Dark Souls & other Souls-Likes
By Vyrerus 2014-03-13 00:46:23
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Found a sealed copy of the collector's edition guide for $15, score. Is that a hardback or just paper? :< If it's hardback then I agree :) I got the last copy of my Gamestop's guide's for under 30 with my purchase. Hard back :3 Omnomnom
By Vyrerus 2014-03-13 00:47:50
Vyre's Death Count: 89
Both in No-Man's Wharf. One to those stupid hand demon things, and the other cause apparently if you take too many fire arrows or something, it causes you to explode. xD
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-03-13 00:52:09
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Found a sealed copy of the collector's edition guide for $15, score. Is that a hardback or just paper? :< If it's hardback then I agree :)
yup hardback. Amazon has some for pretty cheap as well, $20 or so
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 01:02:29
Valefor.Prothescar said: »Valefor.Prothescar said: »Found a sealed copy of the collector's edition guide for $15, score. Is that a hardback or just paper? :< If it's hardback then I agree :)
yup hardback. Amazon has some for pretty cheap as well, $20 or so
Thanks for the heads up! Just got 1 myself for $20 with primes free 2 day shipping. Still gonna finish first play through without it but I'll see what I missed after that.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 01:16:18
Soooo if you're summoned to another persons world, you can't attack their stuff? I put down a random white soap sign and was summoned to help with a boss and I couldn't dmg it at all. Sometimes I would get attacked which helped the other person I guess but I couldnt dmg it.
Edit: Nevermind must have been some weird glitch. Just got summoned to help someone with Old Dragonslayer with 2 others and we destroyed it lol
Don't want to spam post so I'll just add to this one.
So I guess similar to Demon Souls, you need to collect higher tier boss souls to unlock areas. I just found a place Shrine of Winter and when I approached the door it said "Seek Mightier Souls"
Also, pools of yellow liquid = very very verrrrry bad.
By Kalila 2014-03-13 04:14:07
Poison........... over.
Kali's Death Log: @191 Deaths  Total Souls Lost: ~102,000 Things Betwixt
Death 1: Died to giant rat thing before witches.
Death 2: tried fighting it with my new sword :3
Death 3: ^ :x
Death 4: Failed the jumping test...
Death 5: Failed the jumping BACK test xD
Death 6: ^... x.x
Death 7: Died to Twin Ogres guarding Boat
Death 8: ^...
Death 9: Killed one, Died to the other
Death 10: Died to second Ogre
Death 11: Killed second Ogre, Went for revenge for the one at the start.
Death 12: Died to the ogre again, HP getting to be about 50%.
Death 13: Died to the ogre for the last time, but killed it afterwards.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 14: Died to the Giant with a big sword ;_;
Death 15: Killed the Giant with a sword, but then swiftly died to the one with the club by falling off the edge into the water.
Death 16-19: Okay, area too difficult :) picked up a human effigy to restore my HP and left.
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 20: Died to a long swordsman but the area seems more reasonable.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 21: Wanted to give this place a few more tries.
Death 22: And I'm backing out again, a room with 3 >_>
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 23: Died to another long swordsman :<
Death 24-27 Died a few times, up to falling off a tree branch 5 feet and dying <.<;
Death 28: Died trying to recover my souls ;_; *sniff* 7k souls lost~
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 29-30: Back again, backed off a ledge, I just can't learn, or won't give up Dx
Death 31: Impatience got the best of me, again <.<
Death 32-33: Fell off a ledge... Died to Great Sword giant.. OKAY I GET IT I'LL GO BACK
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 34-35: Exploring the first part of the fortress.
Death 36-42: Fighting The Last Giant boss
Death 43-49: Exploring the two other areas of The Forest of Fallen Gaints, found the NPC Cale, found the boss The Pursuer, and found another bonfire deeper in. I actually ended up losing the 11k souls I earned from killing the boss The Last Giant (sad), so I farmed the 11k back at this bonfire. I still have to fight the Pursuer, doing that next. Also noteworthy, I beat The Last Giant with my morning star, without any upgrades. I have now gone back to Majula and upgraded it to +4.
