Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0

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Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3720
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-12-12 17:22:02
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DA Taeon is better than Rawhide C if you're after DA, and can get more acc, atk, and either Haste or DT-.

Really, IDK if I'd go with Condemners over Ohtas (for the mega-acc really easing the need to pay attention to it elsewhere, plus the additional flexibility to maintain capped gear haste) or Ohrmazd (pet VIT/STR/DEX+15 for more WS damage).

That's also a very expensive set, with HQ ring x2, HQ belt, and perfect STP augs on hands/legs/feet (and assuming you'd also want other helpful augments paired with it as opposed to STP only, even harder to deal with the Oseem hassle). Honestly not something I do or care enough to invest that kind of money into an automaton DD set.

Personally, for my STP oriented pet-only build, I'm fine taking the extra 1 hit and using:
ItemSet 355312
*Ohrmazd with STR/VIT/DEX+15, DT-4%, and mine have Meva cause I use them more for tanking, but DD oriented you could go for pet acc/atk
*STP +10~11 on Herc pieces, plus some pet acc/atk/attributes
*If using Ohtas, can swap out Tali'ah feet for Herc or Taeon

Or for a more hybrid DT/offense build (solo tanking something where you also want to do some damage, or even just acting as DPS but needing to mitigate some AoE damage):
ItemSet 354838
*One of the Taeons with pet: Haste+5%/DA+5/Acc (to maintain capped haste), the others with pet: DT-4%/DA+5/Acc
*Taeon Tights work too, though I kinda like the higher DT and acc on Tali'ah for this purpose
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-12-12 17:58:59
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i don't deny it's better, but it's far more annoying to get than rawhide C for a set I don't use too often. if i"m doing damage most of the time I'm using sharpshot
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3720
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-12-13 01:44:16
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
i don't deny it's better, but it's far more annoying to get than rawhide C for a set I don't use too often. if i"m doing damage most of the time I'm using sharpshot

That's fair, and it's a viable option for the same kinds of situations. Just wanted to be sure people understood.

Really, you can easily get away with Tali'ah head and Pitre+1 body, taking care of two armor slots. Then Tali'ah feet are a viable option too: 25% pet haste from just feet/NQ belt/back, freeing up weapon and armor slots while still maintaining capped haste (or very near capped, if that isn't a true 256/1024 value).

So we're really down to just legs/hands slots that really need something from the options like Herculean/Taeon/Rawhide for an offensive pet build.

And again, don't forget this month's extra login points bonus for first 3 days (day 2 now), AND half-priced 750 point Skirmish +2 stones. Great way to use login points on your character and any mules, and the overall increased availability from people selling the stones, to finish up any Taeon stuff you may want.
Posts: 47
By andy1110 2017-12-17 01:02:05
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hi guys, I took a long break from pup after I finished kkk and 2100cp, so what's the most up to date Pup attachments are look like for tank, DD and nuke? are the combination from the first page still good to go? thanks a lot!
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-12-17 10:11:12
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My suggestion would be to read over the last 10 pages or so in this thread, you'll find plenty of useful information regarding tanking, STP build, WS augments so on and so forth.
Posts: 47
By andy1110 2017-12-22 19:47:51
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thanks for the tip and done reading, got the idea of tanking part, does anyone tried to lowman Omen boss with puppet doing DD? what are the attachments look like? VE/SS for DD?
By clearlyamule 2017-12-22 20:01:47
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I tribox Fu, Gin and Kyou. Other 2 present problems that are hard to do with things you don't have control over. Could probably do Kin with addle but below 25% it's spammage makes it hard to make headway. And Kei's shield mechanic makes it hard to really dmg that well since you don't really have good auto only skillchains that are more than 4 steps that I've found... maybe harlequin?

Generally do 2 VE/SS and cor. Use my dt/acc set to idle in swapping in tp bonus since at least on the moves it effects it works good.

For Fu and Kyou I use Ark 4, OF 1/2, MJ4, AP3/4, Scope 2/3, TS4, attuner and SL 1/2. Generally keep up light, fire, thunder but sometimes need to switch one to water on Kyou because constant curse and nukes and HF can hurt.

Fu is pretty much just making sure the cor and a trust is in range of the absorption and keeping up some buffs on while keeping the masters out of range. Usually get it rebuff and get positioned then just OD it and make sure to recast AoE buffs each time it absorbs and watch the constant pretty 99999s.

