Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking?

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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
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By Afania 2025-03-19 14:57:06
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
Anything that isn't capitalism is socialism

Yeah, capitalism = individuals can own property.

Socialism = state owning property, and state distribute wealth.

It is an economy system, it has nothing to do with the concept of mutual benefit.

I am not convinced socialism leads to more mutual benefit in our society either. If my country is going distribute wealth for me, surely I wouldn't want to work on giving other people benefit for my own benefit lol. What's the point to work for more benefit for other people if there are no chance to gain any for myself?
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By Asura.Vyre 2025-03-19 15:14:09
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Commies are bad, mmmkay.

Y'all should stop fixating on that and start reading the Redwall series by Brian Jacques instead.

Posts: 15277
By Pantafernando 2025-03-19 15:15:22
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Afania said: »

Will you still insist you are not talking about politics?
Posts: 2207
By Josiahafk 2025-03-19 15:18:55
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Josiahafk said: »
The Vatican has roughly 15 billion dollars of wealth accumulated over the last ~2500 years
[nitpick] 1700. [/nitpick]
The catholic church and it's leadership was accumulating wealth before they officially had "the Vatican" you knew what I meant!
By Afania 2025-03-19 16:33:52
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Pantafernando said: »
Afania said: »

Will you still insist you are not talking about politics?

It's economy!

Capitalism/socialism only become "politics" when supporters of those system fight. By itself it is just an economic system.
Posts: 2207
By Josiahafk 2025-03-19 18:29:53
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Good old economics.

Created this website to provide a goods or service to the public. The services I am rendered here are valuable, so I consider it a successful endeavour. Thanks Scragg for partaking in the economics.
Posts: 15277
By Pantafernando 2025-03-19 19:52:16
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I just watched a video that spoilered all Hunter x Hunter past the point I dropped it (because I was waiting it to be concluded).

Maybe for a good reason. That video had the objective of analyzing Gon as a character.

While at first glance just a typical shonen protagonist, strong, innocent and dumb, when you look at his context (being a kid abandoned by his father), the obsession to find the father meaning how he is still hurt by that despite not voicing it, the way how he idolize his father, as an attempt to cope his situation, the many kamikaze attacks being used showing how little self steem he has because exactly being given up by his father, all that shows a deeply complex and dark character that is not innocent and dumb as I thought at first, but being dumb and innocent is only a way to mask how deeply injured he is in his heart.

Kinda amazing understanding the message being exposed in front of me, but only noticed when you stop seeing the story for what it tell and start seeing if for what it is.

I completely get the gist of the Gon arc what destroyed my experience when i reread Hunter x Hunter, but considering im too dumb to get the hidden messages in things, im forced to admit that it was worth
Posts: 15277
By Pantafernando 2025-03-19 20:04:30
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I… don’t particularly am emotionally attached to my father.

I lived long enough with both my mother and father to think more about their flaws than for what they represent to me.

Stories that picture such strong attachment between father and son are foreign to me, so naturally they are also interesting.

Only sad thing in Gon story is how little he cares about his biological mother.

Despite once his father almost telling about her to Gon, he quickly dismissed it. His mother was his aunt. He didnt need another motherly love.

This adds another layer to Gon complexity. Both his father and mother abandoned him.

But still receiving a motherly love from his aunt, made him accept he was abandoned by his mother, so he probably never forgave her.

While not having a fatherly figure made him unable to accept the abandonment.

Kato appearance was that father figure. And this adds another layer of complexity that, in the end Gon never wanted to meet his real father. He only inherited the mission of Kato, that became the fatherly figure in his mind. That explain how the true father seemed so small for how much hype was built during the story.

In the end, HxH is a story about a kid accepting the abandonment, dealing with so many complex feelings, and eventually moving on.

Great story, btw
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