Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By Nyarlko 2018-11-09 21:15:00
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
The reason they're changing it, and I can't believe it took this long to figure this out, is that there's no choice. you -have- to get pet:enmity 20/20 it's not tied to snarl or something.

There's no other category for any other job like that.

Actually, that's not fully true, BLM has forced enmity down, I guess, if you wanted to tank BLM that would be detrimental just like pet:enmity would be. (pup martial arts too)

Nevermind that the entirety of Monk and Paladin categories are garbage, enmity is the priority.

I actively attempted to pull together a BLM tanking set a few months ago and it was amazingly unsuccessful due to the lack of enmity+ on gear that BLM can equip. I think that I managed to get almost enough enmity+ to nullify all the natural enmity-, but not nearly enough to manage true ManaWall face-tanking. :( That is a pretty small niche tho, and truthfully, allowing BLM to amass large amounts of enmity+ is something that SE should be actively preventing since we can reach 100% ManaWall now... It's now a 5min Invulnerability with 50% uptime.. if we could hold hate with it up, then who'd need PLD/RUN in that case? lol

The BST pet enmity+20 was changed because a JP player pointed out that they had been actively avoiding putting any Job Points into that (for group play purposes) and since the new REMA augments were tied to having Job Master, he/she would no longer be able to avoid the problematic pet enmity. The big rush to get it done was entirely to protect the attractiveness of their newest shinyshiny.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-11-09 21:33:00
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Keep in mind that killer effects have their potency reduced to 2/3s on NMs.

Sure but keep in mind 33% intimidation on nms is still quite incredible.

Normal attacks, spells and special moves that target the bst can all be intimidated.

So alot of AoE moves simply won't complete.

Unfortunately I don't know of any killer effect that proc on beastmen. Otherwise killer tanking in ambu would probably be a thing.

I'm pretty sure that the "Killer Effects +%" stat works on beastmen, as well as any target that has a proper family type.
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-10 08:56:51
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Nyarlko said: »
I'm pretty sure that the "Killer Effects +%" stat works on beastmen, as well as any target that has a proper family type.

I just stood in front of Velkk Defiler for a couple hundred attacks. I'm wearing ankusa helm and Arktoi for 10% killer effects +

I'm not relying on my killer effects + merits or traits at all. And I didn't bother with food.

there has not been a single intimidation.

Sure, BST class beast men can intimidate players, but unless a mob belongs to a group w/ vulnerable to a certain killer trait/effect, players cannot intimidate them.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-10 12:24:17
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Wonder if bst beastmen could always intimidate players or if that started when they started introducing mobs with human killer effects
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-11-10 12:27:13
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I'm about 100% sure I've never been intimidated by a beastman back in the 75 days.

Aside from Wyrmal gear and Dragoons / NMs

Goblins were a common exp mob @ 1-75 plus dozens of hours of "coffer key skill up" parties @ Quads/Orcs/Yags
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-10 19:18:11
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it might only be a bst type beastmen NM thing to intimidate players.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-10 21:20:00
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Well I was just making the link that maybe the reason is because there is no beastmen killer effect but there is a human killer effect and so a general all killer effects would grant that

Along those lines went to Ballista and nope can't intimidate players with general enhance killer effects
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-11-15 00:30:32
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Pangu (and its NQ/HQ1 counterparts) with maxed augments:

Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-11-15 07:47:05
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Still feels wrong for these things to be mainhand only... They'd have made such nice offhands. T_T

...why can't at least the NQ version be offhand-only?
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-15 18:29:01
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You make a Pangu finally? If so, that doesn't seem to have taken too long!
Posts: 1852
By Felgarr 2018-11-15 19:32:16
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Can someone confirm if the BST +2 Neck caps at +15 or +25 Pet Double Attack? I know some necks were recently corrected on BGwiki....
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-11-15 19:37:00
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »

You make a Pangu finally? If so, that doesn't seem to have taken too long!

Thanks, dude.

Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-19 15:33:19
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Playing the Speculation Game on Nukumi +3 some more, because I like this sort of thing.
I was reviewing the pattern between Ankusa and Totemic Upgrades

Ankusa Set + 1 to +3

All pieces get acc and attack upgrades, Status upgrades and existing buff upgrades (charm duration, reward, etc.)