Kyou is basically watch your autos closely to cure petrification or possibly repair or change maneuvers for health as it can wreck them while they dd kind of fast and petrification is by far the thing that slows you do the most. Bring back the auto that dies each bravado and after the 25% one run out of range and OD coming back in just enough to put back the dead one on it.

Gin pretty much same as Gin except swap out speedloaders for basically anything since you don't want skillchains and stick to double fire and light. It's super basic no danger really just stay out of range and watch it slowly die
By 2017-12-23 15:00:26
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Posts: 2758
By Nariont 2017-12-24 11:38:24
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Both speedloaders, inhib 1 or 2, highest tension spring you can fit after that, optic fibers, turbo chargers, after that its acc attachments or da type attachments depending on puppets acc needs
By Antisense 2017-12-25 11:20:17
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Teuphist has been so kind to share with me his attachment set and his nuking set.

He has approx ~167 Magic Accuracy in gear, and capped JPs.
I tried several different setups:

First setup: ~265 pet: macc in gear

Second setup: ~190 pet: macc in gear

Third setup: ~114 pet: macc in gear (not counting the pe: INT > pet: mab conversion rate)

Attachments used were the following.
Setup was similar to that of Teuphist. He used different attachments in place of Heatsink and ARK-3, but nothing directly affecting damage.

First setup has the highest macc but of course lowest mab.
Second has a bit less macc but more mab.
Third has the highest mab, highest INT but least macc.

I then proceeded to CP for a bit less than 2 hours, in a group and a bit alone too.
My nukes were between 30k-80k. My top has been 82k and that was with 3 Ice Maneuvers and it's the only time where I hit over 80k.
I was the only one magic bursting so we can rule out the reduced damage from consecutive nukes.

Nukes were that inconsistant even with my setup of 265 macc, to which I should add the 14 macc I was getting from food as well.
I think this might mean that macc is not high enough, yet, because such variability would hint that there's still a frequent resistance rate. At least that's how it works for players, but the same should apply to automatons.
Moving to setup 2 and setup 3 made the resistance rate even higher, I was seeing <20k nukes more often.

I still don't get how can people claim to get >90k nukes on Apex mobs *consistently*.
I mean getting it once or twice every 20 nukes doesn't really count, does it?
Likewise if you have a geo mule using Languor or a RDM mule using Frazzle 3, that doesn't count either >.>

One thing I couldn't manage to try was to remove the 2 amplifiers and put just Loudspeakers in there to see how much amplifiers really affected the overall damage. Wish I had the time to test it.

Btw if you're curious I tried different variations of maneuvers:

Revisiting this, maximizing INT will help with both damage and accuracy. If you can somehow manage +15 on 5/5 Herculean with MAB that gets you +75 INT (good luck with this...). For maneuvers, Burana Earring (+1), Foire Dastanas +3 (+5) and Midnights (+2) will get you to +45 INT from triple ice and then Absorb-INT adds another +22 and subtracts 22 from your target.

So if you're weren't gearing specifically for INT/MAB Herculean and maxing out maneuvers + doing Absorb-INT, obtaining all these bonuses would result in a dINT+143 increase (75+24+22+22 with the second +22 resulting from the target's INT loss) and ~50% increase in Thunder V damage doing triple ice "all else being equal."

Of course PC nukers can get 350 INT easily without fussing with maneuvers and Absorb-INT

I am aware that the quoted post preceded the GEO nerf in Feb 2017 so it is easy to cap magic hit rate on Dho Gates mobs these days
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-12-25 12:22:08
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For Apex in Dho Gates, you'll have to have Ice Maker on for the nukes to consistently surpass ~70k or so, which is counter productive even with mythic due to the speed of fights unfortunately.

