Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-07-22 17:05:13
I'd rather wait for all the DLC to come out and take it all on as a package (Make your penis jokes, I stand by my phrasing). My October just became free a few minutes ago... assuming I can't play Destiny for two entire months without getting bored of it.
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-07-24 16:28:41
My new Puzzling Stone Sword is awesome! I'm playing the new DLC and some of those new monsters are pretty difficult. The bosses, man. Dragonblood Greatsword is pretty awesome.
I just wish they'd fix DEX scaling. My curved greatswords. A/S scaling and they don't get crap. ;-;
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2014-08-02 11:54:47
How do you guys feel about the new DLC?
I loved it. To me it was better than any comparably sized portion of Dark Souls 2 and seemed to return to the level design of Dark Souls 1.
The only downside was the difficulty of the scenario bosses was lacking. It's like the put it all into the optional boss encounter to make Ornstein and Smough v.2.0
By Kalila 2014-08-11 07:34:19
Tomorrow Sony's conference will begin at 10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m. Eastern / 7 p.m. CEST tomorrow. There is going to be:
1 hour presentation of Bloodborne behind closed doors, primary focus will be on the combat
We'll get a new trailer
Most likely a playable demo where footage will be leaked most likely.
By Kalila 2014-08-11 07:50:26
some other details I could pull from random searches:
Michael Wandmacher is composing for Bloodborne.
By Kalila 2014-08-11 08:05:23
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2014-08-11 11:38:37
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 76
By Magnus Wolfwood 2014-08-12 12:18:25
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By Kalila 2014-08-14 20:07:25
Bloodborne Major Gameplay Changes Listed; Leaked Showfloor Footage Surfaces
Bloodborne Major Gameplay Changes Listed; Leaked Showfloor Footage Surfaces
Here are some major gameplay changes between Project Beast and Bloodborne, as well as leaked showfloor footage of the game.by Ian Miles Cheong on 13th Aug, 2014
In case you missed Sony’s presentation of From Software’s upcoming third person RPG Bloodborne at the PlayStation aftershow, one gamer—present in person at gamescom—has managed to scrounge up some footage of the game as it was being played on one of the screens at the event.
The footage appears to reveal the return of ragdoll physics and features the player killing a single enemy.
Beyond that, a redditor going by the name of FangedKnightBiorr has compiled a list of perceived changes between the Project Beast leak and Bloodborne. They are as follows.
Blood now looks very different. In the 2013 trailer one can see that the blood is a lighter color, and it flows out of the enemy in a linear fashion in the direction of the swing that hit. In the 2014 trailer, blood looks darker, more dense, and it flows out of things in a manor that is more similar to God of War.
The running and walking animation may be different between the two different versions of the game. This may be a trick of the eyes, something having to do with the equipment being used by each character, something having to do with the weight of the weapons, or even something wrong with the quality on the youtube videos, but there does seem to be something different about them. In the Project Beast trailer it looked like the walking animation was more reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's and while running, the character's arms looked to come forward more, while his legs looked to come back more. In Bloodborne's trailer however, all the movement animations look far more reminiscent of Dark Souls 1's.
Rolling looks different. In the Project Beast trailer, the forward roll that can be seen at 0:23 looks to be flatter and more reminiscent of Dark Souls 2's rolling animation. It may be a dynamic reaction to the slope, since the character is rolling up a slight hill, but I doubt that is the case. In Bloodborne's trailer, on the other hand, as can be seen at 1:08, the rolling animation looks to be nearly exactly the same as Dark Souls 1's.
Backstep distance has decreased. This may be because there is a backwards step maneuver (similar to how the new sidesteps work), but in the Bloodborne trailer, the distance of the backsteps looks to be quite a bit shorter than that seen in the leaked Project Beast trailer.
This isn't really pertaining to gameplay or style, but rather just an item that I haven't seen anyone talk about, but the two guns are different in the different trailers. In the Project Beast trailer it is more reminiscent of a standard sawed-off shotgun, whereas in Bloodborne it looks more like a strange blunderbuss.
By Kalila 2014-08-14 20:09:15
Bloodborne: “The sense of punishment is much less,” “wider audience” is the target
Bloodborne developer From Software said today it’s walking a line between disappointing Souls fans and opening up the concept to a wider audience.
From Software is aiming for a wider audience with Bloodborne, the next game based on the Souls concept, but is mindful there can be no compromise in regards of the series’s difficulty-demanding following.
