Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Shinzaku
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2018-09-10 07:51:41
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Hmmm. I wonder what this Physical Damage Limit we're seeing all over accessory augments implies. Can break 99999? pDif increased? Interesting...
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-10 09:05:42
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This will put the +2 collar as BiS for pet only melee and multihit ready moves.

Also replace Caro necklace for BiS on some Ws's.

Nq, hq +1 and +2 all stomp previous options for these categories.

Seems divergence neck pieces are BiS for several things for most jobs. Lots of crafting profit for awhile methinks

Oh, I just checked this on my total gear pet da start. This will bring Yoko to 100% DA and Randy to 95 methinks.

Other war types would be 79%.

Would be nice to cap da on Vivacious Vicke. But this is good news for pet mutltistrike ready moves. Probably biggest boost for chomp rush. Or Pentapeck
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Senaki
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By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-10 19:07:06
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I know the DA Neck is amazing and all. But I was really hoping for Ready/Sic damage +, like how Smn keeps getting Blood pact Dmg+. :(
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Excalin
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By Quetzalcoatl.Excalin 2018-09-12 12:12:41
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Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas said: »
Hmmm. I wonder what this Physical Damage Limit we're seeing all over accessory augments implies. Can break 99999? pDif increased? Interesting...

I got the indication that it kind of works like the WS necks where it adds .1 to the pDif
By 2018-09-12 12:13:56
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-12 13:02:46
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JSE neck is best for PET tp phase and multihit ready moves.

It is NOT best master TP. it is probably best for Master WS, and probably best acc for master in neck slot for the +2 version.

However we have 20 Acc in Shulmanu Collar. Its generally a better tp neck for master and pet.

and frankly, I'm not that worried about tp for pet, so I want tp for master, and some store tp, so Asperity and Anu torque are still better master tp options.

When Attack is Capped, this neck will be BiS for probably Calamity and Mistral Axe. need to test that though.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2018-09-17 12:40:45
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It's too bad Pangu augments seemingly only work in the mainhand, because we would be at the DT cap now with two. Maybe with Empy +3 gear we'll continue to creep towards that. 71% is now possible in gear, anyway, which is a lot:

ItemSet 361393

We can be at 80% DT once you count in Stout Servant, so 7.5% under cap?
By clearlyamule 2018-09-17 15:35:00
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I'm a little out of the loop on this update. I see the thread for rema but where the dynamis weapon augment lists?
Posts: 2762
By Nariont 2018-09-17 15:41:51
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-17 15:52:13
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Oh wow!
Since when were the Damage taken Augments noted up there?

Pet damage taken - 15%

master damage taken - 25%

Thats Incredibly good!
Posts: 634
By zaxtiss 2018-09-17 15:54:32
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aye its like they might have payed attention to player base about not being able to DD next to their pets. ;p
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2018-09-17 16:39:26
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It really is amazing but on Asura 1 has sold... for 400m. That's a chunk of change but it really is perfect, huge chunks of pet AND master DT.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-09-17 17:37:57
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zaxtiss said: »
aye its like they might have payed attention to player base about not being able to DD next to their pets. ;p

I don't see any "All Job Ability Range+" on it. Which means no, they did not pay attention to the player base. :P

Asura.Sirris said: »
It really is amazing but on Asura 1 has sold... for 400m. That's a chunk of change but it really is perfect, huge chunks of pet AND master DT.

I was more interested in it for the obscenely high DMG rating on it for master melee. Pre-augs, we were looking at ~230DMG vs ~200 on other RMEA, which did not seem like something to dismiss, especially since they could be dual wielded. Post-augs tho... Mainhand restriction has made me lose interest. Was REALLLLLLY hoping for a replacement for Charmer's too. T_T

Break-even point on Div weapons is somewhere around 350mil-400mil per HQ2. Excluding lotto-luck, no one is going to actually get rich off these things.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-17 19:52:46
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I would guess that 400m price tag was crafting mules fixing prices.

Is it BOTH master -dt and pet dt?

I would think it would be choose 1.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-17 20:11:24
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It's indeed both, but mainhand only so it kinda ruins it a bit

[1] Damage Taken -25%
[2] Pet: Damage Taken -15%
[3] DMG: +11

(this is your "fix" for ready range, btw) Just give the master DT, no more complaints about range!
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-09-18 00:21:09
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I would guess that 400m price tag was crafting mules fixing prices.

