Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion

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Prime WS Information, Testing, Discussion
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6215
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-06-13 04:37:39
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Demisang are terrible to test against because most of them can have protect up.
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-13 04:57:06
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Asura.Volteczero said: »
looks like some testing with prime gun WS

Low sample size and uncapped attack. I guess all he really wanted is practical test against Last Stand while you spam them with probably only chaos roll? Kinda lame.

Also can't really say if damage is better because of possible attack bonus or better fTP/WSC.

EDIT: It kinda shows that huge fTP jump from 1000TP to 2000TP known from Oshala is not something featured on every Prime WS. Terminus seems to only have ~43% boost in fTP from 1000TP to 2000TP.
Posts: 43
By Univarsity 2023-06-13 10:28:57
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Testing out the stage 3 Duban Shield right now, looks like it may have a hidden stat of TP gained per block. Although I'm getting hit for 0s, I'm gaining about 77 TP per block. I'm not the kind of guy who does all the calculations and factors and everything so maybe when someone else gets it they can provide a more detailed test.
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-06-13 10:33:37
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Univarsity said: »
Testing out Duban Shield right now, looks like it may have a hidden stat of TP gained per block. Although I'm getting hit for 0s, I'm gaining about 77 TP per block. I'm not the kind of guy who does all the calculations and factors and everything so maybe when someone else gets it they can provide a more detailed test.
PLD has shield mastery, and unless you have stoneskin up, you'll receive baseTP+shield mastery TP for blocks.

77 TP is perfectly normal for a master PLD to gain on block. I'm getting the same right now using Ochain rather than Duban.
Posts: 43
By Univarsity 2023-06-13 10:35:50
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Aw ok sounds right, yeah I forgot about shield mastery lol
Server: Ragnarok
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Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-06-13 10:40:16
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Since I've bothered dig into the block TP break down already, I'm gonna go ahead and post that too.

Base TP. varies with mob delay, and player STP. 22 is a very common value if you have a little bit of STP.

Shield mastery IV +40 TP on block. This is not affected by STP.
Shield mastery gifts +15

Dropped all stp and got
21+40+15=76 instead.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2023-06-13 14:50:37
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Since I've bothered dig into the block TP break down already, I'm gonna go ahead and post that too.

Base TP. varies with mob delay, and player STP. 22 is a very common value if you have a little bit of STP.

Shield mastery IV +40 TP on block. This is not affected by STP.
Shield mastery gifts +15

Dropped all stp and got
21+40+15=76 instead.
Oh hey I just noticed you're the reason I switched from DRK and WAR onry to PLD main many many years ago
is this you?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-06-13 15:32:06
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Blazed1979 said: »
Oh hey I just noticed you're the reason I switched from DRK and WAR onry to PLD main many many years ago
is this you?
Yep. That's me. Damn that's an old one.
Guide Maker
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ejin
Posts: 528
By Ragnarok.Ejiin 2023-06-14 00:21:12
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Very impressed/happy with Mumei damage so far. Did some limited tests and seems stronger than R15 Masa Fudo.

BoG/EA Frailty/Indi-Fury/Chaos/Dia2/Min5/Marcato Honor

WS gear used for Fudo and Mumei:
3000TP R15 Masa Fudo:

3000TP Mumei on the same Acuex:

3000TP Mumei with AM3 up on another Acuex to show when AM3 applies:

2249TP Mumei with AM3 up:

Note that Acuex take -12.5% damage to slashing, which we realized after the fact.

AM3 did not overwrite/refresh itself.
AM applies on the activating WS.
Can confirm Mumei multistep dark will still heal bosses

More Mumei:

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Autocast
Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-06-14 00:38:04
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Don't suppose you have white hits on those mobs with/without aftermath or a 3k tp fudo with prime aftermath?

Hard(impossible?) to tell how much of that damage is from the PDL aftermath since you were for sure well over cap attack with geo on trash mobs and we don't know the ftp/stat mod % yet.

Looks nice for sure tho.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2023-06-14 01:09:14
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Those Mumei numbers look nice and make me think the amount of PDL granted by AM3 gotta be pretty large.

Would love to see ~1000TP damage difference with AM up and with AM down on the same targets with the same buffs to get an estimate of how much PDL AM1 grants, roughly.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Autocast
Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-06-14 01:18:50
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Would love to see ~1000TP damage difference with AM up and with AM down on the same targets with the same buffs to get an estimate of how much PDL AM1 grants, roughly.

Seems like you can't get the Prime WS to deal damage without the aftermath boosting it as the initial WS seems to gain the benefit of the aftermath.