“In terms of who the game is aimed at, and who we want to capture in terms of the audience, obviously we can’t betray or disappoint the fans out there,” said producer Masaaki Yamagiwa, speaking at gamescom today.
“They’re very, very important. They’ll be the main ambassadors of the game.”
But “we do want more people to share in this experience,” he admitted.
While he couldn’t expand on it, Yamagiwa said that Bloodborne’s “new online concept and experience… will capture a wider audience.”
Bloodborne is being developed by an amalgam of the Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls teams, two RPGs legendary for their toughness. Yamagiwa said the brutal feeling of the original has been altered for the stunning-looking new title.
“You died a lot in the previous games, and you had to persevere, but one of our main goals with this game is that we don’t want to focus on punishing the player,” he said.
“We want to deliver a game that gamers love. If the gamer likes the game they’ll definitely like it enough to have that bit of perseverance, but the way in which we’re making the game? The sense of punishment is much less.”
Yamagiwa warned that players testing Bloodborne at gamescom should not “get too disappointed that it’s too easy”: the public demo has been toned down in difficulty compared to the retail version as From wants players to experience the full demo.
By Kalila 2014-08-14 20:10:06
PS4: 'Bloodborne' producer says exploring the world is a 'harrowing experience'
Originally given its reveal at E3 2014, Bloodborne is coming to the PS4 sometime next year. This new action RPG out of From Software is looking to not only challenge players, but push the power of the PS4.
The world of Bloodborne is going to be a crucial part of the game and From Software knows that. Masaaki Yamagiwa, who is a producer on Bloodborne at Sony's Japan Studio, spoke about exploring the dark, creepy world of Bloodborne and how the world will ultimately look.
"A big part of the fun is exploring a mysterious new world. The creepy and sometimes horrific gothic world of Bloodborne will be brought to life on the PS4 in amazing detail through the beautiful yet somber architecture; attention to detail in the environment; gorgeous lighting from the light of the moon, lanterns and fires burning in the street; and a trusty torch to light your way through dark and dangerous spaces.
"Exploring the unknown can be a harrowing experience, especially in a game like Bloodborne where death and madness can be lurking around every corner," Yamagiwa said.
Everything Yamagiwa says looks to be true from what we've seen thus far. Bloodborne is definitely going to be taking us to a unique, grim and wondrous world when it hits PS4. Seeing things in trailers and gameplay slices is one thing, but seeing everything together as a final product is what will be the ultimate measurement.
Yamagiwa really wants Bloodborne to surpass what Demon's Souls accomplished. Rewarding players for completing difficult tasks is a focus that Yamagiwa and his team seem to have with Bloodborne.
"Like with Demon’s Souls, there’s a lot of emphasis on achievement and reward, that sense of accomplishment from overcoming seemingly impossible challenges. With Bloodborne, the goal is to take that to the next level, which requires focusing on more than just a high difficulty level.
"To really build up that sense of achievement, not only are there new elements of fear, but we are adding new layers of edge-of-your-seat tension, where your palms sweat as you grip the controller," Yamagiwa said.
Rewarding players for a succeeding in a more challenging part of the game is crucial and will help retain some who may have felt discouraged without it. Bloodborne looks incredible from a visual standpoint, and it is looking like the perfect successor to the famed Demon's Souls. Bloodborne should be launching for the PS4 sometime during 2015.
By Kalila 2014-08-15 08:45:23
"Yamagiwa warned that players testing Bloodborne at gamescom should not “get too disappointed that it’s too easy”: the public demo has been toned down in difficulty compared to the retail version as From wants players to experience the full demo."
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By Kalila 2014-08-16 17:45:51
Bloodborne - The Gameplay Unfolds
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By Kalila 2014-08-16 18:44:52
Bloodborne blade weapons will litter your screen with 'copious amounts of blood'
Bloodborne is the successor to the critically acclaimed Demon's Souls, and From Software knows they have their hands full with trying to top the former. Sony has secured Bloodborne as a PS4 exclusive for next year, which is already quite full with exclusive titles for the system.
Masaaki Yamagiwa, who works at Sony's Japan Studio and is a producer on Bloodborne, spoke about the game's weapon design and how it reflects the appropriate evolution of setting the game during the 19th Century.
