Insane numbers of bots...
By Applefritter 2020-04-23 12:20:32
You'd think SE is pulling at least enough money in to take care of these guys a bit more quickly, but as Thorny says it seems they don't care (focused on FFXIV) which I find a bit unusual since they announced a new content expansion for the 20th anniversary and the game shows no signs of dying any time soon.
They announced a new content expansion for the 20th anniversary?! Do you have a link to this information? I had read that, because of budgeting, they can only plan content for the year or something like that and an expansion looks unlikely (source: https://gamerescape.com/2020/04/10/11-questions-for-the-final-fantasy-xi-dev-team/). A new content expansion would be great, though. Sorry for the off-topic post. That just really caught my attention.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:21:56
I don't really care that bots exist, but I genuinely hate that they're used so hap-hazardly. You'll find on Asura, which currently has 3300+ online at the moment, that nearly every room of Outer Raz or *Gates Zones has 1-6 people solo camping the ~4-5 mobs in a room for a hours on end.
Typically, you can cap merits in ~20 minutes in the best CP/XP areas. Those areas are packed, but you can get in and out, in 20 minutes and no one is really impacted. It's when you see some smoothbrain camping the same room for Bayld, Merits, JP etc for hours on end. (Sure, if it's a bot, then who cares if it takes hours, but when these secondary areas become your first option to obtain merits, it's just compounded stupidity.
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels.
They even asnwered sarcastically if we needed more exp/cp zones in the last QA they did.
IMO we really need more zones not just because most good zones are already being boted but because since reisenjima we didnt have a new exp/cp zone. And thats like 3 or 4 years already.
I would like new zones as well. And I don't give a ***about the story. Put a swirling vortex or Archiac Rampart in Korroloka Tunnel and just have mobs pour out of it.
I mean, jeez, even the Altepa deserts could use an I-Level variant.
Last i read i saw someone mention they couldnt mess with lv and ilvs in those old zones.
So, only available place to change mobs level would be open fields zones in adoulin. There are too much garbage below 119 on all those main open field zones.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-23 12:27:23
I've never had any problems finding a cp camp or spot to cap merits on Asura ever due to bots. Honestly don't care about them since they don't affect my play and they are paying subs that are keeping the game afloat. Are they really? Is RMT really that lucrative that a bunch of RMT bots are paying subs for stuff they will eventually get deleted soon (possibly)?
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:30:49
Unless RMT are partner in crime with SE (plot twist), they need to pay subs and new accounts.
Best they can do maybe is buying a bunch of new codes during discount campaigns
By Dazusu 2020-04-23 12:32:54
I had read that, because of budgeting, they can only plan content for the year or something like that and an expansion looks unlikely
They did this say this a couple of years ago - but more recently (around 12 months ago) they said they had secured budget through the 20th anniversary; so they were planning something to 'surprise players' which would take a bit longer. Most people interpret this as "oh, an expansion is coming"; I'm not so sure.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:35:54
I need to reread that part in the interview but my impression was that they would do something very cosmetic for the 20th anniversary.
By Applefritter 2020-04-23 12:37:36
I had read that, because of budgeting, they can only plan content for the year or something like that and an expansion looks unlikely
They did this say this a couple of years ago - but more recently (around 12 months ago) they said they had secured budget through the 20th anniversary; so they were planning something to 'surprise players' which would take a bit longer. Most people interpret this as "oh, an expansion is coming"; I'm not so sure.
Ooh, okay. Yeah, I think maybe it's in this interview? https://gamerescape.com/2019/05/23/the-future-of-ffxi-famitsu-interview-with-akihiko-matsui-and-yoji-fujito/
That interview was only last year, but it's in there that they talk about the budget (or rather, the resources they'd need for an expansion). Thanks for your reply!
By Shichishito 2020-04-23 15:41:54
they have bots playing their game, now if they only had bots to make the expansion. the bots sure won't complain much if it ends up shitty. not like SE reads complaints...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-23 16:10:33
Gotta be like this out there
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-04-23 16:24:07
they have bots playing their game, now if they only had bots to make the expansion. the bots sure won't complain much if it ends up shitty. not like SE reads complaints... I think you mean not like SE reads complaints from NA/EU players. I mean all people gotta do is stop buying gil and they go away but SE aint gonna do anything because like others have said these guys pay subs so its money in SE pocket at the end of the day.
By Shichishito 2020-04-23 16:32:24
isn't odin JP central? i thought JP players don't bot/cheat/exploit or buy gil?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-04-23 16:45:03
isn't odin JP central? i thought JP players don't bot/cheat/exploit or buy gil? I was more so talking all servers someone talked about asura and what not but ya I believe JP players do the same thing just not as open about it.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2020-04-23 17:21:14
I had read that, because of budgeting, they can only plan content for the year or something like that and an expansion looks unlikely
They did this say this a couple of years ago - but more recently (around 12 months ago) they said they had secured budget through the 20th anniversary; so they were planning something to 'surprise players' which would take a bit longer. Most people interpret this as "oh, an expansion is coming"; I'm not so sure.
