Sylvie for support if you need it. There is no reason to bring 6 people to this. You could even drop the THF and just go heavier on DD. Even quicker. (I have dropped the THF and 3-manned as WAR with MS but we used SV).
I should also mention THF can steal the Regain from Mighty Guard with Aura Steal merits
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sterk 2021-12-17 00:57:01
By SimonSes 2021-12-17 02:39:44
With a drop rate as bad as Shinryu's armor/weapons, it kind of doesn't make any sense to force /seacom, since there's such a low chance to see anything, let alone the item you want. Would rather everyone have a chance at something than only 1-2 people have an extremely low chance at one thing only, especially if people need multiple things.
I'm sorry, but it only has sense if you /seacom, exactly because how bad the drop rate is >.> You can call me greedy if you want, but there is 0 chances I will risk seeing Dagger drop once per 1000 runs only to see it being taken by someone else in random pug. Its either everyone chose one before run or I will do it solo..
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-17 03:17:05
With a drop rate as bad as Shinryu's armor/weapons, it kind of doesn't make any sense to force /seacom, since there's such a low chance to see anything, let alone the item you want. Would rather everyone have a chance at something than only 1-2 people have an extremely low chance at one thing only, especially if people need multiple things.
I'm sorry, but it only has sense if you /seacom, exactly because how bad the drop rate is >.> You can call me greedy if you want, but there is 0 chances I will risk seeing Dagger drop once per 1000 runs only to see it being taken by someone else in random pug. Its either everyone chose one before run or I will do it solo..
Personal preference, but It doesn't have to be a random pug. If you have friends who need a variety of items and you all agree to dump merits on occasion, it speeds up the runs which saves you time. Personal preference aside, it balances itself out because you're able to do more runs in a shorter time span. If it takes you 15 minutes to solo VD and see nothing drop, you can get 3x as many kills in that time period and have an equal shot across multiple drops. if you're just after one item, it's less appealing of course. Might make sense to get a few items first and then seacom a group after for the targeted drop you want. But with as rare as anything besides the ammo, ring, and earring are, I wouldn't be surprised if most groups haven't seen anything outside of these 3 items at all, in dozens of runs on VD. So everyone is at the same effective starting point.
By SimonSes 2021-12-17 03:34:05
Personal preference, but It doesn't have to be a random pug. If you have friends who need a variety of items and you all agree to dump merits on occasion, it speeds up the runs which saves you time. Personal preference aside, it balances itself out because you're able to do more runs in a shorter time span. If it takes you 15 minutes to solo VD and see nothing drop, you can get 3x as many kills in that time period and have an equal shot across multiple drops. if you're just after one item, it's less appealing of course. Might make sense to get a few items first and then seacom a group after for the targeted drop you want. But with as rare as anything besides the ammo, ring, and earring are, I wouldn't be surprised if most groups haven't seen anything outside of these 3 items at all, in dozens of runs on VD. So everyone is at the same effective starting point.
Having friends willing to do it, having time in RL at set time etc. is completely specific to player and suggesting random person to do it instead of solo E runs is just pointless imo.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 21
By Asura.Robear 2021-12-17 03:37:29
I stopped trying once I realized the odds of getting anything besides the ring ammo ear were about on par as winning the mog bonanza twice in a row.
Kudos, SE. Kudos.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-21 02:04:36
So, can anybody tell me what changes from VE to VD in Shinryu? I did my first run the other day and tryin to catch up with mechanics.
Lotsa AoE damage, debuffs, occasional dispel, nothing really special to say
Was afraid it would've been out of my league, but it's closer to VE than I thought it would be. AoE damage seems a bit higher, sometimes my trusts die if I feed too much TP and get a bad sequence of TP moves. He gains a Draw-in that some fights he seems to be spamming some other times he never uses, can't say what procs it.
I guess a small step forward in AoE damage and he gains a move that can Doom you. AoE I suppose?
Also on another note, which trusts do you guys suggest for solo play on VE or E?
I've been running with me on THF/DRG and with:
1) Valaineral
2) Sylvie UC
3) Joachim
4) Koru-Moru
5) Ygnas
Valaineral is for tanking and as a TA target, but I guess he's mostly there for AoE cures. The rest are for buffs, -na and heals.
Tried with Monberaux insted of Ygnas but he wasn't healing enough and usually ended up dying fast.
