Insurgency possibly bugged or buffed
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 246
By Asura.Cair 2018-09-19 23:06:06
That is not a test. Especially for a WS that can crit.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 23:16:14
Uh, it wasn't a test, test phase is concluded.
He was just commenting on CDC w/ and w/o WSD
By clearlyamule 2018-09-19 23:19:46
By Foxfire 2018-09-19 23:42:17
He did call it a "shitty test", after all.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-09-19 23:45:40
He did call it a "shitty test", after all.
Fits well in this thread then.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 23:48:36
It's amazing how many people can *** up something so simple.
I mean like you want it to be some complicated thing, it really wasn't
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-09-20 00:57:09
I mean, testing should be properly thought out and executed when it goes against something that's more or less been accepted as fundamental for the entire game's life.
The Asuran "evidence" could be explained by expected pdif variation, when you consider upper/lower limits and the extra random roll, there's going to be natural variation from mob to mob as well because he was neither capped on attack nor fstr. I could go out and get uncontrolled data that shows WSD is working as it always has in the same manner as him, especially given the vague reporting of it. It would be (appropriately) scrutinized though because it goes against what people were hoping to hear in this thread.
He didn't in any way indicate that he tested a significant sample size (and you yourself were satisfied with your own test of n=4 per so I wouldn't put it past someone else to do 10 or less and think they're all done). Seeing that he didn't care for any other forms of control, how am I to know he didn't use a trust to keep him alive that also used Dia sporadically and he just forgot to mention it? Reporting maximums is also more or less useless considering all the other mess ups here. The "test" produced confirmation bias and nothing more.
My best guess is the change is unintentional. Seeing as they broke COR/GEO on Day 1 it seems they just sucked at managing stats that already existed. Pretty cool if not though.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-20 01:00:50
So, like, Asuran is almost idiot proof. It can't crit. It can't get extra hits. Relatively static damage.
41% boost, would've been satisfied with 1 ws tbqh.
It's one thing to be looking for actual stats, but you're not, you're just verifying wsd worked.
Now like, when someone actually tests CDC evis rampage VS, then 1 ws isn't satisfactory.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-20 01:10:25
Scientific Method
Make an Observation
Scientists are naturally curious about the world. While many people may pass by a curious phenomenon without sparing much thought for it, a scientific mind will take note of it as something worth further thought and investigation.
Form a Question
After making an interesting observation, a scientific mind itches to find out more about it. This is in fact a natural phenomenon. If you have ever wondered why or how something occurs, you have been listening to the scientist in you. In the scientific method, a question converts general wonder and interest to a channelled line of thinking and inquiry.
Form a Hypothesis
A hypothesis is an informed guess as to the possible answer of the question. The hypothesis may be formed as soon as the question is posed, or it may require a great deal of background research and inquiry. The purpose of the hypothesis is not to arrive at the perfect answer to the question but to provide a direction to further scientific investigation.
Conduct an Experiment
Once a hypothesis has been formed, it must be tested. This is done by conducting a carefully designed and controlled experiment. The experiment is one of the most important steps in the scientific method, as it is used to prove a hypothesis right or wrong, and to formulate scientific theories. In order to be accepted as scientific proof for a theory, an experiment must meet certain conditions – it must be controlled, i.e. it must test a single variable by keeping all other variables under control. The experiment must also be reproducible so that it can be tested for errors.
Analyse the Data and Draw a Conclusion
As the experiment is conducted, it is important to note down the results. In any experiment, it is necessary to conduct several trials to ensure that the results are constant. The experimenter then analyses all the data and uses it to draw a conclusion regarding the strength of the hypothesis. If the data proves the hypothesis correct, the original question is answered. On the other hand, if the data disproves the hypothesis, the scientific inquiry continues by doing research to form a new hypothesis and then conducting an experiment to test it. This process goes on until a hypothesis can be proven correct by a scientific experiment.
Perfectly Academic primary source: http://www.schoolofdragons.com/how-to-train-your-dragon/the-scientific-method/scientific-method-steps
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 02:46:17
Don't say my initial test was wrong, because it wasn't. I obviously tested for 2nd hit only, but I tested it in the right way.
I had 50%+ WSD in gear, I was killing mobs outside Bastok. Always WSed with same TP (reequip Scythe after every WS and do 5 hits to WS again). In test like this I didn't need more than one evidence of damage with missed first hit to be 100% sure that WSD works for 2nd hit, because the difference with and without WSD would be obvious.
