New HTBF Shinryu 2.0
By Pantafernando 2021-08-01 13:42:19
As physically they cant hurt you neither block your path, could just rush in.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 142
By Asura.Neojuggernautx 2021-08-01 14:22:49
Crazy to think people would GENERALLY adhere to dynamis schedules posted on some random site back in the day. Until you’d get that one *** rogue group and ruin it for the rest!
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-01 14:40:17
Manners used to be much more common.
Something something complete breakdown of society something something
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2021-08-01 15:00:07
back in the day, we made our own queue and we liked it!
I know somebody who may have popped invisible and snuck to the front lol...
Once invisible wore off.
"Sorry back, I d/ced"
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2021-08-01 17:38:59
That person you know is the kinda guy that doesn't put their shopping cart back
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2021-08-01 18:12:43
Personally my drop tally is now probably 4/50
2 Cloaks
1 Mail
1 Scythe - donated to ls member as I'm never gonna do DRK, this was the saddest drop as it could of been dagger :(
All on VD, all with TH4 only, it's depressing only seeing pebbles now but one day a dagger will drop... maybe.
By Guyford 2021-08-01 18:46:21
Got knife finally and did some testing on it. This is probably known from twilight but I didn't remember and was curious.
Added effect procs thru haste samba, so you can offhand it and still absorb hp/mp/tp and get haste samba effects from mainhand.
Only missing mail now and don't care that much about it so just gonna use merits when I have them and stop cleaving to do more.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2021-08-02 11:36:47
That person you know is the kinda guy that doesn't put their shopping cart back
To be fair if he's too lazy to put his shopping cart back he throws it onto one of those "Islands" that have grass on them so they can't roll away into other vehicles.
Personally my drop tally is now probably 4/50
2 Cloaks
1 Mail
1 Scythe - donated to ls member as I'm never gonna do DRK, this was the saddest drop as it could of been dagger :(
All on VD, all with TH4 only, it's depressing only seeing pebbles now but one day a dagger will drop... maybe.
Pebble was the first drop I received. What is the rarity of these? Do they occupy a weapon drop slot?
By SimonSes 2021-08-02 12:22:33
Pebble was the first drop I received. What is the rarity of these? Do they occupy a weapon drop slot?
Pebble/Ring/Earring is a super common drop. Everything else has like few% max distribution rate. I dont believe there is different slot for anything. Everything can probably roll in both slots.
By Manque 2021-08-02 19:42:06
back in the day, we made our own queue and we liked it!
This was for the NPC fellow quests. Fond memories.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 562
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2021-08-03 01:57:08
back in the day, we made our own queue and we liked it!
This was for the NPC fellow quests. Fond memories.
I remember this! Good times, made a few friends while waiting in line :)
It also happened in FFXIV in the beta :D I forget for which quest, was a while ago. :)
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 04:23:20
Should be, but I think a lot that are still around just realize that the company doesn't care about the game at all. So its either everyone just quits and they shut down the game happily to focus on 14, or they keep playing and find the enjoyment they can. You act like people are just taking whatever they give and kissing SE's feet. Most take breaks and stop playing, others just keep playing here and there because they still enjoy it. It isn't like the monthly sub cost is super expensive, we can see that because everyone and their grandma is multi boxing.
The worst are the people that quit and then go and jump onto XIV, still giving the exact same company their money lol. It's a pretty unprecedented situation given that this game is almost 20 years old and has a company that isn't 100% behind it because its direct competition is now their new baby.
Also most people in this thread are being complete babies. The line will slowly go down for sure and the rewards aren't amazing game breaking crap like Malignance etc. Even on Asura the battlefield was pretty easy to get into late night.
maybe when they give us content that you dont need to Multi box to succeed the game would be better. something like abyssea with timed nm's would be great to cuck those *** out of loot that are abusing ambuscade for FREE rema's every day with their 6 characters at once totally disgusting, and than Cucking New players who cant even do any ambuscade, even i tried helping those guys do VD v1 at some point i gave up the game became a REMA game only, Maybe THEY SHOULD ADD SOMETHING LIKE A *** X5 DAILY THING FOR NEW PLAYERS SO WHEN THEY *** GO AND DO V2 E THEY GET TEH SAME REWARD AS V1 V D, ITS FAIR *** PLAY that way all rema prices will fall down and those people who abused 5 box's can *** rot in hell,
i just wanted to see the strat on vd shinryu and it seems to me the post shifted and i got mad reading all this bs. go figure. Draylo please stop *** kissing game is stale you know it, We dont even get a glimpse of what the 20th anniversary is, mind boggling that square is giving us the middle finger instead.
