Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 76
By Magnus Wolfwood 2014-04-15 11:00:21
Dark Souls 2 just got delayed on PC.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-15 11:20:36
any tips for the pursuer? <havnt played in a few weeks so kinda behind everyone else lol> tried the big *** xbows but either i cant get em lined up and he destroyes em or like earlier somehow blocked the shot ;/
The secret to beating to Pursuer is Goading him into his rushing uppercut stab. Stand relatively far away, and when he brings his sword into a stab pose to rush, Dodge into him, and to the right. This will give you an opening to land 1-2 strikes depending on how good you are at landing roll-recovery attacks.
In NG+ There is a special Pursuer encounter where you have to fight two simultaneously, if you can't be bothered to summon a phantom, you can actually remove one Pursuer from the fight prematurely. Make sure you're at full health and dodge until you see one perform the "Blue Curse Sword" attack, when he does, try to get hit by it. This will cause the Pursuer to despawn. You're then left with the much simpler 1v1 encounter. This particular battle will get you the Ring of Blades +2 and a Twinkling Titanite. One Persuer drops the Titanite, the other drops the Ring. If you despawn the one that drops the Ring on accident, fear not, Bonfire-return will cause a respawn, and if you succeeded in killing one of the pair, only the remaining one will be left.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-04-15 11:49:05
Dark Souls 2 just got delayed on PC.
Just UK apparently. US is still dated for 4/25
By Fumiku 2014-04-18 22:28:09
Is it me or does armor seem like it does jack %*?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2014-04-18 22:51:48
It's rarely ever worth sacrificing mobility for armor, I just wear ***that looks good.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-18 23:52:07
You'd be surprised, I've seen fatrollers in Catarina armor decimate light builds without contest.
I should probably point out that the Catarina set is one of the Hardest sets to farm. I'd rank it as the Second hardest set, right after the True (Visible) Armor of Aurous. Both require potentially dozens of Bonfire Ascetics to complete, but at least the Catarina set drops near a bonfire. For the Armor of Aurous, you need to run through all of Dead Man's Wharf.
It helps that Catarina armor has insane poise, enough to take a hit from an ultra-greatsword attack on two hands. Dual Wielding Power stance maces and windmilling them is how I kill the rare high-poise builds though. (Finally a use for the slow hammer class weapons)
I'm with you on Fashionsouls though, I love the Heide Knight armor, it's mediocre aside from some good curse resistance, but it looks so awesome. A close second is the Llewellyn Armor, which looks almost like Night's Watch apparel from Game of Thrones. No poise makes it a poor PVE choice, though it's a good balance of Magic/Physical defense at a low weight.
I typically run a Faith build with Defender's Greatsword imbued with even more lighting. It winds up having an S scaling factor in faith, bringing it's attack well into the 600's before buffs at 50Faith. (42 + Crown/Prayer ring) Impressive for a weapon of moderate speed. I'll typically slot in Sacred Oath for PVP, and Emit force to harass at range. If Attunement didn't boost AGL too, that'd be hard to justify though.
Still haven't managed to get Cheese of the Gods though... I've either got to play up to Drangleic Castle again, or kill about 120 more doods as a blue gank.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-04-19 03:48:04
Fortunately I have both mobility and insane resists. Though that comes with the really high levels. :3
around level 285 now. Don't remember what gear I'm wearing, haven't been on in a while.
really liking the fire enchanted black knight sword, fire enchanted black knight Halberd, and the dark enchanted crypt greatsword.
Then there is the old knights shield for blocking just about anything.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-04-19 07:32:00
poise, lol
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-19 08:47:58
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »poise, lol
inorite? The break points are all so high that there's only a couple viable poise sets in PVP, but they do exist, and if you don't know about them you'll pay for it in combat. Generally it's a better idea just to use the Old Sun Ring to prevent stunlock. I heard it was patched and haven't tested it since, but that ring Sync extremely well with my Faith build in PVP, since I had a FIRE ATK of 141. (OSR burst would do 550 about)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-04-19 10:57:37
It's not really a case of whether there are few good builds offering the requiring obscene amount of Poise, to make Poise ever so slightly viable. But more so a case of Poise, quite frankly, generally being a **** stat altogether here in Dark Souls II.
