Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
By Aerix 2018-09-05 18:28:13
Which attachments are you using for Overdrive?
In any case, typically a maton will wait out the MB window after finishing with skillchains before starting the next one.
By clearlyamule 2018-09-05 19:59:02
Don't actually got a specific overdrive set (too lazy also no auto control in ashita I think? Idk haven't checked out new stuff for it in a few months)
For my sharpshot builds typically OF 1/2, ARK IV, MJ IV, AP IV, Scope 2/3, attunner, speedloard 2, TS IV. Rest are kind of flex slots.
Yes I know I am likely gaining tp slower than you even with me using companions roll it's just often my autos get into idk moods where they are very slow on the ws responses. For example dual boxing 2 with identical attachments, merits, jps, maneuvers, buffs, and almost gear (like because of augments one is all of about 10 acc/racc higher) just doing say bone crusher spamming 1 might literally do ws over 50% more times and then switch the next time. But overall there is usually a decent wait after getting to 1k tp except those times when that one auto is really on the ball
By Aerix 2018-09-05 20:20:49
The Speedloader AI is most likely the reason your maton waits much longer with regard to SC/MB windows. Replace the TS4 with both Inhibitors and you should be good to go. This will also give your maton a 3-hit build under OD.
Also make sure to always equip at least Turbo Charger II (preferably both) because even with the magic haste from Overdrive, the Automaton needs the passive haste from TCs to cap. OD+TC2+TC1 and 1 Light will cap even without Wind Maneuvers (46% total magic haste, cap being 43.75%). Makes a huge difference for DPS. You may wanna drop your Scopes for them.
By clearlyamule 2018-09-05 20:35:27
Hmm could swear it did it with inhibitors too but it's been awhile since I used them a lot so maybe I'm remembering wrong. But yeah largely don't switch much because of the annoyance factor and am multiboxing so don't like relying on being able to burn muslims which is why I still have things TS4 and some defensive stuff
That said yeah I rarely fight things that need anywhere near that much racc so might as well. Just kind of a comfort thing since auto racc started being worse than melee acc
By Aerix 2018-09-05 20:38:02
Yeah I'm pretty sure Automaton RAs are capped at 95% accuracy while melee goes up to 99% like 1handers. Makes for a lot of missed WSs.
By clearlyamule 2018-09-05 21:42:45
Definitely is. There's a like several thousand weaponskill/ranged parse in the bug reports for that. Funny thing is they've treated the reports differently each time. LIke one point it was accepted then another was need more info info got posted it got lost I think it's in we'll look into it sometime this century section.
Along with the way ranged ws aren't working as the stats they gave us would indicate (in that it's definitely a lot lower)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-05 22:02:48
yeah, I consistently have no trouble Overdrive Sovereign behemoth down. my layout for auto is nothing like yours Clearly.
Then again, I usually don't have cor, and often stay in my pet store tp/acc set for overdrive.
I have a ws set similiar to Aerix, but often I want the higher acc of my tp set. the pup ws set is kinda low on acc/racc. Hopefully empy +3 armor will fix that.
Than again, If I were multi-boxing pups, i think Id set it up a bit differently. I wouldn't be as focused on store tp, because I wouldn't need to self skillchain. sometimes its tricky to get auto's to alternate skillchains if you have too many spamming moves too quickly, another might hold tp and not do anything.
By clearlyamule 2018-09-06 00:28:34
Oh I still kill but man sometimes man it is agony waiting on them to finally ws and you counting the seconds. Like just do your job autos!
My ws set is similar but I do some level of varying tp bonus by auto tp. Still haven't found a good way to automating switches based on ws that will come (outside of setups where I make it do just a certain ws and then by tp of course)
Haha yeah sometimes as is both will try to do skillchain though usually still works out. While I don't do it as much anymore one thing I used to do a bit that worked out decent was use sharpshot with valoredge to do armor shatter into bonecrusher -> light. Really lets you crank up some bonecrusher-> lights without using the attachment that consumes fire (since can use fire light and thunder for easily capped pdif, skillchain bonus, and double attack). So pretty nice for the epeen... though again a bit of the issue there was the wait to start next skillchain
By chads 2018-09-06 13:11:53

What's the parse on these bad boys? Clearly a great, uhh... Shijin Spiral piece but how does it fare against normal Herc Gloves augs?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-09-06 13:16:45
Herc gloves can hit +4 TA, which is (simplifying here) 2*4 = 8 extra attacks. +2 QA is 3*2 = 6 extra attacks. But the Dex is sporty, so I'd probably rock those above since they are something to pair off with my other qa gear. Doubt it beats Herc, though.