angry fingers not constructive and i dont care
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 04:32:49
Everyone ***on 6boxers, while also shitting on devs for not updating game enough. Its kinda illogical you know? If you delete all the box accounts, the game will lost a lot of playerbase and will be less profitable and devs will probably be limited even more with updates.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 05:19:25
Everyone ***on 6boxers, while also shitting on devs for not updating game enough. Its kinda illogical you know? If you delete all the box accounts, the game will lost a lot of playerbase and will be less profitable and devs will probably be limited even more with updates.
yea but if they enable a daily V2(with same amount as v1 VD and can be done x5) for extra mega rewards like V1, those *** suckers will not benefit of 6 boxing ambuscade and new players will be able to Progress on their free time in a moderate speed that would not require any *** bull ***to get their weapons from ambuscade for example. and rema materials will hit the floor *** all the botts and 6 boxing in the *** that way even new players can get it fast enough to actually Do content other than ambu weapons, Ontop of that most Rema weapons still requires time so what's the problem of that direction Since the game shifted from being a real open world sand box mmo to a mild Daily weekly routine XIV/WOW system. stuff like that could fix the game not recolors of end game that we have in the past, but i do appreciate it though and its pointless outside of the 30% of the player base. played wingsxi this week i didn't want to play coz i saw pasi there, i reckoned he botts i decided to try it i had fun and than guy gets banned for botting, imagine a private server does it but not official servers?
an example,
Hello i am a new player i just got to 99 i *** love this game and they told me to play bard to get into all events easily no 1 wants new dd's or you can play tank, (linkshell) hello you need these legendary weapons to join my group. New player: oh ok i will look into, he googles it he shits his pants, and logs off for ever *** this new system its literally so stupid
Also sorry not native english.
been trying to get a grp for shinryu the past 2 hours, through yells in odin only 2 tells yea *** it, even exping in a 75 server is *** faster to fill.
here's to hoping that the anniversary is something good not another *** Rhapsody
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 05:35:51
You can just write what to do to improve new players experience, without shitting on 6boxers. This two things doesn't need to be mutually exclusive.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 05:39:30
You can just write what to do to improve new players experience, without shitting on 6boxers. This two things doesn't need to be mutually exclusive. maybe if people didint box i wouldv had 6 ppl in my yell, maybe its an mmorpg. where socializing and tacking content is the main idea behind it not some scripts that does everything for your box'd characters.
By Bazing 2021-08-03 05:49:22
been trying to get a grp for shinryu the past 2 hours, through yells in odin only 2 tells yea *** it, even exping in a 75 server is *** faster to fill.
here's to hoping that the anniversary is something good not another *** Rhapsody
Seems your mainly angry at Odin for not having alot of players tbh.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 05:52:36
been trying to get a grp for shinryu the past 2 hours, through yells in odin only 2 tells yea *** it, even exping in a 75 server is *** faster to fill.
here's to hoping that the anniversary is something good not another *** Rhapsody
Seems your mainly angry at Odin for not having alot of players tbh.
nah i was in asura as thunderjet i got mad myself 99% yells is all mercenary, and vw campaign is full of botts i got mad and left was able to make masamune here np, either way asura is just another merc, unless you play with a small circle of freinds even your circle of freinds box, or maybe i just need to take a break from this game.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Odin.Foxmulder 2021-08-03 06:22:42
I think the amount of 6 boxers is largely over-estimated. I think people see those outliers because they're so obvious with their following army. Most of the people I've run into play 1-3 characters simultaneously.
In regards to Odin, most folks that I know tend to stick to members of the community that they know and trust over randoms. I don't normally pay attention to shouts at all and pull from my personal network to do any content.
