New HTBF Shinryu 2.0
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-08 18:56:36
Remember when using txt scripts to change your gear felt like you were getting away with murder?
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-08 19:25:19
Remember when using txt scripts to change your gear felt like you were getting away with murder?
Going from Control 1 ws set 1, control 2 ws set 2, control 3 tp set 1 control 4 tp set 2
To a script based one press was such a gigantic qol change. It's unbelievable to think I ever played that way. hit 4 macros, every ws. That ***would never fly now.
By Sylvester 2021-08-08 19:54:12
Ok so for solo would it be better if I solo on vd with th4 or if I soloed it with THF on N/E/VE?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-08-08 20:08:30
It depends. What server are you on?
By Sylvester 2021-08-08 21:15:31
By Rips 2021-08-08 22:26:21
Remember when using txt scripts to change your gear felt like you were getting away with murder?
In what year did gearswap come around? I was gone from 2008 until about 2013, and when I came back, it was here.
But iirc, it was called something else? Been a while.
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-08 22:42:27
Remember when using txt scripts to change your gear felt like you were getting away with murder?
In what year did gearswap come around? I was gone from 2008 until about 2013, and when I came back, it was here.
But iirc, it was called something else? Been a while.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-09 02:38:43
14 cant be autoamted, your stupid if you think you can, you cant spam your combo Weave ignoring all mechanics because you would get 1 shotted there is no noknockback or NOJA equivelent of addons, You have to watch out for more than just 1 or 2 things, you have to be on point with your timings how far did you go with 14 ? couple of 4 man dungeons 1 2 trials? joined a 20 man raid thought it was endgame and than u quit? Do you know why i play 14? coz none of that *** automation macro's work in that game unlike 11, which is nearly a requirement to play NOW the game with auto lua scripts, i can't believe your still trying to argue iv seen your posts on other forums while other people trying to start a point that 75 era is better than now and every time you lose those arguments. Auto lua gear swaps is botting, when you don't press CTRL 1 for TP/ CTRL 2 FOR WS, its a *** bott. auto lua enables trash players to play the game and than dominate with 0 knowledge of how the game works i guarantee you that out their there are people who automate everything clear all content and don't understand that by auto attacking your giving tp to mobs, end of discussion.
AGAIN HOW THE *** CAN YOU HAVE 20 REMAS WITH 1 HOUR OF PLAYTIME i can't believe your still shitting on me when we stopped talking about it 5 pages ago or something, The game *** started to die with this automation *** am not the only one who is angry about it 90% of the jp community are too jesus christ *** you.
i don't mind getting banned off ffxiah,
"Quoting someone stupid" its worth it
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-09 02:40:48
Gathering and crafting bots existed for 1.X for very small fees. People began botting duties in ARR. What game are you even playing to not see this?
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-09 02:42:24
Gathering and crafting bots existed for 1.X for very small fees. People began botting duties in ARR. What game are you even playing to not see this? how does that have to do with anything WHEN IT COMES TO END GAME combat
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-09 02:43:13
Gathering and crafting bots existed for 1.X for very small fees. People began botting duties in ARR. What game are you even playing to not see this? GATHERING AND BOTTING IN 14 WOULD ALLOW YOU TO CLEAR ENDGAME LIKE ULTIMATES AUTOMATED LUA DOES
YouTube Video Placeholder
il take a ffxi classic prior to ROTZ and have more fun than this ***right now is garbage because you the community made it garbage you are why the game sucks right now you are why we cant shout for puggable runs. Just look at this post it started about Shinryu 3 pages in you can see how it shifted because of *** spaghetti code AND HOW you boast of how good you are when in reality you are *** ***without those automation scripts and telling me to find a static for something easy like shinryu not everyone botts to gear up 1 job like RDM and than ontop of that some of us are purists *** your automation.
no one botts duty's you are delusional its the easiest content.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-09 02:54:45
Quote: il take a ffxi classic prior to ROTZ and have more fun than this ***right now is garbage because you the community made it garbage you are why the game sucks right now you are why we cant shout for puggable runs.
You do realize that the same community would no doubt utilize the same third-party software on a classic server, right? No daily user of Ashitacast or Gearswap is going to go back to vanilla macros just because.
People use all of the same tools you are ranting semi-coherently about on privates as well if that's what you're referring to?
Quote: no one botts duty's you are delusional its the easiest content.
They have literally been doing it since ARR.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-09 02:56:03
You do realize that the same community would no doubt utilize the same third-party software on a classic server, right? No daily user of Ashitacast or Gearswap is going to go back to vanilla macros just because. HOLY ***YOU USE THE MACRO PALLETE THAT SQUARE *** UPDATED 4-5 YEARS AGO JESUS *** CHRIST its that simple stop enabling it, YOU CAN USE ADDONS AS LONG AS ITS NOT *** AUTOMATION 1 BUTTON GEARSWAP WHATEVER the *** it is
IV NEVER SEEN A BOTT IN DUTY ROULLETE, maybe it was a thing at launch but that bott wont be doing endgame with 7 other accounts that would cuck me from doing endgame or put up a party finder. in the other hand do you see the *** difference now?