By Teuphist 2018-09-08 03:56:26
Sorry to respond so late.
1. Why were your overall DPS numbers so low?
Not entirely sure, but my master/pet engaged set is set to put on heyoka. Went back tonight and changed to a master focused melee set(and I recently updated my capes). Overall went up to 3300 with mythic, couldn't seem to break 2300 with aeonic(!!??). I imagine that may have been part of it.
2. What were the Harlequin's average WS and SC numbers?
Just like Backhand Blow, Knockout was looking a bit inconsistent. Might hit a few times for 6K, 8K and drop down to 3K. The only upside was HF 14,697 > Knockout (whopping) 2,333 > Distortion 2,113 > SP 9,149 > Darkness 20,584.
3. What skillchains were you doing with your Sharpshot to only have comparable kill times with Harlequin? Because a 5-step with SS and AM3 puts out massive numbers thanks to the piercing bonus.
So this may be me misspeaking about where Harlequin is best suited. I'm to believe I may have been focused on the dps Harlequin did on T1 Reisenjima feeling that it would be viable on bats/crabs as well. It really doesn't compare tbh.
4. How much do your Stringing Pummel/Victory Smite do compared to Backhand Blow? BB seemed to do decent damage, but I can't see it winning against your better WS options. Correct, you won't gain an edge over the others. I don't care much for Backhand so I'll find myself using Stringing Pummel > Slapstick instead at times.
5. What were your actual Backhand Blow numbers and how did you gear for it? Going by the video, it looked like you were doing between 7k-9k per WS, but despite having fairly good WSD gear, I could barely break 5k-6k with it on a crit. Average was closer to 3.5k due to the bats' Attack Down. ItemSet 361171
Back is DEX based with crit hit rate. Could be STR cape but I decided to use my Shijin set for it. Changed my Shijin to have more attack since it's just an opener. I think the highest I made was around 9K, but anywhere between 3-8 typically
Ultimately, an option but not so great for CP. You really have to have a Knockout set to see how high it can really hit. I used to have one and think I can make another with the extra Herc I have sitting around now.
Here's a Sang fight. I prefer to /RUN to increase stun resistance. Boneslayer will kill this in 2-3 skillchains - Similar to Belphegor.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Aerix 2018-09-08 07:16:17
Those are some really nice Slapstick numbers, but seeing how you are holding TP to 3k and building up 3 Fire Maneuvers for Flame Holder each time, I can't help but feel it's more of a fun gimmick than actually viable/efficient :/
I really want to be able to use the Harlequin frame for more than just tanking, but it doesn't strike me as powerful as the Sharpshot no matter what the situation is.
By Teuphist 2018-09-08 09:16:15
Right, that's the drawback. I believe my Belphegor videos feature the same strat but with Valoredge. Ultimately, I found said fights to run quicker without flame holder and keeping Inhibitors (also losing up to 50k each ws/sc). You see here that despite the boosted ws dmg, the SC are embarrassingly weak as hell.
Edit: Aerix, thank you for those Vir'ava, Cerb and Behemoth videos. Despite my urges in the "So you wanna tank" thread to put oneself out there, I've always been a little hesitant to give Vir'ava a go. Behemoth always seems to kill me with meteor from 35+ away. At least I think it's Meteor, I seem to just drop dead with no message.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-09-08 13:39:36
for behemoth you want to get about 43' away
thunderbolt has the 40 range
meteor only 30
By Teuphist 2018-09-09 11:59:24
Thank you, Xilkk
By Aerix 2018-09-09 15:10:13
Can I just say I'm hugely excited for the upcoming PUP augments, but at the same time I'm expecting them to really disappoint.
By Aerix 2018-09-10 02:53:15
Well, according to BGwiki PUP neck has DEX/AGI, Physical damage limit and Automaton: MAB. That's very much a let down after seeing what RDM got :/ Why AGI of all things? That's even worse than the MND that MNK got.
By Nariont 2018-09-10 02:55:23
cause pups are evasive you know, woulda preferred the all stats one and smn get the mab, or just a pet DT piece, but i expected as much when it came to pet augs, see what dyna/rema weapons give out
By Aerix 2018-09-10 02:58:26
SMNs get +25 to all Pet stats and BP+10 on the neck if I got the progression right. That's just insane considering how strong they already are.
Also, Physical Damage Limit +%? If this is just a stat meant to break the 99999 damage cap, then it's literally useless for PUP except during Qutrub Ambu month. Could also increase the PDIF cap, which is not really useful either seeing how PUP almost never gets full DD buffs.
