Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By Nariont 2023-10-24 08:43:38
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Ita a safe assumption, would imagine its the same or close to the acc increases each ilvl gets but thats purely a guess
Server: Shiva
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user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2023-10-24 08:51:42
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Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks! I always have assumed it to be the case just could never find any concrete results to prove one way or the other. Played a lot of PUP, now just having some fun with BST and trying to better understand the job.
Server: Phoenix
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user: DBrown67
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By Phoenix.Darwinion 2023-10-25 01:32:08
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So what's a decent off hand weapon to go with augmented Aymur? Just got it recently and I thought the dmg output would be a little better. I know it's primarily a pet axe though, where it shines. Not had a chance to play with it properly though.

Was considering Malevolence dagger for the MAB. Got a pretty decent one (two points short on MAB from perfect). What about that TP+1000 axe? Is that still viable today? Not made one and it would take some time. Is it worth it?

This is mainly for Dynamis W3 where I go BST most. Decimation (using Dolichenus) is pretty awesome when I'm in main DD party with full buffs. I don't expect Aymur to be that good ofc.
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-25 03:35:11
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Primal Rend damage scales with TP so TPbonus axe OH is gonna be nice for sure. Better than other options? I can't say, but in general quite good. You're gonna be able to use TP bonus axe also for other stuff like Savage Blade, Mistral Axe, Cloudsplitter... Obviously not for Decimation.

I've never seen BST in action in Divergence Dynamis but for W3 specifically, seeing by how Gastra RNG works so nice, I'd dare to say R15 Aymur BST has the potential to be quite nice, with the right buffs.

Not sure how it would perform for W1 and W2 as well but for those you can just use Decimation with Dolichenus, provided you have a good set. Doli Decimation brings up quite nice numbers if you have enough att to benefit from PDL.
Server: Phoenix
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user: DBrown67
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By Phoenix.Darwinion 2023-10-25 04:30:10
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Thanks for the reply Sechs. To be honest in our LS we kill W1 and 2 mobs very quickly. With Deci on BST on wage 3 I was regularly hitting 30-60K on Volte. Think I was 2nd in parse, but yeah. Lol @ epeen parse. But if I'm not getting buffs ofc forget it.

I use slug pet almost exclusively except for maybe leech on Sandy 2nd boss. I'm never asked to deal with statues though, so no experience of that. Ofc main reason for BST is the 33% def down to help all DD and I fully accept that. I just wish Windower addon would show pet debuff.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-25 05:36:46
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Yeah Corrosive Ooze is quite insane.
Even with my shitty gear and trust-only buffs I was pulling out insane numbers with Doli Decimation. I can only imagine how nice that would be with proper buffs.

Speakin for Wave3 I seem to remember (could be wrong, hey) that many if not all of those fomors have a certain degree of weakness towards light. Which might be why Gastra Trueflight works so nice. If that's true, then I see no reason why Primal Rend couldn't be incredibly solid and nice as well.

One pro you get for Primal Rend is that, being a magic WS, it cannot miss.
Now sure how is your accuracy but I remember THF, NIN and RUN Fomors having very high eva. Granted I haven't been in Divergence in years and we received Master Levels and so many new powerful items these days that acc is probably not an issue anymore, heh
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-10-25 07:54:15
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You can go with either Odyssey Axe as an offhand if you have access. Ikenga's is fairly broken if you get it all the way up and Agwu's has Store TP and WSD at base level.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-10-25 08:15:42
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TP bonus axes are great for bst because so many of the good axe ws's have damage bonus with tp.... Decimation being the exception.. but that only good w/ dolichenus no matter what. which is why a fencer build is such a heartbreak for bst... fencer is great, but losing out on haste is really annoying and no decent dd shield is annoying.

I like Agwu's axe for Aymur Offhand. Its a jack-of-all trades offhand for Aymur. It buffs everything you want though you might get more extremes in one direction with another axe. The only better pet axe would be Spalirisos. Pet damage +10 and stats +20 acc/macc/racc 50 are awesome for the pet.

However, at the same time, stp 10 makes it one of the best tp building axes, and wsd 5 makes it near best weaponskill axes, especially since it has nice boost to Dex and CHR the 2 stat mods for Primal Rend.