Is it BOTH master -dt and pet dt?

I would think it would be choose 1.

It's basic crafting math based off of mat prices and HQ rates. If you want the prices on the completed weapons to come down, figure out a way to drop the ~20mil price tag for mats per synth.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-18 00:24:13
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Easiest way to lower the price is make dienamis blow less
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-09-18 00:29:07
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
It's indeed both, but mainhand only so it kinda ruins it a bit

[1] Damage Taken -25%
[2] Pet: Damage Taken -15%
[3] DMG: +11

(this is your "fix" for ready range, btw) Just give the master DT, no more complaints about range!

Does not correct OOR errors when it looks like you are standing on your pet on screen. Or compensate for the +50% Ready damage output that Charmer's provides (with all other reductions.)

Or address the racial imbalance that I've been harping about since the point I realized it existed. (Taru have to stand 0.3y closer to a target than a galka. Hume/mithra/elvaan are ~0.15y closer. These are universal variances due to how targeting/range is handled in-game and affects every single spell and JA, but is nearly irrelevant when JA/spell ranges are normally 12y+. BUT when the BST JA range is officially 6y, that means there is a 5% racial imbalance and should serve as justification for increasing the BST JA range on it's own IMO. /rant)

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Easiest way to lower the price is make dienamis blow less

Yes, that would be the ideal solution, but the addition of the weapons and necks kinda indicates that that will not be happening anytime soon, unless the devs decide that they want a Div weapon in every hand.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-21 13:54:14
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Regarding beastmaster's Job Point to increase pet's enmity (Posted on the Japanese forums)
A player asked if pet having enmity is necessary as they feel there's no merit in having the pet taking enmity. We explained that this creates a different stance while fighting. However, since we introduced a feature that requires being a job master, and this will create a situation where players will have to choose this or the gift, so we're considering to replace the details for this one. We're currently aiming to implement this in November.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2018-09-24 23:47:31
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Nyarlko said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
It's indeed both, but mainhand only so it kinda ruins it a bit

[1] Damage Taken -25%
[2] Pet: Damage Taken -15%
[3] DMG: +11

(this is your "fix" for ready range, btw) Just give the master DT, no more complaints about range!

Does not correct OOR errors when it looks like you are standing on your pet on screen. Or compensate for the +50% Ready damage output that Charmer's provides (with all other reductions.)

Or address the racial imbalance that I've been harping about since the point I realized it existed. (Taru have to stand 0.3y closer to a target than a galka. Hume/mithra/elvaan are ~0.15y closer. These are universal variances due to how targeting/range is handled in-game and affects every single spell and JA, but is nearly irrelevant when JA/spell ranges are normally 12y+. BUT when the BST JA range is officially 6y, that means there is a 5% racial imbalance and should serve as justification for increasing the BST JA range on it's own IMO. /rant)

Asura.Eiryl said: »
Easiest way to lower the price is make dienamis blow less

Yes, that would be the ideal solution, but the addition of the weapons and necks kinda indicates that that will not be happening anytime soon, unless the devs decide that they want a Div weapon in every hand.

Overall we're still not well balanced. BST does less damage during zerg than SMN and we have to stand closer. An extremely expensive Divergence weapon isn't the answer for sure but S-E has seemingly dumped us into the toilet so it's all good.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-25 14:06:03
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pretty sure that they said they would tweak job balance items after these weapons released.

in the video a few weeks about when they showed the scythe upgrade examples.

I was just listening, not translating, so I wasn't being super attentive and my Japanese is admittedly rusty... but pretty much they said they intend to look at and tweak job balance sometime soon.

they said something like all jobs, not just mnk or something.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2018-09-25 15:28:29
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Hoping to get some suggestions on some of my bst sets. Been gone nearly a year now due to rl issues, only logging on for points. But i got this week in limbo so im kinda checking things out again. Figured id start with what i had wrote down back then for my bst sets. (Aside from one or two upgrades i found). So any help or suggestions would be welcome. Been out of the loop for a while.

Im trying to stick to things that are somewhat plausible to acquire. So new things like these dyna-D weapons are a bit outa reach atm. Or something like that damn tartarus body which never drops. Ect.

