Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-23 01:05:26
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »on mode, he'd have to open up with the right TP move for you to get the 10%.
The Ooze is a -10% MAX HP debuff. It only works as doing 10% HP damage if you apply it at 100%HP. After taking the mob to 90%HP, it does no damage at all.
That's what I was trying to say. Aita needs to open with a Water/Thunder move (to make him susceptible to water) to start with, otherwise by the time you are able to land it, he will be under 90% and it will be pointless.
By SimonSes 2024-09-23 01:58:35
My point is it will never open above 90%HP unless you will specifically poke him with kraken club (metaphor for feeding tp without doing much damage) until it reaches 3000tp. In normal melee method it will do first tp move way below 90%. I don't think it is in any element before it pops first tp move (so 5% rank to everything at start imo)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-09-23 02:37:45
My point is it will never open above 90%HP unless you will specifically poke him with kraken club (metaphor for feeding tp without doing much damage) until it reaches 3000tp. In normal melee method it will do first tp move way below 90%. I don't think it is in any element before it pops first tp move (so 5% rank to everything at start imo)
Aita always does a move a few seconds after you pull him
By SimonSes 2024-09-23 03:15:36
My point is it will never open above 90%HP unless you will specifically poke him with kraken club (metaphor for feeding tp without doing much damage) until it reaches 3000tp. In normal melee method it will do first tp move way below 90%. I don't think it is in any element before it pops first tp move (so 5% rank to everything at start imo)
Aita always does a move a few seconds after you pull him
Thx, good to know, I checked some mage setup video to check how fast it happens and it's 10sec after pull. I'm afraid with melee strategy it will always be below 90% after 10 sec, unless you will specifically wait, but that would have no sense.
By Taint 2024-09-23 07:58:47
My point is it will never open above 90%HP unless you will specifically poke him with kraken club (metaphor for feeding tp without doing much damage) until it reaches 3000tp. In normal melee method it will do first tp move way below 90%. I don't think it is in any element before it pops first tp move (so 5% rank to everything at start imo)
Aita always does a move a few seconds after you pull him
Just FYI. Either shield bash can stun his move or you can range it. We've had a few Atia where he never gets a move off using the kite strategy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Nalfey 2024-09-23 11:18:23
BST for Aminon could also idle with Makora meikogai for sphere regain+5
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-09-23 11:34:52
BST for Aminon could also idle with Makora meikogai for sphere regain+5 Sure bst could prolly fit in an aminon setup but it won't beat out the current meta comps. Ive even done aminon with nin before just will take longer. Fun fact is u can land yurin reducing his tp gain.
By K123 2024-09-23 12:48:29
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you're doing a melee 8/8 run without Aminon, I could see BST being in one of the DD slots, sure. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe I'm missing some off-meta strat, but when would you have a GEO and not have it subbing DRK? I thought the conversation was about 8 bosses with no Animon, in which case no need for GEO/DRK.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-23 13:26:28
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you're doing a melee 8/8 run without Aminon, I could see BST being in one of the DD slots, sure. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe I'm missing some off-meta strat, but when would you have a GEO and not have it subbing DRK? I thought the conversation was about 8 bosses with no Animon, in which case no need for GEO/DRK.
People use GEO/SCH for 8 boss? Why?
I mean, Simon suggested earlier that people use GEO in place of RDM but like...really? That seems...terrible?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-09-23 13:28:21
Considering it's in a Prime WS discussion thread, it's off track anyways. People are just talking shop.
So to go along with what Simon is saying, there is no Apogee for BST. If you want to use a 2 charge ready move to get that -10% HP and then a 3 charge ready move for defense down, you either have to wait 20-30 seconds for the defense down or use unleash. 20 seconds requires charmer's merlin, which isn't a good fit for a move that has a m.acc check. So you're talking about waiting 30 seconds in a 3 minute fight in order get the benefit of bringing the defense down job.
I'm totally good with burning unleash to get BST a spot in a party but you can only use that trick once or maybe twice guaranteed in any content.
I intentionally volunteered to make Aymur when my group started talking about Mboze. I am definitely pro-BST, but I also know that it has limitations that can't be ignored.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-23 13:32:21
20 seconds requires charmer's merlin
30s timer on Ready per charge.
JP gifts: -5s
Merits: -10s
Gleti's Pants: -5s
What are you using a Charmer's Merlin for, exactly?
