Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
By Vyrerus 2014-03-14 00:08:03
Errrmehgerrrd Lucatiel took her mask off. Bad ***! Fanboying forever :3
By Kalila 2014-03-14 00:13:04
Celebrating my 200th death, against mighty worthy oppenents I might add. I defeated them both before they gave me my 201st :)
At least it wasn't me falling off the edge xD
Kali's Death Log: @203 Deaths  Total Souls Lost: ~115,000 Things Betwixt
Death 1: Died to giant rat thing before witches.
Death 2: tried fighting it with my new sword :3
Death 3: ^ :x
Death 4: Failed the jumping test...
Death 5: Failed the jumping BACK test xD
Death 6: ^... x.x
Death 7: Died to Twin Ogres guarding Boat
Death 8: ^...
Death 9: Killed one, Died to the other
Death 10: Died to second Ogre
Death 11: Killed second Ogre, Went for revenge for the one at the start.
Death 12: Died to the ogre again, HP getting to be about 50%.
Death 13: Died to the ogre for the last time, but killed it afterwards.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 14: Died to the Giant with a big sword ;_;
Death 15: Killed the Giant with a sword, but then swiftly died to the one with the club by falling off the edge into the water.
Death 16-19: Okay, area too difficult :) picked up a human effigy to restore my HP and left.
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 20: Died to a long swordsman but the area seems more reasonable.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 21: Wanted to give this place a few more tries.
Death 22: And I'm backing out again, a room with 3 >_>
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 23: Died to another long swordsman :<
Death 24-27 Died a few times, up to falling off a tree branch 5 feet and dying <.<;
Death 28: Died trying to recover my souls ;_; *sniff* 7k souls lost~
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 29-30: Back again, backed off a ledge, I just can't learn, or won't give up Dx
Death 31: Impatience got the best of me, again <.<
Death 32-33: Fell off a ledge... Died to Great Sword giant.. OKAY I GET IT I'LL GO BACK
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 34-35: Exploring the first part of the fortress.
Death 36-42: Fighting The Last Giant boss
Death 43-49: Exploring the two other areas of The Forest of Fallen Gaints, found the NPC Cale, found the boss The Pursuer, and found another bonfire deeper in. I actually ended up losing the 11k souls I earned from killing the boss The Last Giant (sad), so I farmed the 11k back at this bonfire. I still have to fight the Pursuer, doing that next. Also noteworthy, I beat The Last Giant with my morning star, without any upgrades. I have now gone back to Majula and upgraded it to +4.
Death 50: First death to The Pursuer.
Death 51&52: Deaths against The Pursuer.
Heide's Tower of Flame
No deaths... xP
No-Man's Wharf
Death 53 & 54: Both were from the high bleeding inflicting monsters that have 2 arms and walk around. Both times I had 2 of them on me at once, not a good spot to be in without stairs or a hallway x.x
The Lost Bastille
Death 55-57: The Heide Knight spearman >.>;
Death 58-60: The two undeads that have a super OP AoE attack when they fall down.
Death 61: The group of 5 undead rushing me caught me off guard at the start.
Death 62-66: Fighting the Ruin Sentinels bosses... 3 of them.
Death 67: Ran off a ledge... lost 12k souls...*sigh*
Huntsman's Copse FYI, this was the beta test area
Death 68: Fell down in a pit with poison butterflies and a strong enemy, only 1k souls so left them behind
Death 69-77: Missed a jump :P I found out the correct way to get the shiny :< It's not my fault... I got it by jumping in the beta. ;_;
The Lost Bastille (Belfry Luna)
Death 78-86: bell tower guardians and a bell tower guardian invader :| Finally rang the bell D:
Death 87-102: Belfry Gargoyles fight
Death 103: Got tired of dying, switched to a physical resist 100% shield and then quickly goofed. THE PAIN IS OVER, GARGOYLES DEFEATED \o/ I think I lost 6k souls in this fight.
