are you playing in FFXI-HORIZON server?
By Draylo 2023-01-15 17:53:49
It probably wont last, and 80% of your numbers are probably playing because its free lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Asura.Aerec 2023-01-15 17:55:37
I mean the staff expected ~1k population at launch. Its been a roller coaster ever since.
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 17:58:13
It probably wont last, and 80% of your numbers are probably playing because its free lol. That's pure cope. The vast VAST majority of players would pay to have an officially supported 75 server. 80% is laughably false. Maybe 10%
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:00:09
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying.
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 18:01:57
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying. Do i need to post screenshots every day of my search results IN GAME?
You are sounding more and more like you HOPE it can't be true because you refuse to admit when you're making baseless allegations and have some grudge against anything not officially supported by SE succeeding.
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:02:46
Yeah and why is this one suddenly over 4k?
I still don't believe those numbers.
If you log on now, what are the numbers? Unless they are at least 50% less than at launch they are completely fake. No game, retains launch numbers or even 80-90% of them a month after launch.
If they are 2k or so I might give them the benefit of the doubt they had 4k at launch, otherwise the numbers are fake to attract sheep. yesterday there was 4400 online at peak hours.
right now there are 3735 online
I don't know if they are padding the numbers out or if they have bots on the server but there is no way they still have the same numbers they did at launch, I mean really. Does anyone believe that?
This is near Lost Ark level padding. again ur basing this on what? literally what are u basing this on? maybe u just want it to be true because u feel threatened by it? just log in. theres 200 ppl in the dunes 200 ppl in qufim. literally everywhere u go there are hoards of ppl running around. i 100% believe it because i see it. how many times have u brought up fake numbers as if its even a thing but u keep leaning on it as if it proves some imaginary point...this whole thread of retail die hards till the grave is really cringe. i love retail/private servers, they are different games. the fact that u spend this much time gaslighting and hating on something u dont play and doesnt affect you is really disturbing to me. draylo said it himself. he thinks retail isnt getting expansions because of horizon. like u guys are really delusional... 20th anniverary was almost a year ago, i dont think they sat in a board room and said scratch that expansion some private server is gonna come out next year and ruin everything.. ur not losing subs to a private server. most ppl ive met play on retail right now. at the very worst a private server with this much attention is doing SE's job for them in shedding light on a 20 year old game. ppl sub retail after trying xi. its a fact
By fillerbunny9 2023-01-15 18:03:14
I find it somewhat difficult to believe that Horizon is pulling ~5 times the number of people as other privates like Eden, especially when considering the *** job changes and the temp/perma bans as people “play and find out.” Sounds sus
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:03:54
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying. Do i need to post screenshots every day of my search results IN GAME?
You don't seem to understand the point I'm making.
Search is not a scientific calculation of player numbers, it's a number the server pops out that can be fiddled with in numerous ways. They can make it say infinity if they want, they can add hundreds of fake players, they can put bots on the server.
I do not believe this game has higher retention numbers than Elden Ring.
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 18:06:20
I find it somewhat difficult to believe that Horizon is pulling ~5 times the number of people as other privates like Eden, especially when considering the *** job changes and the temp/perma bans as people “play and find out.” Sounds sus There is like 13k+ people in the discord...
The temp/perma bans are grosely over-dramatized. 99.9% of the playerbase didn't even know it was happening.
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:07:47
It probably wont last, and 80% of your numbers are probably playing because its free lol. by ur logic if theyre playin only because its free why would they leave It probably wont last, and 80% of your numbers are probably playing because its free lol. i can literally quote u for sayign just wait till after xmas when the kiddies go back to school and it drops to 500... you provide nothing but conjecture, now that ur wrong about the xmas dropoff are u gonna push the goal posts to easter? its so cringe how bad u want something to fail that doesnt affect you.
By Aquapenguin 2023-01-15 18:08:37
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying. Do i need to post screenshots every day of my search results IN GAME?
You don't seem to understand the point I'm making.
Search is not a scientific calculation of player numbers, it's a number the server pops out that can be fiddled with in numerous ways. They can make it say infinity if they want, they can add hundreds of fake players, they can put bots on the server.
I do not believe this game has higher retention numbers than Elden Ring.
What would have to happen or what sort of proof would you need to be given to show the numbers are true?
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 18:08:40
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying. Do i need to post screenshots every day of my search results IN GAME?
You don't seem to understand the point I'm making.
Search is not a scientific calculation of player numbers, it's a number the server pops out that can be fiddled with in numerous ways. They can make it say infinity if they want, they can add hundreds of fake players, they can put bots on the server.
I do not believe this game has higher retention numbers than Elden Ring. I'm pretty positive that elden ring had higher player count and retention numbers than horizonxi... unless you are talking about percentage change? Why would you pick a AAA title of a beloved franchise that sold millions of copies vs horizonxi who has average 4300 concurent players and like 30k unique IPs?