However, 3/5 pieces got something new:

helm got 10% wsd
body got 5% pet da
legs got 7 pet STP

(BTW I updated a pet melee set to use Store tp instead of Only pet DA, i think its better tp gain for pet.)

ItemSet 362547

Totemic Set got standard upgrades to stats, etc, but also got Big Accuracy buff across the board.

2 Pieces got something new:
Body got pet dt 10%
hands got WSD + 10%
FEET LOST Charm +3

I don't miss the loss of charm +3 on Totemic Feet at all. Partly because Ankusa Feet charm is much better, and also because its Charm. SE killed Charm years ago. ;.;
However I do think its very peculiar that they actually removed it from the feet. and the Feet didn't get anything new.

Nukumi set was always more Master DD focused than the other sets in the past. I'm very curious if they will maintain that or change direction. Because they have already given us ALOT of acc and Attack on the other 2 Sets.

I would Expect to have more Acc and attack on Nukumi Set than on Ankusa Set. Also more STR, and this is where I'm really hoping for some high Stats. I have been growing more disatisfied w/ Argosy gear lately. I ironically I'm already using Ankusa Set for Calamity. I only use Argosy now for Ruinator (which I don't depend on much for damage, only skillchain) and body and feet for Mistral Axe. I would really like if if I could toss the argosy in storage and use Nukumi +3 body and feet for STR pieces. And they were really good str pieces before so i think there are good chances for that. Lots of master DA on feet also.

Incremental boosts to legs and hands for Nukumi would be fantastic. They don't really need anything new on those 2 pieces. More acc, more attack. More pet TB Bonus and More Stout Servant + :D
If you are going to add anything to feet it would be STP or WSD, or some pet stats. though nukumi has always been more master focused imo.
If feet don't get anything new, I want them to have enough str to be best ws str feet for bst again. Ferine feet +2 used to hold that spot. It would be nice to get some stP on the feet though. they would end up being great for tp and ws that way. If not, a pet dd stat would also be welcome.

I'm hoping they keep the wsd 10% on 1 piece pattern going, and I HOPE it will be on Gausape +3 like I said before. Awesome Synergy with Killer Effects Augment. Bst will smack out some really nice numbers that way. I've been waiting 3 years for Killer effects to come back to greater significance, and really upgraded gausape is the way to do it. Honestly if stats are good enough you almost want to just full-time Gausape when Killer effects augments are in effect.

Only thing left really is Cabasset. the pete correlation effects + is situationally VERY nice. This is the only piece I would really like to see some more pet DD stats on. it coudl also be interesting to get pet -dt 8% on it to replace anwig salade with something ilvl. Correlation effects, though not fully understood, should probably be capable of defensive as well as offensive bonuses. I'll have to double check if we tested increased intimidation rate. I think we did and didn't find it. I recall Falkirk doing some great work w/ Eruca in Bhaflau once upon a time, but only thing I remember is some attack bonus.

I think I'll fish on Official forums to see if they will give up some info on how these actually work.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-23 20:42:43
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So I wanted to share a cp video as a bit of an example of a fun and effective playstyle.

YouTube Video Placeholder

This is Cleen and I getting him his last CP on Corsair.

We've actually done several cp parties like this, and at the end I thought i should make a video.

You can See Cleen is doing some monstrous Leaden Salute Damage. often 35k ~ 54K Leaden Salute w/ 50k~ 99k Darkness Skillchains.

If you pay attention to the parse however, You'll see that combined he's doing about 60% of the damage, and I'm doing 40% between pet and master.

I will even be so bold as to claim a part of his damage :D because MDB down 25 from Pestilent plume is a Good Boon to that leaden Salute and Skillchain damage. Though, I have to give it back because of his wizards roll :P helping my Primal Rend damage.

Its a really great synergy of abilities.
You can also see we aren't able to quite use our full damage potential, because the mobs don't have enough hp.

Really its pretty easy to do Ruinator > Leaden Salute > Cloudsplitter > Pestilent plume Burst (or Foul Waters)

We actually had a similiar party a few weeks ago but we had a player geo putting geo-malaise up as well. Malaise and pestilent plume ofcourse stack w/ each other very nicely.