Death 104: Died from seven dogs and Dark Spirit "Vorgel the Sinner", jerk >:|
Death 105: Suicide run through enemies I can't stand anymore (AoE exploders) to open a cell door at the top of the tower.
No-Man's Wharf
Death 106-107: D pointed out that I missed a building, died xP
Huntsman's Copse
Death 108: Fell off a ledge... Dx
Huntsman's Copse (Undead Purgatory)
Death 109: Failed the jumping back test at the end of the rope bridge after picking up a shiny.
Death 110: Didn't manage the skeletons very well.
Death 111: Got hit by the chariot, lost 15k souls.
Death 112-113: Tried running to the boss entrance <.< got killed entering the fog door :<
Death 114: Died to...idk what to call them, they have a status effect on their polearm/staff.
Death 115: Pretty sure stuff is getting more difficult, I'm doing less damage and they are doing more.
Death 116-117: Dying to the Executioner Chariot
Death 118: Died on the way to the boss~
Death 119: Still dying at the start of the boss battle.
Death 120-158: Dying over and over to skeletons and the Chariot... only 4 attempts I made it to the actual boss fight, 3 of which I obviously died, bringing my total to 44 boss attempts, move over gargoyles, you have a new pain in the *** king. I'm going to take a rough guess and say I lost close to 35k souls before stuff started to despawn completely. The area is basically empty now :\
Huntsman's Copse
Death 159: Died to an NPC invader
Death 160: Failed the jump back from the necromancer
Death 161: Died to normal enemies ;_;
The Lost Bastille
Death 162: Trying to get up the tower to check something, a hunch.
Harvest Valley
Death 163-166: Giant trolls that throw purple magic balls of oneshotness.
Earthen Peak
Death 167-168: Trying to make a jump :(
Death 169: Died to Covetous Demon~ got trapped by accident
Death 170: Fell off the stairs.. lost 14k souls...nice
Death 171: Fell off the same stairs, not even rushing, what is my problem -.-
Death 172: It did some leaping attack while I was next to it, took the rest of my health down~
Death 173-175: Triple ninja attack of death near the bonfire.
Death 176-178: Jumping back fail, gave up trying. Left 2k souls behind
Death 179: Going into battle against 2 shield with my shield unequipped, smart.
Death 180-181: Red Invader NPC kill, or w/e they are called.
Death 182: Pressure plate trap kill :)
Death 183-184: Fire magic in the face 1 hit kill.
Death 185: opened the chest that I was suspicious about, to my satisfaction it was a mimic and it ate me :3
Death 186-188: Died a few more times trying to kill the red invader NPC.
Death 189: Died to the Medusa boss, was one hit away and messed up.
Sinner's Rise
Death 190: Died to an exploding AoE dreadling thing in the waist high water.
Death 191: Died trying to get my souls back; lost ~7k souls. Done with the area for now :)
Grave of Saints
Death 192-193: Swarmed by rats! :< Easy fight though
Death 194-196: ._. exploded. figured out that running is the best tactic.
The Gutter
No deaths... not bad for a decent blightown.. but.... Black Gulch ahead...
Black Gulch
Death 197: Wow... didn't know poison could be so bad.
Death 198, 199, 200: Fighting the Huge giants with dual massive giant stone clubs. Their HP were incredibly high, I'd guess maybe 2000 each, and their attacks are incredibly strong, dodging was required for me to defeat both of them. I can live with them giving me my 200th death instead of me falling off the edge or something lame. Earned their soul and a forgotten key for it.
Death 201: My left foot stepped in fire and I burned :(
The Gutter
Death 202-203: Went to check the door in The Gutter, got Havels armor set for it, but didn't make it back to a bonfire with my souls and no homeward bones. Looks like I need to farm some. 6k souls lost~
By Kalila 2014-03-14 00:13:58
Errrmehgerrrd Lucatiel took her mask off. Bad ***! Fanboying forever :3 I KNOW RIGHT, D and I both agree.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 188
By Asura.Floorboss 2014-03-14 00:16:47
@Kalila Hey a friend told me that DS is a great game and better than any ff game. My question is that I like ff games and games like dragon age where you can equip different gear does this happen on this game. Only reason I ask is that he is no longer on live.