Death 50: First death to The Pursuer.
Death 51&52: Deaths against The Pursuer.
Heide's Tower of Flame
No deaths... xP
No-Man's Wharf
Death 53 & 54: Both were from the high bleeding inflicting monsters that have 2 arms and walk around. Both times I had 2 of them on me at once, not a good spot to be in without stairs or a hallway x.x
The Lost Bastille
Death 55-57: The Heide Knight spearman >.>;
Death 58-60: The two undeads that have a super OP AoE attack when they fall down.
Death 61: The group of 5 undead rushing me caught me off guard at the start.
Death 62-66: Fighting the Ruin Sentinels bosses... 3 of them.
Death 67: Ran off a ledge... lost 12k souls...*sigh*
Huntsman's Copse FYI, this was the beta test area
Death 68: Fell down in a pit with poison butterflies and a strong enemy, only 1k souls so left them behind
Death 69-77: Missed a jump :P I found out the correct way to get the shiny :< It's not my fault... I got it by jumping in the beta. ;_;
The Lost Bastille (Belfry Luna)
Death 78-86: bell tower guardians and a bell tower guardian invader :| Finally rang the bell D:
Death 87-102: Belfry Gargoyles fight
Death 103: Got tired of dying, switched to a physical resist 100% shield and then quickly goofed. THE PAIN IS OVER, GARGOYLES DEFEATED \o/ I think I lost 6k souls in this fight.
Death 104: Died from seven dogs and Dark Spirit "Vorgel the Sinner", jerk >:|
Death 105: Suicide run through enemies I can't stand anymore (AoE exploders) to open a cell door at the top of the tower.
No-Man's Wharf
Death 106-107: D pointed out that I missed a building, died xP
Huntsman's Copse
Death 108: Fell off a ledge... Dx
Huntsman's Copse (Undead Purgatory)
Death 109: Failed the jumping back test at the end of the rope bridge after picking up a shiny.
Death 110: Didn't manage the skeletons very well.
Death 111: Got hit by the chariot, lost 15k souls.
Death 112-113: Tried running to the boss entrance <.< got killed entering the fog door :<
Death 114: Died to...idk what to call them, they have a status effect on their polearm/staff.
Death 115: Pretty sure stuff is getting more difficult, I'm doing less damage and they are doing more.
Death 116-117: Dying to the Executioner Chariot
Death 118: Died on the way to the boss~
Death 119: Still dying at the start of the boss battle.
Death 120-158: Dying over and over to skeletons and the Chariot... only 4 attempts I made it to the actual boss fight, 3 of which I obviously died, bringing my total to 44 boss attempts, move over gargoyles, you have a new pain in the *** king. I'm going to take a rough guess and say I lost close to 35k souls before stuff started to despawn completely. The area is basically empty now :\
Huntsman's Copse
Death 159: Died to an NPC invader
Death 160: Failed the jump back from the necromancer
Death 161: Died to normal enemies ;_;
The Lost Bastille
Death 162: Trying to get up the tower to check something, a hunch.
Harvest Valley
Death 163-166: Giant trolls that throw purple magic balls of oneshotness.
Earthen Peak
Death 167-168: Trying to make a jump :(
Death 169: Died to Covetous Demon~ got trapped by accident
Death 170: Fell off the stairs.. lost 14k souls...nice
Death 171: Fell off the same stairs, not even rushing, what is my problem -.-
Death 172: It did some leaping attack while I was next to it, took the rest of my health down~
Death 173-175: Triple ninja attack of death near the bonfire.
Death 176-178: Jumping back fail, gave up trying. Left 2k souls behind
Death 179: Going into battle against 2 shield with my shield unequipped, smart.
Death 180-181: Red Invader NPC kill, or w/e they are called.
Death 182: Pressure plate trap kill :)
Death 183-184: Fire magic in the face 1 hit kill.
Death 185: opened the chest that I was suspicious about, to my satisfaction it was a mimic and it ate me :3
Death 186-188: Died a few more times trying to kill the red invader NPC.
Death 189: Died to the Medusa boss, was one hit away and messed up.
Sinner's Rise
Death 190: Died to an exploding AoE dreadling thing in the waist high water.
