Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-19 12:33:27
Bandai Namco said: Ashen Ones,
Dark Souls III will be updated to Regulation Version 1.07. The update will improve the Password matching feature.
The servers will also be offline for maintenance at the following times:
PS4 JP -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 12:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 3:00am – 5:00am (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-19 6:00pm – 8:00pm (PDT)
XB1 JP -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 4:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 3:00am – 9:00am (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-19 6:00pm – 2016-05-20 0:00am (PDT)
Steam JP -- 2016-05-20 5:00pm – 7:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 12:00pm (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-20 1:00am – 3:00am (PDT)
Main Adjustments:
1. Adjusted the efficiency of the Great shield category
2. Adjusted the consuming FP of the Magic Spell Category
3. Adjusted the efficiency of the category below: - Dragon Slayer’s Axe - Crescent Axe - Dark Drift - Washing Pole - Moonlight Great Sword
4. Fixed the shield penetration rate of some attacks in the scythe category
5. Fixed the stamina attack of some weapon categories.
6. Improved the matching of the Blade of the Darkmoon and the Blue Sentinels covenants.
7. Improved the password matching rate
8. Improved other game balance
9. Several game flaws fixed
We thank you for your understanding,
Embrace the Darkness!
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15949
By Asura.Vyre 2016-05-19 12:38:07
Bandai Namco said: Ashen Ones,
Dark Souls III will be updated to Regulation Version 1.07. The update will improve the Password matching feature.
The servers will also be offline for maintenance at the following times:
PS4 JP -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 12:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 3:00am – 5:00am (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-19 6:00pm – 8:00pm (PDT)
XB1 JP -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 4:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 3:00am – 9:00am (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-19 6:00pm – 2016-05-20 0:00am (PDT)
Steam JP -- 2016-05-20 5:00pm – 7:00pm (JST) / EU -- 2016-05-20 10:00am – 12:00pm (CET) summer time / US -- 2016-05-20 1:00am – 3:00am (PDT)
Main Adjustments:
1. Adjusted the efficiency of the Great shield category
2. Adjusted the consuming FP of the Magic Spell Category
3. Adjusted the efficiency of the category below: - Dragon Slayer’s Axe - Crescent Axe - Dark Drift - Washing Pole - Moonlight Great Sword
4. Fixed the shield penetration rate of some attacks in the scythe category
5. Fixed the stamina attack of some weapon categories.
6. Improved the matching of the Blade of the Darkmoon and the Blue Sentinels covenants.
7. Improved the password matching rate
8. Improved other game balance
9. Several game flaws fixed
We thank you for your understanding,
Embrace the Darkness! Jokes on them, I use a medium shield with GMS. #getrektFrom
Though I wonder what the 2nd one is all about. They gonna increase FP consumption from buff spells, all spells, or some spells? This update sounds like a way to make shield builds less effective.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2016-05-19 14:10:20
I hope they don't nerf washing pole. I can deal with a nerf to my stone greatshield if that is what they are doing. But washing pole is my ***, they better not hurt it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-19 15:45:36
6. Improved the matching of the Blade of the Darkmoon and the Blue Sentinels covenants. 20+ hours with this covenant on and haven't been summoned even once. Hope it works better after the patch.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-19 16:47:13
PS4. My connection is ok since I invade and get invaded. Cross-region matchmaking is enabled.
It could be because of the areas I've been in. I haven't beaten Abyss Watchers yet.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-19 19:08:32
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »oh my gosh gosh gosh gosh
 I gotta say, I like the theme change very much. The deadly premonition feel it gives is just brilliant.
Kitamura Yuka has been doing a fantastic job with her Soulsborne tracks, especially in DS3 (she composed most of the tracks, including the main theme). I don't really like how she's been overshadowed by Sakurabi Motoi, but I guess that's how it goes.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15949
By Asura.Vyre 2016-05-19 20:41:48
Josi is sooooo weirddddddd
By Ackeron 2016-05-20 03:32:21
I think all videos should have these 2 narrators.
YouTube Video Placeholder
The King & JR are the best!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-20 06:16:23
I think all videos should have these 2 narrators.
YouTube Video Placeholder
The King & JR are the best! Lol I had the same experience, except I invaded in the swamp, so I came from below. I won that ladder battle :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-20 13:08:16
Player tested results after 1.07
Some highlights:
-Washingpole got a slight AR nerfed.