If you have a better combination of trusts to suggest I'm open!
Valaineral has the tendency (not sure why) to constantly move left and right making it sometimes hard to TA behind him... But I feel I need him mostly for the AoE. Without Apururu UC I would have no other source of AoE heals.
Also so far I did only ~24 runs (mostly on VE) and drop rate with TH10+ for me has been ~66%
Two times out of three (actually more but I'm rounding down) I saw a drop. Those drops so far have always been Crepuscular Stone or Crepuscular Ring, nothing else.
By SimonSes 2021-12-21 03:04:49
If VE has really 66% drop for a slot with th10, then that's another reason why doing solo E (which would be even higher and probably around 80%?) in few minutes is as good or better than PUGing for VD. You only double the amount of slot (VD has around 100% for one drop and 60% for second afaik), but you have 3-5 other people to lot against or seacom against and gathering a pug takes more time on avg than doing both solo runs on E. Seems like the only grouping that's efficient for VD is if you have static for it and gather for several double runs.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-21 03:13:52
Without Apururu UC I would have no other source of AoE heals.
Call Selh'teus first, and position behind Shinryu. He gains TP very fast, and with his Regain, the constant AOE from Shinryu forces his Rejuvenation. This feeds nonstop MP to Val, Sylvie, Koru, and Joachim. I don't have Ygnas, but have used Selh'teus instead for E solo on THF, and he does a great job. I sub dnc and throw around some heals occasionally.
You can land Defense down bolts on Shinryu, and stacking with Box Step 5 does help a little for DPS and not having support rolls.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-21 04:17:53
DPS is not really the issue. I take it slow to raise the TH.
If anything I could use more DT/Meva in my fullTH set, which is the set I'm currently using to TP in (I have TH14, 11 from gear, in this set)
Yeah I know pointless maybe, but I like doing it.
Selh'teus is a good idea though, I forgot about it.
Could use it in place of Ygnas but then I would be losing Shellra and Protectra, no?
Maybe Selh'teus in place of Valaineral? But then I lose my "tank" and my TrickAttack target, but... probably not that much of a deal in the end. Could go /DNC at that point I suppose.
I wouldn't take my numbers too seriously. I've done like ~24 runs only so far, most of which were VE (last ~6 have been E I think). Drop rate SO FAR has been slightly higher than 66%. Two times out of three attemtps I was getting either a Crepuscular Stone or a Crepuscolar Ring.
Still the numbers are so small we can't really consider them reliable...
We know that there are two groups of items (maybe three?)
Group1: Crepuscular Stone, Crepuscular Ring, Crepuscular Earring
Group2: Everything else
Maybe Group1 drop rate is always the same across all difficultues, and what changes is the drop rate of Group2 items? Which is like 0.0000001% in VE and something like 5% in VD?
Shooting random numbers here just to give an idea of what I mean.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-21 04:28:41
Selh’teus in place of the weak link Joachim. He adds very little and his songs are near worthless, and he’s quick to replace them with paeons anyways. Just ride haste2 and samba. Val can use Majesty Protect, but Yoran may overwrite it.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-21 04:31:12
Yeah noticed Joachim was *** up songs with paeons and ballads quite often, so my uptime of March was likely quite low.
One of the reasons I was going /DRG though was for HighJump and SuperJump, to shed hate and allow Valaineral to be a decent tank as far as keeping hate is concerned.
With /DNC how do you deal with that? I feel that if I go /DNC I would end up tanking myself 90% of the time.
Am I wrong?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-12-21 04:38:25
What does it matter if you tank? He can’t kill you, lol. Your gear is better defense than Valaneiral has, and Shinryu’s melee attacks are weapon skills (might be aoe), but are kind of weak anyways (like ~200/swing). The majority of damage you will take will be from area attacks that hits everyone. So everyone takes the same relative damage as the same time, hence the area healing abilities. You’re really only calling trusts to keep you alive, Val isn’t really tanking anything.
/DRG may be better damage though, you don’t need to sub dancer. I just do because I only have one haste source (Koru)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-21 04:43:53
What does it matter if you tank? As long as I keep receiving heals, probably not much.
Granted my my fullTH gear I'm not exactely overly durable (I can quickly swap to my fullDT set if my HP falls under a certain threshold).
