Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-04-19 04:24:56
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you watch any of the backliners and have any idea what that macro looks like, they're not using it. They go from no weapons out to WSing and then instantly back to weapons sheathed with no animation.
I didn't look at Velner, admittedly, because his WS frequency wasn't high enough so I didn't see one in the ~30 seconds of Aita I watched. He might be using that macro, but I know for 100% certain that loads of those players aren't. Their animations are incredibly telling.
For reference, here's a video of Maletaru using that macro, from Mekillthings' perspective. Tell me that looks like the people in the video and I'll tell you you're blind.
YouTube Video Placeholder
For the record, I don't think "WS while disengaged" is the worst offense most people are doing, I was just answering the question someone asked about whether or not the source video players were using lua to WS while disengaged which, in my opinion, at least BRD COR GEO RDM are.
WTF this is just macro?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-19 04:34:19
The *** is this conversation. I have this morality debate almost every night with Male, I don't want to see it on here too, Jesus. lmao
As far as the actual topic of this thread goes... I think some of our problem may be Aminon actually slipping hits in a little bit at the wrong time on the PLD. If it hits the PLD once or twice it shouldn't be an issue, but if it's at a bad time when we drained 300-ish TP and then failed the next absorb, it might push him over and be what is happening. We are reworking his set with more MDB focus and trying to remove any shitty gear in random midcast sets to limit him doing more dmg to stoneskin than he should. Hopefully that will fix it and bring us back to normal. It was weird how we started sucking recently for seemingly no reason other than being rusty after a break.
It also seems like the Miser's roll is a big improvement as well. The DNC attempt last night did as well or better than our DRK runs in terms of overall dmg, too, more or less. If we actually get the kinks worked out, it should be better, and that was just with Twashtar. We have a prime dagger stage 4 lined up, just getting the JSE gear and such on them first.
Would be nice to increase our overall muffins per run, getting real tired of the time it takes to get a new stage 5 as someone who plays almost every job. There's so many good Primes I want and we are just massively time gated by muffins, and minorly time gated by psyches, which we aren't in danger of running out of before we get the muffins right now....
By K123 2024-04-19 04:43:20
Assuming JA0 is on. Is it this smooth with it off?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-04-19 04:47:05
We joke all the time that Male cheats because he knows how luas and ***are coded from looking at our ***in Discord all the time, but he constantly high-horses us about using addons. He claims he is purely vanilla outside of using windower itself for duoboxing purposes on multiple monitors. So this is with no addons, plugins or third-party programs aside from base Windower.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1849
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-04-19 05:43:25
The amount of jank in their instances makes visually verifying anything inconsistent. We have macros for things like 4 step sc that we nuke on with /p messages because the animations just don't go off.
I'd be more interested in this discussion if banning still happened, vanilla was recoded over the years so that it reflected the amount of money we've spent on the game, or the server experience didn't vary drastically by geographic location and time of day. You're beating a dead horse like this is F1 where at best it's a demolition derby. Sometimes it's just a crash test.
Please get back to discussing how prime dagger isn't necessary so we can at least pretend to be on topic.
By Dodik 2024-04-19 06:55:05
My bad, all the weird stuff is just lag and poor server performance, everyone is 100% vanilla and no one uses any addons.
The prime dagger is great and everyone should have one along with a pocket brd and dnc.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 08:28:04
Assuming JA0 is on. Is it this smooth with it off?
I don't understand either of your questions, and frankly I'm astounded that neither of you can recognize FFXI gameplay. Yes, this is just male using a macro (I showed it in the video) and then me alt-tabbing to Meki to watch Male do the things in the macro. It engages, uses Savage Blade, then disengages. This is what the animations look like from the perspective of a third-party player while watching someone execute the macro that Velner suggested in his streams.
If you compare the way Male takes out her weapons, executes the WS, and then puts them away, it looks absolutely nothing like what the backline is doing in Posi's video. That was my point and the reason I posted this video, because there were questions about whether or not the people in the video were using "WS while disengaged" functionality from some kind of lua. I personally made no judgments about whether they should or should not be doing that, I'm just saying they are, because someone asked if they were.