Death 191: Died trying to get my souls back. Done with the area for now :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-13 09:01:22
Illusory Ring of a Conqueror - Left hand weapon becomes invisible - Clear game without dying. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Challenge accepted.jpg
Look at the requirements for the one for the right hand.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-13 09:03:46
Side note... for anyone who is still thinking about getting this game...
Get the Black Armor edition if you can. The bonuses it gives in-game make starting out 5x easier.
By RulerofDarkness 2014-03-13 09:12:49
Oh everyone, if you're trying to co-op with specific people...
they consider more than just your soul level this time around. They also consider how many souls you've acquired (shown on your character stats page) as well. Not sure of how much of an influence it has though.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 11:09:18
Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness said: »Illusory Ring of a Conqueror - Left hand weapon becomes invisible - Clear game without dying. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Challenge accepted.jpg
Look at the requirements for the one for the right hand.
Ya I saw that one too. I just thought this was much harder as it includes the right hands requirements. Basically if you do this hand you'll get the right too.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3620
By Bahamut.Rulerofdarkness 2014-03-13 11:40:30
Yeah I guess so, unless respawning at the bonfire doesn't count as resting at it for the purpose of the achievement. Though it probably does since mobs respawn and all.
By Vyrerus 2014-03-13 12:04:10
Errrrmehgerrrrrd Undead Ornstein! Two tries. :) Death count 90.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Fenrir.Gilus 2014-03-13 12:11:52
Has anyone else joined the Bell Tower covenant? If so, does challenging the boss in that area break the covenant? I'd imagine so, but I don't want to lose the ability to get easy titanite chunks xD
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 12:15:14
Sigh... muthafuckin Blighttown 2.0
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 12:15:56
Has anyone else joined the Bell Tower covenant? If so, does challenging the boss in that area break the covenant? I'd imagine so, but I don't want to lose the ability to get easy titanite chunks xD
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-03-13 12:17:33
SUNLIGHT COVENANT!!! <3333 Praise the Sun!
Kali's Death Log: @185 Deaths  Total Souls Lost: ~102,000 Things Betwixt
Death 1: Died to giant rat thing before witches.
Death 2: tried fighting it with my new sword :3
Death 3: ^ :x
Death 4: Failed the jumping test...
Death 5: Failed the jumping BACK test xD
Death 6: ^... x.x
Death 7: Died to Twin Ogres guarding Boat
Death 8: ^...
Death 9: Killed one, Died to the other
Death 10: Died to second Ogre
Death 11: Killed second Ogre, Went for revenge for the one at the start.
Death 12: Died to the ogre again, HP getting to be about 50%.
Death 13: Died to the ogre for the last time, but killed it afterwards.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 14: Died to the Giant with a big sword ;_;
Death 15: Killed the Giant with a sword, but then swiftly died to the one with the club by falling off the edge into the water.
Death 16-19: Okay, area too difficult :) picked up a human effigy to restore my HP and left.
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 20: Died to a long swordsman but the area seems more reasonable.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 21: Wanted to give this place a few more tries.
Death 22: And I'm backing out again, a room with 3 >_>
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 23: Died to another long swordsman :<
Death 24-27 Died a few times, up to falling off a tree branch 5 feet and dying <.<;
Death 28: Died trying to recover my souls ;_; *sniff* 7k souls lost~
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 29-30: Back again, backed off a ledge, I just can't learn, or won't give up Dx
Death 31: Impatience got the best of me, again <.<
Death 32-33: Fell off a ledge... Died to Great Sword giant.. OKAY I GET IT I'LL GO BACK
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 34-35: Exploring the first part of the fortress.
Death 36-42: Fighting The Last Giant boss
Death 43-49: Exploring the two other areas of The Forest of Fallen Gaints, found the NPC Cale, found the boss The Pursuer, and found another bonfire deeper in. I actually ended up losing the 11k souls I earned from killing the boss The Last Giant (sad), so I farmed the 11k back at this bonfire. I still have to fight the Pursuer, doing that next. Also noteworthy, I beat The Last Giant with my morning star, without any upgrades. I have now gone back to Majula and upgraded it to +4.
