A Summoner's Gear Guide

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A Summoner's Gear Guide
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Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1418
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-04-09 19:10:46
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Ok I finally had a chance to do some testing. (Thanks Foeteni for the help with testing!) It didn't take much for an answer to become obvious. Fickblix definitely works on all hits.

I tested on Sarama, using Shiva's Rush (5-hit) with lots of pet:acc and no pet:double attack to skew the numbers. No buffs or debuffs, not even Dia. Whenever he used Magma Hoplon, I discarded the next BP because it had to break his stoneskin.

With Fickblix:
Average: 12,022 (18 samples)

With empty ring slot instead of Fickblix:
Average: 9,945 damage (12 samples)
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By Chimerawizard 2024-04-10 00:05:22
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does sroda earring work like that as well? I'm guessing the ring is raising the avatar's weapon rating to affect all hits.
Posts: 821
By Tarage 2024-04-10 00:32:42
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Chimerawizard said: »
does sroda earring work like that as well? I'm guessing the ring is raising the avatar's weapon rating to affect all hits.
To quote an old Papesse post...

Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
@long_horned explained how to calculate Volt Strike damage some months ago.




They are calculating Volt Strike and other physical pacts damage this way:
(Avatar Melee DMG+fSTR+Stat Modifiers+Blood Pact Damage Job Points)*fTP*pDIF*Critical Hit*Crit. Atk. Bonus II Trait*BPD

Melee DMG is 132 for a lvl 122 avatar, Sroda Earring fits here
fSTR (Avatar's STR vs enemy's VIT) caps at +24
Stat modifiers:(309 STR+292 INT)*0.2*0.85=102
Blood Pact Damage Job Points 20/20 adds +60
fTP is 5 for Volt Strike
pDIF (Avatar's attack vs enemy's defense) caps at 4
Critical hit and Crit. Atk. Bonus II aren't very important and are ignored in certain zones when pDIF is capped
Avatar Lv.+1 from the JSE earring adds 1 melee DMG, 8 attribute stats and 11 magic damage.

Avatars's stats, melee DMG per level, fTP and stat modifiers of most Blood Pacts can be found at this address: https://w.atwiki.jp/bartlett3/pages/329.html
It also show how to calculate ranged, hybrid and magic pacts. It's very accurate, I tested Crag Throw and Burning Strike damage and got the expected results.

Physical pacts: Lugalbanda > Sroda/JSE+2 > JSE+1 > JSE > Gelos
They say Sroda beats JSE+2 but in my case with my own gear/ML JSE+2 is superior by a tiny amount. Both earrings appear to be very close. JSE gives a lot of atk/acc too.

Hybrid pacts: Lugalbanda > JSE+2 > JSE+1 > Gelos/JSE > Sroda
Sroda falls behind due to BPD being calculated twice.

Magical pacts: Lugalbanda > JSE+2 > JSE+1 > JSE > Gelos
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Posts: 373
By Galkapryme 2024-06-24 16:48:39
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I heard most SMNs only use Garland when pre-buffing for an NM. But I was recently in a merc party to test my SMN skills in ML. I found utility in engaging and using Garland because the SAM was generating all the hate, and the mob had no significantly damaging AOE (crabs using bubble shower). I ran a cycle of SMN buffs, engaged with Ifrit out, got 3K TP, then opened an incoming mob with Garland so as not to mess up SAM SC. Here's the set I used to engage. All but 1 of my Empy gear is +2/ Head is +3. Bunzi's is not yet augmented enough to be significantly useful.

Kindly critique/add advise to improve.

ItemSet 396032

Perpetuation -16
DT Capped
Refresh 6
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1418
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-06-26 13:33:46
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You've got 8 perp on staff, 7 on body, 8 on feet so you can actually afford to give up one of those pieces if you want. Tali'ah Manteel might be worth considering although it's a bit weak on the defensive side. Or go the refresh route and use Baayami feet or something, they don't have DT but they have high magic evasion which is equally important and that's why I might be inclined to favor them over another refresh option like Apogee Dalmatica.

Also I'd suggest grabbing a Cetl Belt, Goading Belt, or something similarly useful. Sroda Earring is another good one. Also, Shulmanu Collar and Chirich Rings.

Depends how far you're willing to go to keep DT capped, but it shouldn't be needed for a SMN. Pop a Garland, then a few seconds later you can Volt Strike or Hysteric Assault to close light and hate should be solidly on the avatar. I suspect you'll get more mileage out of that than giving your DDs Ifrit's favor for another 10 seconds.