"With Bloodborne we are also seeing an evolution in the weapon design. Set in a more modern 19th Century style gothic setting, you’ll have firearms like the blunderbuss shotgun at your disposal to drive back multiple enemies at a distance, and to do massive damage at close range. But the core of the combat will be the transforming blade weapons that decorate the screen with copious amounts of blood," Yamagiwa said.
We've primarily seen gameplay featuring blade weapons so far, but the shotgun seems very intriguing. In fact, the blunderbuss shotgun brings back memories of Black Flag's Adewale and the shotgun he wielded during his single-player DLC story. That thing ruined enemies during close range combat and here's hoping the blunderbuss does the same in Bloodborne.
Moving on, the saw cleaver Sony revealed at E3 2014 was quite devastating to say the least. Yamagiwa talked about how the weapon will be able to adjust to accommodate different types of strikes, aside from just close range attacks.
"At E3 we introduced the first of these weapons, the saw cleaver. In its short form, it is perfect for quick successive attacks at close range. By transforming it into its long form, you’ll be able to deal larger amounts of damage with more powerful long-range strikes.
"However, these longer reaching strikes take longer to swing, so you will be vulnerable to attack during the wind-up. What’s more, you can transform the blade mid-combo and that transformation of the blade itself becomes a unique attack (check this out in action in the trailer)," Yamagiwa said.
Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive and will be launching sometime next year. We do not have a time frame from Sony, but we expect it to launch sometime during the second half of 2015.
By Kalila 2014-08-16 18:47:09
'Bloodborne' producer says it is 'not a hack-and-slash game'
Bloodborne was announced at E3 2014 and we now have more information to go off of what we already know. Gamescom 2014 is happening in Cologne, Germany and that is the site for more of the latest news to surface regarding Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is going to be a PS4 exclusive and it's looking to take what Demon's Souls delivered one step further. Masaaki Yamagiwa, who is a producer on Bloodborne and works with Sony's Japan Studio, talked about the style of combat Bloodborne will feature and clarified the type of game it is.
"The weapons [in Bloodborne], like the transforming saw cleaver and blunderbuss shotgun, lend themselves to this different combat style, as does the quicker movement and dodging. Enemies in Bloodborne are quicker and more aggressive as well, and you’ll be facing more enemies at once than in the past.
"There are situations where if you sit back and wait for an opening, you’ll get overwhelmed. At times, you have to be on the offensive. But this is not a hack-and-slash game. Rest assured, Bloodborne is still an action RPG at its core, and combat is still very much about strategy and tactics," Yamagiwa said.
Bloodborne seems like it'll be keeping players very busy with hordes of enemies to fight. Having to make the distinction that Bloodborne is indeed an action RPG certainly indicates just how many enemies players will battle against.
In a game like Bloodborne, where you are faced with many, many difficult enemies to battle, it's expected that your character will take damage. To help make the game less punishing, Yamagiwa detailed Bloodborne's Regain system that will allow players to earn back health they may have lost in combat.
"The new, more offensive combat actually goes much deeper, by way of our brand new Regain System, which rewards players for taking more risks and being more decisive and strategic. The Regain System allows players to recover health lost after taking damage by striking back at enemies within a short time period with a bladed weapon. Basically, The Regain system allows players a way to channel that negative energy they feel from taking a hit, and direct it back at the enemy to get revenge and steal back the health they lost.
"The amount of health you can recover will be shown in yellow in the HP gauge, and it will get shorter over time if you hesitate to strike. You will still have to be smart and strategic with your strikes, as attacking indiscriminately could lead to taking more damage at the hands of the enemy.
"Now, the strategy and skill come into play in your offensive and counter-attack tactics, rather than waiting and timing defensive tactics just right," Yamagiwa said.
Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive and is slated to launch sometime during 2015. We'll be sure to update you on all the latest surrounding Bloodborne and its progress leading up to launch.
By Kalila 2014-08-16 18:50:00
Bloodborne Gets a New Batch of Juicy Details
Bloodborne is a game that many Souls fans have clamored for ever since Dark Souls 2 was initially announced. There was all this talk about it being a next-gen game and having mind-blowing graphics but it never met those expectations. When I played the private beta of Dark Souls 2, it looked magnificent and the lighting was exactly how it was promised. Unfortunately, Dark Souls 2 was heavily downgraded and the first promise of the torch being a necessary tool quickly faded away. It was also announced for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC with no mentions of PS4 and Xbox One which added more salt to the wound. Our hopes for a next-gen Souls game were all but shattered. And along came Bloodborne.