By Nariont 2024-09-23 13:35:38
Havent used charmer's since they added gleti's pants, once they lowered the recast by 5 seconds you only needed 1 piece to cap recast with the obvious merits/gifts
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 767
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-09-23 13:49:57
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you're doing a melee 8/8 run without Aminon, I could see BST being in one of the DD slots, sure. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe I'm missing some off-meta strat, but when would you have a GEO and not have it subbing DRK? I thought the conversation was about 8 bosses with no Animon, in which case no need for GEO/DRK.
People use GEO/SCH for 8 boss? Why?
I mean, Simon suggested earlier that people use GEO in place of RDM but like...really? That seems...terrible?
AoE sneak maybe...? Idk. Grasping at straws there.
By SimonSes 2024-09-23 14:12:47
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you're doing a melee 8/8 run without Aminon, I could see BST being in one of the DD slots, sure. Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe I'm missing some off-meta strat, but when would you have a GEO and not have it subbing DRK? I thought the conversation was about 8 bosses with no Animon, in which case no need for GEO/DRK.
People use GEO/SCH for 8 boss? Why?
I mean, Simon suggested earlier that people use GEO in place of RDM but like...really? That seems...terrible?
Whats the point of /DRK on GEO? What you gonna do on non Aminon run with /DRK?
/COR for additional roll
/NIN or /DNC to DD (and qol sneak/invi)
Idk, if I ever come back to this grind, I wouldn't use GEO or RDM anyway :P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2024-09-23 14:29:17
Quote: Whats the point of /DRK on GEO? What you gonna do on non Aminon run with /DRK?
The idea is that for static groups who run on a regular basis every run is an aminon run. Pickups do 8 boss attempts, be it mage or melee, but the people who can take on aminon are able to do it reliably enough to do all 9 bosses every run.
Quote: Idk, if I ever come back to this grind, I wouldn't use GEO or RDM anyway :P
It all has to do with the strategies. Basic run summary is people split off at the start to farm key items. dancer and geo go to C, paladin and bard go to D, red mage goes to A, corsair goes to B. You know what the objectives in each respective zone are to get the blue chest so you should understand why those make the most sense.
Group reconvenes and knocks off bosses in order to get the 8 boss kills. Two or three strategies involve kiting. Aita and gartell in particular require red mage for gravity and geo for either entrust or indi-gravity. The paladin kites them and holds hate out of range, so they never get a tp move off. You have no idea how much that makes a difference. It takes a difficult fight and turns it into a cakewalk when the mobs won't use their tp moves on the people wailing on them.
It's all about efficiency, and the 9 boss strategy has it nailed down. So red mage is pretty mandatory, and they put out quite a bit of damage on aminon too. Geo has a lot of mandatory roles, from gravity on the kite bosses to the usual geo buffs, and an extra absorb tp to keep aminon from getting a tp move off. Aminon never tps when you have red mage, cor, bard, and geo all subbing /drk for absorb tp. And if he does get a tp move off you insta lose. Dnc goes /drg because they'll need to super jump enmity and paladin goes /run for foil. It makes the run pretty easy honestly.
By Dodik 2024-09-23 14:43:24
If you're not doing Aminon the setup changes.
I still prefer geo to sub either blm or drk primarily for stuns or the occasional absorb tp on things like Botulus. Most do /sch for aoe sneaks and erases.
The melee setup is better with a rdm, but only if the rdm is balls to the wall good and knows the job inside out. If the rdm is just casting and not contributing much dmg might as well bring geo instead for better buffs/debuffs.
By SimonSes 2024-09-23 14:47:18
That whole post was unnecessary Melliny. I know very well how 9 boss run looks like with details (anyone can even watch multiply good videos on YouTube to see it in practice) That's why I questioned any changes being possible in 9 boss setup in last page (or maybe two pages ago now?). We were strictly talking about 8 boss no Aminon runs right now.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-09-23 15:08:09
Oh nice. I thought i could still go lower, but never used it because it wasn't ilvl for your pets.
Either way you're not getting both ready moves in rapid succession on BST without unleash or a well timed random deal
By Dodik 2024-09-23 15:18:02
Purulent ooze is not worth trying. If you're doing melee the fight should not take more than 1-2min at most, and the hp ooze needs 1min to take effect. Meanwhile two WS from a capable dd should take off 10%.
It's stick on defense debuffs and dd. Ideally bst should be bst/dnc so they can stack their pet's defense down with steps, and allow the other more capable dds to WS instead of doing steps.