Death 50: First death to The Pursuer.
Death 51&52: Deaths against The Pursuer.
Heide's Tower of Flame
No deaths... xP
No-Man's Wharf
Death 53 & 54: Both were from the high bleeding inflicting monsters that have 2 arms and walk around. Both times I had 2 of them on me at once, not a good spot to be in without stairs or a hallway x.x
The Lost Bastille
Death 55-57: The Heide Knight spearman >.>;
Death 58-60: The two undeads that have a super OP AoE attack when they fall down.
Death 61: The group of 5 undead rushing me caught me off guard at the start.
Death 62-66: Fighting the Ruin Sentinels bosses... 3 of them.
Death 67: Ran off a ledge... lost 12k souls...*sigh*
Huntsman's Copse FYI, this was the beta test area
Death 68: Fell down in a pit with poison butterflies and a strong enemy, only 1k souls so left them behind
Death 69-77: Missed a jump :P I found out the correct way to get the shiny :< It's not my fault... I got it by jumping in the beta. ;_;
The Lost Bastille (Belfry Luna)
Death 78-86: bell tower guardians and a bell tower guardian invader :| Finally rang the bell D:
Death 87-102: Belfry Gargoyles fight
Death 103: Got tired of dying, switched to a physical resist 100% shield and then quickly goofed. THE PAIN IS OVER, GARGOYLES DEFEATED \o/ I think I lost 6k souls in this fight.
Death 104: Died from seven dogs and Dark Spirit "Vorgel the Sinner", jerk >:|
Death 105: Suicide run through enemies I can't stand anymore (AoE exploders) to open a cell door at the top of the tower.
No-Man's Wharf
Death 106-107: D pointed out that I missed a building, died xP
Huntsman's Copse
Death 108: Fell off a ledge... Dx
Huntsman's Copse (Undead Purgatory)
Death 109: Failed the jumping back test at the end of the rope bridge after picking up a shiny.
Death 110: Didn't manage the skeletons very well.
Death 111: Got hit by the chariot, lost 15k souls.
Death 112-113: Tried running to the boss entrance <.< got killed entering the fog door :<
Death 114: Died to...idk what to call them, they have a status effect on their polearm/staff.
Death 115: Pretty sure stuff is getting more difficult, I'm doing less damage and they are doing more.
Death 116-117: Dying to the Executioner Chariot
Death 118: Died on the way to the boss~
Death 119: Still dying at the start of the boss battle.
Death 120-158: Dying over and over to skeletons and the Chariot... only 4 attempts I made it to the actual boss fight, 3 of which I obviously died, bringing my total to 44 boss attempts, move over gargoyles, you have a new pain in the *** king. I'm going to take a rough guess and say I lost close to 35k souls before stuff started to despawn completely. The area is basically empty now :\
Huntsman's Copse
Death 159: Died to an NPC invader
Death 160: Failed the jump back from the necromancer
Death 161: Died to normal enemies ;_;
The Lost Bastille
Death 162: Trying to get up the tower to check something, a hunch.
Harvest Valley
Death 163-166: Giant trolls that throw purple magic balls of oneshotness.
Earthen Peak
Death 167-168: Trying to make a jump :(
Death 169: Died to Covetous Demon~ got trapped by accident
Death 170: Fell off the stairs.. lost 14k souls...nice
Death 171: Fell off the same stairs, not even rushing, what is my problem -.-
Death 172: It did some leaping attack while I was next to it, took the rest of my health down~
Death 173-175: Triple ninja attack of death near the bonfire.
Death 176-178: Jumping back fail, gave up trying. Left 2k souls behind
Death 179: Going into battle against 2 shield with my shield unequipped, smart.
Death 180-181: Red Invader NPC kill, or w/e they are called.
Death 182: Pressure plate trap kill :)
Death 183-184: Fire magic in the face 1 hit kill.
Death 185: opened the chest that I was suspicious about, to my satisfaction it was a mimic and it ate me :3
By Vyrerus 2014-03-13 12:40:39
Death count 97 This boss called Royal Rat Vanguard...
