Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0

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Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
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Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10298
By Asura.Sechs 2017-11-24 18:05:33
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While I agree Ygnas is an excellent healer (arguably the best non-coalition healer) I think that given the nature of this setup, you'd be better off with something like Kupipi.
You won't really need heal yourself, and Amchuchu does a good job tanking.
I'm sure Kupipi will be more than enough, and no haste, double win.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-11-24 19:19:34
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clearlyamule said: »
Of all months this would be the one to get your ambuscade stuff. Points are flowing like water. So if other months grinds turned you off I'd recommend going for it.

I think I'll try to solo a few VEs since every other shout for V1 is SMN x4. That cape is a huge priority in my sets and its holding me back.
By clearlyamule 2017-11-24 20:13:54
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If you got a good pet dt set you should be able to solo N maybe D on. If you got a pup friend you could probably take on VD though it's pretty solo with just without OD so probably only with seal
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-11-24 21:45:45
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You can solo E with no problem with even half decent pet melee gear whenever Overdrive is up. Gear more DD oriented on E, VE/VE frame with constant light/fire/water works pretty well for easy wins from Bone Crusher spam. Just in case, mixing in a couple DT pieces with some decent offensive stats (say, Tali'ah legs) and having a DT set to swap into if necessary is worthwhile.

I've had bad luck trying N solos, since the frog tends to use Providence very frequently (after which, adds pop). This wasn't the case first time this Ambuscade was around, but is definitely an issue now. That also puts a bit of a damper on stuff like PUP x2-3 duo/trio runs, since adds will kill you. If you have a party of people standing around to mostly leech points, conceivably THEY could take care of adds though.

On E, I usually don't see a Providence, but occasionally it will do it and call adds. I've kited those before around pillars on the opposite side of the arena from the main NM, and won by letting the puppet take out the main NM then cleaning up adds with puppet + trust support.

If there's some trick to avoiding Providence that I'm missing, let me know! Could do N solos and D~VD duos if that was the case, but I'm not finding that to match up to my experiences this month.

On a different note:
What are you all using these days for Stringing Pummel sets?
By clearlyamule 2017-11-24 22:04:45
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Cor rolls or keeping a sacrificial lamb with mp in range is hammer time. cor +2 pups basically kills it over the course of Overdrive give or take 15 sec or so
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3721
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-11-24 22:33:47
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clearlyamule said: »
Cor rolls or keeping a sacrificial lamb with mp in range is hammer time. cor +2 pups basically kills it over the course of Overdrive give or take 15 sec or so

Ah... so, if you have COR rolls will it hammer even if everyone is outside of AoE range (i.e, all but puppets standing like 30'+ back)?

Work for PUP/COR too? I'd assume so, but if nobody is around and I'm just sitting around in Mhaura, wouldn't mind doing solo N rather than nothing.
By clearlyamule 2017-11-24 22:47:04
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
clearlyamule said: »
Cor rolls or keeping a sacrificial lamb with mp in range is hammer time. cor +2 pups basically kills it over the course of Overdrive give or take 15 sec or so

Ah... so, if you have COR rolls will it hammer even if everyone is outside of AoE range (i.e, all but puppets standing like 30'+ back)?

Work for PUP/COR too? I'd assume so, but if nobody is around and I'm just sitting around in Mhaura, wouldn't mind doing solo N rather than nothing.
Yeah most the time I keep myself waaaaaaay out of range except the cor I'll make stand 30' away from the puppets but less than that to the frog so I can see what the frog is doing and some of the puppet weaponskill (for some reason it's pretty spotty about showing them since the puppets themselves aren't in my chat range). Not sure about /cor but seems to be more about the rolls itself. Bg wiki says songs or bubbles too but can't really vouch for that. Could probably just smn qualtada and smack the frog once for rolls too if main job matters or you want to keep something defensive

Fun note even if you let rolls wear off because let's say you did a partial wipe if it has tp (and nuking seems to give it enough) raising up as a pup/whm in range will result in it hammering so fast you're head will spin. But if you wait longer it wont use a move till it gets higher tp. Was really quite hilarious on one of my learning runs to die upon raise like 5 times in a row lol.

Also odd note but occasionally hammer seems to have a smaller range than normal. Like it definitely kills me at 29.9 most the times but a couple of times I've ran in to dia and whoops hammer and not get hit
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-11-25 02:10:07
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Me and another pup did this on VD twice tonight using overdrive and 2 Cors for rolls. Actually he's a much better pup than me and I literally died seconds into the fight. The second run we went with 3 pup 2 Cor and a thf to mix in some sacrificial sa rudras. Beasts companions drachen tacticians rolls and whenever hammer hit the robots we'd either run in to repair or switch to more light maneuvers.