Need to use another ws, which we know the mods/ftp values of(like fudo in this case), with and without aftermath to get an idea of how much PDL it is giving.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10263
By Asura.Sechs 2023-06-14 01:23:46
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Oooh, is that something new?
I seemed to recall AM3 applying only from the first WS after activation and not on the first one as well, at least for Mythics, but maybe I'm completely wrong here.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2988
By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-06-14 01:34:18
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Oooh, is that something new?
I seemed to recall AM3 applying only from the first WS after activation and not on the first one as well, at least for Mythics, but maybe I'm completely wrong here.
Mythic AM3 has always applied to the activating WS.

Empyrean Aftermath didn't cause well, it doesn't work on WS at all.

Relics... I dunno. those have such varied effects that only some even could affect WS. Only weapon-type relic I have is Excalibur, and I can't really test if Regen and Refresh applies to a WS. lol.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 384
By Bahamut.Suph 2023-06-14 01:43:33
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For Aeonic the skillchain property does not apply to the initiating WS but does to the SC.

Like if you have no AM and there’s light, last stand wont make double light.

But if you have AM1, and following a light WS with a 3,000 TP last stand, it’ll make Radiance and use up your aftermath.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2023-06-14 03:06:23
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Got the ole Greatsword Prime Stage 3 tonight. Cannot wait to give it a crack tomorrow!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2023-06-14 06:11:15
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
Got the ole Greatsword Prime Stage 3 tonight. Cannot wait to give it a crack tomorrow!

This is the one I've been waiting to hear about. :^)

And Scythe. lol
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 06:54:17
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Fenrir.Velner said: »
Got the ole Greatsword Prime Stage 3 tonight. Cannot wait to give it a crack tomorrow!

This is the one I've been waiting to hear about. :^)

And Scythe. lol

I want to see Scythe and Dagger and maybe Katana. Low hopes that I will see the latter ones though XD (I know about this JP guy showing dagger, but I mea like a proper test or at least with standard buffs XD)
By 2023-06-14 07:59:22
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Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 08:08:41
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Dubaiii said: »
Please guys who ever dont have any inputs regarding any prime weapon real testing, keep your brain thoughts/speculations, statistics whatever to yourself.

I haven't noticed a single post with speculations or off topic discussion. Are you asking preemptively or something? :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-06-14 09:07:06
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
Got the ole Greatsword Prime Stage 3 tonight. Cannot wait to give it a crack tomorrow!
update por favor. I read your post before I slept and have been checking back all throughout the work day to see what the verdict is. suspense
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 09:09:39
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Ragnarok.Primex said: »
Fenrir.Velner said: »
Got the ole Greatsword Prime Stage 3 tonight. Cannot wait to give it a crack tomorrow!
update por favor. I read your post before I slept and have been checking back all throughout the work day to see what the verdict is. suspense

Not gonna be fast. He went to Sortie this morning EU time, so you can expect it not sooner than in like 14 hours.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Jinxs
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2023-06-14 11:22:59
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Do these new weapon skills have the same properties(sc) as the relic weapons skills?

Do they make the same skillchain? Is there any double ups or such?
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 11:24:02
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Fenrir.Jinxs said: »
Do these new weapon skills have the same properties(sc) as the relic weapons skills?

Do they make the same skillchain? Is there any double ups or such?

All of them can create 3 step darkness or light by repeating same WS 3 times. Details in the link.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Disclai
By Asura.Disclai 2023-06-14 12:00:40
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Aramith9 posted a video using the scythe against A boss:

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Asura.Volteczero 2023-06-14 12:03:34
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Scythe looks absolutely nuts, light sc!
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 12:13:29
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Asura.Volteczero said: »
Scythe looks absolutely nuts, light sc!

We know it's light SC since update.

This weapon simply breaks the game. 99999 all the time at 3000tp in this video 52-70k below 2000tp lol
We have a winner

I absolutely make this weapon. It was in my top 3 even before this showcase, but now it's obvious. Its like my favourite WS in game, but on steroids :)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2023-06-14 12:55:19
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Volteczero said: »
Scythe looks absolutely nuts, light sc!

We know it's light SC since update.

This weapon simply breaks the game. 99999 all the time at 3000tp in this video 52-70k below 2000tp lol
We have a winner

I absolutely make this weapon. It was in my top 3 even before this showcase, but now it's obvious. Its like my favourite WS in game, but on steroids :)

Insane. Excited to hear more about the other expected heavy hitting weaponskills now, but hard to ignore these numbers in addition to drain hp and mp
Posts: 9193
By SimonSes 2023-06-14 13:01:24
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I'm pretty sure now, great sword and polearm might be as strong or stronger, but Origin drains HP and MP and is on DRK, DD who has tons of utility. Also personally I wrote here many times that Catastrophe is the best looking (and sounding) WS for me, so I can spam that until they switch of the servers :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: arcajeth
Posts: 73
By Asura.Hotworks 2023-06-14 13:03:09
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Basically making Scythe mandatory to make
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