I like to use Zhivago Pet for primal rend setup. With only trust buffs, which are not geared for magic damage at all, only for haste and healing, I hit 20K~40k primal rend depending on tp. (this is light elemental ws in dark weather zone)
Swooping Frenzy for def and mdb down 25. Its not as nice as corrosive for physical, but since you can skillchain with Swooping frenzy >> Primal Rend for Gravitation you always have a ready skillchain without needing 2 weaponskills. Sortie is high level content than dynamis, so I think it should perform better than this. Also if you using Nyame path B and actually upgrade agwu's for the skillchain bonus, you have capped skillchain damage. even if I only hit 30k primal rend I hit 99k skillchain damage unless they specifically reduce damage from gravitation elements. In dynamis it means a little slowness for the 3s gap between swooping frenzy and primal rend, but every skillchain is a kill. Then you just need to claim a mob to yourself....

now, IF you actually have buffs like wizard roll, Aurorastorm 1 or 2, and heaven forbid, geo-malaise.. 60~90k should not be difficult at all. So basically the same buffs the Rdm or Rng would want and Bst will be in the same league. even w/out the buffs I know I can 1 shot statues w/ primal rend, but I need probably 1.5~2k tp. depending on which offhand I opt for.

Regarding Tadem Strike. its a very safe assumption that its +50 Macc at max level. (which is why you want beastmsater engaged when trying to land purulent ooze in odc boss fight).

also the mechanics of when it applies and when it drops should be the same as tandem blow. which you can see pretty quickly from tp/hit in brenner. (which is how I tested it and confirmed it was subtle blow II)
IIRC it takes at least 2~3 ticks to wear off if you turn around and only pet is attacking, but it definitely wears off if player or pet goes away from the same mob rather quickly.
Posts: 1845
By Felgarr 2023-10-25 09:08:30
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Quick side question, as I've come across new information to me in another thread.

What's the correct way to get the Pet Level effect of Gleti's feet, Nukumi Earring, Prime Weapon, etc?

I currently put them in call beast and bestial loyalty sets, and that's it.

Other folks in another thread, have said that you need to put the Pet Level +1 equipment in your Pet Ready sets to gain the effect of your pet having increasing Item Level?

What's the right answer?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2023-10-25 09:48:14
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The level+ for pets fluctuates as its equipped on and off. You can check this by doing a /checkparam <pet> before lvl+ is equipped and then again after. I've done this many times on PUP at least looking at how the stats increase with level+1/2/3. So for BST only really need call beast gloves and beast affinity merits everything else would be call beast delay-. My understanding anyways.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-10-25 17:13:00
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There is absolutely no benefit in using nukumi earring, gleti feet or spalirisos in call beast sets.

The best use is in ready sets or defensive sets where the stat bonus are worthwhile. the level+ gear is all just big collections of stats
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-10-28 23:52:55
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Is there any decent club for Bst?
I believe neither wiki or bg-wiki are up to date as it seems our best option is the Deae Gratia...
Server: Shiva
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user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2023-10-29 00:31:33
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Minaras84 said: »
Is there any decent club for Bst?
I believe neither wiki or bg-wiki are up to date as it seems our best option is the Deae Gratia...

Mafic cudgel is probably the best available (all jobs). Might be better with karambit if you are after blunt damage though
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-11-07 07:27:58
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I was reviewing Falkirk's data and earlier conversation, and thought it might be simpler to just post the level+ as a group of 'known' stats.

So I'm just re-writing the posted data in a straightforward, practical way.

Spalirisos (phase 3) has pet level+1 (So do nukumi earring and gleti's boots.)

Accuracy: 36~38
Attack: 28~30
Evasion: 29~31
Defense: 33~38
Damage +1
Mab +1
All base stats + <unkown>

I think that summarizes the pet stats for easy reference.

Spalirisos (phase 4)

Accuracy: 74~76
Attack: 57~60
Evasion: 60~62
Defense: 67~75
Damage +2
Mab +2
All base stats + <unkown>

Spalirisos (phase 5)

Accuracy: 111-113
Attack: 87~89
Evasion: 91~93
Defense: 105~113
Damage +3
Mab +3
All base stats + <unkown>

These are based off ilvl 119+ pet number from the alice table in previous page since that seems the most practical. Ofcourse lower level pets will get less boost, but for the sake of gear comparison, and pet sets, I think this is pretty useful. I also expect it will vary per pet. Since Randy has a Huge attack bonus, and Edwin has a huge Def bonus, etc.

this gets me thinking about more ways to use this data to clarify pet stats... we'll see.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-11-07 14:24:09
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I have to say that Scythe build bst/drk is now viable.

just went messing around on locus mobs and trusts w/ Drepanum and Maliya Sickle using my Mistral Axe WS build... and I can reliable hit 30k~60k Spiral Hell (depending on tp), and up to 55k Cross Reaper on bst/drk. I think it makes 2-handed build bst actually viable. which is something I've toyed with on and off for years, and always been disappointed.

I'm not disappointed in it now.
PDL, attack bonus, smite, Last resort and Drepanum bonus really add up nicely.

limited to only darkness related weaponskills, but it fits. and interesting thing about absorb spells... dark skill only affects duration, so macc build works.