I explained this in an earlier post (page:153-154), though given how'd you (however slim) compliment it, I'd assume you atleast know of the changes. To which confuses me, it's garbage in PvP vs. to anyone who:
1) Doesn't suck.
2) Isn't rocking some retard heavy defense build
3) Has a good amount of AGI (35~40 Adaptability being a powerful amount)
For point 3, with this much Agility (can possibly be done lower, not sure) you can roll out of stun locks making it negligible.
As for PvE, it may have some use here, I personally wouldn't recommend it though. It would require a degree of attention and precision, or you'll get insanely punished. Dodging with low equip load and high AGI is the equivalent of the Dark Souls I version of Poise. In that, it makes things so damn mindlessly easy in almost every instance.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-19 11:09:45
Anything higher than 102 AGL is a waste, so I call into question your PVP ability if you advocate 35-40 ADP. Unless you're talking ridiculously high Soul Level like 240. I tend to PVP at 60 in NG and 120 NG+.
Once you master PVP in the Company of Champions, there's not much more you can do in Dark Souls 2. Going from that covenant to the Blue Sentinels or even the lolbellkeepers was like plucking wings off a fly.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2014-04-19 11:34:53
Well, my main character is Soul Level ~270, but let's not pretend that it is remotely difficult to achieve that in Dark Souls II
Besides, even if I'm using more Agility than "optimal" (I don't think I am) how could you possibly call in to question my ability to PvP with that? Because my DPS would be slightly less? Please. There are soft caps on most attributes where gains become very minimal, you can rest assured I have all the relevant ones to my build covered to the point of drastic diminishing returns.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2014-04-20 22:44:43
Poison Channeler's trident is my new favorite pvp weapon, poisons almost anyone in one hit with R/L2. Add on hidden weapon for extra fun, people panic like hell when they see the poison meter fill up so fast.
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 76
By Magnus Wolfwood 2014-04-24 18:53:02
My first death:
My character was sneaking on the first ogre, but there was other ogre behind him and it bit his head off! :(
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-04-25 09:14:24
PC Version is gooooooooorgeous
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-04-25 13:08:53
Loading times are like 296572675627642402168206876y1 times faster.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-04-26 00:08:08
Loading times are like 296572675627642402168206876y1 times faster.
You got yours on a ssd too?
By Kalila 2014-04-26 00:12:51
I expect Death Logs from you silly PC players just like we PS3 players did :P
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-26 00:17:22
Have fun on the Lost Sinner.
By Fumiku 2014-04-26 03:17:10
Have fun on the Lost Sinner.
Hes not that bad if you kill the gargoyles first......
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-04-26 03:20:50
I expect Death Logs from you silly PC players just like we PS3 players did :P
Started my PC character and so far I've only died once, and that one was to get the achievement.
SL66 started on lost Bastille. Finished forest and heide's tower.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-04-26 03:45:21
PC version is pretty nice after inspector adjustments. I'll probably only use it to play through the game and have it look prettier though, PS3 prolly still where it's gonna be at for PvP. I never got passed like the first 15 mins on PS3 when I bought it because of being sidetracked by other things so -.-
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-04-26 21:25:53
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: »Loading times are like 296572675627642402168206876y1 times faster.
You got yours on a ssd too? Nope.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-26 21:33:28
Have fun on the Lost Sinner.
Hes not that bad if you kill the gargoyles first......
She* actually. Lern2itemdescriptions.
And I actually thought the Gargoyles were the hardest boss in the game. Something about a boss clusterfuck just hurts. I think, unlike Watcher/Defender, Since the Gargoyles have a very simple AI (Pretty much regular mob AI), it works in their favor. Much more likely to get ganked in a corner than you are in any other battle.