BLM puppet (without Ice Maker) still only seems to be worthwhile if an NM takes decent magic dmg and many skillchains are going off for a smooth flow of HP loss. I've only had one opportunity to nuke either Kin or Kei and could only pull off around 45k (no external buffs) in MAB gear. I was pretty sure I wouldn't give that a go again tbh.
By 2017-12-25 12:25:41
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By clearlyamule 2017-12-25 15:25:38
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Kyou is actually decently dangerous so I'd use full dt for tanking. But you also really need the +repair feet since you need to remove status effects alot. Having an enmity set really helps after the auto dies each time.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Malthar
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2017-12-25 22:21:41
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Use two pups on either side to tank Kyou.
By 2017-12-26 05:38:50
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By clearlyamule 2017-12-26 10:18:24
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Have the pups be in their own party and stay out of range of meteor
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-01 19:23:03
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Just to make sure I'm not missing some other augments while I'm updating some of my xmls, but augged herc with WoC body is best FC for those slots still?
By clearlyamule 2018-01-01 19:35:08
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Player yeah those are technically best though a few other things get close so might not need it and regal pumps can actually win with unity rank
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-01 19:36:29
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well i use a few pieces on other jobs, except hands. couldn't think of anything else for pup in hand slot.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3720
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-02 09:33:56
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I still have Thaumas Gloves (FC+4%) in hands slot for my PUP FC set, because I can't be bothered to augment a piece solely for PUP FC - fairly low value for me. But yeah, Herc (6% with Fern/5% otherwise, aside from higher lucky DM augments) or Taeon (5% from leafdims) are the top PUP hands FC options.

Thanks, Leyline Gloves, for having every non-mage job except PUP on you. And PUP can't use the typical mage options for the other non-Leyline jobs (WHM BLM SMN SCH GEO) - Gendewitha +1, Merlinic, etc.

Somewhat of an aside, I find FC's value on PUP to be very, very low anyway.
As such, I do not give a whole lot of care to my FC set aside from tossing on what I already carry for other jobs/purposes (mostly FC gear I use anyway on my other light DD jobs)

1) I'm usually /WAR any time I might punch stuff, including in Omen (where it helps on floor objectives, even though I'm usually just sitting on the backlines while puppet tanking on the boss).

2) Even when /WHM on certain NMs and standing on the backline, normally what I cast is limited to stuff like the occasional Haste/-na/erase, where I prefer to just stay in pet tanking gear anyway and not bother with FC gear since what I'm casting is generally pretty low priority and low cast time/recast. I'll use FC gear on Raise/RR/Cures, but those tend to be less frequently used anyway.

3) /NIN is the place where FC gear has legitimate value for me on Utsu casts, but I find it exceptionally rare to use PUP/NIN on anything these days (as in, I probably didn't do it once in all of 2017). Was more of a thing back when you might melee stuff that had blinkable AoEs, but that's not really a scenario I find myself in on PUP any more. Far more likely I'd prefer /WAR when in range of mobs, or else I'm staying out of AoE range entirely so /NIN adds nothing. Perhaps a PUP/NIN use case could pop up from time to time on something like Ambuscade though...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: lunamars
Posts: 291
By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-01-08 22:03:00
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Quick question, I didnt go back through all the pages and it looked like what was on the front page may have been a little out of date.
ItemSet 355987
This is my current set for pummel/smite(smite swapping light belt/gorget).
Would the crit 7% > the Hiza +2 legs? and if not would the +1 stack up in any way?
I realize its far from optimal, been a long time since i played pup seriously but since this set is so low tier would that crit 7 actually be doing better for me until the rest of my set improves or should I just stick to Hiz?
+37% crit in that set inc w/e augments
Body/hands Path A(10STR/DEX 15ACC) feet Path D(10STR20ATT3CRITrate)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-09 10:57:08
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I'm not 100% because I haven't setup a dps spreadsheet for pup, but in general I think the crit%+ will usually be preferable to wsd+ for multihit/crit weaponskills.

WSD+ is usually better for single hit skills.

I've another question though about auto melee gear sets for master.

Pet Store TP or pet DA?

I've gone the Store TP route, but I'm second guessing it. I'm already using inhibitors 1/2 and Speedloaders 1/2. Which means I rarely use thunder maneuvers (only if low acc, or Overdrive), but I am getting alot of store tp from inhibitors.

I'm wondering if It would be better to get pet DA augments on herc in my pet tp set, or stick with pet store tp.

any opinions? no dps spreadsheets for pets.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: lunamars
Posts: 291
By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-01-09 14:17:54
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ItemSet 356001
Body Augs-Pet[DEX9, ACC29, RACC29 DA3 CRITrate3,
hands-[10STR ATT/RATT27 STP10
feet[9STR ATT/RATT30 STP10

Inhibs 1/2 speedloaders 1/2
I've heard of people getting 4hits on pup so assuming they are getting tp that fast maybe all the STP is good?
Still trying to get my pet WS set to work but I was reading that its a little weird w/ gearswap so i'd need to change it.

