Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By Vaerix 2022-11-08 02:25:29
BST was one of the first jobs I brought to 75 but I "retired" it around the launch of Delve tier 2.
I want to unretire it now because it would help me a lot doing solo/lowmen tri-runs in Odyssey.
I have a plethora of questions, hopefully someone will be able to help me out.
1) Call Beast
I think I get how it works now with the ilevel axe, the levels added by Beast Affinity, the maximum potential cap of different jugs etc. I get that for that purpose even Monster Gloves +2 (the lv90 one) should be more than enough, if augmented, right?
2) Any JSE pieces that are considered particularly necessary? Like one of the bodies for reward and so on
3) I get that to land Purulent Ooze I should use a set similar to the Pet: Macc set listed in the first post of this guide. I see no mention of Adad Amulet among the alternatives though. Any reason for that?
4) I get that Purulent Oooze hardly lands (if ever) on Mboze and Henwen, but it should land pretty consistantly on pretty much anything else, right? But which ML is it necessary to that end? At least ML20?
5) Should I be using Run Wild while attempting to do that? In theory it supposedly raises Pet's macc as well, right?
6) How exactly does Tandem Strike work? Do I just need to target the same target as my pet? Do I need to be engaged? Do I need to land at least one physical strike on the target?
My 2 cents on the few questions I know about.
2) Empy Body is pretty amazing, the augments killer along with wsd on +2/+3 are pretty massive on anything you can effectively use killer instinct on. Speaking of which the killer instinct duration piece.
4/5) landing purulent I rarely have issues with base ody stuff and a few of the pet: macc accessories as a job master mlvl0 bst. Sometimes it takes a couple attempts but on any A1/A2 I land on first or second purulent regularly. For A3+ you'd need input from people who use bst to RP those fights, we typically only have bst on fights 2&3 and it's just extra RP on kills. I've never had to engage or use pet Ja's to land purulent vs A1/A2.
Good luck on answers to the rest :-D
By SimonSes 2022-11-08 04:25:57
2) Empy Body is pretty amazing, the augments killer along with wsd on +2/+3 are pretty massive on anything you can effectively use killer instinct on. Speaking of which the killer instinct duration piece.
Keep in mind this body is great even without KI. With merits you still have base of 15% killer effects against many families and relic+3 head provides another 5%. 15% from Killer Instinct just makes it better.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-08 04:32:16
I don't plan to gear up BST properly... for now.
But knowing me I will eventually end up doing it lol
I used to love BST after all, so once I unretire it I might as well get decent gear for it as well.
But for the time being I'm only interested in the use I mentioned above. That is: Purulent Ooze in Odyssey!
I think I already have a pretty good set with accessories from SMN and PUP, plus 5/5 Nyame of course.
Empy+2 body is super nice in the long run and probably what I'm going to get but... I'd say not really necessary right now?
If you think there's something that's really mandatory and that I should get with very high priority I'll welcome any suggestion with open arms.
By Vaerix 2022-11-08 04:36:36
I don't plan to gear up BST properly... for now.
But knowing me I will eventually end up doing it lol
I used to love BST after all, so once I unretire it I might as well get decent gear for it as well.
But for the time being I'm only interested in the use I mentioned above. That is: Purulent Ooze in Odyssey!
I think I already have a pretty good set with accessories from SMN and PUP, plus 5/5 Nyame of course.
Empy+2 body is super nice in the long run and probably what I'm going to get but... I'd say not really necessary right now?
If you think there's something that's really mandatory and that I should get with very high priority I'll welcome any suggestion with open arms.
Gleti legs is absolutely mandatory. Beyond that if you have macc stuff for pup/smn you should be great, Agwu axe is also a quick slot for pet stats(su5 equivalent pet acc/macc Stats)
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-08 04:50:59
I heard Purulent Ooze has very serious issues landing on Mboze and Henwen, even with BiS gear.
This might be somehow related with basic element correlation of those two monsters and the element of the ability itself? Maybe?
Which is a pain because Altana knows how much I could use Mboze RP...
By Asura.Disclai 2022-11-08 07:53:07
Which is a pain because Altana knows how much I could use Mboze RP...
