Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0

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Animator's Workshop: A Puppetmaster's Guide 2.0
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Server: Leviathan
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user: Stamos
Posts: 1242
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-01-23 10:27:34
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You can /checkparam your pet
Server: Asura
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user: Patbee
Posts: 88
By Asura.Patb 2017-01-23 10:48:28
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I meant it more towards that you should be gearing for the modifiers, such as DEX and STR, than for +skill.
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-01-23 11:06:28
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Xilk said: »
How do you have a working kparser?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-01-24 07:42:21
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Asura.Patb said: »
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
Carbuncle.Xylus said: »
Greeting to all. I was wondering at what point does pet skill+ gear (naga, nibiru, etc) get surpassed by pet stat gear for WS?

Is there a skill vs stat damage correlation? If so what is the general rule on this?

Normally for each 1 skill gained it adds (ATK+1 ACC+1 Rng.ACC+1 rng.ATK+1 ETC......) so by getting naga feet for example (+10) that will be adding to ur pet EXTRA ACC / ATK to it and when stacked with other skill+ armor for when pet does WS it will outdo getting (STR DEX AGI ETC....) Modifier.

So going with "Automaton: Skill+" is a good idea for pet WS ^^/

Could one of the more knowledgeable pups chime in on this? I don't believe this is correct but haven't played pup seriously in so long I honestly can't remember.

The only pieces that can get VIT/STR/DEX that are worth using also get acc/atk for the pet. Presuming you have good augments, stats will always kick the ***out of pet skill. The noteworthy exceptions to this are Cannibal Blade and Magic Mortar. But Cannibal Blade is hot garbage and Magic Mortar gets more out of Pet:HP+.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: DaDrifter
Posts: 29
By Carbuncle.Xylus 2017-01-26 09:26:55
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Asura.Patb said: »
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
Carbuncle.Xylus said: »
Greeting to all. I was wondering at what point does pet skill+ gear (naga, nibiru, etc) get surpassed by pet stat gear for WS?

Is there a skill vs stat damage correlation? If so what is the general rule on this?

Normally for each 1 skill gained it adds (ATK+1 ACC+1 Rng.ACC+1 rng.ATK+1 ETC......) so by getting naga feet for example (+10) that will be adding to ur pet EXTRA ACC / ATK to it and when stacked with other skill+ armor for when pet does WS it will outdo getting (STR DEX AGI ETC....) Modifier.

So going with "Automaton: Skill+" is a good idea for pet WS ^^/

Could one of the more knowledgeable pups chime in on this? I don't believe this is correct but haven't played pup seriously in so long I honestly can't remember.

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
The only pieces that can get VIT/STR/DEX that are worth using also get acc/atk for the pet. Presuming you have good augments, stats will always kick the ***out of pet skill. The noteworthy exceptions to this are Cannibal Blade and Magic Mortar. But Cannibal Blade is hot garbage and Magic Mortar gets more out of Pet:HP+.

Yes but the question is at what point does skill vs stats translate to a major shift in damage output especially given the complete random nature of let me put -perpetuation cost on herculean augmenting gear system? More specifically, which combination should be the focus in choosing the best augment?

Let's use this for comparison.
Naga Kyahan path D v.s. Herculean Boots (Pet: DEX+15, Haste+2, Att/Ratt+20, MAB+7(current augment))

Herc pulls ahead slightly, accuracy not withstanding but overall they are both about even from testing.

Would DEX+20 Att/Ratt 5-10 completely outshine let's say DEX+8 Att/RAtt+28 or vice versa? What about a piece like Karagoz Pantaloni +1 that has 23 skill but no inate pet att/acc?
By clearlyamule 2017-01-26 10:28:51
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Kind of looking at this the wrong way. Outside of weird things like CB or MM skill is just att/acc and can be treated as such. Which often means it depends more on outside factors really than some point.

In your first example Naga will have decently more acc/racc and a little more att/ratt but lacks in the dex. Which is better? Well that depends are you capped pdif/acc and using sharpshot frame? Well sure then acc and att is doing nothing and definitely pick herc . Do you need more acc/att or not using sharpshot? Well in that example naga.

Similar with the 2nd example except they have the same racc but the one with higher stat mod also has more melee acc.