In my fullTH TP set I still have ~31% DT though so not too bad I guess (2/5 Malignance)
Quote: Val isn’t really tanking anything. With my approach (TA with 3k Rudra, carefully timed HighJump and Superjump) and with the hate he gets from spamming Majesty Cures, I am quite surprised to say he was tanking most of the time, unexpectedly so.
But then again, just like you said, I probably don't exactly need a tank for Shinryu VE or E... and the main purpose Valaineral is there is for Majesty cures I'd dare to say, and to proc my Trick Attack lol.
Each time Trick Attack or Sneak Attack are successfully procced, they have a higher chance to produce a TH levelup compared to melee swings, if we are to believe SE's patch notes.
By SimonSes 2021-12-21 05:06:36
Group1: Crepuscular Stone, Crepuscular Ring, Crepuscular Earring
Group2: Everything else
Maybe Group1 drop rate is always the same across all difficultues, and what changes is the drop rate of Group2 items? Which is like 0.0000001% in VE and something like 5% in VD?
Shooting random numbers here just to give an idea of what I mean.
Im pretty sure it's not. There was many people reporting weapons and armors from VE-E and many people reporting getting ***across hundreds of runs on VD. I'm 99% sure its only chance for slot that goes up and normally it was probably like 10% on VE (more with TH), so it was much higher chance to get slot on VD, but the change from 10 merits to 30 merits improved the odds a lot on VE, while not much if at all on VD.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-12-21 06:22:40
I can't give the details on the differences between difficulties since I only do VD, but I can list out what he does on VD as reference.
~800k HP
Various -ga enfeebles
Various -ja nukes
Usable at in both modes:
Cataclysmic Vortex (AoE hate reset + 100% HP -1 damage when wings are down/150% HP -1 damage when wings are up, reduced by MDT)
Dark Matter (AoE magic damage + Terror)
Cosmic Breath (Conal breath or magic damage + TP reset + random elemental DoT + Stun + Accuracy Down OR Magic Accuracy Down)
Usable only with wings up:
Atomic Ray (AoE magic damage + -50% to all attributes)
Mighty Guard (Heals ~50k HP + grants regain + prevents all damage that is less than 150)
Protostar (only used under 50%, AoE magic damage + resets all JA timers)
Usable only with wings down:
Gyre Charge (AoE physical damage + paralyze + knockback)
Supernova (only used under 50%, AoE magic damage + 10 count doom)
Physical attacks on targets behind him cause knockback. He can double attack, which is only noticeable from doubled damage.
He can draw in targets that are out of range.
When wings are down, he takes 50% damage.
By RadialArcana 2021-12-21 06:29:40
I always send the NQ items to myself via del box before doing runs, so I at least get the pleasure of seeing something drop instead of nothing at all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2021-12-21 06:43:46
I always send the NQ items to myself via del box before doing runs, so I at least get the pleasure of seeing something drop instead of nothing at all. /highfive bro
I do the same lol
Shinryu is confirmed as the new HTBF. Rev up those speculation engines and laugh at the plebs that skipped doing Abyssea zone boss clears because there wasn't any point.
D133 Delay190 DEX+15 AGI+15 CHR+15
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Dagger Skill+248
Parry skill+248 Magic skill+248
Quadruple Attack+5% Weapon Skill CHR+3% (same as Utu grip)
Additional effect: HP, MP, or TP Drain
LV99 Warrior / Red Mage / Thief / Beastmaster / Bard / Ranger / Ninja / Corsair / Dancer
Cannot wear head equipment
Defense264 HP+96 MP+97
STR+60 DEX+55 VIT+30 AGI+25
INT+80 MND+64 CHR+61
Accuracy+85 Magic Accuracy+85 Magic Attack+85 Evasion+155 Magic Evasion+231
Magic Defense Bonus+16 Haste+9% Enmity-15
Able to use Impact
Lv99 White Mage / Black Mage / Red Mage / Dark Knight / Summoner / Scholar / Geomancer
Def156 HP+114 STR+41 DEX+28 VIT+48
AGI+29 INT+27 MND+31 CHR+29
Accuracy+20 Attack+60 Magic Accuracy+20 Evasion+83 Magic Evasion+86 Magic Defense Bonus+6
Haste+4% Triple Attack+4$ Regen+3
Set:Auto Reraise
Lv99 Warrior / Paladin / Dark Knight / Beastmaster / Samurai / Dragoon
Physical Damage Limit+3% Damage Taken-3%