You could probably easily solo some charged runs of Mboze, dealing 6% damage with just about any well-geared slashing job & trusts. Then BST another NM down, and if you have SCH you can Helix Ongo down. Or PUP (or any blunt job) could shave HP off of Henwen.
Granted, that's not as AFK as just spamming the Ooze strat, but more fun. Just don't forget reraises.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-08 08:34:50
But for the time being I'm only interested in the use I mentioned above. That is: Purulent Ooze in Odyssey!
I think I already have a pretty good set with accessories from SMN and PUP, plus 5/5 Nyame of course.
You would want to use maybe 2 or 3 Nyame pieces for sure. Gleti's feet is Pet Lv+1, which translates into more macc i think, so I'd use that also. You can use the hands too because they are Pet DT-8% and the same magic accuracy as Nyame if you need a little pet survival. The legs are a mandatory precast piece for Sic, again, same magic accuracy as Nyame.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-08 08:48:59
You could probably easily solo some charged runs of Mboze, dealing 6% damage with just about any well-geared slashing job & trusts. Then BST another NM down, and if you have SCH you can Helix Ongo down. Or PUP (or any blunt job) could shave HP off of Henwen.
Granted, that's not as AFK as just spamming the Ooze strat, but more fun. Just don't forget reraises. I'm past 28k RP on Henwen, did it on MNK in a series of tri-runs and I'm good on RP from him, until the next Odyssey upgrade is released, that is.
I capped points (that I needed, at least) on Xevioso, Henwen, Gogmagogg, Sgili, Bumba and Arebati. Well... could use more points from Arebati tbf but not in a rush atm. I regret R20ing the body but alas I can't get points back :-P
I think I'm gonna be able to handle Ongo on my SCH but I still have to test it. Ideally I want Ongo to be part of a tri-series where I'm gonna use BST for one of the three and PUP for the last one.
Atm I'm just farming Segments because I burned over 300k Segs in the past weeks getting several other pieces to R25 and past that.
Tried Mboze on my SAM riding Yaegasumi but... it didn't go well. Granted it was my very fist attempt but I think I died when Mboze was still at 97% and my Trusts died way before that.
I'm sure I could improve my approach but atm I have no more segments to waste doing tests like those, alas.
Allright, I'll get those Gleti pieces I guess.
Nyame is nice because it gives lotsa defensive stats for the master as well, since I'm gonna have to stay within 10 yalms of the pet to be able to use Ready anyway...
But Gleti is a good compromise. Less meva, PDT instead of DT, but much higher MDB. I guess I can work around a setup like the one you suggested. Thanks!
By Asura.Disclai 2022-11-08 08:51:59
Granted it was my very fist attempt but I think I died when Mboze was still at 97% and my Trusts died way before that.
Keep in mind you can summon new trusts while still in combat in Gaol.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-08 08:58:05
Oh yeah I know! Saved my *** multiple times on Henwen heheh
But that doesn't work for the SAM approach.
That approach sorta relies on you shooting Yaegasumi and dealing enough damage in the ~45 seconds it lasts or a bit more.
You really don't want to waste precious yaegasumi-lasting time recasting more trusts.
It's more that, I dunno, clearly I must have done something wrong but I didn't parse the fight so I'm not sure which (multiple!) mistakes I made.
Didn't wait enough times to let trusts buff me up completely?
Did they die before that? Did they had time to land Dia3?
Did I remember to Ageha before starting to spam Fudo after activating Yaegasumi?
Should have I used a much better food instead of a lolredcurrybun?
Was my accuracy capped?
I could know but it was late at night and I rushed in and basically wasted 3k Segs :D
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-08 09:53:49
Nyame is nice because it gives lotsa defensive stats for the master as well, since I'm gonna have to stay within 10 yalms of the pet to be able to use Ready anyway...
You only need to be in range once every 30(?) seconds max, if the objective is just Ooze RP cheese. The process is the same for any NM. You don't even need any gear besides pet Magic accuracy, and you're only in that set for a second.