I'm surprised how safe and fool proof this plan is. I'm going to try to do a couple VD each night. Might try pup x4 Cor X2 for shiggles. Thanks for the suggestion. I got my Regen tanking cape
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3721
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-11-25 03:10:56
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Yep, I also did tonight with 2 PUP, 2 COR, 2 mule leeches/gallantry boosters (RDM and an extraneous COR for Wild Card really).

Other PUP is somewhat new to the job and still getting the hang of some things, not fully geared in ideal stuff (notably, missing relic body so losing out on a good bit of extra Overdrive duration) - he still did well enough to add some respectable damage, but we needed a little more DPS than the two of us alone could provide on VD (we could manage it on D though).

We ended up running out of Overdrive time, but had the CORs Wild Card and got Overdrives back for a second time during the fight to win. For the amount of points you get with a seal on VD, it's worth taking the gamble and relying on Wild Card if you don't quite have enough DPS to win on VD reliably. Suck it up and reset SPs if you're unlucky, but chances aren't that bad with 2-3 COR.

With some more PUP damage - like... 2 really strong PUPs, or 3+ good PUPs, it's obviously easier.

Also, I have Kenkonken so started the fight with 3000tp (easy to get quickly if a COR uses Companion's Roll first, then swap TP to get yourself to 3000). Opened with Stringing Pummel > Ventriloquy for a nice long AM3 OA2-3x for my Overdriving puppet. That really kicked up the DPS, and I just swapped to Ohtas once Mythic AM ran out. Ohtas is obviously the choice with no KKK.

Even if not attempting to open with a WS, I find pulling with Ventriloquy (and wearing some DT- gear) and moving the NM off to a side to be a pretty good way to start things off, since the initial pull/setup has the potential to be a little messy.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Thorbean
Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2017-11-25 11:04:50
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
If there's some trick to avoiding Providence that I'm missing, let me know!

Summon Cornelia trust if completely solo. The aura on you forces leaping cleave so no providence.
By clearlyamule 2017-11-25 12:17:12
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I don't even really bother positioning. Just run up deploy run to other corner. Autos being autos yeah sometimes you'll miss the last few bits of hp before OD down because they just end up taking longer to decide to ws but even then with a couple defensive attachments/maneuvers and dt gear they can straight up eat dmg for awhile without needing healing

acc not really an issue for me (though master and a lot of my dt set has acc.) even without stablizers so I just stick with Ohrmazd (no kkk yet). Hundreds of duskorb +2s later per character and still haven't hit that mythical +17 pet stat augment that supposedly exists. Can't get higher than 15 but still more dmg and helps keep dt up too
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-26 01:19:24
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Was working on this a while back, and found out what the issue was. Since the abilities trigger so fast, it skipped straight to aftercast. Had some free time today and was tinkering on PUP again. Seems to be working decent enough for me.

Basically it has pet aftercast delayed trigger so it wont skip the set. May or may not be helpful, figured I'd just share.

function LocalPetMidcast(spell)

function LocalPetAftercast(spell)

function LocalPetStatusChange(new, old)

function LocalSelfCommand(command)
    -- Bone Crusher WS Detect.
    if command == 'Bone Crusher' then
        equip(sets.PreSpell['Bone Crusher'])
        windower.send_command(';wait 1; gs c DelayedPetAftercast')
    -- Chimera Ripper WS Detect.
    elseif command == 'Chimera Ripper' then
        equip(sets.PreSpell['Chimera Ripper'])
        windower.send_command(';wait 1; gs c DelayedPetAftercast')
    -- Flashbulb JA Detect.
    elseif command == 'Flashbulb' then
        windower.send_command(';wait 1; gs c DelayedPetAftercast')
    -- Provoke JA Detect.
    elseif command == 'Provoke' then
        windower.send_command(';wait 1; gs c DelayedPetAftercast')
    -- Delayed Aftercast Trigger.
    elseif command == 'DelayedPetAftercast' then

windower.raw_register_event("incoming chunk", function(id, data)
    if id == 0x076 then
    elseif id == 0x028 then
        local packet = p.parse('incoming', data)
        -- Finish Weaponskill
        if packet["Category"] == 3 then
        elseif packet["Category"] == 4 then
        elseif packet["Category"] == 6 then
            if pet.isvalid == true and packet["Actor"] == then
        elseif packet["Category"] == 7 then
            if pet.isvalid == true and packet["Actor"] == then
                if packet["Target 1 Action 1 Param"] ~= nil then
                    local action_name = gearswap.res.monster_abilities[packet["Target 1 Action 1 Param"]].name
                    send_command('gs c ' .. action_name)
        elseif packet["Category"] == 8 then

        elseif packet["Category"] == 11 then
            if pet.isvalid == true and packet["Actor"] == then
                if packet["Param"] ~= nil then
                    local action_name = gearswap.res.monster_abilities[packet["Param"]].name
                    send_command('gs c ' .. action_name)

Edit: removed spoiler - not a direct insert. Will require modification. Just an example how I use gs commands.