Edit: Looking at the augments of other jobs, it seems like PUP got arguably the worst JSE neck out of all jobs unless PDL is really amazing.
By Nariont 2018-09-10 05:44:20
PUP getting the worst of the 3 aint anything too surprising, SE seems to think since puppets have attachments that means they dont need as much pet gear to compete. Hoping the dyna-d weps have something interesting on them, expecting C+P scythe augs on the mythic h2h except with pet: acc/macc instead but im up for being wrong
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sirris 2018-09-10 12:05:59
Puppetmaster has been pretty good lately, so S-E was like, "hmm, how can we kick them in the balls? What about giving summoner and beastmaster nice JSE necks, but not PUP? That should do it."
Hopefully Kenkonken will get a good pet augment but yeah, it'll probably be acc/macc. At least Stringing Pummel should get a nice boost.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-09-10 12:25:18
Well, according to BGwiki PUP neck has DEX/AGI, Physical damage limit and Automaton: MAB. That's very much a let down after seeing what RDM got :/ Why AGI of all things? That's even worse than the MND that MNK got.
Can confirm BGwiki is accurate, it was me who verified it with my NQ neck and edited the page.
Could also increase the PDIF cap, which is not really useful either seeing how PUP almost never gets full DD buffs.
This seems the more likely interpretation to me, but I guess we'll see with more testing. I do agree that it's likely of minimal use to PUP though. I guess it's new best pet nuking neck over Adad Amulet though... LOL.
I snagged a cheap NQ neck just in case it gave some cool pet stats, and for the low price I paid I'll keep it for nuke set. But man, what a disappointment. Was hoping for some better automaton stat than Automaton MAB. And what the heck with the DEX/AGI attributes? Terrible. If we'd just received a straight STR augment, it would have been useful WS gear even if it was a disappointment from an automaton-focused perspective.
By Aerix 2018-09-10 12:43:57
Hey, at least we got a new BiS neck for Shijin Spiral, right!? Right...?
By chads 2018-09-10 19:25:00
Not upset by any of the new augments PUP got but they're ... boring? I'm not excited about them. I mean they didn't make PUP any worse so I can't complain. Just what a let down!
On the bright side, from what I understand PUP is able to compete in this months Intense Ambuscade. I wasn't around for this last time, anyone know what the deal is? Is it an Overdrive spank like Poroggo was?
By Aerix 2018-09-10 19:38:03
Not upset by any of the new augments PUP got but they're ... boring? I'm not excited about them. I mean they didn't make PUP any worse so I can't complain. Just what a let down!
On the bright side, from what I understand PUP is able to compete in this months Intense Ambuscade. I wasn't around for this last time, anyone know what the deal is? Is it an Overdrive spank like Poroggo was?
Is there a list of the PUP REMA augments yet since you're saying they're boring? Or are you only talking about the neck?
By chads 2018-09-10 19:44:30
Kenkonken (the biggest disappointment, was hoping for pet augs)
Credit to: https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/52780/new-rema-augments-full-list/
I haven't seen anything on the "D" Xiucoatl line yet, but they are so prohibitively expensive that I couldn't get too stoaked on them anyway even if the augments were pet related.
By Aerix 2018-09-10 19:45:56
So everything is in line with the Scythe teasers they did. Nothing but pure power creep. Absolutely fantastic.
This update is the worst. <.< Got my hopes up for nothing.
Guess it's time to save up for the PUP Dyna weapon. At least Path C should be decent... for BLM matons.
By chads 2018-09-10 20:00:57
So everything is in line with the Scythe teasers they did. Nothing but pure power creep. Absolutely fantastic.
This update is the worst. <.< Got my hopes up for nothing.
Guess it's time to save up for the PUP Dyna weapon. At least Path C should be decent... for BLM matons. Lmao SE pushing PUP nuke sets... are they trying to tell us something?!
By Nariont 2018-09-10 20:19:04
biggest joke is SE was so lazy they couldnt even bother making it both master and pet on the mythic augs for bst/pup, but i had a feeling theyd just C+P scythe style augs even though mythics is arguably where they could be the most invnetive apart from dyna weps, oh well. SE will do as SE does
By Aerix 2018-09-10 21:02:34
So everything is in line with the Scythe teasers they did. Nothing but pure power creep. Absolutely fantastic.
This update is the worst. <.< Got my hopes up for nothing.
Guess it's time to save up for the PUP Dyna weapon. At least Path C should be decent... for BLM matons. Lmao SE pushing PUP nuke sets... are they trying to tell us something?!
I haven't actually seen the Path C augs yet, I'm just being salty about the neck augments.
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