I would say you definitely want mLvl 30+ and drepanum to make it work though.
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-11-07 18:23:33
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Pet: Magic Accuracy
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
On another note, I've been assuming for some time that pet level+ added macc for the pet. But have there been any attempts to test/quantify that on the BST side?
Shiva.Myamoto said: »
Would it be safe to assume that Macc is also improved with pet lvl+?
Crack open a Dawn Mulsum...
It's Pet:Magic Accuracy time.
Chapter 1 - Item Level

As you'd expect, the Magic Accuracy improves as Pet Level increases.
Some portion of this is due to increases in Pet:INT with every Pet Level+.

Chapter 2 - Tandem Strike and Run Wild
Pet Magic Accuracy has been a large concern as content difficulty levels have grown over the past decade.
Aside from Corrosive Ooze, every other useful enfeeble a BST Pet can bring to the table must meet an accuracy check which requires every morsel of Pet:INT and Pet:Magic Accuracy we can scrounge up.
A few years ago we were gifted with the Tandem Strike job trait, the effects of which can be seen below (Magic Accuracy-wise):

Wearing Pet:Magic Accuracy+50 in gear yields the same results as engaging the same enemy as your pet.
A neat part about the Tandem Strike testing was that the results were collected while having a floored Master accuracy, confirming that swinging and whiffing the target is still sufficient to proc the effect.

...And that sad pile of data on the right side indicates that Run Wild has no positive impact on Pet:Magic Accuracy.
The node will be updated accordingly.

Chapter 3 - The First Example of Gleti's Boots vs Nyame Sollerets
Vaerix said: »
This is what I'm currently looking at for Pet: Macc.

I understand that pet level+1 will never compete with the beautiful macc on Path D Nyame but I was wondering...
This question is worth revisiting, because even though BSTbro Vaerix was asking about Gleti's Boots vs Ocreae+3, based on the above tests:
the Level+ from Gleti's is actually pretty potent.

I only have Rank 25 Nyame access, but here's what was seen:

In this particular example (at this iLvl and with this particular target) Gleti's Boots practically compete with even R25 Nyame Sollerets (Path D)!
The R30 Nyame will pull ahead slightly... but Gleti's Boots are perfectly serviceable. Definitely better than nukumi ocreae +3.

I suspect that higher Item Level pets will see even greater Magic Accuracy bonuses, if the other primary pet stat gains are any indication (post-119).
Which could potentially mean Gleti's Boots are superior in this aspect... but...
There's much more testing to be done, so I shall sign off for now BSTbros.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1866
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-11-07 18:50:54
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which grip did you go with? I use Bloodrain on PLD but Rigorous would be good too
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-11-07 19:47:51
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-11-10 23:11:45
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~The Story So Far~ (Chapters 1-3)...
And now, the Pet: Magic Accuracy Saga Continues
Chapter 4 - Familiar
The addition of Job Points brought extra incentive to keep an empowered Pet around - all primary stats+60 when maxed out at Familiar Effect 20/20.
With respect to Magic Accuracy, an example of its impact can be seen here:

Chapter 5 - Earring Selection
Which earring is better for Pet Magic Accuracy? There are a few that offer Pet:Magic Accuracy+15 (Enmerkar earring, Kyrene's earring, and R15 Augmented handler's earring +1), but how do they compare to the effects of Pet:Lv+1 from the nukumi earring/+1/+2?

Pet:Level+1 is the winner!

Chapter 6 - Monster Correlation

Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I would speculate that it also offers [...] Macc for pet, but hard to verify.
This idea has been living in my head for years, but it's finally time to put it to the test:

In terms of Magic Accuracy, there was no discernable advantage when using Nukumi Cabasset+3 while Monster Correlation was favorable.

Chapter 7 - The Second Example of Gleti's Boots vs Nyame Sollerets

For the final of these tests, I wanted to see a more practical example of these two footwear titans - something iLvl 119 or greater - to really see how the stat bonuses would affect the results. My intention was to test using a high Vengeance Odyssey Gaol NM, but the number of segments required (not to mention the level of absurd difficulty when solo) was a strong deterrent.

Level 132 Apex Crawlers would have to suffice.
(This is only taking into consideration the Magic Accuracy potency, and setting aside the Pet:DT-8%, DEF+, M.EVA+, etc.)

There is a disclaimer here, just as there was in the Magic Evasion testing: the sample size needs to be much larger before saying (with absolute concrete certainty) that one or the other is the winner, but I do believe that the benefits of the Pet:Level Up have been shown to be quite powerful - possibly enough to nearly dethrone these very specific Path D Nyame feet.

It'd be tough to call without an enormous sample size, but Rank 30 Nyame Path D would likely be (approximately) close enough to even.