Editing again: Just did Fu and tested. I had much better luck like this. Seems to be working pretty well. Was landing 7-10k BC during Ebullient. First ever time tanking anything on PUP.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: xXSagaXx
Posts: 112
By Asura.Sagaxi 2017-11-26 02:00:44
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I'd definitly tank a look at that lua (and hand it to my friend), but spoilers tags are uncooperative... ny chance you can either message me the link, or somethins @Elidyr?
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2017-11-26 05:31:49
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For reference, a mastered PUP/COR with max damage/DT VE/VE maton gear can solo D ambuscade in roughly 10 minutes using Overdrive without AM3 (Overdrive will run out at around 25% mob HP). I haven't tested with AM3 yet, as getting 3000 TP without Companion's Roll would waste more time than it would save, I think.

Also, it's possible for a VE/SS maton in Overdrive to zerg down UNM 135 Sarama with buffs from a main COR. However, very liberal use of Dawn Mulsum is necessary to keep the maton alive. A GEO for Fade and maybe Vex or Frailty is definitely recommended.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-26 08:15:28
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Asura.Sagaxi said: »
I'd definitly tank a look at that lua (and hand it to my friend), but spoilers tags are uncooperative... ny chance you can either message me the link, or somethins @Elidyr?

Sorry was up all night testing, writing. Went to bed right after I posted!

Fixed tags.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falsetto
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2017-11-26 11:04:46
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Oh man, nice! Did you get it working?

I'll definitely test this out and let you know
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-26 11:15:19
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Asura.Fabiano said: »
Oh man, nice! Did you get it working?

I'll definitely test this out and let you know

Ya from what I could tell. Ran out of stones to augment, and will have some new pieces to test out again tonight. It does however, properly switch sets, and not blast right through them like I was having issues with before.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-11-26 13:35:25
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Can you send us your full lua ^^ thks in advance
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-26 14:18:37
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Asura.Psylo said: »
Can you send us your full lua ^^ thks in advance

Yeah about that, I don't think it's allowed. Sorry! I can do my best to help you implement if you like! Send me PMs if you have any questions. I really don't have a full LUA, a lot to explain.

Edit: Updated code - And on that note this is how I tested. First time tanking on PUP. Easy win.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-11-27 04:49:25
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did your modification can work with the initial lua from montenten ?

Since, i got an error wheni try to made a :

sets.PreSpell['Provoke'] = {body="Heyoka Harness",legs="Heyoka Subligar",head="Heyoka Cap", hands="Heyoka Mittens",ear2="Domesticator's earring"}
sets.PreSpell['Flashbulb'] = {body="Heyoka Harness",legs="Heyoka Subligar",head="Heyoka Cap", hands="Heyoka Mittens",ear2="Domesticator's earring"}
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2017-11-27 05:26:13
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Aerix said: »
For reference, a mastered PUP/COR with max damage/DT VE/VE maton gear can solo D ambuscade in roughly 10 minutes using Overdrive without AM3 (Overdrive will run out at around 25% mob HP). I haven't tested with AM3 yet, as getting 3000 TP without Companion's Roll would waste more time than it would save, I think.

Also, it's possible for a VE/SS maton in Overdrive to zerg down UNM 135 Sarama with buffs from a main COR. However, very liberal use of Dawn Mulsum is necessary to keep the maton alive. A GEO for Fade and maybe Vex or Frailty is definitely recommended.

What setup are you using? I've solid normal on pup/Cor but if I go full damage overedrive, the automaton dies
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-27 09:05:49
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Pm sent.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falsetto
Posts: 81
By Asura.Fabiano 2017-11-27 10:37:43
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
On a different note:
What are you all using these days for Stringing Pummel sets?

To bring it back to your question Capuchin, here's my current Pummel set, and I am definitely looking for advice on improvements, and goals to aim for.

