Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0

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Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
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Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-14 18:25:28
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With job points repair gives refresh.

That with a puppet refresh set is pretty nice

ItemSet 357403

edit:added itemset
Server: Asura
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user: psylo
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By Asura.Psylo 2018-03-22 17:00:23
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after some test in dyanmis with LS (to get win) pup in BLM mode is totally useeeeelesssssssssss.

Pup IA is dumb as f..., even with MB mode Attachments.

In any case, pup in large group is clearly a really bad bad idea, try to zerg, the pup stay stuck and don't WS, in WHM mode, made aaaaages to cure someone.

Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2018-03-22 18:01:10
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The mage AI in general is very excruciating indeed :(
By clearlyamule 2018-03-22 19:15:43
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I find the DD ones excruciating as well. Nothing like 2 identically loaded out automatoms at capped pdif and acc spamming the same ws and one dealing over twice as much dmg as the other one fight then less the next because sometimes it ws close to 1k and other times it waits 10 seconds after hitting 3k
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Shinzaku
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2018-03-22 19:43:24
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Has anyone attempted full PUP-powar for Kirin and/or WoC? :0
Alliance of PUPs with GEO and COR?
By clearlyamule 2018-03-22 19:52:08
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Not a full alliance but I have tried both tribox pup pup cor.

Kirin- Was tough mixing dmg and survivability while staying below the steps but managed to slowly but surely take down it's hp... then it summoned angry bird and it ran straight to me chainspelled and killed me immediately lol. But yeah if someone can take the adds should be doable

Woc- Didn't get too far mostly because it kept spamming Medusa Javelin and impact stream making my autos stand there doing nothing but survivability seemed ok and when they weren't stuck they did some dmg. Maybe pop OD before it uses a move might work especially with enough autos and placing them around though might have to stagger the ODs to deal with Mijin?

Should note last time I tried these was awhile ago so not really capped gear (plus more has come out since iirc this was pre omen) and a few more vorseals and well now I actually swap gear
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2018-03-22 19:58:33
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How well does pup tank hold against melee? Been JPing my pup and looking into possibly taking it serious and was thinking pup pet tanking could be a viable option maybe in melee burn?
By clearlyamule 2018-03-22 20:01:36
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Even run/pld can have trouble keeping hate in a melee burn
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-03-23 00:56:17
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I just gimp-MNK'd my PUP to 1200, when I used my auto he would often interrupt SC so I didn't even have him out half the time.
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-23 03:20:24
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I just gimp-MNK'd my PUP to 1200, when I used my auto he would often interrupt SC so I didn't even have him out half the time.

Congratulations. Sounds like you need to read up on every single page before this post before you go 1200-master. If you like a job like RUN then I'm sure you will find pup interesting once you learn the play style. If you just wanna h2h dps then throw out the rdm frame for haste2 phalanx etc, and wear an animator II so he stands out of range and won't mess up sc

Can always hit me up in game if you have pup questions. I can give you everything but master only gear advice (as you put it gimp mnk). That's what capuchin is for.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2018-03-23 10:16:18
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I'm looking to play around with auto nuking. Is something like this:

ItemSet 357375

a workable place to start? I know ideally I'd have Udug Jacket + AF2+3 legs and feet, but this is all from gear that I already have.

Sylph.Dravidian said: »
How well does pup tank hold against melee? Been JPing my pup and looking into possibly taking it serious and was thinking pup pet tanking could be a viable option maybe in melee burn?

It doesn't. We use PUP tanks for MB or pet parties only in my ls, though maybe some of these guys have good enough enmity sets that they can half keep hate off of *careful* melee DDs.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-03-23 10:41:39
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In general, there is no way an automaton can keep hate off of even the bare minimum unbuffed melee dps. They aren't designed that way. Their actions cannot be controlled directly, only influenced through maneuvers. And enmity is an attachment/gear thing, so it's not going to consistently build hate and/or dps to the point where a DD could safely fight alongside it. The idea with PUP tanking is that you would be using it in a setup where enmity and hate is disposable, and dps is done at range, to keep mages safe and out of harms way. Perhaps on day when they make automatons into Little Big Robots, they can fulltime tank/dps.
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2018-03-23 10:47:14
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Okay. Thanks guys
Posts: 2
By Magosa 2018-03-24 12:29:19
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Thanks to all the PUPs that have contributed to this thread.