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By now many of you have already feasted on the brand new gameplay trailer for Bloodborne that was unveiled at this year’s Gamescom and it was an excellent way to show off the game’s many new features that differentiate it from the previous iterations. It’s still a Souls game at heart but it brings with it a whole new bag of tricks.
Regain System
This is a new feature that may polarize some Souls fans but it’s really not that big of a deal. The producer behind Bloodborne has stated that he wants Bloodborne to be less punishing than the previous games and have a wider appeal to both new and seasoned players. Before everyone starts to panic, it’s important to remember that almost the same phrasing was used when Dark Souls 2 was first announced and the game turned out just fine.
So what is the Regain System?
It’s a mechanic that allows you to reclaim the health you just lost to an enemy by striking the enemy back within a very narrow window of time; thus encouraging players to be more aggressive knowing there is incentive to attack back. There will be a yellow trail on your health bar after taking damage but it will quickly disappear. The goal is to hit the enemy back before it disappears to regain health. If you get hit multiple times you’ll lose your opportunity to regain health. Hidetaka Miyazaki, creator of Souls franchise, has really been preaching the idea of reclaiming your “power of will” and does not want players to think of the yellow meter as a health bar but as an opportunity to prove yourself in this harsh world. Miyazaki has always had a flair for dramatic phrasing but it only makes us more excited to experience these tense moments in combat when we play the game in early 2015.
Control Scheme
Thanks to the guys over at Dualshockers, we now have a clear picture of how the controls will work on Bloodborne and its unsurprisingly familiar yet unique at the same time. Having a dedicated button for healing is very interesting since that same triangle button was previously used to switch between one-handling and two-handling a weapon. Other noticeable changes include the L1 button going from being your trusty block button to transforming your weapon. A cool thing about this new feature is that if you’re in the middle of combat and decide to transform your weapon, you’ll pull off a special “transformed attack.”
The O button continues to be your back step or evade button but with a few little quirks added. When locked on to an enemy, pressing O and the left stick will allow the player to perform a quick dash in the inputted direction. Unfortunately there are no touchpad features at this moment and it’s not known whether the touchpad may be implemented. We hope the touchpad can be used to open up the options menu or equipment menu since the Options button on the Dualshock 4 is awkwardly placed above the face buttons and pretty tiny.
The UI
It’s important to note that the UI is subject to change, as many other things on this list. The biggest difference to the UI, as reported by fans that played the Gamescom demo, has been the number of item slots reduced to two instead of the standard four that was in Dark Souls 2. Apparently, one item slot will contain your ammunition for your firearm and the other will be used for consumable and usable items like Blood Vials and Molotov cocktails.
The health bar, stamina bar and your two item slots are now located at the top left part of your screen as opposed to the bottom left corner that we’re so used to. It was also reported that there was no Souls counter of any kind or a Blood counter so character progression is still up in the air.
Bonus Speculation
Will the Maiden In Black return? If you listen closely at the end of the Bloodborne Gameplay trailer, you hear a very familiar voice stating, “And so the nightly hunt begins.” Demon’s Souls fans know what I’m talking about. For those that don’t, Demon’s Souls had a very mysterious character that dwelled in the Nexus (Demon’s Souls hub world) whom you interacted with when you needed to level up, similarly to how you would level up with the Emerald Herald in Dark Souls 2 but much more memorably.
She’s a fan favorite and it would be such a great callback to the series to have the voice actress come back onboard. Of course, none of this has been confirmed but I’m pretty sure Hidetaka Miyazaki knows we’re speculating this and will soon show who the mysterious voice belongs to. Maybe TGS 2014? We’re all ears.
By Vyrerus 2014-08-16 19:09:12
Regain system either gonna be abusive or useless hahaha oh man. Sounds interesting though.
Also Maiden in Black <3
By Kalila 2014-08-16 19:13:53
Something that I'd like to see is more strategic enemy AI. Say they place an enemy in a dark corner, traditionally when you reach into range they come after you (or exit their idle animation first). Dark Souls 2 introduced some triggers, like if you walk past an enemy leaving them be, they would then exit their idle animation and attack you from behind, but I want something more.
If you purposely hide an enemy, they are meant to be hiding. If a player walks by them then of course, go with Dark Souls 2 and have the enemy sneak up behind them then charge when within a distance and strike.