Kara. Pantaloni +1 is just garbage for your pet though. Even if acc/att was your concern you can get that easily elsewhere in either higher amounts and/or other useful stats

In the end you can't simple be like oh this stat better than that because they do completely different things. Depending on lvl of seriousness of DD auto you could have more acc focused sets for higher evasion targets more other stat focused ones for ones that aren't. Though if you are lucky you might get some herc with both
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2017-01-26 11:00:22
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An important bit to note is that + to attributes always increases damage. You SHOULD have an accuracy set for your Automaton if you need more accuracy. Attack sets are theoretically worthwhile, but I personally don't want to go through the effort of making one when I am frequently attack/accuracy capped by was of Idris GEOs.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2017-02-17 18:55:08
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Can anyone give me a run down on puppets equipment? Which equips raise skill caps (if i read that correctly) Methods of skilling up etc.
Iv never played pup, barely even seen them around all to much. But having finished capping all other combat and magic skills except the puppets. So i want to cap them all too.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Fenrir.Cariboulou 2017-02-17 19:53:49
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Depending on your head piece meele rng magic. And attachments meele pup will skill up quickest. You will want dbl attack augs on herc gear with pet haste belt ohtas hh auged for haste and ambuscade feet for haste. Then setup your attachments for usualy fire wind thunder switching to light as needed to regen your pup. PM me and will go over attachments for you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2017-02-22 10:16:34
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I remember someone asking this some time ago, but I don't recall anybody answering.
Question was:

Would Amplifier MB bonus work even if the "fastcast" thing doesn't proc?

The answer is no. The extremely fast casting thing of a relevant element for the ongoing SC is part of the whole system.
It gives you high fc, it resets spell timer if it's on cooldown AND it gives MB bonus.

If the FC doesn't proc, the rest won't either and the damage will be ***.
I think this is part of the reason why some of our MB tests some time ago were showing such a huge damage difference. It wasn't because of high resistance rate (or not only because of that) but because Amplifier weren't proccing, so your MBed nuke was just a "normal" nuke without the MB bonus from Amplifiers.

Also, since Amplifier's internal check-for-sc kinda sucks speed-wise, you can make it slightly faster with Tactical Processor.
Posts: 6
By callmemaybeb 2017-02-22 12:31:52
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Stats will beat skills for weapon skills. Herc will always beat skill gear. Attack helps arcubalista a lot while dex mods help armor shatterer
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2017-02-24 08:18:20
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Hey folks. As a fresh 99 PUP, I am a little overwhelmed with figuring out what I should be focusing on.

Currently my melee/magic/ranged automaton skills are near cap, but not quite there yet. I figured that should be priority #1. I am pretty much just going around Adoulin areas with my auto just killing random stuff and getting skill ups/merits. (Is the reive JSE cape still worth going after? Was it ever?)

After that I am really not sure what I should be focusing on. Should I be reforging AF armor? How useful are the pieces in the different sets? I saw a post on here saying its mostly just macro pieces but are they must haves?

Just a side note: RoV gear isn't really within my reach just yet. Still have to work on missions to progress the story (currently at a road block becauase I haven't progressed enough in WoTG).

Edit: Also, I saw that there was some talk about a PUP LS on Asura. Is that still a thing?

Edit one more time: It seems I missed out on the (seemingly) pretty good Ambuscade Tali'ah armor set. Any estimation on when that will be coming around again?
By clearlyamule 2017-02-24 11:08:01
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jse cape was pretty awesome for auto before ambuscade. Still pretty good for CB if you care about that. Hard to predict for others since while tp bonus can do a ton on some ws it's hard to tell how much tp pet will have and the loss of lvl+1 and the extra augmented stats will always make a difference.

most af has always been macro pieces. I'm doing hands, legs and feet but I'd only really call feet must haves. For relic I only really did body but I OD a lot. af3 pretty much all have a use but some fairly limited not sure I'd call any must haves though body pretty nice especially until you get used to maneuvering. Overall focus would largely depend on what you want to do with pup

Technically speaking Tali'ah either will never come back or not until they stop making new ambuscade armors. However next months ambuscade should have vouchers for the 2nd set of sets so should be able to get it then with a lot of grinding
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-02-27 03:53:14
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Incoming sputid questions ...