I didn't even think fighting the-boss-immediately-after-Velstadt was hard... And I mean immediately in the most literal sense. Like no items-that-look-suspiciously-like-humanity-from-Dark-Soul-1. (Yes, I'm an idiot and didn't get the one after Blighttown 2.0)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-04-26 21:43:46
I can't open Illusory walls. I know where several are, and it isn't just because the messages get in the way, even when they aren't and I slide against the wall back and forth pressing X (I'm using a ps3 controller but playing on pc) same button you use to interact with everything else and it just does nothing. Is there something I'm missing?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2014-04-26 21:47:01
The game was smart enough to Prioritize Opening illusionary walls over activating messages.
Sometimes people use the "Illusionary Wall" thing as sort of a blanket term, there's a lot that you have to blow up with powder kegs, especially in The Lost Bastille.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot (Just to cover all the bases, I hope this isn't patronizing) some Illusionary walls require you to activate an object nearby with an item called a "Pharros' Lockstone". The activators look like faces usually. Feel free to quietly whisper ::nomnomnom:: when you activate them.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-04-26 22:28:34
Hmm, kk. Perhaps the few I've found require more than just pressing buttons. I'll have to look in to it. Thanks.
By Fumiku 2014-04-26 23:23:04
Some walls you have to hit . Some you have to touch like you are picking up an item. a button(360) or x (ps)
By volkom 2014-04-27 11:58:28
Welp~ started some dark souls 2 on friday.
Trying to get use to the controls again since I play with an 360 controller and not keyboard/mouse.
died to a lot of stupid ***so far, but i'm making progress ( i think).
Lots of fun and frustration. :3
By Fumiku 2014-04-27 20:20:23
Finally got Unleash magic...... Man that is sick! Did 5500 dmg to a Dragon in Dragons Aery
[b]Gamertag List:[/b]
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This thread was created, by request, to promote discussion of Dark Souls. I'll be updating the OP with various resources, video links, upcoming news, character builds, PvP matching, and so on as users post.
Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC |
FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account |
Kalila | ScarletPumpkin | Tikal | Solrokr | Prothescar | Prothescar |
Domz | Dom of Italy | Wolfjorg | bamaboy7320 | Raenil | Raenil Tilgung |
Urial | Omja Sniper | Raenil | Dreizak | Ina | Tedder12 |
| | Ina | Tedder12 | Urial | Omja Sniper |
| | Moonlightespada | MithraOhji | | |
| | Dracondria | Raxxon | | |
| | Aeonknight | Aeonknight87 | | |
| | Urial | OmjaSniper | | |
| | Narshee | Feisty1224 | | |
| | Valmur | AtmosKoS | | |
| | Kunimatsu | Robthebob1989 | | |
| July 14, 2012 - Dark Souls for PC Will Use GFWL After All
June 20, 2012 - Dark Souls discounted to under $30 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
June 12, 2012 - Localising Dark Souls
June 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: PC version will have "minimal mouse and keyboard support," uses Games for Windows Live "to provide game as soon as possible."
June 7, 2012 - From Software "having a tough time" porting Dark Souls to PC, frame rate issues remain
May 31, 2012 - Dark Souls PC coming to Steam, consoles to get PC content
April 12, 2012 - Gamers rallying against Dark Souls PC using Games for Windows Live
April 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition coming to PC in August
January 13, 2012 - Dark Souls PC petition at nearly 70,000 signatures, Namco listening
Jan 8th, 2012 - Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition |
Character Builds
Character builds can be either PvP, PvE, or both. You can specify which if you wish, but I'll be listing any builds posted in this topic here. Use the Dark Souls Character Planner linked above to create a link to your build for others to view.
Dark Souls Map
New ContentNew Bosses - Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
PVP Online Matchmaking System - Quick matching for co-op or PVP
New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs
I'll try my best to update the OP with any information posted in this topic.