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 18:10:40
Draylo losing sleep because a p.server having temporary greater success than retail.
Meanwhile I'm losing sleep grinding these crabs in qufim. :)
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:14:11
Right now Horizonxi is likely more populated than Asura. Will this last? Who knows? Speculating on it does nothing to further the discussion and only used to stoke the flames of turmoil within an already fractured community.
I love this game but I can fully admit it is not going to appeal to most of the people that install it, you want to believe and I get that but it's still silly nonsense.
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying. Do i need to post screenshots every day of my search results IN GAME?
You don't seem to understand the point I'm making.
Search is not a scientific calculation of player numbers, it's a number the server pops out that can be fiddled with in numerous ways. They can make it say infinity if they want, they can add hundreds of fake players, they can put bots on the server.
I do not believe this game has higher retention numbers than Elden Ring. and ur conjecture is not a legitimate argument.... trust me bro and thnk about are not valid arguments. youre making something up with absolutely no evidence. just because u want something to be true doesnt make it true. log in to asura. see what 3k population looks and feels like. then log in to horizon and tell me its not wayy more crowded and active. ur a joke dude. it sounds like ur equating the current population to how good the server is. ie horizon has more ppl so that means its better, but then ur chimp brain goes no wait retail is better, so horizon HAS to be lying. who cares how many ppl are playing. play what u want. do what makes u happy. thats what everyone on horizon is doing. none of them are hoping retail fails. u guys are projecting so hard its embarrassing for me to witness
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:19:17
What would have to happen or what sort of proof would you need to be given to show the numbers are true?
The great thing with search is you don't get all the names in a big list, they get cut off. You have to go out of your way to find every name. People seem to want to treat /sea all like a scientific dial or something?
Anyone that tells me a private server, of a 20 year old game stuck in a state it was 20 years ago (that mostly has ff14 players talking on discord) is still retaining them all or is so popular it's attracting so many new players to offset the losses is delusional.
This is not some wild private server either offering something unique either, it's pretty much just offering the same (or less) than the other servers (unless you think pink hair is a deal breaker)
A FF11 2004 era private server is not as popular as wow private servers, 1 month after launch. I could kind of begrudgingly buy it at launch, but not now.
I love this game to death and I know full well it's not going to appeal to most people that try it, and that's retail let alone a 2003 era version.
By CrAZYVIC 2023-01-15 18:22:00
I posted this off-topic precisely for a more casual chat and to avoid upsetting the mods
We can discuss controversial issues
The end game FFXI-RETAIL, WoW-MODERN and FFXIV are much more difficult than FFXI-CLASSIC and WoW-CLASSIC.
The leveling process is more complex in FFXI-WoW classic.
Ninja paid for the server and FFXI horizon have borrowed things from other servers.
The best thing that could happen to FFXI official is that Ninja buys the rights to the game and hires a dev-team to fix the two most serious problems in FFXI: its netcode and its graphic-engine, passing it to DX12 in order to create new content, obviously. these developers speak English to be able to communicate.
Nasomi, eden and wings have borrowed things from other servers, this has always happened and will continue to happen.
FFXI retail is where it deserves to be and where it can be for what it has done and for what it HAS NOT DONE. In the last 10 years FFXI-RETAIL has had many opportunities for redemption, they have preferred to play it safe and conservative.
I just ask who was going to play it, most of us who play FFXI are a mass of forties (37 here) and we are old enough to know how we invest our free time.
DRAYLO can you start the shout for our next party in horizon? or im gona reveal your nick-name to all FFXIAH :)
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:22:31
"Search is not a scientific calculation of player numbers, it's a number the server pops out that can be fiddled with in numerous ways. They can make it say infinity if they want, they can add hundreds of fake players, they can put bots on the server." by ur logic thers no way theres 3k ppl on retail. i mean think about bro they make money, they want their game to look popular? dont u think they can just add numbers to their search to make the game look more popular than it is. se is just inflating their numbers to make themselves look better for more subs. its so obvious, all they hae to do is fiddle with some numbers they can definitely do it if they want to so that means its definitely true. this is how dumb u sound with zero evidence
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2023-01-15 18:23:24
Those numbers are fake asf.
They could say 10k and you would buy it, the people running the server are ego maniacs, they have a beef with Wings and they are fully aware people are sheep. They have every reason to mess with the numbers.
Common sense dictates those numbers are not real, because you do not retain those kinds of player numbers or even attract new blood replacing the people leaving like that. I just do not buy it and if I was on the server I would spend hours checking every single player to prove the guy running it is lying.