I just hit PUP 99 and begin to made some set for it, but i have some question.
- I have a RNG TP set, ok np for that, but i think it should be a good idea to made a WS set for my pup with TP bonus etc but ... the pup WS when he want, we have no ja to force him to ws right ?
- Same about BLM Pup, no idea how to force him to nuke to swap in MAB ou MB set.

I know its a terrible noob one but ...

Thks in advance

Edit : another about food pet, i some give ACC% bonus, but none give Racc%, its the same or the food only give acc and not Racc ?
By clearlyamule 2017-02-27 13:31:25
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Yes pup ws when they want. Closest you can get to forcing is making them finish a skillchain. If you want to swap gear you have to anticipate based on that and/or tp

Not exactly sure the question. If you want to swap in magic gear you do it midcast same as a player would. Just since it nukes on it's own you gotta wait till it starts. If you want to get fast cast in precast though you will be SoL unless idling in it.

Read the food descriptions. All the mochi ones say on them they give melee and ranged of that stat. The daifkus wont give ranged but they are primarily for other stats like macc, mab and haste
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2017-03-07 22:50:08
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
Also, I saw that there was some talk about a PUP LS on Asura. Is that still a thing?

Sadly, I think the inventory requirements to be a dedicated PUP is a bit much for players who like to play other jobs. Our attempt to put together a pet ls has seen many players turn to other jobs. We really only managed to get some members a few pieces of gear to build them up a bit though that's about the extent of it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2017-03-08 09:46:12
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So I am going to soon be working on Ohtas (once I finish the rest of my RoV missions), but in the meantime should I be using Eminent h2h or the Unity h2h from Garbage Gel (Emeici)? I never see those talked about for new~ish players so I am assuming they're not good, but on the surface they seem like a serviceable entry option into 119 weapons.

Teuphist said: »
Asura.Lunafreya said: »
Also, I saw that there was some talk about a PUP LS on Asura. Is that still a thing?

Sadly, I think the inventory requirements to be a dedicated PUP is a bit much for players who like to play other jobs. Our attempt to put together a pet ls has seen many players turn to other jobs. We really only managed to get some members a few pieces of gear to build them up a bit though that's about the extent of it.

Aw =/ that's too bad.
By clearlyamule 2017-03-08 10:34:31
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With skirmish campaign coming up should be easy to get some Ohrmazd which is still pretty great for the auto.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2017-03-08 11:46:08
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If you already have the Emeici, just use those, but don't go out of your way for a pair.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-03-09 11:52:29
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Has anyone noticed Ranger auto going far less damage both /ra and ws than before in recent days?

Did a few test x5 AA fights and I usually win in 8 or so min on VD, but as of yesterday I was not able to win 1. AA GK was taking 58~200 damage normal /ra and as high as 2500 armor pierce even under 1hr used light/fire/wind as normal only switch to x2 light/wind when taking more damage from Nm. Last week 3/2/2017 went and did all 5 AA on VD no issues /ra was up and over 500 every time ws was over 8k as high as 12k at times + skillchain damage when lucky

Not sure if its my end or bad luck or what anyone able to point to a reason and if so can it be fixed and how?
By clearlyamule 2017-03-09 12:30:31
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Mine were doing just fine last night against ambuscade turtle and Gin. I'd recommend cutting wind on gk as even before newer better stuff came out was kind of unnecessary.

The sheer difference can't be luck especially with ranged dmg almost sounds like you were using a non ilvl animator or something. I'd check every piece of gear/attachments and buffs/debuffs used
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-03-09 13:54:41
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No, gear is right nothing has changed on my end so I need to figure out what the issue is. I'll post gear later heading out in a bit for a while.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: bluecop81
Posts: 734
By Leviathan.Brotherhood 2017-03-09 14:07:12
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Condemners with Dmg+3/Pet: Str+7 Dt-5% Acc +21 R.acc +21
Animator P
Herc helm: Pet Str+6 att+23 R.att +23 Stp+10 (dont have anything better atm for rng
Tali body +1
Tali hands +1
Tali Legs +1
klouskap sash
Ambu cape: Pet: acc/att/r.acc/R.att +20 regen +10
x2 Varar rings
Empath neck
Charivari/Domesticators earrings (again nothing better atm)

Optic 1/2
AP 4
AR 4
M-jam 4
scope 3
Drum mag
Barrage turbine
Inhibitor 1/2
(also tried speedloaders and switched in tension spring with no real diff)

so if you see a Derp let me know so I can un derp
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2017-03-09 14:30:03
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
So I am going to soon be working on Ohtas (once I finish the rest of my RoV missions), but in the meantime should I be using Eminent h2h or the Unity h2h from Garbage Gel (Emeici)? I never see those talked about for new~ish players so I am assuming they're not good, but on the surface they seem like a serviceable entry option into 119 weapons.

