New Games Suck... Or Is It Just Me?

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New games suck... or is it just me?
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4590
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-11-25 22:33:03
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Unless I'm mixing you up with someone else, I'm pretty sure you've been outspoken on these "harsh unfair abusive employment standards in the gaming industry".
By Afania 2024-11-25 22:39:38
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Unless I'm mixing you up with someone else, I'm pretty sure you've been outspoken on these "harsh unfair abusive employment standards in the gaming industry".

I have never say that. I do have tons of opinions on certain production management practices within a pipeline, but I will never present the opinion in such a superficial way since it is a complicated matter.

I do think paying people 100-150k cad to watch YouTube video and drink beer is a waste of money though.

In this entire thread I've only critized Game Science for putting sex jokes in their HR ad. And I believe most sane person would.
Posts: 706
By Drayco 2024-11-26 06:07:21
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Finally finished Final Fantasy 16 and I enjoyed every moment of it. I'm even going to plow through it again on New Game + and the highest difficulty. I kept drawing comparisons to FF4 while playing it, maybe it's because of the classic castles and magic theme of it. It's been a while since we've had a Final Fantasy without cars and ***in it, it was refreshing.

I feel like Final Fantasy 16 hit a high point on story telling with this one. It is very cinamatic and has true-to-life camera behavior. It made the game feel very real on top of the insane graphics. The acting was pretty good. The english actor for Clive was especially good imo. It may be just an OK game, but it's a really good movie. The fighting on story mode was really easy, but that's kind of the point. I'm interested to see how different it is on the hardest difficulty.

Overall I highly recommend it.
By Dodik 2024-11-26 06:28:17
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Just to point out, no company pays an employee 100-150k CAD to watch YT.

What tends to happen, and I've been in that situation, is goals keep getting shifted and priorities changed with a lot of "re-organising" within the company and by re-org I mean from one month to the next those employees find themselves in new teams with new priorities and new responsibilities that are themselves not very well defined.

As a result, management has a hard time assigning work given a lack of priorities and clear goal. Leaving employees with a lot of time to "figure out" what they need to work on.

Some employees will self-manage and start doing stuff on their own. This rarely works to their advantage because eventually a manager will pipe up and go "Who asked you to do this".

Not to say employees are blameless. If a company is so mis-managed it cannot give you a goal and priorities to work on, just leave.

But OTOH some employees will see that mis-management then look at their paycheck and go "Nah this is fine".

As an example, Star Citizen. 700M+ in crowd funding. No game(s). Horror stories from every ex-employee about micro-management - eg Change this pixel to green.
By Afania 2024-11-26 07:46:45
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Dodik said: »
Just to point out, no company pays an employee 100-150k CAD to watch YT.

What tends to happen, and I've been in that situation, is goals keep getting shifted and priorities changed with a lot of "re-organising" within the company and by re-org I mean from one month to the next those employees find themselves in new teams with new priorities and new responsibilities that are themselves not very well defined.

As a result, management has a hard time assigning work given a lack of priorities and clear goal. Leaving employees with a lot of time to "figure out" what they need to work on.

Some employees will self-manage and start doing stuff on their own. This rarely works to their advantage because eventually a manager will pipe up and go "Who asked you to do this".

Not to say employees are blameless. If a company is so mis-managed it cannot give you a goal and priorities to work on, just leave.

But OTOH some employees will see that mis-management then look at their paycheck and go "Nah this is fine".

As an example, Star Citizen. 700M+ in crowd funding. No game(s). Horror stories from every ex-employee about micro-management - eg Change this pixel to green.

I think development hell from the lack of direction is quite common in the gaming industry. For example FF15 was in development hell for like 7 years with no game being made except a bunch of cool concept videos, due to Nomura has no direction. Then SE kicked Nomura out of the team and get Hajime Tabata to save this project and made it into a totally different game. The end result still suffered though.

Unknown 9 likely experienced the same thing.

That being said, employee's action at work is mostly just working attitude sort of thing. If there are no tasks, people could study work related subjects instead of drinking beer. I can probably tolerate people chatting during breaks, MAYBE watch YouTube video as long as it is work skill related videos.

I am probably okay with people playing table tennis or have party after 6pm-7pm too....