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 12:43:57
Death count 97 This boss called Royal Rat Vanguard... Get ready for a "great" area after that lol. Also that boss is extremely weak. Just focus on the boss when he spawns and avoid the many adds. I think I killed it in like 4 attacks. Ok I kinda figured, but I'm very happy to see there are more areas than the 12 slots when you Travel at the Bonfire. Just started a scroll and 13 slot.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 4648
By Ohji Lunartail 2014-03-13 14:32:08
yay beat my first hiedl <sp?> knight :D
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 14:49:02
2/4 (I think) Great Souls Acquired!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2014-03-13 15:27:13
So you're all talking about DS2 and well...I just beat Gwyn and linked the fire!
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 15:31:41
So you're all talking about DS2 and well...I just beat Gwyn and linked the fire!
Nice! Booo good ending! Dark Ending FTW!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2014-03-13 16:11:22
So I had heard it was customary to bow when an honourable player invades your world, some dude invaded, let me kill the guy I was fighting and then bowed so I thought, ok I'll bow back, while I'm bowing he runs behind me and backstabs me. I can easily regain my souls and humanity but it seems a bit messed up.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 16:13:22
So I had heard it was customary to bow when an honourable player invades your world, some dude invaded, let me kill the guy I was fighting and then bowed so I thought, ok I'll bow back, while I'm bowing he runs behind me and backstabs me. I can easily regain my souls and humanity but it seems a bit messed up.
That guy was a ***. I've been invaded, have invaded and summoned people quite a bit these past couple days on DS2 and almost every single person has done some kind of Gesture. Sometimes I do Decapitate, sometimes Bow etc. I never really run up attacking though.
Server: Balmung
By Raein Tilgung 2014-03-13 16:15:45
I'm not doing the honor thing as a Bell Keeper. Stocking up on chunks while I can. >_>
By Kalila 2014-03-13 16:48:00
Poison........... over.
Kali's Death Log: @191 Deaths  Total Souls Lost: ~109,000 Things Betwixt
Death 1: Died to giant rat thing before witches.
Death 2: tried fighting it with my new sword :3
Death 3: ^ :x
Death 4: Failed the jumping test...
Death 5: Failed the jumping BACK test xD
Death 6: ^... x.x
Death 7: Died to Twin Ogres guarding Boat
Death 8: ^...
Death 9: Killed one, Died to the other
Death 10: Died to second Ogre
Death 11: Killed second Ogre, Went for revenge for the one at the start.
Death 12: Died to the ogre again, HP getting to be about 50%.
Death 13: Died to the ogre for the last time, but killed it afterwards.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 14: Died to the Giant with a big sword ;_;
Death 15: Killed the Giant with a sword, but then swiftly died to the one with the club by falling off the edge into the water.
Death 16-19: Okay, area too difficult :) picked up a human effigy to restore my HP and left.
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 20: Died to a long swordsman but the area seems more reasonable.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 21: Wanted to give this place a few more tries.
Death 22: And I'm backing out again, a room with 3 >_>
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 23: Died to another long swordsman :<
Death 24-27 Died a few times, up to falling off a tree branch 5 feet and dying <.<;
Death 28: Died trying to recover my souls ;_; *sniff* 7k souls lost~
Heide's Tower of Flame
Death 29-30: Back again, backed off a ledge, I just can't learn, or won't give up Dx
Death 31: Impatience got the best of me, again <.<
Death 32-33: Fell off a ledge... Died to Great Sword giant.. OKAY I GET IT I'LL GO BACK
Forest of Fallen Giants
Death 34-35: Exploring the first part of the fortress.
Death 36-42: Fighting The Last Giant boss
Death 43-49: Exploring the two other areas of The Forest of Fallen Gaints, found the NPC Cale, found the boss The Pursuer, and found another bonfire deeper in. I actually ended up losing the 11k souls I earned from killing the boss The Last Giant (sad), so I farmed the 11k back at this bonfire. I still have to fight the Pursuer, doing that next. Also noteworthy, I beat The Last Giant with my morning star, without any upgrades. I have now gone back to Majula and upgraded it to +4.