Well VS has a base crit rate of 10% so that puts me at like 47% now I think at 100tp. BG says pummel is <15% so assuming probably the same maybe like 12% so I assume I'm in a good spot, will post my howling set

ItemSet 356003

I know im missing TPshade earring im just lazy
All herc is 9STR~ 25att~ WSD 3~
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-09 16:10:30
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i use raw hide c with relic body for my auto damage set. i only have a couple of pieces of taeon with double attack. i will probably go full attack and add damage taken so i can use it for situations i don’t need accuracy or as a bit of a hybrid set since accuracy normally isn’t a very large concern for auto. i have store tp herc but don’t use it very often since auto hold tp too often to really benefit from a proper hit build. i mostly use it when doing an over drive zerg out of range

and the only way to make pet ws sets work is if you have a rule to equip it when pet is over 1000, you can’t precast it like player ws
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3720
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-01-17 15:35:39
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Carbuncle.Lunatone said: »
Quick question, I didnt go back through all the pages and it looked like what was on the front page may have been a little out of date.

This is my current set for pummel/smite(smite swapping light belt/gorget).

So, I was just looking at updating my Pummel/Smite sets as well. Was debating on whether it was actually worth it to pull the trigger on AF+3 body (it does have really strong STR/acc/atk), or just save the money. TL;DR - I'm going to sell the mats back or hold em for some other +3 upgrades, I'm not really convinced AF+3 body is worth the gil for multi-hit WS.

I made some quick and dirty changes to a relatively recent MNK spreadsheet, added some PUP gear (Heyoka, AF/Relic +3 stuff, etc.) and Stringing Pummel data, and tweaked my set a little bit.

Will play around more and see if there are any differences with Pummel and Smite, but for now my preliminary updated Stringing Pummel set is below. Below set assumes capped acc; if not capped, can definitely change some results (e.g. Heyoka body over Abnoba, Herc feet over Ryuo).
ItemSet 356186
* Generally, NQ versions of the HQ abjuration gear (and NQ Moonbow Belt) are still better than next best alternative (or at least no worse than sidegrades).
* STR+30/Acc&Atk+20/Crit+10% back
* For belt slot, roughly speaking, Moonbow +1 > NQ Moonbow > Grunfeld > Ele Belt > Windbuffet+1.
* My analysis excluded Heyoka+1 gear due to severe lack of availability (at least on my non-Asura server) and high cost, but the only Heyoka piece that's really worth using is body when you need substantial acc. Legs aren't bad, but see below notes versus Hiza+2.

On AF/Relic+3 WSD+10% pieces:
Foire Tobe+3 certainly doesn't win at capped acc/atk (not too shocking to me, since WSD is a fairly minimal help on multi-hit crit WS), but even when severely undercapped acc/atk it doesn't perform that much better than NQ Heyoka (will vary based on exact buffs/target and you can certainly find situations where Foire+3 comes out on top, but that's a pretty costly niche piece). I had guessed maybe it would be a solid winner in undercapped situations due to the huge amounts of acc/atk, but it didn't spreadsheet quite as well as I had hoped. Similarly, for the handful of buffs/targets I checked, I didn't get Pitre Dastanas +3 as a winner over even NQ Ryuo D.

On Hizamaru+2 legs versus Heyoka NQ:
While WSD isn't too major on STR/crit/multihit WS, Hiza+2 still shine for Pummel more due to all that STR. Good acc/atk doesn't hurt either. WSD+7% does still add something though, even if it's not as impressive as it would be for a single hit WS.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-01-17 16:18:49
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Just as a general barometer, what are the average numbers for your SP, for instance, vs omen fodder/apex? I could never break any real respectable damage with it (had trouble hitting over 10k consistently), though the auto skilchaining made it easier to down the mobs. Just curious.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-18 09:04:33
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Are the only automaton skill pieces being nibiru/gnaf and emp legs? Can't seem to find any other that would boost auto skills.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-01-18 09:07:53
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Naga Kyahan is +10 auto skills, and can be augmented with pet stats.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-01-18 09:08:56
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Forgot about those even though I have two pair.
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