>>Call pet
>>Call trusts
>>Pull boss
>>Engage/Fight, swing once at monster to activate Tandem Strike
>>Run wild
>>Ready on command
>>Run out
repeat until you land Ooze
By shamgi 2022-11-08 11:04:01
Sat in E last night for 10 minutes.
Slimes check as impossible to charm, but Slugs do not. However, after 10 straight minutes of spamming Charm on a single slug I couldn't get it charmed, so my guess is that either it's impossible to charm, or there's no minimum chance to charm something. Given their ilvl, I feel like I should at least have a chance to charm them, so either they're actually impossible to charm and they forgot to label them as such, or they're incredibly difficult to charm to the point that it's never worth it.
I wanted to test and see if they can teleport between floors or into boss rooms as well, but well, can't get one charmed.
By phunky 2022-11-08 20:05:31
was looking at the node for non-ilvl pets for fatso fargann, seeing acid mist is -50% attack for 3min. that seems highly useful if it lands on ilvl enemies, any testimonials?
Definitely an under rated move. I use acid mist to Aeolian Edge cleave the bat/crab room in dho gates. Gather them up, tag them
with acid mist and go to town. Never in any danger. Can do it faster with the bird or acurex -25 mdb but then trusts start healing you more often and everything gets a bit more chaotic.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-08 20:23:38
Thats a nifty way to use Leech pet. Double dip with Killer Instinct as well.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-11-14 10:01:50
Just came back to the game last thursday.
reviewing gear as I grind out Master Levels.
I find it hard to believe Gleti's legs/feet could be better than Nyame legs/feet path B for Calamity and Mistral Axe.
Edit: Nvm, its not hard to see when you review how Pdif and physical damage limit work.
Did anyone make a useful spreadsheet or calculator that works for bst comparisons. I'm sure I still have my old spreadsheets somewhere. but I know for a fact they are broken.
Also, Nukumi feet +3 should be better for any ws than Gleti's boots for Calamity also. The difference should be more pronounced for Calamity than for Mistral Axe, since it uses both str and vit.
Nyame and augments are such a conundrum. If I did not focus so much on Primal Rend, it would REALLY make sense to actually go for path D Nyame. (Especially if I were in a pet focused ls)
We don't even need path B Nyame to max out any physical WS's. but I really like boosting my Primal Rend. and when you consider all the other jobs I have, Path B makes the most sense, for inventory space as well as maxing wsd damage for many many ws's on many jobs. /cry
I was so happy to come back to 8x wardrobes and actually fitting all the gear for my jobs into those wardrobes.... but I fear exploding wardrobes ;.;
Meh, Its probably because I don't often have capped pdif on bst.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-15 17:28:22
I noticed in the first page's guide there's no mention of Savage Blade builds.
Is there some reason for that?
Am I underestimating Dolichenus' Decimation? Or Ruinator with Tri-edge?
Because I was leaning to believe that at least for solo or lowmen Savage blade would be quite good.
Maybe with /DRG and single wield to further exploit Fencer, like a mini-warrior wannabe lol
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-11-15 17:47:29
Read the room. There's no way a BST aficionado like Falkirk is going to stoop that low and mention le'bandwagon Naegling+Savage Blade builds in this fabulous guide when BSTs were meant to use axes. That's practically blasphemy! Why sully such a thing? In fact, I throw up in my mouth every single time I switch to sword on Ninja and Beastmaster (actually just did at the thought of it just now) to deal max damage.
(Just kidding, I'll let him speak for himself)
Anyways, Mistral Axe or Calamity is nearly identical to Savage Blade, so you could use those builds if you wanted to get close. Fwiw, in a WS spam setting, Naegling obviously wins, but I personally like the look and feel of Axe WS, and they seem to SC better with pets and others, so I find myself using Doli a lot more than Naegling.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-16 02:53:09
Thanks for the insight Buukki.
Also if I may add a few comments on the beautiful guide that Falkrik created.
I want to give some feedback, hoping at least some of them will be useful to make the guide even better than it already is.