Anyone prepared to share their windower/autocontrol settings.xml file please ? Be interested to explore if there is anything to learn from how other people set up their attachment loadouts.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 73
By Asura.Dagget 2018-03-26 19:24:10
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Questions for anyone in the know:

1) Im building a 3-hit RNG auto set and see the guide say to have max store TP on the gear....Is store TP gear that applies to the master also a stat that crosses over to the auto's store tp calc?

2) For building a TANK auto, which is the best weapons to acquire? Midnights, Nibiru or Ohtas? I assume the Midnights path D. But I've seen some guides say the following about Ohtas "... This paired with an Ambuscade Cape, means you can have 20% pet haste in 2 items, without taking a huge impact on the master. Ideal for hybrid build, pet only dd, or pet only tank builds." Hightlights mine. So im a little confused about the best ideal tank weapons.

Guide Im using:!_A_Community_Collaborative_Guide
By clearlyamule 2018-03-26 20:17:17
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No player stats cross over to pets or vice versa.

For pure tanking Midnights. As far as that quote hard to say exactly what the heck that means but maybe they mean some weird pet only fight where your auto is "tanking" and DDing
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 73
By Asura.Dagget 2018-03-26 20:46:33
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clearlyamule said: »
No player stats cross over to pets or vice versa.

For pure tanking Midnights. As far as that quote hard to say exactly what the heck that means but maybe they mean some weird pet only fight where your auto is "tanking" and DDing

Thanks man. Had me confused too.
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-26 22:16:23
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Unless you are trying to NOT weaponskill due to screwing up a skillchain or something, most of the time I prefer ohtas and haste back piece vs midnights and regen10 backpiece.

Tanking on pup is sometimes way too easy, and being able to throw in some extra damage throwing on some haste in the mix just makes it more fun.

Also, haste and acc from ohtas = more damage = more enmity to tank, although this might feel negligible

but im also the kind of pup that likes acc/dt/double attack taeon vs rao+1, so it depends on your kind of playstyle
By clearlyamule 2018-03-26 22:27:43
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I'm pretty sure the tiny bit extra dmg you deal will be negated by the tiny bit extra you take.

But if trying to cap pet haste while tanking I'd use a waist piece like Klouskap Sash or herc for the last bit of haste (since you'll have 20 from back and head) and use some Ohrmazd with DT, acc and +15 stat or 200 tp bonus.
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-26 22:43:53
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If thats the case then maybe getting the haste and enmity bonus from Heyoka's/+1 in a slot instead of herc. But like I said the great thing about pup is that there is so much room for playstyle and your own gear when tanking.

Half of the time people complain that they fall asleep once maneuvers are on max time, so there is always room for freedom to make it more fun in my opinion.
By clearlyamule 2018-03-26 23:10:16
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Derp meant Hurch'lan Sash insetad of Herc but I did say waist slot!
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-26 23:31:06
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But really, having the perfect amount DT to cap pdt mixed with acc/haste/double attack and then switching into full DT during tp moves and big spells is much more fun then fulltime DT set sitting afk.

you can say that its a waste that we wont add much damage, but this is a game where people pay millions for 1 extra stat on a random piece of equip for the +1 versions. haha
Server: Asura
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Posts: 73
By Asura.Dagget 2018-03-27 00:52:26
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I'll make up for some Ohtas, I have a bunch of boulders saved up so may as well for the utility and rng set.
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-27 04:13:10
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I'm trying to build my smite and pummel sets, and I keep debating with myself on what is bis

hands- ryou+1 or relic+3

and if heyoka's+1 set with all that crit rate on it is better than other pieces such as hizamaru pants and abnoba kaftan

Crit rate vs crit damage really trips me up, and I dont have a spread sheet to tell me whats best when running the numbers
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2018-03-27 04:25:46
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You can use the MNK spreadsheet.
For the sake of testing slot-by-slot damage differences for WS sets, the results will be in line with those of MNK.
You would just have to edit the gear yourself and add options available to PUP but not available to MNK.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-03-27 05:56:41
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using mnk spreadsheet I don't think would work so great.

pup doesn't have same martial arts, or stats as mnk. the stats will be different and traits will be different.