Story Recap: (My personal interpretation of the results.)
1. Pet: Magic Accuracy improves as Pet Level increases beyond 99.
2a. Tandem Strike V Trait yields Pet: Magic Accuracy+50.
2b. Run Wild does not improve a Pet's Magic Accuracy.
3. For Pet Levels less than 119:
Nyame Sollerets (Path D, R25) were just barely superior to Gleti's Boots (Pet:Lv+1, Pet:Magic Accuracy+50)
4. With 20/20 Job Points, Familiar's Pet:INT+60 effect is a large boost to Pet: Magic Accuracy.
5. Even an NQ Nukumi Earring (Pet:Lv+1) is superior to any of the other Pet: Magic Accuracy earring options available.
6. Pet: Monster Correlation does not impact Pet: Magic Accuracy.
7. For Pet Levels greater than 119:
Gleti's Boots (Pet:Lv+1, Pet:Magic Accuracy+50) are either a very similar potency or slightly better than Nyame Sollerets (Path D, R25).
By 2023-11-11 00:05:50
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Server: Shiva
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user: Myamoto
By Shiva.Myamoto 2023-11-11 10:55:17
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That's a lot of work, thank you for taking the time to do all that testing.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10293
By Asura.Sechs 2023-11-11 11:55:21
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Run Wild does not improve a Pet's Magic Accuracy.

Well it's good to know I guess. And we got confirmation to Tandem Strike as well, granted I'm not entirely sure we know all the details on how it works (I guess the ~3 seconds tics, probably it lasts a few tics each time it gets activated) but now we do know just attempting to swing, even if you whiff, is enough to activate it.
Posts: 1845
By Felgarr 2023-11-11 14:00:41
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Run Wild does not improve a Pet's Magic Accuracy.

Well it's good to know I guess. And we got confirmation to Tandem Strike as well, granted I'm not entirely sure we know all the details on how it works (I guess the ~3 seconds tics, probably it lasts a few tics each time it gets activated) but now we do know just attempting to swing, even if you whiff, is enough to activate it.

Someone submit a bug report. We're SE's QA after all
Server: Asura
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Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2023-11-11 21:07:15
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How much does the PDL aftermath boost pet damage? Do you have like a percentage range. Would it beat pup's su5 +25%.

If its not working on automaton range attacks thats a huge negative since armor shatterer would benefit alot from PDL (i assume since its always doing capped damage.)
The prime hand 2 hand was posted about once on this forum and it was considered meh. You lose the triple fire maneuvers of Kenkoken too.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-11-11 21:10:38
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Asura.Bixbite said: »
How much does the PDL aftermath boost pet damage? Do you have like a percentage range. Would it beat pup's su5 +25%.

If its not working on automaton range attacks thats a huge negative since armor shatterer would benefit alot of PDL (i assume since its always doing capped damage.)
The prime hand 2 hand was posted about once on this forum and it was considered meh. You lose the triple fire maneuvers of Kenkoken too.

falkirk answered that on page 170:

AM1 (1000 TP) = 40/1024 (~4%)
AM2 (2000 TP) = 70/1024 (~7%)
AM3 (3000 TP) = 101/1024 (~10%)
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-11-11 22:13:18
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Asura.Bixbite said: »
How much does the PDL aftermath boost pet damage?
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Compiling the results from the final 3 stages we get:
Stage 3 = 2% to 8% Aftermath Potency
Stage 4 = 4% to 10% Aftermath Potency
& Stage 5 = 6% to 12% Aftermath Potency

The PDL values from Prime Aftermath are the same for Master and Pet.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2023-11-11 22:40:07
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It feels like at least some thought went into BST prime weapon (zero thought went into pup sortie earring or the hand 2 hand prime weapon.)
Bst had a huge weakness of pet being debuffed since they don't have overdrive or an extra debuff clearing ability like maintenance. It boosting resistance should help alot with pet QOL.
Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2023-11-12 00:09:22
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Asura.Bixbite said: »
It feels like at least some thought went into BST prime weapon

It's the same weapon? Pet level+3, crit rate+15, same acc/macc, same aftermath. Earrings kind of a wash, PDL woulda been nice like BST got, pet DA is kind of a novelty since BST already has a boatload of it and a lot of moves dont even gain much from it.

Was the PDL aftermath tested on pet WS or just ranged attacks? It makes some stupid sense it wouldnt work on ranged attacks but if its not working on WS too it's clearly bugged
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10293
By Asura.Sechs 2023-11-12 04:59:55
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Felgarr said: »
Someone submit a bug report. We're SE's QA after all
It's not necessarily a bug.
I mean it's never stated anywhere that Run Wild is SUPPOSED to be increasing macc.
I mean... it sorta did make a lot of sense but at the same time I'm not sure I would consider it a bug.
Server: Phoenix
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user: DBrown67
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2023-11-30 12:52:36
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I've been trying to pull off level 4 Light SC solo with trusts. This is with Swooping Zhivago.

Swooping Frenzy >> Cloudsplitter >> Pentapeck

But the pet can't get three charges ready in time for the last bit. I did see people saying they were doing it, but does this need a 2nd BST to complete?
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