I would normally burst 64k in that situation, and a handful of times I burst 75k. that was when I burst after double darkness. It wasn't common because double darkness wasn't common. I had to ws sooner so Cleen would Leaden w/ less TP and not kill it too quickly :D

So max damage in this 2-player skillchain burst could be something like 7k ruinator > 54k leaden > 99k Darkness > 20k Cloudsplitter > 35K Darkness > 75k Pestilent Plume

though I don't remember if leaden got higher damage when we had the geo-malaise. Quite likely.

tldr. I thought this was a neat setup worth sharing.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2018-11-25 03:27:32
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Felgarr said: »
Can someone confirm if the BST +2 Neck caps at +15 or +25 Pet Double Attack? I know some necks were recently corrected on BGwiki....

Posts: 1852
By Felgarr 2018-11-25 04:09:08
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Thanks Falkirk!!
Posts: 15266
By Pantafernando 2018-11-29 05:32:18
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Im looking for reisen cleave options and wondering how well would a bst do. So how well he does in terms of dmg? Can he one shot mobs?

Also, how well is the aoe physical of BST? What eould be a good physical AoE set for BST?

Thanks in advance
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-29 07:29:45
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Bst competes with Blue mage for Cleaving ability. Depends on the player as far as which is better.

For sets, look at the main page. Things are kept well up to date.

Look at the Ready magical set and ready physical set.

Strongest Physical AoE is Tegmina buffet. However, it takes 2 charges, and range is only 6'.

For Reisenjima, I tend to use Blackwater Ken. Cursed Sphere is only 1 charge, so you can constantly use it every 10seconds. faster if you have extra charges. I do about 10k damage. so solo, I have to 2-shot Reisenjima mobs

Fireball from Warlike Patrick is almost as good.

Fluffy Bredo and Generous Arthur both have stronger magical Ready moves, and they can 1-shot Reisenjima mobs. However, they take 2 or 3 charges, so recast is 20 or 30s for those.

Technique is different from a mage or melee cleave. Its generally more advantageous to make a circuit of a hunting ground and hit a group of mobs once or twice with magical ready move. This technique makes it so that you can keep a chain going indefinitely. You kill 2~5 mobs at a time. Bst can kill a big crowd of 20+ at once, but big pulls take more time and generally not as advantageous in my opinion.

pet -pdt/dt set is needed for this also for pulls.
Posts: 15266
By Pantafernando 2018-11-29 09:21:22
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Thanks for the helpfull information.

Another thing i would like to ask is if there is some place with the ready equation so i can have a general idea of ftp and stats mods to optimize my valorous augments

Thanks in advance
Posts: 1852
By Felgarr 2018-11-29 09:47:15
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I tend to use Droopy Dortwin/Pondering Peter because Whirl Claws is 1 charge and a very large AOE. (Also, Wild Carrot is 2 charges and is great for when I don't want to go back to town and get Pet food.

However, this is lower damage, so you might be sacrificing cleaving performance, potentially.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-29 12:42:48
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Pantafernando said: »
Thanks for the helpfull information.

Another thing i would like to ask is if there is some place with the ready equation so i can have a general idea of ftp and stats mods to optimize my valorous augments

Thanks in advance

Attack for physical
Mab for magical
Multi-attack for Mutli-attack hits.

primary stats are still unknown for bst pets. FTP is also unknown.
The testing for stat mods for magical ready moves implies there are no primary stat modifiers for ready moves. STR would help only as much as it adds more attack and modifies fSTR.

pdif has always been up at 4 for pets, so there is alot more room to want more Attack. Most physical ready moves will cap out at 19~20k damage when attack is capped. Tegmina will be up around 30k, but run wild and unleash will push it up as high as 38k in normal situations.

Mutli-hit ready moves can go higher when Multi-hits proc. however it can be difficult to do so.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-29 12:59:17
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Some magical moves do use int and/or dint though.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-29 14:52:02
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clearlyamule said: »

Wow, can't believe I forgot how many were affected.

Still its seems pretty clear that the difference is dInt. I'm pretty sure that pet Str will only affect fStr.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-29 18:59:57
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And you are the one that did follow up testing! Geez.

yeah probably I just don't like saying it without even looking at the other side.
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user: Sogoro
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By Asura.Xalyia 2018-11-29 21:44:04
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I've got a question about gearswap. I have a few different sets of equipment that are Macc, Mab, Atk, Acc. At the moment I am only using regular macros to swap out gear for ready reduction and for the attacks.