Ill start off with just the master pdt- and a petDT- sets

Master pdt/dt-
ItemSet 337901
Jumalik Helm: pdt-5%
Jumalik mail: dt-8%
Macabre gauntlets: pdt-4
Meghanda chausses+2: pdt-6%
amm greaves: dt-3 & dt-2 augment
nierenschutz: dt-3
impassive mantle: dt-4
loricate torque+1: dt-6
Dring: dt-10
Darkring: pdt-4~ (old aby augments)
Genmei earring: pdt-2%
Total: pdt-21% & dt-36%

Probably not the most up to date set. Lotta SR equips that need perfect augs, which is a pain. Cant say id mine not having to do that. Assuming the alternative isnt worse -_-


Pet dt-
ItemSet 350582

Izizoeksi: dt-5
Astolfo: pdt-11
Anwig Salade: dt-10
Tot. Jackcoat +3: dt-10
Taeon Gloves: dt-4
Tali'ah Sera. +2: dt-5
Taeon Boots dt-4
Isa Belt: dt-3
Artio's Mantle: dt-5
Shepherd's Chain: dt-2 (if it would ever drop)
Thurandaut Ring: dt-4
Rimeice Earring: dt-1
Enmerkar Earring: dt-3
Total: pdt-11% & dt-56%

I have most of these already aside from that damn neck piece and the omen earring. (And ambu back since that reisen augment was implemented after i was away. But thats simple enough to get.) - I saw that new dynaD axe above. But im guessing thats out of my reach for now.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-25 15:54:22
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Falkirk does a great job keeping the front guide page up-to-date. I suggest looking at the front page of the guide.

Also in your example, BST cannot wear Founders gear.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2018-09-25 17:23:08
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Falkirk does a great job keeping the front guide page up-to-date. I suggest looking at the front page of the guide.

Also in your example, BST cannot wear Founders gear.

I have. But sometimes i notice certain bit that seem off. So i figured id ask. As for how i missed the founder greaves for so long... i have no clue.
Edit: oddly enough tho, i do have the Macabre Gauntlets suggested on the front page'
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-25 17:38:14
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I suggest asking questions about what seems off then. I don't think any of it "seems off."

I've review it every once in awhile to recommend updates, but Falkirk almost always stays ahead of me.

your descriptiong for the pet pdt set updates you could make looks fine. its a solid set. and upgrading cape is only thing that really changes, unless you go for Pangu which you already talked about.

As far as master pdt set goes, you have 49% -pdt not counting dark ring. and 32% of it is -dt, so you good on physical and magical.

I think the set Falkirk has on main page has extra layers, in that it has higher def, and will occasionally nullify or absorb damage. ... and dread spikes,

so I don't know what to add.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2018-09-25 17:41:22
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Thats good too. Usually i miss something tho. So its good to check with others. I updated the sets in the post above to change the founders gauntlets to Macarbe.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2018-09-25 17:55:08
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Three items at first glance have me wondering for master dt/pdt-. Top one is listed on front page. Bottom is what i have/have listed.

[Arjuna breeches]: Vit+23 Eva+19 Pdt-4% (HELM)
[[Meghanada chausses +2]]: Vit+15 Pdt-6%
Is the extra vit and eva on arjuna a better choice then the Meghanada with 2% more pdt-?

Flume Belt +1: DEF:15 VIT+4 Physical damage taken -4% Converts 2% of damage taken to MP
Nierenschutz: Damage taken -3%
pdt- (and the extras) vs dt-

(forget how to make there info show up on post)

Warden's Ring: Enemy critical hit rate -5% "Death" resistance +10 Physical damage taken -3%
Dark Ring: mdt-5% pdt-4% (my current ring augment)
Does the crit rate- and death resis of wardens rly outway the combined pdt and mdt of a dark ring?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-25 18:15:43
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Player pdt caps at 50%

you are over cap at 53% pdt. so anything over 50% is being wasted.

if you have Shell 5 on, then you only need around 26% mdt from gear to cap out also.

At that point the extra VIT and DEF from Arjuna and shield block + (if you are using a shield) is better. If you are UNDER 50% go with Meghanada +2, if you are over, go w/ Arjuna.

All the alternative pieces in the set, add some other defensive bonus aside from just -pdt or -dt.
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