Common sense would say the numbers being shown are true, not that they're going to extra lengths to fabricate numbers that players would FEEL wasn't true when they're actually logged in.. All it takes is logging in to any town, popular zone, or check the AH to see that 3k online really isn't far fetched. I'm genuinely confused by the mental gymnastics you're doing to try and believe your own story - what's actually to gain here lol.
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:25:31
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2999
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-01-15 18:25:40
Draylo losing sleep because a p.server having temporary greater success than retail.
Meanwhile I'm losing sleep grinding these crabs in qufim. :)
I haven't been following the entire chain but this statement is only true if you consider "Retail" to be a single server of retail. There's no chance that the combined online populations of all retail servers are EVER under 4k. There are definitely more characters on retail than this private server, I don't even have to check.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Asura.Aerec 2023-01-15 18:27:01
I can guarantee that there is no padding to the numbers, it was just good timing, good community outreach, and good luck tbh. (The team is fighting the usual RMT, botters, and dual box accounts as per usual. So I guess there might be slightly higher numbers than if none of that was happening)
By Aquapenguin 2023-01-15 18:27:38
What would have to happen or what sort of proof would you need to be given to show the numbers are true?
The great thing with search is you don't get all the names in a big list, they get cut off. You have to go out of your way to find every name. People seem to want to treat /sea all like a scientific dial or something?
Anyone that tells me a private server, of a 20 year old game stuck in a state it was 20 years ago (that mostly has ff14 players talking on discord) is still retaining them all or is so popular it's attracting so many new players to offset the losses is delusional.
This is not some wild private server either offering something unique either, it's pretty much just offering the same (or less) than the other servers (unless you think pink hair is a deal breaker)
A FF11 2004 era private server is not as popular as wow private servers, 1 month after launch. I could kind of begrudgingly buy it at launch, but not now.
I love this game to death and I know full well it's not going to appeal to most people that try it, and that's retail let alone a 2003 era version.
Okay so again, what proof do you need presented to you? a walk through the zones? seperate /seas for jobs, names, levels? I'm sure if you said I need xyz to believe it someone will go do it.
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:28:32
I can guarantee that there is no padding to the numbers, it was just good timing, good community outreach, and good luck tbh.
No you can't, at all.
Thread theme.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:31:06
Okay so again, what proof do you need presented to you? a walk through the zones? seperate /seas for jobs, names, levels? I'm sure if you said I need xyz to believe it someone will go do it.
Nobody that plays this game believes it's retaining 100% of the players or replacing the losses so fast the number never changes, extreme fart huffing is bad for you.
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:32:29
and now just like draylo, u resort to trolling because u cant formulate an intelligible response. bunch of clowns. i called it from the jump. gaslight/lie/strawman-> get called out-> go quiet with trolling memes. draylos quiet now hes probably frantically deleting more of his delusional posts on yt. none of u are debating ur just crying about ppl playing a different game. grow up
By Asura.Briko 2023-01-15 18:33:39
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Draylo losing sleep because a p.server having temporary greater success than retail.
Meanwhile I'm losing sleep grinding these crabs in qufim. :)
I haven't been following the entire chain but this statement is only true if you consider "Retail" to be a single server of retail. There's no chance that the combined online populations of all retail servers are EVER under 4k. There are definitely more characters on retail than this private server, I don't even have to check. My previous statement was in the context of Asura, I mispoke :) thanks for the callout!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Asura.Aerec 2023-01-15 18:33:43
Thats me, DM me i'll walk you around the data sometime.
By Aquapenguin 2023-01-15 18:35:55
Okay so again, what proof do you need presented to you? a walk through the zones? seperate /seas for jobs, names, levels? I'm sure if you said I need xyz to believe it someone will go do it.
Nobody that plays this game believes it's retaining 100% of the players or replacing the losses so fast the number never changes, extreme fart huffing is bad for you.
I just want to be clear that I play retail way more than I even log onto Horizon and invest most of my time in retail, but again you have a claim that numbers are false so is it not a claim and a personal belief you will never believe to be untrue or is there any proof that someone can show you that would prove the numbers are real? I'm sure someone would help prove them to be real while all you've been saying about them being false is "there's no way".
By Asura.Rockooo 2023-01-15 18:38:38
Nobody that plays this game believes it's retaining 100% of the players or replacing the losses so fast the number never changes, extreme fart huffing is bad for you. who is nobody? are you the arbiter of beliefs? YOU dont believe because u dont want to, thats it. everyone on horizon believes it because they can see it. just walking around its WAY more active than retail.
By RadialArcana 2023-01-15 18:39:40
I simply don't believe your numbers at all, you have every reason to lie and it does not make any sense at all to anyone that has played this game.
How much money did Ninja give you btw? Just wondering, unless it's a secret.
Are any of you playing FFXI-HORIZON the private server with 3500-4000 people on average?
I personally will give it a try.