I realize gearswap can do a lot, but are there specific things that would increase my dmg output/keep pet alive by using gearswap?

Is solo'ing a lot easier using gearswap?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-29 21:56:14
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Asura.Xalyia said: »
I've got a question about gearswap. I have a few different sets of equipment that are Macc, Mab, Atk, Acc. At the moment I am only using regular macros to swap out gear for ready reduction and for the attacks.

I realize gearswap can do a lot, but are there specific things that would increase my dmg output/keep pet alive by using gearswap?

Is solo'ing a lot easier using gearswap?

I don't know. Its been too long since I didn't use Gearswap.

I think Gearswap makes playing alot easier. You set up and plan out your gear all in advance. so when I'm fighting, I'm focused more on the fight that what gearset I should put on next.

Pet jobs often have alot to keep track of. Especially with how much they are influenced by the support job.

for example, if I'm in a tanking mode, I don't have to swap back into my tanking set,It automatically reverts after a ready move.
Its smoother to get precast and midcast swaps in my opinion.

you can actually setup rules so that your tp gear automatically adjusts to how much haste you have. so it balances your haste and dual wield to optimal tp levels.

I think gearswap is also easier, because I don't need to swap between so many macro books. I think it greatly reduces the number of macros you need to make.
Server: Asura
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user: Sogoro
Posts: 50
By Asura.Xalyia 2018-11-29 22:16:01
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thanks for the info. I think this weekend i'll switch from ashita to windower and try out gearswap.

I also have another question. I have 2 kumbhakarnas with s total of 380 tp bonus. But i also have a fully augmented Arktoi. Besides unleash, would using arktoi over my 180tp kumba be useful in other situation for ready moves?
By clearlyamule 2018-11-30 00:51:30
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Yes if your pet is capping effective tp anyways (how much will depend on the pet) and possibly even before that though that might be harder to math out and your other augments can make up for a bit of the stat differences.
Posts: 80
By Kronkeykong 2018-11-30 08:36:55
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Is there such thing as a solid Hybrid Pet/Master TP set?

As in, playing BST as a traditional DD with a WS set for yourself, and a WS set for the pet(s) of your choice, while having OK tp options for both you and your pet?

This is how I always wanted to play BST (And the Ready changes made it look that way) but it just seems like it's Bertha or Bust.

Edit; Reason I ask is because Axe used to be the bees knees, I kinda miss it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-11-30 13:29:56
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Kronkeykong said: »
Is there such thing as a solid Hybrid Pet/Master TP set?

As in, playing BST as a traditional DD with a WS set for yourself, and a WS set for the pet(s) of your choice, while having OK tp options for both you and your pet?

This is how I always wanted to play BST (And the Ready changes made it look that way) but it just seems like it's Bertha or Bust.

Edit; Reason I ask is because Axe used to be the bees knees, I kinda miss it.

Yes, its called the Heyoka set. Plus 1 heyoka preferably.
Though I would probably swap in the Emicho gauntlets +1
Heyoka Set caps both master and pet haste, and gives +200 accuracy for NQ and +250 Acc for HQ to both master and pet. It also gives a nice big crit rate 31~41% to master, but +40~50 Enmity for Pet. For Pure DD situations, the pet enmity is probably undesirable.

It would not be too hard to put together a different dual tp set, but I'm not sure how much I want to.

I posted a pure pet tp set a bit higher up on this page, but I only use it when pet is engaged, and master is not.

Ready is on a timer, not dependent on getting 1k tp. Also, between Warrior pets having fencer bonus, and other Pet TP Bonus equipment, and unleash keeping tp at 3k, building TP for pet doesn't have much demand.

If you melee with your pet, the best way to do damage is to make skill chains and bursts. So you might use up alot of ready charges in a string with Warlike Patrick or FleetReinhardt then have a weaponskill from master at beginning or end to make good damage. OR, you might make a chain by alternating between pet and master. OR, you might make a self skillchain with master, and burst from pet with Yoko, Bredo, or Arthur.

All of these techniques demand that master be able to build tp fast enough, not that pet build tp. So typically when I engage, I go to full master tp set.
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