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-09 03:03:09
Me a solo player that doesn't have any alts on a dead server, No golden shovel, No React, and no Monbreaux because *** that monthly ***while still able to get oddy V15 access with friends and solo Shinryu on rdm:
Maybe you should play another game. This game isn't for you kid with you automation scripts of course you can
AND ITS FUNNY HOW windower devs are selling special lua's too
By SimonSes 2021-08-09 03:11:55
I like how this person called "BST" thinks, that bots use menu to enter salvage XD
By RadialArcana 2021-08-09 05:05:45
All games have the same nonsense, you just don't see them cause you're out of the loop.
Also windower is a basic piece of software everyone uses, so if they put software on their launcher that is a minimal "bot" then they take responsibility for that. For better or worse, this is an endorsement from them that it's good to use and people believe them.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2021-08-09 05:05:48
14 cant be autoamted, your stupid if you think you can, you cant spam your combo Weave ignoring all mechanics because you would get 1 shotted there is no noknockback or NOJA equivelent of addons, You have to watch out for more than just 1 or 2 things, you have to be on point with your timings how far did you go with 14 ? couple of 4 man dungeons 1 2 trials? joined a 20 man raid thought it was endgame and than u quit? Do you know why i play 14? coz none of that *** automation macro's work in that game unlike 11, which is nearly a requirement to play NOW the game with auto lua scripts, i can't believe your still trying to argue iv seen your posts on other forums while other people trying to start a point that 75 era is better than now and every time you lose those arguments. Auto lua gear swaps is botting, when you don't press CTRL 1 for TP/ CTRL 2 FOR WS, its a *** bott. auto lua enables trash players to play the game and than dominate with 0 knowledge of how the game works i guarantee you that out their there are people who automate everything clear all content and don't understand that by auto attacking your giving tp to mobs, end of discussion.
AGAIN HOW THE *** CAN YOU HAVE 20 REMAS WITH 1 HOUR OF PLAYTIME i can't believe your still shitting on me when we stopped talking about it 5 pages ago or something, The game *** started to die with this automation *** am not the only one who is angry about it 90% of the jp community are too jesus christ *** you.
i don't mind getting banned off ffxiah,
"Quoting someone stupid" its worth itNobody *** cares. Weirdo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-08-09 07:05:42
Also windower is a basic piece of software everyone uses, so if they put software on their launcher that is a minimal "bot" then they take responsibility for that. For better or worse, this is an endorsement from them that it's good to use and people believe them.
This isn't always the case we have a few add-ons that many years ago got snuck in from older devs or because the addon was a couple thousand lines of code and was only partly reviewed because it came from a trusted user.
AEcho, would not be accepted these days and has been rejected multiple times to further expand it.
AutoRA, yea not going to happen and we rejected many people trying to turn it packet based. Thankfully with it not being packet based it's pretty ***for DPS.
Craft, this one was advertised as a crafting helper that pulled recipes from BG Wiki. It's also crafting bot. ; ;
The bot code has been left in just because at this point it was to wide spread, multiple bypasses it did nothing to crazy but won't go into details, I have personally ripped out of it with full backing of other core-devs.
Gearswap, it was missing checks for various things and probably still is with how complex it is but I've also personally patched some of them and made it report errors like the vanilla client would. GS being Lua based unlike Ashita's cast sadly allows you to turn GS files into botting scripts quite easily with all the user data it exposes. We won't support such code(Windower Discord) and don't allow others to either in the last few years. GS v5 is a lot less complex while doing the same crap so it would take an above average XI player to make it do the same things and at that point you should just make it a separate addon like they should have in v4 anyway. Which we also won't support.
Send, not a bot and actually quite benign can sadly assist with botting quite a lot though for anyone that has the basics of Lua down.
Now 2 things that are technically a bot but we do support though have changed a bit are auto join and auto invite, we see this as almost only QoL though we do relize (Chinese) RMT do take advantage of them these days. SE also kinda added there own system a few years ago but still not the same.
By Taint 2021-08-09 07:19:11
14 is botted hard always has been. Maybe not
the current endgame raid since that’s an easy way to get banned but everything else is.
You can position hack through dungeons, complete
Avoid mechanics and of course FATE bot.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2998
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-09 07:20:58
GS being Lua based unlike Ashita's cast sadly allows you to turn GS files into botting scripts quite easily with all the user data it exposes. Realized years ago I made the wrong decision emulating spellcast instead of using lua, but this didn't really stop people from using AC to make ghetto bots. Sad truth is if you need to understand a little scripting to get your swaps exactly how you want them, you can usually get the rest of the way to something questionable.
make it a separate addon like they should have in v4 anyway this part has always baffled me, almost everything people build into gearswaps as automation could just be a job helper addon(in which case it'd be clear it's a bot and there'd be no ambiguity), and it'd have the further benefit of not locking the user into your equipment swap layout.. it's just incredibly weird design choice
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2021-08-09 07:48:00
It's because v4 GS hands them all this info / events instead of needing to know how look it up yourself using other Windower stuff or even ashita imo already.