Works even better with Opashoro because you can make skillchains with Ifrit instead, keeping the best favor on your party. Last time I did MLs I was pulling my own mobs just like DDs and killing them with Oshala+Flaming skillchains. Oshala was hitting for up to 50k and Flaming of course is often capped damage.
Posts: 373
By Galkapryme 2024-06-26 18:32:10
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Thanks for the advice. I was focusing on Avatar output as opposed to my own, but I do have some of that gear I can try out.

In retrospect, I remember what the issue was. I needed high Acc to melee Locus mobs on SMN. Baayami has no Acc benefit for the user. Even with Beckoner's and buffs on, I was still missing more than a DD. Haste is what really helped me out.

Either way, it was fun. I plan to add in the Sroda's Earring.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1418
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-06-29 20:05:57
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Minor followup: For some reason I didn't realize Oshala could extend the Fragmentation in place of a 2nd Flaming Crush if Apogee is down making a very nice backup skillchain!

Prime staff is a lot of fun in ML parties! Not only does the AM3 work wonders for Ifrit but I'm just now realizing how powerful Oshala itself is due to the Induration/Fusion combo.

I was doing master levels today at the Locus Wivre/Colibri camp and if Apogee was ready I'd pull a Wivre with Dia2 > Oshala > Flaming Crush > Flaming Crush, which only failed to kill it if Oshala missed. (This was a good time to refresh my AM3 as well.)

While Apogee was down, I'd grab a Colibri and Oshala > Flaming > Oshala usually came pretty close to killing it, especially if I could manage 2k TP for the last Oshala which isn't hard with buffs because there's a BP between weaponskills so there's plenty of time. Sometimes I'd have to do an additional WS or BP to finish it off, but when not reapplying buffs I was easily killing as fast as the DDs were and that was on SMN/RDM with zero pet support besides the Dia2 I used on Wivres. It was fun doing occasional 80k Lights as master rather than only the avatar doing big numbers!

All that stuff can be done with the stage 4 as well I'm sure.

Craftermath would be proud.
Posts: 5
By Quickness 2024-07-18 18:34:06
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Hey guys sorry im just coming back to game after a break i was wondering if Sancus Sachel +1 is still better than fully augmented Epitaph?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2932
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-07-18 20:25:52
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It isn't (except for the BP reduction if you need it [which you shouldn't]). It's a good starter item until you can get all the augs on the Epitaph at which point you don't need it anymore.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2024-07-19 06:43:21
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Epitaph is better at least from r25 but probably even sooner
Posts: 61
By Genoxd 2024-07-19 10:04:33
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I believe it's about equal at R19 and then it starts winning
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Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-09-19 17:28:42
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Does that magic burst bonus on Asteria Mitts +1 augment ever get any use or does well rolled merlinic hands just win all the time?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2024-09-20 18:36:42
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Does that magic burst bonus on Asteria Mitts +1 augment ever get any use or does well rolled merlinic hands just win all the time?

A mid to high roll on merlinic will beat it.
on asteria assuming 10% and 26 mab (26x.35=9.10%) for a total of 19.1%, if that 10 burst damage acts like bpd, it's closer to 14.6%. only while bursting.

peak merlinic is something like 15 bpd and 50 mab.

15*.55= 8.25%
you're looking at a 25.75% boost with perfect merlinic.
By Shichishito 2024-09-20 19:16:41
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The asteria mittens also come with 45 macc so while weaker than a well augmented merlinic dastans they could still have a place in a resist set, not sure if those are a thing on SMN for nukes.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1213
By Asura.Frod 2024-09-20 19:38:35
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you'd want lamassu +1 for macc for the few debuffs that use it.

i also may be wrong about the 10% burst, it should probably be tested.
By Shichishito 2024-09-20 21:13:09
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For strictly debuffing absolutely, but I ment specifically nuking or magic bursting resist set.
I assume the 25 matt + 10% burst do more for magic damage than lamassus +30 all attributes while still sporting a respectable 45 macc. It's place is imho inbetween merlinic and lamassu, a MaccLite set piece so to speak, although I don't think that's a thing for SMN.
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Server: Bahamut
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user: Sevu
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By Bahamut.Academic 2024-10-24 11:56:33
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Is Apogee still worth getting as a new SMN, or have their gotten replaced over the years?
By Shichishito 2024-10-24 13:51:21
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I think it's still among the best choices at least in the head, leg and feet slot. Apogee Body still has a place in magic based rage pacts and maybe hybrids like flaming crush, the only apogee pieces that seems outdated are probably the hands.