Death 50: First death to The Pursuer.
Death 51&52: Deaths against The Pursuer.
Heide's Tower of Flame
No deaths... xP
No-Man's Wharf
Death 53 & 54: Both were from the high bleeding inflicting monsters that have 2 arms and walk around. Both times I had 2 of them on me at once, not a good spot to be in without stairs or a hallway x.x
The Lost Bastille
Death 55-57: The Heide Knight spearman >.>;
Death 58-60: The two undeads that have a super OP AoE attack when they fall down.
Death 61: The group of 5 undead rushing me caught me off guard at the start.
Death 62-66: Fighting the Ruin Sentinels bosses... 3 of them.
Death 67: Ran off a ledge... lost 12k souls...*sigh*
Huntsman's Copse FYI, this was the beta test area
Death 68: Fell down in a pit with poison butterflies and a strong enemy, only 1k souls so left them behind
Death 69-77: Missed a jump :P I found out the correct way to get the shiny :< It's not my fault... I got it by jumping in the beta. ;_;
The Lost Bastille (Belfry Luna)
Death 78-86: bell tower guardians and a bell tower guardian invader :| Finally rang the bell D:
Death 87-102: Belfry Gargoyles fight
Death 103: Got tired of dying, switched to a physical resist 100% shield and then quickly goofed. THE PAIN IS OVER, GARGOYLES DEFEATED \o/ I think I lost 6k souls in this fight.
Death 104: Died from seven dogs and Dark Spirit "Vorgel the Sinner", jerk >:|
Death 105: Suicide run through enemies I can't stand anymore (AoE exploders) to open a cell door at the top of the tower.
No-Man's Wharf
Death 106-107: D pointed out that I missed a building, died xP
Huntsman's Copse
Death 108: Fell off a ledge... Dx
Huntsman's Copse (Undead Purgatory)
Death 109: Failed the jumping back test at the end of the rope bridge after picking up a shiny.
Death 110: Didn't manage the skeletons very well.
Death 111: Got hit by the chariot, lost 15k souls.
Death 112-113: Tried running to the boss entrance <.< got killed entering the fog door :<
Death 114: Died to...idk what to call them, they have a status effect on their polearm/staff.
Death 115: Pretty sure stuff is getting more difficult, I'm doing less damage and they are doing more.
Death 116-117: Dying to the Executioner Chariot
Death 118: Died on the way to the boss~
Death 119: Still dying at the start of the boss battle.
Death 120-158: Dying over and over to skeletons and the Chariot... only 4 attempts I made it to the actual boss fight, 3 of which I obviously died, bringing my total to 44 boss attempts, move over gargoyles, you have a new pain in the *** king. I'm going to take a rough guess and say I lost close to 35k souls before stuff started to despawn completely. The area is basically empty now :\
Huntsman's Copse
Death 159: Died to an NPC invader
Death 160: Failed the jump back from the necromancer
Death 161: Died to normal enemies ;_;
The Lost Bastille
Death 162: Trying to get up the tower to check something, a hunch.
Harvest Valley
Death 163-166: Giant trolls that throw purple magic balls of oneshotness.
Earthen Peak
Death 167-168: Trying to make a jump :(
Death 169: Died to Covetous Demon~ got trapped by accident
Death 170: Fell off the stairs.. lost 14k souls...nice
Death 171: Fell off the same stairs, not even rushing, what is my problem -.-
Death 172: It did some leaping attack while I was next to it, took the rest of my health down~
Death 173-175: Triple ninja attack of death near the bonfire.
Death 176-178: Jumping back fail, gave up trying. Left 2k souls behind
Death 179: Going into battle against 2 shield with my shield unequipped, smart.
Death 180-181: Red Invader NPC kill, or w/e they are called.
Death 182: Pressure plate trap kill :)
Death 183-184: Fire magic in the face 1 hit kill.
Death 185: opened the chest that I was suspicious about, to my satisfaction it was a mimic and it ate me :3
Death 186-188: Died a few more times trying to kill the red invader NPC.
Death 189: Died to the Medusa boss, was one hit away and messed up.