Drinking beer in early afternoon is more ridiculous and it does look bad imo. If I am a manager of an office, I would definitely try to stop this kind of culture from spreading in the work environment.
By Dodik 2024-11-26 08:24:41
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Yup, which is why I said employees aren't blameless. Do something productive with your time.

I've not once had a beer in the office, even at places where it was provided free of charge.

OTOH, I've worked with managers/team leads that would regularly have a beer at every Friday's team lunch then go back to work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 965
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-11-26 08:40:06
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Afania said: »
I think development hell from the lack of direction is quite common in the gaming industry.

It's common in a lot of industries, creative types tend to need someone to reign them in or they act like a dog on a shock collar. They can't stay on task and are constantly shifting. As much as I jokingly give PMs ***, good PMs will keep projects on task and reign in the desire to constantly chase something new.

Afania said: »
Drinking beer in early afternoon is more ridiculous and it does look bad imo.

I honestly don't care as long as people are getting their work done. If someone just did a 70 hour week trying to finish something critical and drinks a beer in the afternoon at the end of the week, idgaf. It's all about context. The people who get their work done or constantly do well get more leeway than people who never do anything.

Most places I've worked, people who were high producers rarely got docked PTO for taking time off and basically were given leeway to operate on whatever schedule they wanted, no one gave them ***if they had a beer on Friday. It's the people who can't manage themselves that need more structure, overhead, and rules.
By Dodik 2024-11-26 11:57:05
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IMO drinking alcohol on the job is no different than taking any other drug on the job. It's a bad look no matter how productive you otherwise are and people will judge you for it, fairly or unfairly.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4590
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-11-26 13:43:22
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I think theres a stark difference between a (aka one, single, uno) celebratory drink for a milestone achievement vs ordering a case for friday work drinks on a weekly basis.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-11-27 18:54:32
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Whelp, say byebye to the future of soulsborn

Not official but may as well be.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4590
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-11-27 19:00:48
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Remember when people insisted no ones discriminating against white dudes in the industry? That was nothing more than a stupid right wing conspiracy theory?
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2024-12-02 21:46:17
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idk if this is real or shitposting... /shurg

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-02 22:04:09
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It's a shitpost.

She made more than 16. Not rebirth.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2024-12-02 22:46:30
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This generation cooked.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4590
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-02 23:05:53
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She mid
She's a ***
Simps are the most pathetic human specimens on this planet.

"You're just jealous you cant make 43 million easily", you're right, I am jealous. I really wish I could amass multi-generational wealth for literal zero effort. Sucks for the next generation thats gonna have to deal with "I seen your moms nudes all over the internet", but so be it.
Posts: 661
By Kaffy 2024-12-02 23:58:27
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I wonder how the world's oldest profession is doing in this age of Onlyfans and Pornhub. I guess they just moved off the streets and onto a webcam since its so much safer and more profitable.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15969
By Asura.Vyre 2024-12-03 00:13:04
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Society definitely ain't healthy when there's dudes into being, "Financially Dominated."
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-03 00:21:00
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Asura.Vyre said: »
Society definitely ain't healthy when there's dudes into being, "Financially Dominated."

It's not a new thing. You've just never been able to know about literally every thing every human does 24/7.

It's the lack of shame, that's new. You'd be ashamed of being a deviant, now you broadcast it to every moron who will listen.
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-12-03 01:29:56
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Kaffy said: »
I wonder how the world's oldest profession is doing in this age of Onlyfans and Pornhub. I guess they just moved off the streets and onto a webcam since its so much safer and more profitable.

A friend of a friend that i dont see for a long long time, and that actually not that much friend of mine, maybe only someone i say good morning here and there, but i actually dont really like him, said that it became “amazon-ed”, where now there are big sites that promote those services advertising, intermediating, etc.

That guy who is a friend of my barely friend said its kinda hard to find those famous houses that used to host those professionals since pandemic.
Posts: 661
By Kaffy 2024-12-03 01:34:34
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Makes sense. Selling sex to strangers without actually having sex with strangers seems a no brainer, but there has to be plenty of guys still out there who want the real thing, right?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4590
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-03 16:07:46
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Someone spent 4.7 mil on her and didnt even get to feel some sideboob.

Send the *** nukes and end this ***.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2024-12-03 20:25:07
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Lol. Square Enix would able to meet expectations if Tifa had her own OnlyFans. Maybe those people need to stop pushing censorship on female video game characters so those guys can find a way to support the developers instead of that girl who called you sugar daddies.
By Afania 2024-12-03 23:33:37
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
She mid
She's a ***
Simps are the most pathetic human specimens on this planet.

