New Games Suck... Or Is It Just Me?

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New games suck... or is it just me?
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By Afania 2024-10-30 10:05:09
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
yet you havent named any?

I haven't name any...what? Some of them are posted on this forum.....

But here you are, randomly found over 20 games released this year with positive reputation in the gaming community:

Metaphor ReFantazio: goty contender, if Astro bot did't get it.
Romancing Saga 2 remake: from what I've heard, one of the best Saga game yet.
FF7 rebirth
Unicorn overlord
Like a dragon:infinite wealth

3D Platforming
Astro Bot:I think it'll get goty this year.

3D action:
Rise of Ronin, Team Ninja ftw!

Horror: Silent hill 2 remake, probably one of the best SH yet.

Animal well(probably going to win the best indie game award 2024)

Hades 2(EA though)
I personally really like Dice and Fold
Pretty sure I missed two dozen roguelike because there are too many to keep track....

Tekken 8

Visual Novel/Narrative:
Minds Beneath Us
Riven remake

Side scroller:
Prince of Persia the lost crown(one of the few Ubisoft game that doesn't suck)
Nine Sols

(Hentai generally has less budget, doesn't mean they are bad)
Yarimono(Pokemon clone)
Living with sister:monochrome fantasy (already over 6k overwhelming positive review)

Frostpunk 2

Edit: oh I completely forgot about V rising.

I haven't even name some of the more "mixed reviews" ones like Dragon's Dogma2.

I am pretty sure I missed a lot of good games that I haven't heard from the community because they are all buried under political rage baits. I am pretty sure there are more. Just looking at the list of metacritic 8/10+ games about 2/3 of them are games nobody talked about.
By Afania 2024-10-30 10:11:13
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
sells on Steam for $1.49 CAD

I just picked up many retro RTS games like total annihilation and red alert 2 for like $1 or something. Those were total masterpiece back then. Being cheap doesn't mean bad.....
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 10:12:25
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Afania said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
yet you havent named any?


Now you have conceded points to Nynja.

1x1 today.
By Afania 2024-10-30 10:27:18
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Honestly, I think the bigger issue for most people is that they only play specific type of games, and completely ignored 99% of other games in the market.

If you only play 1-2 genres and only play the top title of that genre, it's easy to run out of games to play.

If you are into at least 5-6 genres it's pretty hard to run out of games to play even if you only aim for 8/10+ games.

Personally I play rpg, narrative adventure, 3D and 2D action, Roguelike the most. Recently I am into RTS and simulation too. So the list of games to play gets very long.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Negan
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By Bahamut.Negan 2024-10-30 10:36:15
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Afania said: »
they only play specific type of games, and completely ignored 99% of other games in the market
This is completely it. I'm one of those ppl, and ppl recommend games and I'm like, "Ehhhhhhh..."
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 11:06:54
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Afania said: »
I just picked up many retro RTS games like total annihilation and red alert 2 for like $1 or something. Those were total masterpiece back then. Being cheap doesn't mean bad.....
Can you believe that games made in the 90's are only $1 today? How much were they back in the 90's?

The fact that Astro Bot is amongst the GOTY finalists is a problem. Its a great standalone platformer based on the interactive tutorial game packaged with PS5 that pays homage to many past characters. Thats not to say its a bad game, but such a game being a GOTY finalist just goes to show low the bar is.
By Afania 2024-10-30 11:15:30
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
but such a game being a GOTY finalist just goes to show low the bar is.

Why? Afaik GOTY often rewards games with strong creativity. And Astro Bot's level design creativity and polish is universally praised on game forums.

For example, goty in 2021 was given to It Takes Two. Which is also a pretty creative game.

If you want to talk about the low bar, pretty sure the worst GOTY game in the history is Dragon Age inquisition. Astro bot can't be worse than that....

Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
How much were they back in the 90's?

Like $20-$30 I think.
Posts: 708
By Drayco 2024-10-30 11:18:16
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Bethesda is apparently working on Starfield 2

Considering what a disaster Starfield was, I can't believe they would double down and release a 2nd one. The dev even uses the excuse that with Skyrim they had Oblivion to learn from, as if to say that there was nothing from Skyrim(or Fallout) they could have learned to use in Starfield.

I've given up long ago on trying to rationalize what these idiot studios do, but hopefully they are using Starfield as a "what not to do" with Elder Scrolls 6. Bethesda will be done if they bugger up ES6.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 11:40:27
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Afania said: »
And Astro Bot's level design creativity and polish is universally praised on game forums.
Level design creativity?

I saw that stuff in Super Mario 64, just with 2024 graphics.
By Afania 2024-10-30 11:52:15
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
I saw that stuff in Super Mario 64

Lol no. Super Mario 64 may be groud breaking in 1996, it's terrible using today's industry standard.

Go google super Mario 64 horror game, there are plenty of videos explained some serious problems in Super Mario 64's level design.

Also camera sucks.

There are so many bad 3D levels in N64 era that using it as a standard to discuss modern game is just silly....

If you want to reference a 3D Mario game for comparison, at least pick Super Mario Odyssey or something...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 12:28:50
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Super Mario 64: June 23, 1996
Super Mario Odyssey: October 27, 2017
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 12:31:55
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Afania said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
I saw that stuff in Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 it's terrible using today's industry standard.

Ok, if they release a Super Mario 64 in todays world, i could bet it would do better than many generic woke game they release from time to time.

The only thing Super Mario could use is some trimming in the edges. Aside that, i dont think we game industry released games that are better than SM64.

