Insurgency possibly bugged or buffed
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-09-22 09:07:09
Resolution has never been really nerfed. There was one adjustment early on that lowered its fTP slightly, but it also reduced the attack penalty from -40% to -15%, generally canceling it out. Everything else done to it has been a buff.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2018-09-22 09:16:38
i remember one of the "reso nerf"s applied to all jobs but affected reso a lot. When misers roll stopped stacking with normal tp return instead of stacking so people didnt get like 50 or 60 tp returns anymore. Some people might think thats a reso nerf even though it applied to everyone, because most people were using it for reso spamming on VWNM.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2018-09-22 17:20:21
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
This is a whole different thing.
If one guy actually played the *** game, he could very clearly see whats wrong, simply by being there. and say it needs to be fixed.
Instead of waiting, oh, i don't know, 5 years. Like geo. ***was broken, from the jump. if a single solitary person from square played the god damn thing, they would've seen that.
Literally 5 seconds of watching Ramuh with astral conduit you can see that's not whats supposed to be intended, but since none of them can be bothered to actually see it...
Old post but I'm replying anyway. This is an unbelievably immature way to look at this. We aren't talking about a Mom + Pop's garage game development studio. We're talking about a multinational corporation that spans several continents and has employees speaking dozens of languages doing various types of jobs and performing more tasks than just "play game, report to Fujito!"
A GM or CM playing FFXI can't simply go to work one day, walk onto the dev floor, and say, "yes, this is broken. fix it." They'll submit it, because that's their job, and the next link in the chain will pass it forward as needed. Even if the SE dev team only has 5 people left (which would exacerbate the issue of expedience in fixing problems), each individual dev will almost certainly not have the authoritative capacity to do whatever the *** they want to the game's code. It would be a long, annoying vetting process. I also suspect that, as undermanned as the actual XI dev team likely is, things like your feelings being hurt over GEO being too strong or MNK being too weak aren't on top of their pile of tasks-to-be-completed.
This is all, of course, assuming that the GM or CM in question was Japanese to begin with. Try to process the fact that a GM or CM from NA/EU would have to go through several more hoops in order to have their "complaints" brought to the people who actually handle the game's code. They aren't in a position to just send the producer/director an email expressing that, for example, WSD+% is working on every hit of a weaponskill. The individual size of XI's team doesn't matter, what matters is the corporate structure, especially the stringent structure of foreign (Japanese) corporations like Square Enix, operate. Playing the game, seeing there's a problem, and acknowledging that problem is a far cry away from being able to actively fix that problem, especially for a relatively lowly peon who is on the outer rim of the corporate chain like a GM/CM (no offense Senk). No offense taken.
However, the way the policies work, JP GMs don't have direct access to the dev team unless they happen to be buddies (there were friendships but I know that they stopped for quite some time from a discussion I had with Yoshida a few years ago). NA GMs have so many walls that are in place to avoid them abusing the game that they'll never get their point across, ever.
EU GMs have very little separating them from JP devs (roughly a chain of 2-3 persons), that's how I managed to pass a lot of stuff as "fake" bug reports along the years. But it has its limits solely because I was from EU, I was met with a lot of "this is actually working as intended".
They also deem a lot of stuff to be low priority before coming back to it and being like "well ***, this is actually a big deal haha".
The invisible walls for example are deemed "by design", they literally cannot remove them without *** a whole area up.
The only times they (the middle men) considered GMs to be "important" enough to be listened to were when we brought up issues like ASE and other similar stuff. Because they were too lazy to find a way to download the files and we had them (well for whoever played, which was only allowed in EU anyway).
CMs weren't really respected last time I checked (last June), they're glorified GMs to be honest, everything they do was done by GMs for years and the original CMs were all GMs who had to change their names to not be recognized.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-09-22 19:40:00
You must be going off poor or old information. CM's get to actually speak to Matsui, Yoshida, etc. though not super casually. I don't think GM's get to all chat with the devs. Sounds like the EU office is very different from the NA office.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Skyekitty 2018-09-22 21:17:47
Apologize for redundancy, but i've been sifting through the pro/con banter and couldn't find a hard answer: would Lustratio +1 be favorable now, assuming acc, etc, taken into consideration? was hoping someone smarter than I could give a hard answer on what a set would look like for reso under these conditions. Thanks!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2018-10-10 08:26:05
I just ran a quick check in sky.
24 TP return insurgency, 10126 damage.
Without WSD% change a 24 TP return insurgency should be landing for around 5-6k damage.
WSD% is still applying to all hits.
No mention in patch notes as a bug or known issue.
Necro Bump Detected!