By Kalila 2014-03-14 00:41:33
@Kalila Hey a friend told me that DS is a great game and better than any ff game. My question is that I like ff games and games like dragon age where you can equip different gear does this happen on this game. Only reason I ask is that he is no longer on live. Dark Souls is a classic old school RPG themed game.
Each piece of gear you wear has it's own unique design, hand modeled and rather artistic at times, and is represented on your own character.
The game is no hack and slash, it's very raw in it's core. You fight for your survival, no hand holding, and you have to be aware of any visual clues before it you die from your own carelessness.
The game gives you no breaks. You have to learn your own pace and never rush, or else you'll pay for it. If you die you have a very limited second chance of recovering your souls and humanity, but if you die before you reach them, they are gone forever.
That may sound masochistic, and perhaps it is, but the feeling the game invokes in your soul is pure satisfaction of overcoming something you might have once thought you stand no chance against. It's rare for a game to give you the feeling that Dark Souls can give, if you give it a chance. Most players will put the game down after a few hours because they feel the game is too difficult, or imbalanced, but that isn't true. Dark souls is incredibly balanced as long as you respect the system and keep yourself balanced with the content.
It's not the prettiest game, though I will point out that there are some very beautiful areas in the game even if the engine isn't top of the line.
The battle mechanics and flow is so smooth, ignoring lag in PvP of course. The feeling of holding up your shield and dodging waiting for an opportunity to attack your opponent, is so much better than just a simple hack and slash.
The music is powerful and very lovely, fitting very well for each area, and the sequel has some amazing pieces as well.
Give it a chance, DS1 is a cheap game now, you won't lose much if you buy it, but if you give it a chance you'll be rewarded with an amazing gaming experience.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 00:50:24
Most players will put the game down after a few hours because they feel the game is too difficult, or imbalanced, but that isn't true. Dark souls is incredibly balanced as long as you respect the system and keep yourself balanced with the content.
This couldn't have been said any better. Demon/Dark Souls seems near impossible at times for new comers but as Kali said the feeling of accomplishment for defeating something you immediately thought was impossible is what drives you to keep going and furthering your skills. You may not even notice how much you change over the course of your first play through until you start your second and realize sections and enemies you once died 20+ times to are much simpler. It's not because the game is any easier, you just learned how to properly defend, attack, dodge and read situations better. It will make you rage many times, but the games are all definitely worth it!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2014-03-14 01:08:40
Kill boss with a sliver of health left...
... mob waiting outside breezes in and finishes me off.
Oh, game.
Anyway, No Man's Wharf was a pretty awesome zone.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 01:59:48
I'm so *** lost as to what to do. Can't beat lost sinner. Barely make it to him through the water. Then my weapons barely damage him. Probably under leveled. Only found the belfry by using the special stone in the face. I can't even find the places some of you are talking about. I've went from 4 deaths to over 30 now because of those body slam and brute guys. Each of them can take out inner half my health in one hit. I'd I block there goes all my stamina. Lol also, they really should have put more ways to become human in this one. effigies are like noon distant fire me. Haven't sounds one in over 4 hours of farming.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 02:03:34
*** auto correct
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 02:20:50
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: » I'm so *** lost as to what to do. Can't beat lost sinner. Barely make it to him through the water. Then my weapons barely damage him. Probably under leveled. Only found the belfry by using the special stone in the face. I can't even find the places some of you are talking about. I've went from 4 deaths to over 30 now because of those body slam and brute guys. Each of them can take out inner half my health in one hit. I'd I block there goes all my stamina. Lol also, they really should have put more ways to become human in this one. effigies are like noon distant fire me. Haven't sounds one in over 4 hours of farming. What I was doing with those fat water beasts was either strife to the side and get a backstab or bait an attack from the front, pull back and let him miss and then counter attack quickly. Once you open the gate I was able to run straight through to Lost Sinner. At the point I did Sinner I was doing probably 300+ dmg a hit for reference. He's an easy boss to block.