Blitz does have some nice SC properties and is pretty much safe to use on all the bosses regardless what other WS are being used.
By Nariont 2024-09-23 15:21:34
the hp ooze needs 1min to take effect.
If you mean to land it sure, but its effect is immediate, the mobs 90% of its max HP, it just wont lose the debuff to show the missing 10% until it wears
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2960
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-23 15:32:27
Blitz does have some nice SC properties and is pretty much safe to use on all the bosses regardless what other WS are being used.
Blitz -> Torcleaver = Distortion
Blitz -> Cross Reaper = Distortion
Blitz -> Fudo = Distortion
Origin -> Blitz = Impaction
Impulse -> Blitz = Fragmentation
I'd still check the charts depending which WS your teammates are using.
By K123 2024-09-23 17:27:53
I never said /SCH but anyway, I've done an 8 boss run with the RDM being 2boxed and only tossing haste2 and dia really. Not even meleeing. Don't ask how, wasn't paying that much attention but the guy was 3boxing SAM RDM and BRD (all tarus).
Set up can't matter that much when someone can 3box like this and not melee on RDM and BRD.
By SimonSes 2024-09-23 17:43:17
I personally would probably need to box this too and then instead of GEO or RDM I would go with SMN. Haste II AoE, movement speed for cursed part, 250 TPbonus, 23%+ double attack, Fenrir's Drain effect, Perfect Defense for F and H
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-09-23 18:09:21
We bring geo to melee sortie because with aria even support roles can start doing 90k WS (brd / cor / rdm) geo can still do pretty good damage as well. Geo can throw out barrier for F and Fend for H making both of them a lot easier.
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[123 days between previous and next post]
By Argisto 2025-01-24 23:15:43
Found some recent Imperator testing
Imperator: DEX 26%/MND 26%
fTP values:
1000 TP-1722/256
2000 TP-3444/256
3000 TP-5164/256
Imperator data
These numbers are more in line with with values proposed here as opposed to the youtube video currently referenced on BG.
Disclaimer: I have not verified this data for myself.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-01-25 06:35:50
I should submit a bug report that it doesn't have an attack bonus to correspond with it's attack stat once I get it to stage 4. ^.~
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Bahamut.Anillo 2025-03-02 14:54:41
A little late to the party, but I did some testing on the sword and dagger and think the values are closer to this:
Imperator: Dex/Mnd- 28%, ftp 1k/2k/3k- 6.5/13/19.5
Ruthless: Dex/Agi- 15%, ftp 1k/2k/3k- 6.5/16.5/26.5
Didn't do a lot of testing on this specifically, but ruthless can crit, but doesn't look like it is impacted by gear.
By SimonSes 2025-03-02 15:54:55
but ruthless can crit, but doesn't look like it is impacted by gear.
You pretty much lost me here.
Writing "breaking news" like that, without any proofs, makes me so skeptical about your testing skills, that I don't even want to look at numbers you provided, because I just upfront assume they are corrupted.
By Anillla 2025-03-02 17:06:13
If you don't believe me, go do your own testing. I did my own testing to come to my own conclusions, due to the lack of information on these prime weapons skills.
Did testing for ruthless on starter mobs outside of Windy to see only single hit damage and avoid multi-hits. Ruthless would randomly have spikes in results, such as going from 32k to 41k. This lines up with pdif increasing from non-crit 3.35 to crit 4.35 for rdm. As I said, I didn't do a lot of testing on crit specifically, but doesn't look like using gear to increase crit damage had any impact.
Take it or leave it, but hopefully this helps those interested in knowing more or doing further testing.
By SimonSes 2025-03-02 17:09:42
Did testing for ruthless on starter mobs outside of Windy to see only single hit damage and avoid multi-hits. Ruthless would randomly have spikes in results, such as going from 32k to 41k. This lines up with pdif increasing from non-crit 3.35 to crit 4.35 for rdm. As I said, I didn't do a lot of testing on crit specifically, but doesn't look like using gear to increase crit damage had any impact.
ekhm... was that 41k on birds/bees/bats and 32k on mobs, that not take +25% piercing damage?
Let's keep this thread solely for sharing information on the new prime weaponskills; WS numbers/sceenshots, hypothetical discussions on WS properties, such as stat mods and fTP, gear sets and buffs/debuffs used etc.
No discussions/comments on how much people hate sortie, why weapon requirements suck etc.