1) Mainhand, Offhand, Shields
There's a beautiful list of options for all types of players. But I think there's a necessity of a small introduction to each section describing which options for each slot are the most desirable ones and why. It might be obvious for a moderately expert BST but a player who decided to approach BST as a new job, might have no clue at all what to look after and what to equip in different setups according to what he wants to do. (for example lowmen, hybrid builds where you're TPing with your pet, CP/EP pts etc)
Also a few lines comparing DPS and usage of DW builds vs SW builds exploiting fencer. Which won't be as good as a WAR main of course, but I feel like there can be an use for such builds somewhere.
2) Dual wield set
There's only 5% DW in that build? It doesn't make sense. You should aim for ~11% with /NIN. So Reiki Yotai+Eabani, or DW10 on cape, but Suppa alone shouldn't be the ideal? Or am I missing something?
3) Weapon Skills
There's a plentiful list of nice sets for different WS, but no description of which WS should be used, in which situations and with which setup etc.
4) Pet Sets
Some sets mention different swaps for when Unleash is up, offering multiple options. A few short lines explaining why this is a good thing to do would be welcome, imho.
Likewise for the multihit physical ready moves.
5) Killer/DT-
There's a small error. This needs to be updated with the +3 body. Currently it has the +2 one.
6) Hybrid Pet/Master TP sets
I see no mention of these. Maybe these no longer have a use these days. I'm talking about a TP set that's not focused on the master nor on the pet but on a mixture/compromise of stats that can benefit both at the same time.
Sets like these can situationally have an use on PUP for instance, they used to have an use for BST eons ago, but maybe that's no longer the case? If that's how things are I would mention it somewhere in the guide though.
By Nariont 2022-11-16 03:00:05
2) Dual wield set
There's only 5% DW in that build? It doesn't make sense. You should aim for ~11% with /NIN. So Reiki Yotai+Eabani, or DW10 on cape, but Suppa alone shouldn't be the ideal? Or am I missing something?
Not sure about everything else but emicho hands are in the set, path D is 6% DW
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-16 03:08:17
Thanks Nariont, completely missed that the Path D aug has DW+6.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2022-11-16 04:17:56
5) Killer/DT-
There's a small error. This needs to be updated with the +3 body. Currently it has the +2 one. Well spotted! Thank you, this has been corrected.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-11-16 08:37:28
Jyubeii said it with regards to hybrid pet/master tp sets.
Building TP for the pet is a completely worthless endeavor.
1. Mostly Importantly using a ready move depends entirely on the recast timer. Even if pet does not have 1k tp, it can still do a ready move with 1k tp power.
2. TP bonuses are rather abundantly available. Most bst pets are Warriors, with Fencer trait. so there is tp bonus there already. Then you have Nukumi Manoplas and Aymur for the determined.
(I'm double checking the numbers, and I don't remember fencer V being exactly 500 tp bonus.. did I miss an update?)
To Give Details, ready moves are always 1000 tp. with fencer its always at least 1500. if you have nukumi hands it between 2050~2200. If its not a warrior pet, you have 1000~1700 tp without taking the time for pet to build tp. Aymur mechanics are a bit strange. Even though its 1000 tp bonus, its split into 2 parts that work differently. 500 tp is just like Nukumi hands, added as other tp bonus are added. This means with Aymur and nukumi hands and a war pet, even if pet has 0 tp when using a ready move, you have 2700 TP in a ready move.
The other 500TP is added immediately precast (and you can actually see it if you have pet tp indicators).
This precast 500 tp can be gained or lost. If your pet has built up LESS than 500 tp when you use a ready move, this TP will be lost. The reason is that any tp below 1000 is not counted for ready moves. Any ready move is Automatically filled to the 1000 level. This 500 tp from Aymur is added before this.. But if you get your pet up to 800 TP before a ready move, and you have the full tp bonus gear, then 800 tp is the same as having 3k tp.
3. The gear options for pet tp mode are AWEFUL. You can get pet gear haste up to 25~26%, but you are taking too much from your master's tp set. Its note worth it. I HAVE a pet tp set, but I almost never use it anymore. Its a remnant of when I could go with a full pet party and master was not engaged at all. You basically stack haste, multiattack and accuracy, but its nowhere near where you get with the same slots on the master.