[30 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2018-11-09 11:36:34
It was fun while it lasted, WSD bug confirmed dead.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-11-09 12:44:34
Fecking fecking fecking fecking feck. Feck it all. Feck everything. Screw SE. Thanks for being ***, I was having fun with it. Feck.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-11-09 12:51:29
They f'ed the Aeonic as well. Poor Anguta was finally having SOME use and then they took it away. But Insurgency's nerf was hard. Insurgency was even beating the Empy GS, which is crazy thinking about it. Back to the dusty closet for Mythic Scythe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 325
By Asura.Biglovin 2018-11-09 12:51:32
Glad I augmented both Lib and Calad, time for the Torc spam again!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2018-11-09 12:53:39
Exceedingly disappointed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Elazar 2018-11-09 14:19:18
Beyond pissed at this myself was awesome dusting the lib off, now to the point might just say fk it and call it a day.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-11-09 15:03:29
Beyond pissed at this myself was awesome dusting the lib off, now to the point might just say fk it and call it a day.
I feel the same way. Tired of SE's shoddy updates and terrible non-existent communication with its playerbase. They could've at least told us this bug was known so players wouldn't go out of their way to gear for it. At this point it's like they want the game to die.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-09 15:48:04
Communication has always been a large failing point of theirs. They think the little blurbs from matsuyi are cute, but they will always be randomly ninjaing ***behind the scenes.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 383
By Leviathan.Nitenichi 2018-11-09 16:15:28
I mean this was the whole fight just now with not really offensive buff and trusts so has anyone actually gone out and tested?
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-09 16:43:03
I can see a very obvious difference in eviscerations, is your liberator augmented?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2018-11-09 16:45:18
Leviathan.Nitenichi said: »https://imgur.com/a/YLOALs0
I mean this was the whole fight just now with not really offensive buff and trusts so has anyone actually gone out and tested?
Depends. If you're using augmented Lib then it won't change much because augmented Lib has all its hits counted with its WSdmg augment. If you have regular afterglow Lib then it goes back to what it was beforehand. And the damage was already kinda decent, although you clearly wanted Caladbolg over it. The WSdmg bug brought the two weapons closer together so one was better than the other depending on situation/buffs.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 383
By Leviathan.Nitenichi 2018-11-09 17:13:13
Yeah, maybe I need to read, I had just got home from work. I have neck and Lib maxed out. Is there a brief synopsys of the change somewhere?
By Autocast 2018-11-09 17:18:07
Weapon Skill damage on ALL GEAR now only works on the first hit of a ws (same as it always used to).
REMA augment, and ONLY the augment +%, is applied to all hits of a ws.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 383
By Leviathan.Nitenichi 2018-11-09 17:33:55
Thanks, certainly appreciate it. Kind of annoying but can't have a bunch of Darks running around killing everything I guess lol.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-09 17:37:12
By Asura.Veikur 2018-11-09 17:46:09
1.495x damage to all hits still isn't anything to sneeze at. Lib is still best scythe, I think. Angutas closer than it was though.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2018-11-09 18:46:54
Leviathan.Nitenichi said: »Thanks, certainly appreciate it. Kind of annoying but can't have a bunch of Darks running around killing everything I guess lol.
It's like S/E has a fetish for Great Swords and Great Katanas. They want us all to run around as Cloud and Sephiroth wannabes.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-11-11 08:25:39
Frailty/Malaise were the only real buffs on my screenshot. yeah do it w/o buffs now plz, anybody with a GEO can pull a 99,999 DMG it's not rocket-science man.
I wanna see it RAW plz.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Odin.Kuroganashi 2018-11-11 08:30:28
Weapon Skill damage on ALL GEAR now only works on the first hit of a ws (same as it always used to).
REMA augment, and ONLY the augment +%, is applied to all hits of a ws.
Now it makes sense
It was fun while it lasted, WSD bug confirmed dead.
LOL yeah, don't think SE meant to do that so now that is fixed a lot of ppl are wondering why they didn't focus on the MOD instead of the WSD+
Since the September update, Insurgency seems to be doing higher damage for me.
I try to do Salvage daily on Drk/Rdm, and Arrapago Remnants Khimaira bosses have become my point of WS and gear comparison, because the damage has been so consistent day to day.
I've been doing some testing, and it appears to come down to the additional hits.
Prior to the update, Insurgency has been landing (At 3000 TP) for about 27k initial hit, and 2.5k per additional hit landed.
After the update, the initial hit seems to still be 27k, but the addional hits appear to be landing for about 4.2k apiece.
It doesnt appear to be an issue with Fotia belt/gorget, I tested vs Aura weapons in Sky and the additional hits were landing that high both with and without Fotia.
Here's my Insurgency set:
ItemSet 360043
So far the only thing that makes sense is that WSD% may be applying to all hits of Insurgency now. Can anyone else corroborate this? I know its not an issue of Arcane Circle, Souleater, or Scarlet Delerium, so those can be ruled out. My data on initial hit vs additional hits has been from watching TP return, taking data only from hits where either only the initial hit lands, or the first hit missing and generating TP return numbers in the 10-40 range.