I don't think using the mnk spreadsheet is a good comparison.


go w/ Ryuo hands
wsd%+ mot so great for crit/multihit ws's which is what Vs and sp are.

pitre hands will be BiS for single hits like howling fist
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2018-03-27 06:15:38
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
pup doesn't have same martial arts, or stats as mnk. the stats will be different and traits will be different.
He's talking about slot-by-slot difference in a WS set, Martial Arts doesn't have a particularly high impact on WSs.
His purpose is not to get overall DPS values and compare that to those of other jobs.
He just wants to understand if piece A is better than piece B for slot X in a specific WS. He can do that pretty fine on the MNK spreadsheet with really similar results to what he would get in a PUP dedicated spreadsheet.
Posts: 163
By flyingsquirrel 2018-03-27 18:15:16
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Thank you both for the answers.

Yeah I'm kind of trying to see a slot by slot comparison. I have no idea how well the crit on heyos holds up on crit ws. Also, when does the crazy attack+ on pitre make a difference. Pitre hands has some good str, a lot of vit, a crap ton of attack and then it has wsd on top of that.

It gets me curious lol
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2018-03-27 18:20:30
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the attack will almost always be useful on pup, i've never been in a fully buffed situation on pup.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-03-27 20:16:49
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
the attack will almost always be useful on pup, i've never been in a fully buffed situation on pup.

;; Yeah, although I have (rarely) experienced full buffs on PUP, this is probably the practical approach since you're likely Atk starved when DDing on PUP. That's the reason I generally use Foire Tobe +3 for WS, and eventually I'll get Pitre+3 hands in there as well (Ryuo until then).

In theory, Ryuo Tekko +1 may win on a spreadsheet with strong buffs (or on trash mobs)... and it's true that WSD has less impact on multi-hit crit WS (note that doesn't say NO impact), but Pitre hands/Foire body also have a ton of Acc/Atk and solid STR. Not to be ignored if you're lacking ideal buffs.

Asura.Sirris said: »
I'm looking to play around with auto nuking. Is something like this:

ItemSet 357375

a workable place to start? I know ideally I'd have Udug Jacket + AF2+3 legs and feet, but this is all from gear that I already have.

Yeah, you are definitely on the right track.

1) Macc/MAB: You will also want to consider Macc needs. If you're getting partial resists, it's likely worth dropping MAB for Macc where available. Might put together a higher Macc set and a lower Macc/higher MAB set.

Macc: Tali'ah +2 head, body (assuming no Udug), hands. Tali'ah are also a good placeholder until relic legs/feet or AF+2/+3 feet.

MAB: Rawhide Mask, Herculean Body, Naga Tekko

2) Weapon: Tinhaspa are a viable option, but I personally prefer Midnights for the maneuver effect +2. And honestly, nuking is the one place where you might be also be legitimately thankful for the overload suppression since you'll likely be doing a lot of Ice x3 right after an Activate.

3) Waist: Not a big deal, but a minor adjustment would be Ukko Sash if you have it (same Macc, but adds some FC - helpful unless you have some magical LUA that properly handle pet precast/midcast gear)

4) Feet: in general, Pitre+3 > Pitre+2 > Foire +3 > Foire +2 > MAB Herculean (unless you have some god tier DM augment) > Tali'ah +2

For Macc-heavy situations, might consider Foire+3 jumping past Pitre+2, and Tali'ah+2 probably overtaking Herculean.

Worth noting that Foire+2/+3 are also useful for the FAR more practical purpose of Repair, so if you're not up for dropping the gil/items on relic feet upgrades for a piece that's only useful for pet nuking, that's a pretty compelling placeholder.

5) Reality: no matter how good your set, automaton nuking is going to be garbage. I say that as someone who still tinkers with my set for fun, but it's simply not practical. As I've said so many times, even if you can get one big MB that might make for a pretty screenshot... that's far less impressive when you look at total over time versus any player doing multiple nukes per MB and never having to deal with obnoxious puppet AI and the tedium of Deactivate>Activate>Deploy.
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