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 06:31:44
maybe if people didint box i wouldv had 6 ppl in my yel
No you wouldnt. Most people who box something, do it because they dont want to play with others or don't have time to play with others. Most 6boxers would probably quit the game, if they would be forced to PUG with one char for most events. At best, they would switch to only play in statics to avoid PUGs and still wouldn't answer your yells. PUGs are only for casuals, who are ok to maybe do 2-3 Ambuscades per week and that's all of their FFXI playtime, or for people who have a lot of free time.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 06:58:14
I think the amount of 6 boxers is largely over-estimated. I think people see those outliers because they're so obvious with their following army. Most of the people I've run into play 1-3 characters simultaneously.
In regards to Odin, most folks that I know tend to stick to members of the community that they know and trust over randoms. I don't normally pay attention to shouts at all and pull from my personal network to do any content.
its simply not just because they six box for content it's what happens to other players when they six box and once they get their stuff.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 07:07:11
maybe if people didint box i wouldv had 6 ppl in my yel
No you wouldnt. Most people who box something, do it because they dont want to play with others or don't have time to play with others. Most 6boxers would probably quit the game, if they would be forced to PUG with one char for most events. At best, they would switch to only play in statics to avoid PUGs and still wouldn't answer your yells. PUGs are only for casuals, who are ok to maybe do 2-3 Ambuscades per week and that's all of their FFXI playtime, or for people who have a lot of free time.
Back during early SOA HTBF update i would constantly Fill up VD AA's, and divine might and clear in 90% occasions on top of that you barely see any Box'rs. i mean 10-40 mins of yelling is enough sometimes just 5 minutes.
The game is casual already, and you just said, No you wouldnt. Most people who box something, do it because they dont want to play with others or don't have time to play with others. which was was exactly my point.
the only problem with this game is what i mentioned the ambuscade boxing for materials and HTBF, End game is not a problem HTBF is mid tier casual and besides it takes 5 minutes to do its the mere of progression in this game right now.
MMORPG, massively multiplayer online role playing game.
not online role playing game,
By Shichishito 2021-08-03 07:59:04
if the multiboxers were all gone you'd at least get a better idea of how many real players you're dealing with on that server. currently your PUG shout maybe never had a chance to form cause 497 of the 500 ppl online are alts.
PUGs are only for casuals OBJECTION!! shout groups are about as hardcore as it gets.
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 08:09:57
if the multiboxers were all gone you'd at least get a better idea of how many real players you're dealing with on that server. currently your PUG shout maybe never had a chance to form cause 497 of the 500 ppl online are alts.
PUGs are only for casuals OBJECTION!! shout groups are about as hardcore as it gets.
Second part of my sentence already said it tho, so thats kinda empty OBJECTION (even assuming its partially a joke I guess).
By Draylo 2021-08-03 08:14:57
Should be, but I think a lot that are still around just realize that the company doesn't care about the game at all. So its either everyone just quits and they shut down the game happily to focus on 14, or they keep playing and find the enjoyment they can. You act like people are just taking whatever they give and kissing SE's feet. Most take breaks and stop playing, others just keep playing here and there because they still enjoy it. It isn't like the monthly sub cost is super expensive, we can see that because everyone and their grandma is multi boxing.
The worst are the people that quit and then go and jump onto XIV, still giving the exact same company their money lol. It's a pretty unprecedented situation given that this game is almost 20 years old and has a company that isn't 100% behind it because its direct competition is now their new baby.
Also most people in this thread are being complete babies. The line will slowly go down for sure and the rewards aren't amazing game breaking crap like Malignance etc. Even on Asura the battlefield was pretty easy to get into late night.
maybe when they give us content that you dont need to Multi box to succeed the game would be better. something like abyssea with timed nm's would be great to cuck those *** out of loot that are abusing ambuscade for FREE rema's every day with their 6 characters at once totally disgusting, and than Cucking New players who cant even do any ambuscade, even i tried helping those guys do VD v1 at some point i gave up the game became a REMA game only, Maybe THEY SHOULD ADD SOMETHING LIKE A *** X5 DAILY THING FOR NEW PLAYERS SO WHEN THEY *** GO AND DO V2 E THEY GET TEH SAME REWARD AS V1 V D, ITS FAIR *** PLAY that way all rema prices will fall down and those people who abused 5 box's can *** rot in hell,
i just wanted to see the strat on vd shinryu and it seems to me the post shifted and i got mad reading all this bs. go figure. Draylo please stop *** kissing game is stale you know it, We dont even get a glimpse of what the 20th anniversary is, mind boggling that square is giving us the middle finger instead.
angry fingers not constructive and i dont care
I still enjoy the game actually and I found Odyssey was better in the end than I expected after it was more fleshed out and given what this dev team is capable of. I don't *** kiss, I still think they are handling this game extremely poorly and its very sad. I just don't agree with people saying the only thing we can do is cancel our subs. I don't even know what options are available, so I can't say but only hope they have something good planned.