Also being completely honest (not trying to sound rude) Sinner was one of the easier bosses that I've faced mechanics wise. He was literally a tank and spank.
Off to bed. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 02:35:20
Yeah I'm doing like 80 damage to it per hit with any of my weapons and one hit from him takes me below half. (already at half due to so many deaths and can't find any effigies) If I block it's all my stamina and stunned in one hit. I think I need some levels or to actually get something besides the armor I started out with. Haven't had any trouble really up until this point. The beasts are fairly simple to beat it's mainly the other guys along the way that kick my *** in the water.
Gargoyles are even killing me in 1 or 2 hits... and again I only do like 100 to them per hit. Blocking same issue.
What are some other areas to go to? Only bosses I've beaten are the giant, pursuer, and sentinels.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 481
By Carbuncle.Scarmiglione 2014-03-14 02:41:40
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: » I'm so *** lost as to what to do. Can't beat lost sinner. Barely make it to him through the water. Then my weapons barely damage him. Probably under leveled. Only found the belfry by using the special stone in the face. I can't even find the places some of you are talking about. I've went from 4 deaths to over 30 now because of those body slam and brute guys. Each of them can take out inner half my health in one hit. I'd I block there goes all my stamina. Lol also, they really should have put more ways to become human in this one. effigies are like noon distant fire me. Haven't sounds one in over 4 hours of farming. According to this Boss Order List, you are supposed to do Lost Sinner like 2/3rds into all the bosses, but I did it after the Belfry Gargoyles, which made Sinner my 8th boss kill. He wasn't too tough I guess, did die like 5-10 times maybe learning his attacks. And as far as getting to him, just run through the water, don't attack those things, just the one exploder thing to go up the stairs out of the water.
Chariot was an interesting battle. Died maybe 3-5 times because of all the skeletons, but I died probably like 20 times just trying to get to him. I would run past everything, and those 4 guys that ambush you would follow me up the bridge, and when I would try to jump to those side platforms, I always fell off. And if you weren't fast enough, they would catch up while trying to go through the fog gate and prevent you from getting in. And that red phantom got me a few times as well.
And Covetous Demon, what a joke lol.
EDIT: And I've been using the Craftsman Hammer since I got it, it's pretty decent I think.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 02:47:30
Yeah somehow I managed to jump into that area of the game as like my third area lol.
No wonder it was a pain in the ***.. Had to go so much slower than all the other areas.
I see where I messed up... I missed like half of the forest of fallen giants. Which prevented me from opening the way to Heide's Tower of Flame.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2014-03-14 02:52:28
Have you been through Tower of Flame yet? It leads to a few other zones. Just follow the path going into the sewers that's behind the building with the talking cat in Majula.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 481
By Carbuncle.Scarmiglione 2014-03-14 02:54:55
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: »Yeah somehow I managed to jump into that area of the game as like my third area lol.
No wonder it was a pain in the ***.. Had to go so much slower than all the other areas.
I see where I messed up... I missed like half of the forest of fallen giants. Which prevented me from opening the way to Heide's Tower of Flame. Yeah, you can go there and do Dragonrider and Old Dragonslayer, then from there you can get into No Man's Wharf and do Flexile Sentry. But you need to talk to an NPC after Dragonrider to be able to open up Huntsman's Copse. Old Dragonslayer should look familiar, and be a pushover for you :P
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 03:24:06
Just got silver serpent ring +1 ^.^
Aha! Found the area I missed. Can go to those other places now.