By Dodik 2024-04-19 08:37:11
That's just lag.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2024-04-19 09:55:02
I think it's been proven that none of the weapons are must have, they just make things easier/faster. Horn may very well be alone in the must have category because BRD things.
The "much better than the other primes" list is dagger/gkt/polearm/great sword/shield/scythe/great axe I'd say. Pretty much all the heavy DD 2H + dagger and shield.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 10:30:04
The "much better than the other primes" list is dagger/gkt/polearm/great sword/shield/scythe/great axe I'd say. Pretty much all the heavy DD 2H + dagger and shield.
I think the gun has a good place here. When working on Arebati we had two CORs, one with prime gun one without. With Arma/Fomal, WS avg was around 15-17k. With Earp (stage 4), WS avg was around 25-28k. Toss in the double/triple damage procs, and the prime gun is significantly better for physical damage than other options for COR. Not sure how it performs on RNG, but with the fact that double/triple shots can proc the ODT, I'd imagine it's extremely strong. Bow is similar, except COR can't use it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1429
By Asura.Pergatory 2024-04-19 10:56:45
Throw the staff in, too. It's great for all 3 jobs that can use it. Our BLM has been using stage 4 staff in Sortie for a while now and it's pretty beast. I used it on SMN for Zerde recently, Oshala AM3 was pretty nice.
Once I figure out a fast cast set on SCH that doesn't require weapon/sub, I'll probably start using it on SCH too (most likely this will just mean dropping one of the two grimoire cast time pieces but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on fitting everything just yet).
By Godfry 2024-04-19 11:33:57
To return to the original topic,
is it still as the below?
Must have:- Horn, Dagger
Best: GK , Gun , Shield
Optional/collectibles: Others
I'd still use this rank. After reading the replies to this, previously, I didn't see a compelling one to change it.
Category 1: Staff, GS, Dagger, Horn, Shield
Category 2: GK, GA, Gun, Bow, Polearm, Scythe
Category 3: Axe, H2H, Sword
Category 4: Katana, Club
By Atrox78 2024-04-19 11:40:48
Need to move the polearm up a cateogry and include the scythe.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4544
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-19 11:47:50
S tier: The weapon for the job you play the most
F tier: everything else
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 11:53:21
I stand by my rating 10 pages back
Tier 1: instrument, because it helps improve up to 6 people's damage
Tier 2: everything else but club. These add more important sc properties but pretty much all boils down to more dmg for the wielder
Tier 3: club. It's borderline unusable. Allows club to make darkness, that's...something.
Some weapons do more dmg than others, but most of them don't share jobs, so it's not fair to compare their damage output. Obviously scythe will out damage katana, the jobs aren't even remotely comparable. Every underwhelming prime is on an underwhelming job. Big shocker.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-19 11:58:21
The correct take. It doesn't matter if scythe is better than katana if you don't play dark. That's why it's stupid as ***to rank them.
Build the weapon you'll use, *** anyone's opinion.
Even the horn. It's great to have in the party, but that doesn't mean you specifically need it. It's useless to you on BRD1.
Stop being a lemming. Stop altering your play to fit what the spreadsheet says is best.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2979
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-04-19 12:04:08
S tier: The weapon for the job you play the most
F tier: everything else
Scenario: guy primarily plays whm, but sometimes plays Sam and brd.
S Tier club, gotcha. What's he gonna use that for? Setting up aftermath, locking it, and saving mp by not using raetic? As a holy piece?
Shame he doesn't have a prime maul to wake him up while asleep anymore doe...
By K123 2024-04-19 12:15:16
If you have V25 clears the only end game for you is 9 boss runs, that would mean horn and dagger are the god tiers if aegis beats duban there. COR RDM obviously not needing prime unless somehow cor using prime gun ws and brd using savage somehow was better than cor SB and BRD mordant or whatever. No prime needed for GEO.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4544
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-19 12:17:25
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »S tier: The weapon for the job you play the most
F tier: everything else
Scenario: guy primarily plays whm, but sometimes plays Sam and brd.
S Tier club, gotcha. What's he gonna use that for? Setting up aftermath, locking it, and saving mp by not using raetic? As a holy piece?
Shame he doesn't have a prime maul to wake him up while asleep anymore doe...
By Godfry 2024-04-19 12:19:23
Need to move the polearm up a cateogry and include the scythe.