However, if you know about them, whether from experience or you saw them, if you get close to them within the distance as The Tomb of the Giants, they charge you. If you target them I think they should react as well, but I'm not sure how. You should be able to sneak up to them, but if you're in front of them then they should be able to attack as well if their line of sight is clear (and you're not in an inaccessible area of course).
I'm so looking forward to this game, I can't wait until concept art is released.
By Kalila 2014-08-16 19:16:33
Regain system either gonna be abusive or useless hahaha oh man. Sounds interesting though.
Also Maiden in Black <3 I suspect that the duration you have depends on the type of attack that was landed on you. I imagine that some attacks will have a very short window, making it very difficult to recover and start attacking to make up the lost health.
Weapon types and combos probably will have their unique pros and cons, and I'm sure there will be a small handful of combinations that are perfect for PvP.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-08-16 19:16:37
Regain doesn't sound too bad, I've always felt that Dark Souls was always a bit too defensive a game, so the push towards aggression makes mechanical sense.
Still not that big a fan of that giant stick-scythe thing. How much of Dark Souls does this thing carry anyway? Art wise, it looks like Dark Souls and Dishonored had intense and degrading (but ultimately satisfying) sex in the background of a Salvador Dali painting.
But are the RPG mechanics of the Souls series still present? Dicking off with builds was like 2/3 the Souls Experience.
By Kalila 2014-08-16 19:18:50
Regain doesn't sound too bad, I've always felt that Dark Souls was always a bit too defensive a game, so the push towards aggression makes mechanical sense.
Still not that big a fan of that giant stick-scythe thing. How much of Dark Souls does this thing carry anyway? Art wise, it looks like Dark Souls and Dishonored had intense and degrading (but ultimately satisfying) sex in the background of a Salvador Dali painting.
But are the RPG mechanics of the Souls series still present? Dicking off with builds was like 2/3 the Souls Experience. There will be builds. Your weapon will have different forms instead of going to two hand mode, and you are able to change this form some how to your personal preference. There will also be unique armor, and you also create your own character.
By Kalila 2014-08-18 17:49:45
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-08-20 15:12:42
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By Kalila 2014-08-20 16:06:40
Bloodborne - Official Gamescom Demo Gameplay: Full Play-thru | PS4 Exclusive Action RPG
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Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-08-27 19:57:17
Second DLC areas are live. Really fun DLC. Boss fights are all 1v1 fights instead of cheap *** ganks. Loved the level design. New equipment is pretty awesome. awesome/10 would buy again.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-08-30 15:27:44
DLC Boss

Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2014-08-30 15:40:00
One of my favorite fights in the series.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-08-30 16:32:59
One of my favorite fights in the series.
Agree'd. Downed him 2 attempts after that.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2014-08-30 17:25:23
One of my favorite fights in the series.
Agree'd. Downed him 2 attempts after that. Fun fact about a fight mechanic: Wearing Velstadt armor causes him to buff instantly.
[b]Gamertag List:[/b]
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This thread was created, by request, to promote discussion of Dark Souls. I'll be updating the OP with various resources, video links, upcoming news, character builds, PvP matching, and so on as users post.
Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC |
FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account |
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Domz | Dom of Italy | Wolfjorg | bamaboy7320 | Raenil | Raenil Tilgung |
Urial | Omja Sniper | Raenil | Dreizak | Ina | Tedder12 |
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| | Urial | OmjaSniper | | |
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| July 14, 2012 - Dark Souls for PC Will Use GFWL After All
June 20, 2012 - Dark Souls discounted to under $30 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
June 12, 2012 - Localising Dark Souls
June 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: PC version will have "minimal mouse and keyboard support," uses Games for Windows Live "to provide game as soon as possible."
June 7, 2012 - From Software "having a tough time" porting Dark Souls to PC, frame rate issues remain
May 31, 2012 - Dark Souls PC coming to Steam, consoles to get PC content
April 12, 2012 - Gamers rallying against Dark Souls PC using Games for Windows Live
April 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition coming to PC in August
January 13, 2012 - Dark Souls PC petition at nearly 70,000 signatures, Namco listening
Jan 8th, 2012 - Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition |
Character Builds
Character builds can be either PvP, PvE, or both. You can specify which if you wish, but I'll be listing any builds posted in this topic here. Use the Dark Souls Character Planner linked above to create a link to your build for others to view.
Dark Souls Map
New ContentNew Bosses - Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
PVP Online Matchmaking System - Quick matching for co-op or PVP
New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs
I'll try my best to update the OP with any information posted in this topic.