Sinner's Rise
Death 190: Died to an exploding AoE dreadling thing in the waist high water.
Death 191: Died trying to get my souls back; lost ~7k souls. Done with the area for now :)
Grave of Saints
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 481
By Carbuncle.Scarmiglione 2014-03-13 17:12:19
Ok so does anyone know where the Skeleton Lords are? Apparently I was supposed to fight them before Lost Sinner, but I killed him, and have no idea where I was/am supposed to go now...
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 200
By Ivan Blackdale 2014-03-13 17:13:05
Went to another Walmart to see if they had the BK edition and they didn't so I just said *** it and bought the standard edition. Never using Walmart again for video games.
Server: Sargatanas
Posts: 232
By Ravant Lehnsherr 2014-03-13 17:21:23
Carbuncle.Scarmiglione said: »Ok so does anyone know where the Skeleton Lords are? Apparently I was supposed to fight them before Lost Sinner, but I killed him, and have no idea where I was/am supposed to go now... I killed the Lost Sinner waaaaay before killing a lot of lesser Demon bosses. This game is more or less about exploring and killing as you go along. Almost all areas can be done in any order. There was quiet a few places I had been to that no one had even mentioned in this thread yet and some I've seen talked about that I've never stepped foot in. This includes the Skeleton Lords. Haven't fought them myself yet either.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 481
By Carbuncle.Scarmiglione 2014-03-13 17:24:36
Carbuncle.Scarmiglione said: »Ok so does anyone know where the Skeleton Lords are? Apparently I was supposed to fight them before Lost Sinner, but I killed him, and have no idea where I was/am supposed to go now... I killed the Lost Sinner waaaaay before killing a lot of lesser Demon bosses. This game is more or less about exploring and killing as you go along. Almost all areas can be done in any order. There was quiet a few places I had been to that no one had even mentioned in this thread yet and some I've seen talked about that I've never stepped foot in. This includes the Skeleton Lords. Haven't fought them myself yet either. I just really have no idea where to go now. I feel like I've been everywhere, and haven't seen a new way to go.
[b]Gamertag List:[/b]
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This thread was created, by request, to promote discussion of Dark Souls. I'll be updating the OP with various resources, video links, upcoming news, character builds, PvP matching, and so on as users post.
Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC |
FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account | FFXIAH | Account |
Kalila | ScarletPumpkin | Tikal | Solrokr | Prothescar | Prothescar |
Domz | Dom of Italy | Wolfjorg | bamaboy7320 | Raenil | Raenil Tilgung |
Urial | Omja Sniper | Raenil | Dreizak | Ina | Tedder12 |
| | Ina | Tedder12 | Urial | Omja Sniper |
| | Moonlightespada | MithraOhji | | |
| | Dracondria | Raxxon | | |
| | Aeonknight | Aeonknight87 | | |
| | Urial | OmjaSniper | | |
| | Narshee | Feisty1224 | | |
| | Valmur | AtmosKoS | | |
| | Kunimatsu | Robthebob1989 | | |
| July 14, 2012 - Dark Souls for PC Will Use GFWL After All
June 20, 2012 - Dark Souls discounted to under $30 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
June 12, 2012 - Localising Dark Souls
June 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: PC version will have "minimal mouse and keyboard support," uses Games for Windows Live "to provide game as soon as possible."
June 7, 2012 - From Software "having a tough time" porting Dark Souls to PC, frame rate issues remain
May 31, 2012 - Dark Souls PC coming to Steam, consoles to get PC content
April 12, 2012 - Gamers rallying against Dark Souls PC using Games for Windows Live
April 7, 2012 - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition coming to PC in August
January 13, 2012 - Dark Souls PC petition at nearly 70,000 signatures, Namco listening
Jan 8th, 2012 - Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition |
Character Builds
Character builds can be either PvP, PvE, or both. You can specify which if you wish, but I'll be listing any builds posted in this topic here. Use the Dark Souls Character Planner linked above to create a link to your build for others to view.
Dark Souls Map
New ContentNew Bosses - Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
PVP Online Matchmaking System - Quick matching for co-op or PVP
New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs
I'll try my best to update the OP with any information posted in this topic.