That hole in the ground in Majula...all the way down you can get the Ring of the Evil Eye +1 and the Ash Knuckle Ring. Further down than the rat domain.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 11:00:33
Ugh, I need my max load to be around 71 so I can wear a superior set of armor and stay under 70% load. This crap of mobs disappearing after farming for so long is ***.
By Kalila 2014-03-14 11:03:28
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: »Ugh, I need my max load to be around 71 so I can wear a superior set of armor and stay under 70% load. This crap of mobs disappearing after farming for so long is ***. Ummmmmm
I can't tell, is it farming or is it dying?
If it's a farming prevention that is BS, but I thought it might be a death trigger where they start to despawn once you reach a certain amount of deaths for the area.
However, the only time I really noticed this was when I was doing the chariot boss, and I killed stuff along the way.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-14 11:20:39
Not sure now...Was farming the giants in Heide's Tower and the one great sword one that is before dragonrider stopped spawning, though I killed that one just as much as the others and they still spawn.
In Bastille, just about all the mobs are gone for me as well, though I think that one is death related.
Oh and I finally lost some souls. Around 250k at once ; ; Knew I should have stopped exploring and went and leveled up. And of all things that made me lose them, I lose them by trying to run back and missing a bridge, falling to my death.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 11:26:08
After reading what you wrote earlier. I'm a good deal through the game now, and I'm still in Imported Armor which I believe is the armor I started in. I keep it on for the fast roll since I used heavier weapons/shield.
My guess would be you jumped into that area too soon.
By Kalila 2014-03-14 11:29:49
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: »Not sure now...Was farming the giants in Heide's Tower and the one great sword one that is before dragonrider stopped spawning, though I killed that one just as much as the others and they still spawn.
In Bastille, just about all the mobs are gone for me as well, though I think that one is death related.
Oh and I finally lost some souls. Around 250k at once ; ; Knew I should have stopped exploring and went and leveled up. And of all things that made me lose them, I lose them by trying to run back and missing a bridge, falling to my death. The story of every soul lost in Dark Souls :3
well, almost
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 12:48:25
Ohhh boy I love bosses with unblockable dmg. *** you Smelter Demon.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Fenrir.Gilus 2014-03-14 12:59:06
So has anyone found a decent spot to get large titanite shards? I've only found enough from chests to get one weapon to +6 and I stupidly wasted it on my fire longsword xD
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 13:28:04
UGHSJCndsvzdxfdg I hate *** dying to such an easy boss simply because halfway through the fight I can't block! I should have learned to dodge....
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2014-03-14 13:40:10
I'll just leave this here.. go into the mist valley in the middle and find the old sun ring.. you wont be disapointed it randomly explodes(and doesnt break) for upwards of 400 per attack made on you reguardless of current hp i have had it proc at 90% and back to back and breaks poise im using it on a melee build and its broken as heck. I can't see this not getting nerfed later on so use it now
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Fenrir.Gilus 2014-03-14 14:05:36
I'll just leave this here.. go into the mist valley in the middle and find the old sun ring.. you wont be disapointed it randomly explodes(and doesnt break) for upwards of 400 per attack made on you reguardless of current hp i have had it proc at 90% and back to back and breaks poise im using it on a melee build and its broken as heck. I can't see this not getting nerfed later on so use it now I found that ring as well, but thought it would break after one use. Thanks for the info :D
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 14:07:00
Finally *** beat that ***. Took me having to farm as Effigy and summon 2 other people and we still barely won. 1 of them died.
I'll just leave this here.. go into the mist valley in the middle and find the old sun ring.. you wont be disapointed it randomly explodes(and doesnt break) for upwards of 400 per attack made on you reguardless of current hp i have had it proc at 90% and back to back and breaks poise im using it on a melee build and its broken as heck. I can't see this not getting nerfed later on so use it now I have this actually. Does it damage you also? I never used it cause I didnt want it damaging me.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2014-03-14 14:21:16
nope just bad guys its random when it happens but i put rate at 25-30% but sometimes back to back
edit:just killed a guy who had me on the ropes with it from behind out of 40+ invasions so far ive only lost once due to attempting a jumping attack off a ledge and paying for it hard. farming invaders in the 2nd bell tower i just got a free titanite slab from npc after around 30-40~ in the bell tower covenant victories
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Afania 2014-03-14 14:26:37
@Kalila Hey a friend told me that DS is a great game and better than any ff game. My question is that I like ff games and games like dragon age where you can equip different gear does this happen on this game. Only reason I ask is that he is no longer on live.