ItemSet 354725

Lilitu/Ta'Lab perfect augments
Visucius Mantle has STR+30/Acc&Attack+20/Crit Rate +10%
Ryuo Tekko Path A (STR/DEX/Acc)
Herc augmented with STR/Crit Hit Rate
Moonshade TP bonus, and Cessance Earring instead of Moonshade @3000 TP

I'm aware WSD% (Lilitu/Foire Tobe+3) doesn't have much benefit for a multi-hit weaponskill like Stringing Pummel, but it feels like my options are rather limited so I just took what I could (ie: herculean vest and abnoba kaftan aren't quite available to me). I tried stacking as much STR/VIT/Crit Rate/Crit Dmg/Attack as I could manage but ehhh... even with Kenkonken's pummel boost and 3000 TP, still not busting out impressive numbers. Not sure if that's due to my set being poor, or hand-to-hand weaponskills being underwhelming in general, or a little bit of both.

So yea.. any input is appreciated!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-11-27 11:16:02
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This reminds me - my sets are not that great either for Stringing Pummel.

My thoughts:
Herc Helm/Feet with STR/Crit/acc/att augments (probably taupe stones for +15). I have a herc helm DM augment with +8% WSD but I'm not convinced that's better than just using max str/crit head piece.
Alternatively, if you don't feel like dealing with augments and you're looking for an improvement, Rao Kabuto/+1 is an upgrade. Path B gives STR/DEX +10, ATT+15 with an already base 35 STR (on NQ) and 32 ACC. Also has +4% crit hit rate.

Not sure Moonshade is worth the spot, I could be wrong. The TP bonus only increases the chance of crit. Is that crit rate bonus considerably better than just using a Mache earring, been tested? I get that it's a crit ws, just thought the acc/dex from Mache is more consistent but I flub numbers a bit. If nothing, at 3000%, Mache would be better than Cessance IMO. Might even be better than Telos if using Moonshade is the priority.

edit: went back and checked. 1000 is <15%, 3000 is <45%, so that's a pretty sizable crit bonus I hadn't considered in my sets.

Regal or Niqmaddu is the upgrade from Apate, the latter being easy to get from Fu spam (PUP owns that too).

Personally, I was considering making a +3 body as well, but the wsd only appears on the first hit of WSs, so it seems less appealing for the SS/VS/SP PUP rotation. I am just now completing my 2nd pup cape, so I don't have a melee or DD one either atm (will be 2 months before I can get that).

edit2: Alternate for body can be Taeon Tabard if you feel like dealing with RNG augments. Corresponding augments from snow/leaf/slit can get acc/att+20 (or either of +25 max), 3% crit rate, and str+7/vit+7 (for a max of +29 each attribute) or just go for crit dmg+3%. So a perfect Taeon Body would be somewhere around ACC+20/ATT+30 Crit rate +3%, [STR+29/VIT+29 OR STR+22/VIT+22/Crit Damage +3%]. Not an Abnoba/Herc body but its an option if you're looking for a piece to fill that void. Though, the potential millions of gil you could spend on that augment spread you may be better off buying pops and trying for Neak/Vir'ava (the former being easily beaten in a lowman setup).
By clearlyamule 2017-11-27 12:36:13
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Would take that crit bonuses from tp with a grain of salt. Notice they say <15% and <45%. If you go back and look thru the testing it was fairly incomplete also quick glance didn't even see where the 3k tp value came from. Plus it's super old allahkazam testing and the tp mod got boosts back in the 2014 grand ws update.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: elii
Posts: 912
By Lakshmi.Elidyr 2017-11-27 12:39:23
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Why is it so hard to get VIT+ on herc? Is it just me?
By clearlyamule 2017-11-27 12:41:36
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Pet vit?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-11-27 13:00:23
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Yeah I saw the incomplete 2000% value and was kind of put off by it. Which is why I was originally weary of Moonshade. Still, if the values for SP tp modifier are even somewhere close to that, Moonshade does give an extra push to improve the crit rate, which I'm not sure there's any crit rate/dmg earrings even available.
By clearlyamule 2017-11-27 13:10:24
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OH I wasn't even referring to 2k value. I mean the values listed for the 1k and 3k aren't even complete. They are at best old approximations that were never really fully tested and I couldn't find 3k testing at all and certainly no retesting since SE updated it. It's not too hard to test just kind of time consuming and it's ws just for pup.

No crit earrings but mache gives dex which might improve crit rate and DA always welcome. And other DA earrings
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2017-11-27 13:12:16
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clearlyamule said: »
It's not too hard to test just kind of time consuming and it's ws just for pup

I don't like your tone here! #puplivesmatter
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