Spur is an adequate tool to help build up a little tp for pets. Frankly, you are not really rushing for tp when doing damage on bst. Its best maximized with short skillchains where pet opens and you master closes with greater buffs and damage.
I will also take a stab that the reason Sechs' dd focus is not as reflected in Falkirk's Guide is because Falkirk is an Old School Bst. Maybe I'm projecting, but I think I'm on target.
Meaning, He was a big bst player a LONG time ago and has seen the job change alot.
Any old school bst automatically expects a bst player to be well acquainted with exploring different areas and mobs and adapting to the environment. Thats like, what you spent ALL your time doing as a bst back in the day. Its pretty much expected that the unsaid things in the guide should be figured out by the player. Otherwise, they probably shouldn't be playing bst anyway.
A bst has never been focused on min/maxing DD until the most recent changes to make bst more like all the other dd's out there.
Don't get me wrong, I've seen Falkirk's gear, and he has some amazing sets and pieces, (I still can't believe he got qa +3% and DA +3% augments on the same Digirbalag for a decimation offhand). .. but Bst is not traditionally a dd obsessed job like... well all the dd obsessed jobs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-11-16 08:43:21
The useful hybrid sets for bst might be a master tp hybrid with pet damage reduction set.
I also really love the Bst counter/subtle blow build for bst. its a fantastic hybrid defensive and offensive master set.
I can't think of any other hybrid sets that are worthwhile.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2022-11-16 11:12:23
Hybrid master tp / pet damage reduction would look something like this:
ItemSet 388327
59% Pet Damage reduction from gear and Stout Servant
I opted for 10% pet pdt on cape for total of 69% pdt. 5% dt is easily just as valid.
I would have pet and master accuracy and attack both on the cape, 10% master DA, and maybe dex +10 from dye.
its a very strange cape.
Valorous greaves because I have some w/ total of stp 12, but also a set w/ quad attack on it and good accuracy. malignance boots work just as well.
Master is still able to cap gear haste and have decent multi-attack to build tp.
Its hard to say exactly where to draw the line between pet protection and master tp generation. I've had encounters where pet tanking and master doing damage where I absolutely needed maximum pet damage reduction. but I've also been in plenty of situations where I had max pet damage reduction and pet was fine, buy my tp generation and kill speed was absolutely abysmal.
So there is ALOT of room for variation.
I went with skormoth and multi-attack because its harder to cap out haste with the pet defense gear. I also didn't want to use Anwig Salade because ilvl is pretty important now. However, this set has dual wield as needed for /nin, full pet haste and a healthy amount of accuracy and mutliattack.
if you want /dnc then swap gerdr belt +1 and suppanomimi.
There is ALOT of gear flexibility for master tp and pet tanking hybrid sets, but I'm putting this example out there, which I think is pretty good.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-16 13:20:57
Oh btw let me be clear about a few things guys:
1) I was in no way ever tryin to criticize the awesome guide
2) I simply provided some things that I personally think would make the guide even better, especially for someone who never played BST before as he might get confused by some things that imho are taken for granted
Speaking for myself BST was my third job I brought to 75 during the golden era and I did so using charm in the various camps and loved it.
Retired BST around the time Delve2 came out.
So it's not like I'm "new" to BST but I haven't played the job in ages!
I know the answer to many of the things I mentioned as potential improvements to the guide, I was just sharing what I thought it would make the guide even better.
Again, it's just my very personal opinion and not a fact! I'm certainly not demanding for those things to be added XD
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2022-11-16 13:24:13
To get back in topic, anybody mind sharing their Lua? I wanna check how you guys handle a few things in Aftercast, Pet_midcast and Pet_Aftercast.
Have you ever had the "issue" of gearswap correctly swapping into the right pet-ready gear but returning to your TP or Idle set before the move is completed, meaning it will get executed in your Idle/TP gear?
I had this issue pretty often on SMN for instance (especially in instanced zones) and developed a solution that works 100% but it's quite annoying.
Was wondering what's the consensus of the BST community about this.