So my test was good, but only confirmed WSD working for 2nd hit.
My 2nd test with ninja was logically also good, but I didn't know about bug with that method of testing.
I didn't want to test by doing full WS, because I wanted to make sure I have controlled environment like for previous test and I didn't know if I can find a gear that will have same WSC without WSD and same WSC with high WSD (I dont have Asuran Fists, so I couldn't use that how you called idiot proof WS). It was also event evening yesterday, so I didnt have time.
So please kindly go away with comments that my tests were not controlled in any way. My first test was very controlled but not sufficient enough to make sure WSD works for all hits (only for 2nd) and second was also controlled, but it was bad because of the bug I wasn't aware of.
By Ruaumoko 2018-09-20 03:10:24
By monkey33333333 2018-09-20 03:13:34
holy *** they made mnk good again lmao
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 04:28:13
Don't tell me it's solo and that's not random spikes lol
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-20 04:30:39
Rofl. Called that.
Doesn't matter how buffed it is, it's still funny.
Ok, so, totes, Jinpu, Hot Shot, and Blade: Chi just got even moar brokened.
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 04:41:12
WS: Guillotine (50%MND, 30%STR)
Weapon: Apocalypse 119 non AG (226 dmg, 37 fSTR cap)
NON WSD set: +180 STR, +122MND, native 8%WSD from gifts
WSD set: +178STR, +123MND, +48%WSD in gear, native 8% wsd in gifts
I used fotia belt/gorget
All damage numbers for 214TP return (4 hits) in both sets (same stP for both). Done on Athamas, spider NM in abyssea - misareaux.
Without WSD (beside native one): 8885, 8751, 8749, 8814
With 56% WSD: 12106, 11982, 11937, 12014
Expected dmg for 56% WSD working on all hits:
Base weapon damage: 266
fSTR: 37
WSC: MND (86+123)*0.5+(103+178)*0.3 = 104+84 = 188
pdif: 3.75
fTP: (0.875+0.2)+3 = 4.075
Damage: (266+37+188)*4.075*3.75*1.56 = 11704
WSD working for all hits and it's working also for non REMA WSs and non fTP transfer WSs.
By Vishwambhari 2018-09-20 05:38:19
i have a bad feeling about this being intentional, i must say
By Nariont 2018-09-20 05:43:53
If it were intentional it would have been said, probably vaguely but still, question is how long til they change it back.
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 05:50:28
I was curious about Resolution spikes. I used Torcleaver set (VIT on cape and vit augments on Odyssean) with 65% WSD total with gifts (tho I have a feeling that gifts are actually multiplicative with gear wsd but its not that big difference anyway).
I was fighting Abyssdiver 119 UNM. I was doing 3000TP ones only >:)
Avg damage was around 46k with 5 hits. Finally got an 8 hits Reso and scored:
It will be so much broken with optimized sets...
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2018-09-20 06:33:16
WS: Guillotine (50%MND, 30%STR)
Weapon: Apocalypse 119 non AG (226 dmg, 37 fSTR cap)
NON WSD set: +180 STR, +122MND, native 8%WSD from gifts
WSD set: +178STR, +123MND, +48%WSD in gear, native 8% wsd in gifts
I used fotia belt/gorget
All damage numbers for 214TP return (4 hits) in both sets (same stP for both). Done on Athamas, spider NM in abyssea - misareaux.
Without WSD (beside native one): 8885, 8751, 8749, 8814
With 56% WSD: 12106, 11982, 11937, 12014
Expected dmg for 56% WSD working on all hits:
Base weapon damage: 266
fSTR: 37
WSC: MND (86+123)*0.5+(103+178)*0.3 = 104+84 = 188
pdif: 3.75
fTP: (0.875+0.2)+3 = 4.075
Damage: (266+37+188)*4.075*3.75*1.56 = 11704
WSD working for all hits and it's working also for non REMA WSs and non fTP transfer WSs.