We need Ninja and that guy from guildwork to pay big money to get SE to update XI like it deserves! It's weird how ninja has so much money and hes streaming dinky private servers when he could probably get SE to do something somehow.
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 08:24:13
he could probably get SE to do something
Like Official Classic server? *** no...
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 08:29:06
if the multiboxers were all gone you'd at least get a better idea of how many real players you're dealing with on that server. currently your PUG shout maybe never had a chance to form cause 497 of the 500 ppl online are alts.
PUGs are only for casuals OBJECTION!! shout groups are about as hardcore as it gets.
multibox is most likely 20-25% maybe 30% and that's maybe pushing it but yea the norm seems to shift to boxing these days like literally a new meta to play the game. it was never this bad
By SimonSes 2021-08-03 08:30:44
MMORPG, massively multiplayer online role playing game.
not online role playing game,
The playerbase wont magically multiply by 100 to meet your MASSIVE expectation tho.
You can't be so disconnected to playerbase to not notice that we dont have numbers of people with lot of free time, that we had 10 years ago. Most FFXI players are 25 or even 30+ years old and we have families, kids and jobs. Most of us changed the way we play FFXI. We play casually, or we box/play in statics, to minimize wasting time and play exactly when we can.
By alzeerffxi 2021-08-03 08:33:38
s MMORPG, massively multiplayer online role playing game.
not online role playing game,
The playerbase wont magically multiply by 100 to meet your MASSIVE expectation tho.
You can't be so disconnected to playerbase to not notice that we dont have numbers of people with lot of free time, that we had 10 years ago. Most FFXI players are 25 or even 30+ years old and we have families, kids and jobs. Most of us changed the way we play FFXI. We play casually, or we box/play in statics, to minimize wasting time and play exactly when we can.
IT DOSENT HAVE TO MULTIPLY JESUS CHRIST, the 6 ppl who boxed that are boxing coul'div been in a group that couldiv done CONTENT JUST LIKE WHAT SCHISO SAID ITS CASUAL CONTENT ITS YELL CONTENT ITS FKN PUG CONTENT THAT IS ALREADY CASUAL. are you delusional!?
now back to playing third strike where i can press buttons and do stuff good bye Final scripted 11 offline.
Shinryu is confirmed as the new HTBF. Rev up those speculation engines and laugh at the plebs that skipped doing Abyssea zone boss clears because there wasn't any point.
D133 Delay190 DEX+15 AGI+15 CHR+15
Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Dagger Skill+248
Parry skill+248 Magic skill+248
Quadruple Attack+5% Weapon Skill CHR+3% (same as Utu grip)
Additional effect: HP, MP, or TP Drain
LV99 Warrior / Red Mage / Thief / Beastmaster / Bard / Ranger / Ninja / Corsair / Dancer
Cannot wear head equipment
Defense264 HP+96 MP+97
STR+60 DEX+55 VIT+30 AGI+25
INT+80 MND+64 CHR+61
Accuracy+85 Magic Accuracy+85 Magic Attack+85 Evasion+155 Magic Evasion+231
Magic Defense Bonus+16 Haste+9% Enmity-15
Able to use Impact
Lv99 White Mage / Black Mage / Red Mage / Dark Knight / Summoner / Scholar / Geomancer
Def156 HP+114 STR+41 DEX+28 VIT+48
AGI+29 INT+27 MND+31 CHR+29
Accuracy+20 Attack+60 Magic Accuracy+20 Evasion+83 Magic Evasion+86 Magic Defense Bonus+6
Haste+4% Triple Attack+4$ Regen+3
Set:Auto Reraise
Lv99 Warrior / Paladin / Dark Knight / Beastmaster / Samurai / Dragoon
Physical Damage Limit+3% Damage Taken-3%