Just use whatever you have until Ohtas. Emeici are fine as a placeholder if you have em, and better than Eminent. But like Austar said, don't go out of your way to get them.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2017-03-09 15:57:31
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whats a good method for skilling up automation magic? I had a soulsoother head and stormwakers body on and its not using much magic at all.
By clearlyamule 2017-03-09 16:18:08
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Leviathan.Brotherhood said: »
Condemners with Dmg+3/Pet: Str+7 Dt-5% Acc +21 R.acc +21
Animator P
Herc helm: Pet Str+6 att+23 R.att +23 Stp+10 (dont have anything better atm for rng
Tali body +1
Tali hands +1
Tali Legs +1
klouskap sash
Ambu cape: Pet: acc/att/r.acc/R.att +20 regen +10
x2 Varar rings
Empath neck
Charivari/Domesticators earrings (again nothing better atm)

Optic 1/2
AP 4
AR 4
M-jam 4
scope 3
Drum mag
Barrage turbine
Inhibitor 1/2
(also tried speedloaders and switched in tension spring with no real diff)

so if you see a Derp let me know so I can un derp
Gear seems ok though I'd recommend some dt instead of switching to a 2nd light if you are taking too much dmg. Particuarlly some of that tali gear. Skirmish campaign coming up so if you don't already taeon with dt, acc and da makes for a pretty great semi mixed set. Cape you probably better off with haste than regen. Also I hate you and your condemers I can't even get more than 3 dt let alone with acc. Though I still love my skirmish ones with some unique stats.

Having no attack related ones is probably having some effect. TS and attuner should make a huge difference.

Equalizer isn't really the greatest here and manajammer is flat out worthless. You'll get a lot more mileage out of more APs

I generally am running with companions roll so not 100% on this but from the pup solos I've seen and old day pupping and just general tp returns and such I think you might tp faster with skewing your tping towards melee. So like changing some of those wind attachments to coilers and TC and while using OD swapping the wind maneuver to thunder. Other pups can chime in more on that

Another benefit to thunder maneuver is it will start you with daze so assuming you get tp fast enough you will do a 4 step skillchain instead of 2. Plus the 2 it adds are your highest dmg potential ones. This makes a particularly big difference if using a speedloader. Also the dex ups your ranged base dmg AND is a stat mod for all.

If you aren't make sure to dia II. Shouldn't need to but if you do pet foods are good to use
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2017-03-09 16:20:03
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Odin.Godofgods said: »
whats a good method for skilling up automation magic? I had a soulsoother head and stormwakers body on and its not using much magic at all.

I am not quite capped on magic yet, but I got to high 300s by using stormwaker/stormwaker, mana tanks, mana booster which shortens spell recast time (this is huge as it makes your auto cast more often), percolator (skill gain +) and whatever else you want to put on it.

Go fight urganites on the beach in Ceizak, or any random enemies in Adoulin areas. I ran around Yorcia killing random stuff with that set up running dark/water/ice and got skill ups at a pretty quick rate. Plan on continuing to do that until cap.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2017-03-09 16:24:12
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Inner rakaznar reive with 2 waterand dark mp will dissapear pretty fast as it gains higher tiers. can put up 3 man and afk 5 min rinse and repeat.
By clearlyamule 2017-03-09 16:27:54
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Odin.Godofgods said: »
whats a good method for skilling up automation magic? I had a soulsoother head and stormwakers body on and its not using much magic at all.
Try throwing it at urganites. I'm a fan of melo melo since it never dies unless you try to kill it and enfeebles more often and makes auto cure more also free refresh in abyssea is nice

Of course using manaboosters to speed up casting and percolator for more skillup rate

Alternatively just use spiritreaver and put it on something with some refresh.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2017-03-09 16:38:00
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how do you make it cure itself and its ailments? I had tried urinates but the poison killed it pretty quick. (didnt have healing items on me at the time) And still working on getting attachements
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