-Dark Drift got a slight AR buffed.
-Black Knight Greataxe got a decent AR nerf has higher stamina cost.
-Dragonslayer Axe got a decent AR buff.
-Moonlight Greatsword got a huge AR buff.
-Many many spells cost less FP now. No FP cast increases have been observed.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2016-05-20 14:33:00
Some highlights:
-Washingpole got a slight AR nerfed.
-Dark Drift got a slight AR buffed.
-Black Knight Greataxe got a decent AR nerf has higher stamina cost.
-Dragonslayer Axe got a decent AR buff.
-Moonlight Greatsword got a huge AR buff.
-Many many spells cost less FP now. No FP cast increases have been observed.
-Boooo (after finally getting one to drop after over 100 kills)
Forum Moderator
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-05-20 17:26:39

LobrosJR is playing DS3 in VR.
The hidden details stuff, a truly gorgeous game.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-21 22:47:46
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »Was it the guaranteed one-time drop off the 3 winged angel fatties, or do they have a chance to drop a slab beyond that? Looking at your head and off-hand weapon, it seems like you were farming for a rare drop. Care to elaborate?
LobrosJR is playing DS3 in VR. I watched a bit of that last night. Looked fantastic!
His monicker is "lobos" though, Spanish for "wolves" (hence the wolf pack stuff).
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-21 22:58:11
No one but that person has then. It's been debunked to ***. Those enemies are one of the best souls farming spots in the game.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-21 23:06:34
Blood Rocks. Of which there were 3 available per NG thanks to the Chalices and DLC.
DS3 has up to 8, so it's not nearly as bad.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1692
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2016-05-21 23:14:18
Actually DS3 has been awesome with upgrade materials. 8 slabs and infinite supply of all the rest of upgrade mats that only cost souls to buy.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-05-22 17:26:04
You have to have one of the accord items.
By volkom 2016-05-22 21:58:20
iono if you guys seen this or not. but this is great
YouTube Video Placeholder
[b]Gamertag List:[/b]
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After you click the link, the only thing you'll need to do is click "EDIT IN BROWSER", then add your FORUM name, then the gamertag/username for the platform you play the game on. Please do not copy and paste a cell, this will cause borders to look weird and I'll have to open it up to fix it.
This thread was created, by request, to promote discussion of Dark Souls. I'll be updating the OP with various resources, video links, upcoming news, character builds, PvP matching, and so on as users post.
Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC |
FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account |
Kalila | ScarletPumpkin | Tikal | Solrokr | Prothescar | Prothescar |
Domz | Dom of Italy | Wolfjorg | bamaboy7320 | Raenil | Raenil Tilgung |
Urial | Omja Sniper | Raenil | Dreizak | Ina | Tedder12 |
| | Ina | Tedder12 | Urial | Omja Sniper |
| | Moonlightespada | MithraOhji | | |
| | Dracondria | Raxxon | | |
| | Aeonknight | Aeonknight87 | | |
| | Urial | OmjaSniper | | |
| | Narshee | Feisty1224 | | |
| | Valmur | AtmosKoS | | |
| | Kunimatsu | Robthebob1989 | | |
| July 14, 2012 - Dark Souls for PC Will Use GFWL After All
June 20, 2012 - Dark Souls discounted to under $30 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
June 12, 2012 - Localising Dark Souls
June 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: PC version will have "minimal mouse and keyboard support," uses Games for Windows Live "to provide game as soon as possible."
June 7, 2012 - From Software "having a tough time" porting Dark Souls to PC, frame rate issues remain
May 31, 2012 - Dark Souls PC coming to Steam, consoles to get PC content
April 12, 2012 - Gamers rallying against Dark Souls PC using Games for Windows Live
April 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition coming to PC in August
January 13, 2012 - Dark Souls PC petition at nearly 70,000 signatures, Namco listening
Jan 8th, 2012 - Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition |
Character Builds
Character builds can be either PvP, PvE, or both. You can specify which if you wish, but I'll be listing any builds posted in this topic here. Use the Dark Souls Character Planner linked above to create a link to your build for others to view.
Dark Souls Map
New ContentNew Bosses - Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
PVP Online Matchmaking System - Quick matching for co-op or PVP
New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs
I'll try my best to update the OP with any information posted in this topic.