By RadialArcana 2021-08-09 07:48:05
Honestly I have no problem with the addons on the launcher (although I'm no expert with most of them). However if some are going to say they are bad and borderline bots, the reason so many on FFXI use them compared to other games is because windower is near required to play the game and has over time integrated them all into the launcher. Can explain why they are there and it was someone else fault, but that's why they are so widely used.
This is like a supermarket used by near the entire population of a town selling drugs, if it's there then it's going to be far more widely used because of the trust people have in that store.
Also to people that pretend 14 is any different (not that I know about "the good stuff" the clique creators have access too)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-09 07:58:16
Doesn't count, bro. It's not endgame. There's totally no automation going on at endgame. Well, definitely not at the highest tier of raids. It's impossible. You'd get banned right away, SE would totally know.
By Rive016 2021-08-09 09:58:27
They have bots for GCDs that are not noticed and stuff that can make you slide cast.. also crafting is automated(Like it will go gather your stuff and craft it for you) and MMO script you can automate certain raids. they have a movement speed hack etc.
By Draylo 2021-08-09 10:04:04
SE did have autojoin but it broke long long time ago and they never fixed it, its the "Autogroup" that turns the flag red. I can't figure out why it doesn't work unless its a windower thing preventing it lol
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-09 10:06:18
SE did have autojoin but it broke long long time ago and they never fixed it, its the "Autogroup" that turns the flag red. I can't figure out why it doesn't work unless its a windower thing preventing it lol
I've never seen it work, even when I tried using it in an overcrowded Valkurm Dunes as a newbie way, way back.
By joemamma 2021-08-09 10:15:19
It's been interesting to watch the amount of automation become acceptable.
It just lets me appropriately make full use of fast cast.
It just swaps my belt for weather, I can't be asked to track the weather, come on.
It just puts on TH gear for one hit, it's really just saving me a button press.
It goes back to my regen set when I'm not attacking something, really, the game should do that anyway.
Well, I mean, stunning is hard, the chat log and all that.
Well yeah I can't be asked to monitor my own tp so it changes my set based on if I have effective 3k or less.
Well jee, I don't have enough macros to have sets for haste, haste2, marches, indi-haste, MG, DW.
I can't be asked to actually do my own weaponskilling.
Yeah, it uses foods and meds for me. and equips the pieces with item bonuses. Just mindless tasks, no big deal.
I mean, all it does is engage for me, and follow the party leader, and weaponskill when I have tp, it's all stuff I would already do, as long as I'm watching the screen I'm playing. It's not like I'm botting or anything, I'm just trying to be efficient.
Are you really playing a game when 95% of the stuff is automated ?
I'm not against having things help you. But at some point you are barely playing FFXI.
By joemamma 2021-08-09 10:17:41
The biggest downside to all the automation. Is it creates lazy people. People that can't be bothered to CP. Can't be bothered to team up with people to do content(multi box). To the point where it's no longer a MMO. It's just some nerd running around with five people on follow. Playing a single player game.
Shinryu is confirmed as the new HTBF. Rev up those speculation engines and laugh at the plebs that skipped doing Abyssea zone boss clears because there wasn't any point.
D133 Delay190 DEX+15 AGI+15 CHR+15
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Dagger Skill+248
Parry skill+248 Magic skill+248
Quadruple Attack+5% Weapon Skill CHR+3% (same as Utu grip)
Additional effect: HP, MP, or TP Drain
LV99 Warrior / Red Mage / Thief / Beastmaster / Bard / Ranger / Ninja / Corsair / Dancer
Cannot wear head equipment
Defense264 HP+96 MP+97
STR+60 DEX+55 VIT+30 AGI+25
INT+80 MND+64 CHR+61
Accuracy+85 Magic Accuracy+85 Magic Attack+85 Evasion+155 Magic Evasion+231
Magic Defense Bonus+16 Haste+9% Enmity-15
Able to use Impact
Lv99 White Mage / Black Mage / Red Mage / Dark Knight / Summoner / Scholar / Geomancer
Def156 HP+114 STR+41 DEX+28 VIT+48
AGI+29 INT+27 MND+31 CHR+29
Accuracy+20 Attack+60 Magic Accuracy+20 Evasion+83 Magic Evasion+86 Magic Defense Bonus+6
Haste+4% Triple Attack+4$ Regen+3
Set:Auto Reraise
Lv99 Warrior / Paladin / Dark Knight / Beastmaster / Samurai / Dragoon
Physical Damage Limit+3% Damage Taken-3%