It really depend on your taste, however you can't really compare DS with FF, they're very different. If you come in expecting a FF game you may or may not be disappointed.
I generally have no issue playing harder RPG, but I belong to the group of player putting down DS after a few hour, the main reason is not because of the difficulty, but the fact that every time I die in the boss battle and retry I'd have to go through a pretty long walk killing fodders just to retry the same boss. I can tolerate dying to a boss 10 times and retry over and over again until I beat it, but I can't really tolerate going through tons of fodders, all pop on same spot every time I travel past them. It's just the way I play video games, I don't like to re-play a portion of a game I already beat unless the experience is new. Replaying same room or corridor with same mob sitting in the same corner for 10+ times just isn't my cup of tea.
However, DS has an interesting world to explore, with interesting game mechanics. It doesn't hurt to give a try, just don't come in and have wrong expectation like I did. It's very, very different from FF, Dragon Age, Skyrim(I never understand why I see people compare DS to skyrim, they're so different). It's probably very, very different from everything else you've played.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-14 15:15:59
So has anyone found a decent spot to get large titanite shards? I've only found enough from chests to get one weapon to +6 and I stupidly wasted it on my fire longsword xD
Regarding Large Titanite Shards
The Turtle guys in Iron Keep drop them. I just got 3 from 3 different ones. They're annoying to kill for me though.
[b]Gamertag List:[/b]
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This thread was created, by request, to promote discussion of Dark Souls. I'll be updating the OP with various resources, video links, upcoming news, character builds, PvP matching, and so on as users post.
Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC |
FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account |
Kalila | ScarletPumpkin | Tikal | Solrokr | Prothescar | Prothescar |
Domz | Dom of Italy | Wolfjorg | bamaboy7320 | Raenil | Raenil Tilgung |
Urial | Omja Sniper | Raenil | Dreizak | Ina | Tedder12 |
| | Ina | Tedder12 | Urial | Omja Sniper |
| | Moonlightespada | MithraOhji | | |
| | Dracondria | Raxxon | | |
| | Aeonknight | Aeonknight87 | | |
| | Urial | OmjaSniper | | |
| | Narshee | Feisty1224 | | |
| | Valmur | AtmosKoS | | |
| | Kunimatsu | Robthebob1989 | | |
| July 14, 2012 - Dark Souls for PC Will Use GFWL After All
June 20, 2012 - Dark Souls discounted to under $30 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
June 12, 2012 - Localising Dark Souls
June 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: PC version will have "minimal mouse and keyboard support," uses Games for Windows Live "to provide game as soon as possible."
June 7, 2012 - From Software "having a tough time" porting Dark Souls to PC, frame rate issues remain
May 31, 2012 - Dark Souls PC coming to Steam, consoles to get PC content
April 12, 2012 - Gamers rallying against Dark Souls PC using Games for Windows Live
April 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition coming to PC in August
January 13, 2012 - Dark Souls PC petition at nearly 70,000 signatures, Namco listening
Jan 8th, 2012 - Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition |
Character Builds
Character builds can be either PvP, PvE, or both. You can specify which if you wish, but I'll be listing any builds posted in this topic here. Use the Dark Souls Character Planner linked above to create a link to your build for others to view.
Dark Souls Map
New ContentNew Bosses - Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
PVP Online Matchmaking System - Quick matching for co-op or PVP
New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs
I'll try my best to update the OP with any information posted in this topic.