Thanks for the feedback. Had forgotten to include Scythe. I don't see why any of the rank 2 is better than one another to the point of tanking it up to rank 1.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4544
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-04-19 12:21:36
If you're that *** stupid that your only takeaway is "whm club bad", then the tier list works. Anyone whos not a brainlet knows that "S tier: the weapon for the job you use most" is to be interpreted as something akin to "dont pick scythe just because the internet says its a great weapon if you never play drk".
Is staff a great weapon? Sure. Is it a great weapon in the hands of someone who never plays BLM or SCH or SMN outside of SMNburning aeonics? NO!
By Atrox78 2024-04-19 12:55:08
Need to move the polearm up a cateogry and include the scythe.
Thanks for the feedback. Had forgotten to include Scythe. I don't see why any of the rank 2 is better than one another to the point of tanking it up to rank 1.
Polearm is a game changer for drg. By far the best weapon for the job in almost every scenario.
Scythe gives mp and hp back making it unique and very viable in a multitude of scenarios.
Everyother weapon in that category has other weapons that rival it.
By Godfry 2024-04-19 13:28:08
Everyother weapon in that category has other weapons that rival it.
Category 1 is composed of weapons that are not only game-changer for the jobs, they have practical use and-or appear in multiple jobs. I also don't think DRG was lacking a strong polearm. Shining One and Trish are really good weapons. Lastly, I don't see how a DRG getting the polearm is any different than the SAM getting the GK or the WAR getting the GA. Damage wise, these weapons are pretty fun and powerful.
By K123 2024-04-19 14:46:02
I don't understand either. I mean, I'm sure it's nice to have a light ws but no nicer than getting a dark ws on great axe and gkt, or light on scythe.
By Atrox78 2024-04-19 15:59:13
Everyother weapon in that category has other weapons that rival it.
Category 1 is composed of weapons that are not only game-changer for the jobs, they have practical use and-or appear in multiple jobs. I also don't think DRG was lacking a strong polearm. Shining One and Trish are really good weapons. Lastly, I don't see how a DRG getting the polearm is any different than the SAM getting the GK or the WAR getting the GA. Damage wise, these weapons are pretty fun and powerful.
You grossly underestimate what wsd traits do to diarmud and grossly overestimate lol shinning one. Being on multiple jobs don't mean anything. And, tier list are dumb anyway but weapons mentioned actualy bring somthing to the job that they don't have without (dmg along with hp and mp gain in scythe case)
By Atrox78 2024-04-19 16:03:36
I don't understand either. I mean, I'm sure it's nice to have a light ws but no nicer than getting a dark ws on great axe and gkt, or light on scythe.
If you're talking about the pokearm, it's dark based not light....drg has no shortage at all in sc ability without it. It's value is severe dmg and not having to use nageling
By Taint 2024-04-19 16:06:11
Everyother weapon in that category has other weapons that rival it.
Category 1 is composed of weapons that are not only game-changer for the jobs, they have practical use and-or appear in multiple jobs. I also don't think DRG was lacking a strong polearm. Shining One and Trish are really good weapons. Lastly, I don't see how a DRG getting the polearm is any different than the SAM getting the GK or the WAR getting the GA. Damage wise, these weapons are pretty fun and powerful.
You grossly underestimate what wsd traits do to diarmud and grossly overestimate lol shinning one. Being on multiple jobs don't mean anything. And, tier list are dumb anyway but weapons mentioned actualy bring somthing to the job that they don't have without (dmg along with hp and mp gain in scythe case)
Cata and Entropy would like a word with you. Its a huge DPS gain that still accomplishes things that Scythe could already do. (reread I think thats what you meant)
Of all the 2 hand primes, Scythe seems like the biggest let down in action. (sheer DPS) BUT, I can see how HP/MP drain are big in some instances. I've seen the potential mathed out on this forum but I haven't seen it parse well and there are lots of scythes to play with on Asura.
Let's keep this thread solely for sharing information on the new prime weaponskills; WS numbers/sceenshots, hypothetical discussions on WS properties, such as stat mods and fTP, gear sets and buffs/debuffs used etc.
No discussions/comments on how much people hate sortie, why weapon requirements suck etc.