For all we know you could be lying about these number, so you need to perform it live in Times Square. For all we know you could be using a Windower addon to display those damage values, so you'll need to install a fresh copy of FFXI before doing so. For all we know you could be paying off SE to give your character certain hidden boosts so we'll need to see your bank statements.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1998
By Asura.Ccl 2018-09-20 06:56:14
I hope this get fixetd or they add something really hard next time they add content
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-20 07:35:45
I hope this get fixetd or they add something really hard next time they add content
I hope they never fix this. This is an amazing balance function. Smns can already dish out this level of damage with AC up. If this remains in game, it means melee jobs can participate in content previously blocked off to only Smns. Ex) Aeonics (mostly).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-20 07:38:14
Ah, boo. Someone already reported it to SE. ><
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 07:43:17
Quetzalcoatl.Senaki said: »I hope this get fixetd or they add something really hard next time they add content
I hope they never fix this. This is an amazing balance function. Smns can already dish out this level of damage with AC up. If this remains in game, it means melee jobs can participate in content previously blocked off to only Smns. Ex) Aeonics (mostly).
How? You think 25-50% boost to weapon skills is all you need to catch SMNs?
The reason SMNs are used is not only damage (which will still be SIGNIFICANTLY higher) but also the ability to be completely safe at distance. People who used melee to burn stuff will see an improvement, but people who haven't used melee for burning things probably won't be able to do it still, because the damage wasn't the main factor here.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Shiva.Talryn 2018-09-20 07:43:40
Don't worry, they didn't use the template. SE won't even read it!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10295
By Asura.Sechs 2018-09-20 07:44:49
Quetzalcoatl.Senaki said: »I hope this get fixetd or they add something really hard next time they add content
I hope they never fix this. This is an amazing balance function. Smns can already dish out this level of damage with AC up. If this remains in game, it means melee jobs can participate in content previously blocked off to only Smns. Ex) Aeonics (mostly). How are Aeonics "blocked off" behind SMNs only?
Not getting what you mean.
People been completing Aeonics with melee strats long before SMN AC strat became common.
We got our first set of Aeonics with mage jobs actually, for instance.
By SimonSes 2018-09-20 07:45:18
Not someone, but me. If you want to live without knowing if that's intended and alter your sets for several months only to get it fixed and all your work going into dust, then be my guest, but I would rather know what to expect and not waste my time.
By Vishwambhari 2018-09-20 07:49:35
personally i'm glad someone did. It's not like there's anything in the game that needed this powercreep (not even gated behind a grind, so not even keeping people busy with something), and if this is (as i believe) a temporary bug, i'd rather know it now than spend gil and time on new sets/gear that will prove not optimal once it's fixed. This doesn't mean a few jobs/mechanics wouldn't need a buff, but this is mostly DRKs, WARs, RUNs we talking about, and no, they don't need this buff if you want my opinion.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2018-09-20 07:50:07
Quetzalcoatl.Senaki said: »I hope this get fixetd or they add something really hard next time they add content
I hope they never fix this. This is an amazing balance function. Smns can already dish out this level of damage with AC up. If this remains in game, it means melee jobs can participate in content previously blocked off to only Smns. Ex) Aeonics (mostly). How are Aeonics "blocked off" behind SMNs only?
Not getting what you mean.
People been completing Aeonics with melee strats long before SMN AC strat became common.
We got our first set of Aeonics with mage jobs actually, for instance.
The current game meta is to throw SMN's at everything difficult. They went from a niche strategy to the default FOOS used on everything even when it's not difficult.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2018-09-20 08:41:27
Not someone, but me. If you want to live without knowing if that's intended and alter your sets for several months only to get it fixed and all your work going into dust, then be my guest, but I would rather know what to expect and not waste my time. So just like any update on a MMO? Gotcha.
Since the September update, Insurgency seems to be doing higher damage for me.
I try to do Salvage daily on Drk/Rdm, and Arrapago Remnants Khimaira bosses have become my point of WS and gear comparison, because the damage has been so consistent day to day.
I've been doing some testing, and it appears to come down to the additional hits.
Prior to the update, Insurgency has been landing (At 3000 TP) for about 27k initial hit, and 2.5k per additional hit landed.
After the update, the initial hit seems to still be 27k, but the addional hits appear to be landing for about 4.2k apiece.
It doesnt appear to be an issue with Fotia belt/gorget, I tested vs Aura weapons in Sky and the additional hits were landing that high both with and without Fotia.
Here's my Insurgency set:
ItemSet 360043
So far the only thing that makes sense is that WSD% may be applying to all hits of Insurgency now. Can anyone else corroborate this? I know its not an issue of Arcane Circle, Souleater, or Scarlet Delerium, so those can be ruled out. My data on initial hit vs additional hits has been from watching TP return, taking data only from hits where either only the initial hit lands, or the first hit missing and generating TP return numbers in the 10-40 range.