I do think, though, platformer games age badly. Nowaday its only action jrpg, fps and some niche games that stand out of the average
By Afania 2024-10-30 12:47:02
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Pantafernando said: »
Ok, if they release a Super Mario 64 in todays world, i could bet it would do better than many generic woke game they release from time to time.

If the IP isn't Mario, I bet SM64 as it is today will get 3/10 on metacritic and forgotten by everyone.

3D Platforming has higher standard now. Higher standard on camera, game mechanics (use of character powers to traverse etc), higher standard on physics engine and environment interaction. And no terrible ceiling height that makes interior so narrow, which is what bothers me the most in SM64 environment.

SM64 was made when 3D gaming was new, so they had no reference to design their camera, environment, physics engine and environment interaction. We already past that era. Newer games all improved from the past and there is just no way that current gen 3D playformer lose to SM64.

Lose to SM Odyssey? Maybe. SM Odyssey is newer after all. But SM64? Noooooo wayyyyyy.
Posts: 669
By Kaffy 2024-10-30 12:52:21
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I've never installed Steam let alone purchased a game there. I can see the appeal of having a huge library of games all in one place, but when I watch some of these streamers play random stuff on twitch, I don't see anything I would actually want to play.

As early as arcades, NES, and PS1, we've had oversaturation of the video game market. Lots of ***to wade through to get to the good stuff, no more so now than back then.

My eyes start to bleed any time I see you guys start to argue over woke and anti-woke; I'm not even sure what they mean, but context tells me to stay far away.

No point to any of this, just some peanuts from the gallery.
Posts: 458
By Zehira 2024-10-30 13:01:53
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »

Firewalk studios shut down
Viciousss in shambles
And nothing of value was lost

I doubt Sony will ever learn their lesson. Just stop supporting them and say don't California the games. Afterall, PlayStation isn't Japanese anymore.

Too expensive to make a game for the minorities. I have never seen any deaf character with actual sign language in any video game. Since there are very few people out there who actually understand sign language so I don't think we ever want one in any game.
By Afania 2024-10-30 13:03:00
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Kaffy said: »
but when I watch some of these streamers play random stuff on twitch, I don't see anything I would actually want to play.

To be fair, some genre attracts more audiences on Twitch than another. So you'll see more of them on Twitch.

I enjoy narrative games but those are some of the least stream friendly genre. So I almost never pick my games from watching other people's Twitch streams.

You have to do research if you want to find the "right" games. Read people's reviews, join game forum discussions and read pros and cons of a game (that isn't talking about politics). Read both positive and negative review on Steam. Try demos and use Steam refund etc.

One thing really good about Steam is that you can refund within 2hr. Which filter out games you may not like.
Posts: 669
By Kaffy 2024-10-30 13:17:14
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I've only ever really played RPGs and 2d fighting games. If something interests me, I will research it, but I am never scouring the net for the latest and greatest thing, and never read paid or unpaid reviews. I don't watch too many different streamers either, mostly stick with the ones I followed years ago.

Even avoiding a large part of gaming culture I still play more unique games in total now than I did at any time in my youth. So I don't think new games suck more than they used to, but expectations are a lot different than they were back then.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 13:52:44
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Goty is gonna be dragon age
Because nothing says “GOTY” like a forced two minute cutscene with one NPC misgendering another NPC, and doing ten pushups as punishment for the vile crime of misgendering a they/them.
Posts: 669
By Kaffy 2024-10-30 14:07:24
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Were any of the other ones besides DA: Origins well received or considered good? Only played that one long ago.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 14:15:00
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The only one I have memories of playing is DA:O
I honestly cant remember if I played 2 or Inquisition tbh
By Dodik 2024-10-30 15:04:41
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DA2 was pretty good, and I am a fan of the story mostly. Inquisition not so much.
Server: Asura
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user: iamaman
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By Asura.Iamaman 2024-10-30 15:36:24
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Because nothing says “GOTY” like a forced two minute cutscene with one NPC misgendering another NPC, and doing ten pushups as punishment for the vile crime of misgendering a they/them.

Is that really in Veilguard?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 15:51:19
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Because nothing says “GOTY” like a forced two minute cutscene with one NPC misgendering another NPC, and doing ten pushups as punishment for the vile crime of misgendering a they/them.

Is that really in Veilguard?

Sure looks like it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 15:55:16
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"Pulling a barve (10 pushups) you sweat a little, makes you think about it a little more, shows the other person you mean it"

The only people who think ten pushups is building a sweat are people who cant do ten pushups.
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 16:38:34
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I didnt read all the discussion, but i bet all you guys are wrong.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-10-30 16:42:17
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It wouldn't surprise me that it's there, nor would it surprise me to find out it's complete *** ragebait.
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 18:28:09
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You know, i think part of the problem with new game is how it gets hard to get into a game as we grow old.

Many recent games i played i was really addicted by the end of play, but most of them took me like a few days to move from “investment” (me spending time without receiving entertainment) to “returns”.

That normally leads me to favor games i already played in the past, when investment is super low and return is instantaneous.

Im saying that because yesterday i started DW6, played for a hour before sleep. Now, today i just finished my tiresome day of work and cant convince myself to invest my already low energy in the game im still not into, with high chance i will still not receive entertainment tonight.

Cest la vie
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 18:30:49
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I think a good tactic would be trying to play it at morning, when my energy is filled. Then i could play till i get the entertainment to motivate me to play at night.

But again, the question is if its worth doing that
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4610
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-10-30 18:50:16
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Plenty of games I had no problem getting into and seeing through to the end and plating (if PS5) and I'm on the wrong side of 30. Good games will reel you in. Bad games wont.
Posts: 15252
By Pantafernando 2024-10-30 19:06:23
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I didnt fully understand it, but Im sure this fits here.
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