"You're just jealous you cant make 43 million easily", you're right, I am jealous. I really wish I could amass multi-generational wealth for literal zero effort. Sucks for the next generation thats gonna have to deal with "I seen your moms nudes all over the internet", but so be it.

Business 101, the top earners in a bigger industry will make more money than top earners in a much smaller industry.

Porn industry generates 97 billion dollars every year. By comparison NBA only generates 13 billion revenue. So is it surprising that the top earner in the porn industry make comparable income to NBA top earners?

That being said, according to this article average OnlyFan earners only made $2000 per year:

So I don't think Sophie Rain's income is "no effort". She likely has some kind of asset/advantage that wins the competition in this market by a landslide. Otherwise everyone else would be making that much if it really requires no effort.

Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
I am jealous.

There is no need to be jealous. Even if you are a dude and/or don't look good, it is still possible to participate in the porn industry and make money off it. It's just the matter of (moral) choice.

Case to the point, some people setup porn sites and make money off membership fee. In fact, Only fan generates 6 billion revenue every year. Site hosting is a very profitable business.

Another example, in 2018 there was a very strong market demand on porn games so I've heard a lot of developers made mad profit by making low budget porn games. Then they showed off their profit on forums and bragged about retiring early.

There are plenty of ways to make money off porn industry, it's just the matter of whether you want to do it or not. I think most of the time people don't try to make this kind of money for moral reasons, not because the opportunity isn't available.

Zehira said: »
Lol. Square Enix would able to meet expectations if Tifa had her own OnlyFans. Maybe those people need to stop pushing censorship on female video game characters so those guys can find a way to support the developers instead of that girl who called you sugar daddies.

SE is already benefitting from porn industry. plenty of people already made Tifa nude mods and that's free advertising for FF7R.

Also censorship in video games don't matter. There is already large enough of porn game market and product, some has extremely high profit margin compare with AAA. If you are a developer, nobody can realstic stop you if you seriously want to make porn games.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2024-12-03 23:44:01
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Afania said: »
Please plenty of people already made Tifa nude mods and that's free advertising for FF7R.

Not for console peasants. They won't shut up. Once they point it out people cancel pre-orders.

We, PC gamers, don't care.
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-12-04 02:21:45
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Afania said: »
Tifa nude mods

Pics or it didn’t exist
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-12-04 02:22:32
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(Oh, ***, im being sexist again. I will be fired sooner or later)
Posts: 15231
By Pantafernando 2024-12-04 02:23:56
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(Well, i suppose it not me, but Afania.
Yeah, hes the scum. He should be fired. Im just doing validity checks here.
Yeah, im clear here, lets move on and pretend it never happened)
By Afania 2024-12-04 02:43:29
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Pantafernando said: »
Afania said: »
Tifa nude mods

Pics or it didn’t exist

You can find it easily using Google, lol.

Pantafernando said: »
(Oh, ***, im being sexist again. I will be fired sooner or later)

Pantafernando said: »
(Well, i suppose it not me, but Afania.
Yeah, hes the scum. He should be fired. Im just doing validity checks here.
Yeah, im clear here, lets move on and pretend it never happened)

He????? You are fired!
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2024-12-04 03:12:56
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Africans being Africans.

Afania said: »
Also censorship in video games don't matter. ... If you are a developer, nobody can realstic stop you if you seriously want to make porn games.

...I rest my case. FF7:R is made in Unreal Engine, so it's obvious that will make things much easier to mod. All you need is create a new folder and throw mods into that folder before launching the game. You will notice the changes. I happened to find playing with mods in software more fun than my programming language skills. So I would encourage console peasants to get a PC but no. They say the PC sucks, or it's too expensive blah blah blah and then go on whining about how companies change the outfits the girls are wearing right before the release date while we wait a couple of years for that game to be finally on our computers. (Very often if Japanese/Korean games)

By the way, has Sophie Rain sent her full nude pictures to OnlyFans subscribers? From what I read, she's a virgin and Christian is AMAZING marketing.
By Afania 2024-12-04 03:22:01
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Zehira said: »
Africans being Africans.

Where is this African that you keep talking about? Why do you keep bringing up Africans out of nowhere in video game discussions lol.
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