Guide mentiones augmented helios head and feet as a equaly good alternative and I guess it's also a good choice if you want to reduce the HP drop that comes with apogee.

For Body pure physical DMG it's still convoker's doublet +3 and hands either augmented merlinic or convoker's bracers +3.

You can also look into empy body, hands and feet +3. Trades a bit of DMG for a bit mor ACC if you need it.

I guess the +Blood pact dmg pieces are more consistent DMG while the double attack helios augments are higher spike and it levels out, in particular if you don't use nirvana aftermath.

Of course Nyame with the pet path is probably stronger than any of those pieces but most go for the WS dmg path.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 2932
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-24 13:54:27
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That's a whole set of armor so the answer varies by piece, but yes, most of the set still has a place.

This guide is still accurate.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-25 07:13:32
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Anybody bothered building up a 670 idle skill for Avatar's Favor?
Given the +50 skill you get at ML50 I can see some options with a couple of small sacrifices, whereas before ML it was totally not worth it imho.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2932
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-25 08:26:41
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Anybody bothered building up a 670 idle skill for Avatar's Favor?
Given the +50 skill you get at ML50 I can see some options with a couple of small sacrifices, whereas before ML it was totally not worth it imho.

ItemSet 397164

This is what I've used. It's very much lacking in DT but I'm also nowhere near ML50. Currently ML12, which means you can drop 44 skill from this if you're ML50. I'd probably swap out the belt, back, rings as needed. If you don't need DT though, this option or something like it is fine.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-25 11:29:55
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I was thinking more about something like this, at ML50

ItemSet 397165

But this brings you to 668 skill which is not enough.
I could use Kobo Obi but that's just +1 alas.
I could swap Cath Palug for Lodurr but then lose Refresh+1
Likewise swapping one Stikini+1 for Evoker's
Or I could swap Campestres for Conveyance but then lose DT and Avatar Level+1

So I dunno.
My goal was to reach at least -14 perp of course, then get some DT where possible (head and body already give a ton) and then get as much refresh as possible in the available slots.

I'm already renouncing to Refresh+3 from the body slot and Refresh+2 from the Hands slot, didn't really want to renounce to even more.
I guess... using Conveyance cape and then swapping grip to Khonsu sounds like the best compromise, maybe?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2932
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-10-25 11:35:20
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You said you want to get 670 skill then said 678 isn't enough, are you aiming for the 735 tier or something? I think your set is already more than adequate for the 670 tier.

Seems like there are a lot of options at that ML. I believe this has 49% DT:

ItemSet 397167

That set should be at 696, so you could drop a bit more skill (waist or back) if you want to add more DT, refresh, or whatever. Can tinker with it to meet your goals.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-25 11:38:43
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Mistyped! Meant 668 sorry
Server: Asura
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user: Montigo
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By Asura.Mcdoogle 2024-10-25 12:00:21
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ItemSet 397166

This is also another option possibility. 676 skill, 13/14 perp, high meva, max DT, 10/11 refresh, pet meva through lv boost.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10223
By Asura.Sechs 2024-10-25 12:13:47
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Why Elan Strap+1 though?
NVM I guess it's for people who want to lock Main and Sub slots to keep TP.

Yeah for everybody else that's another source of either 3skill or 6DT.
Posts: 1503
By Chimerawizard 2024-10-25 16:11:58
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another couple examples: DT-45~cap perp-cap refresh+12~15
ItemSet 385021
ItemSet 397173
*apogee+1 path: D...

don't forget your skill+16 from merits everyone.

edit: real answer is for SE to remove the [rare] tag from a certain set of gear so we can make some D30 for our BST/DRG/SMN/PUP/GEOs.

DT-45+ear skill=575 perp-16 refresh+9 pet:DT-35+back
so 2 capes for physical or magic focused enemies. with base avatar DT of 30, looking at pdt/mdt-65~75. now if only we could stop our avatars from falling asleep or getting amnesia'd...
ItemSet 397174
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [113 days between previous and next post]
By Kadokawa 2025-02-15 23:00:26
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I don't have Nirvana, however got BIS and currently using Griov and Was +1 for physcial, will Prime S3 be better easier option than what i'm using?
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