Ooh, okay. Yeah, I think maybe it's in this interview? https://gamerescape.com/2019/05/23/the-future-of-ffxi-famitsu-interview-with-akihiko-matsui-and-yoji-fujito/
That interview was only last year, but it's in there that they talk about the budget (or rather, the resources they'd need for an expansion). Thanks for your reply! Yeah I’m with u on this. No idea why people are assuming there’s a new expansion. Rather just wait and see what their “big” surprise is. Most likely not a full ledge expansion you have to pay for.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3816
By Odin.Drakenv 2020-04-23 18:25:50
I'm assuming its a new battlefield content for empy +2/3 coming like how omen was implemented. Scenario possibly but doubt they'd do an expansion. Agreed
By Torzak 2020-04-23 20:21:03
I didn't read page 2 before posting.
I've reported:
Lifae, Fuxiong, Aniea
Coycaterpillar, Rubydande, Kobabala, Shalalahe
Kirade, Lirade, Yizeh, Nvvv
Badmans, Yifu, Yizi, Yehi, Yezi, Yahi
so many times for botting, with time stamps, description of how I knew they were botting which included how I was killing them using their own programmed behavior against them - some of my reports were very specific in the details, even. Some of these bots are so easy to get killed in some of the zones.
I think some of them have turned to using 2 parties stacked on top of each other to help combat mine and/or others' attempts of killing them and some of the groups have gotten better at coding reraise in their scripts, too.
I honestly feel like I've contributed to the creation of better bots by trying to kill them. It was fun killing them and seeing the Dho Gates zone available for those who wanted it legit, but now the bots are harder to deal with in the same way.
I signed all of my reports the same exact way (before they recently added the email address field) so they'd know it was all coming from the same person in hopes that if they did do the research and found what I said to be true, they'd take future reports signed the same way more seriously or higher priority.
Then they added the email address field, and I continued to report the bots, but I don't think the email address field did anything to help SE take it more seriously.
I've had people both cheer me on for killing them & berate me for killing them.
I don't have anything against Windower, GearSwap, or even people towing a largely automated BRD or GEO behind a legit played character. I have a problem with AFK-play.
It'd take exactly one SE staff person to look at Dho Gates for only 1 minute every 6hrs for two weeks to see the boldness of the bots that have been setup and to surmise that they are basically there 24/7.
I've got numerous screen shots of my successes in killing the bots, several screen shots of thankful and pissed off people and their shouts or tells, several screen shots of the hoards of people willing to pay the bots - a good bit of which are Chinese, I'm thinkin', based on the few tells I've gotten from them.
In my estimation & conclusion: SE doesn't care. At all. They do a few odds and ends for appearances now and then, but for as many times and across several months that I reported the same named characters' botting activity in Dho Gates, not a single thing was done to most of them, if any of them.
Go to Dho Gates on Asura and you're likely to see Coycaterpillar and gang in the middle of the big Fish/Crab Room... Aniea and gang in a corner up against the wall in Dho Gates on Leaden Salute spam, etc. Every day.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-04-23 20:23:54
Tako my friend. Use it. MPK everyone. My favourite thing to do was MPK every party party in outer raz with my best friend, the ironclads.
Same concept works in Dho gates.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2020-04-24 15:10:20
Shits simple people if you can't beat them than join them ........... life is easier on this side of the fence anyways!
By Tainaya 2020-04-26 06:49:13
The RMT are doing the same thing on all servers. It's been going on for 2 years now. Since covid they have gone from farming 2 zones to farming 4 zones. Usually they only farm the zones no longer then 7 days but this last batch been there for 2 weeks. The same 3 well geared beast have leveled over 650 bots in less then 2 months. They have gotten more bold about position, speed hacking, and hiding inside walls. GM will tell you they don't handle these kind of situations. The pattern is make new bots level them in Boyahda, Gustav, & Kuftal. Position warping to unlock jobs and limit breaks. Hit 99 now they got a set of sparks gear. Throw a bunch in Ceizak, Yahse, Cirdas, & Foret de Hennetial. Auto fight, Position to Western Adoulin in wall behind sparks guy, cash in sparks, position hack to level 1 inside another building behind npc Defliaa buy iron arrows for anywhere from 1 mil to 15 mil per arrow, Position warp again back to the spot they were fighting at. Rinse and repeat til they want to replace them with new ones. Even if you get a actual GM they do nothing but repeat the same crap you get on the automated email you get most times when you report. Yes you can do something else but after 2 years waiting to do what you wanted to do it gets old. The game is dead. So keep playing and keep doing other things forget about trying to do the quest and coaltion in those zones. Unless you want to spend several hours fighting for mobs to get those done. Other option quit this game find another but you will find RMT and hackers are on every online game. Some people are lazy. Cheating and buying their way is all they want to do. Yes more actual players have been cheating. Most that are cheating being a RMT or player are not trying to hide it. But if SE does decide to do another ban they will only ban actual players and the RMT will keep on botting. It is also random who they ban. Some people who were not even active for months taking a break got banned. So it is very random who gets banned other then SE will not ban RMT.
By Confucion 2020-04-26 10:45:55
Tako my friend. Use it. MPK everyone. My favourite thing to do was MPK every party party in outer raz with my best friend, the ironclads.
Same concept works in Dho gates.
Been a minute since I've played, how do you mpk with tako?
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By Ahbon 2020-12-05 09:57:25
Sadly SE do nothing's about banning these Bots players in my server Asura everyday they camp Sky Gods , CP party with spamming Yell in Jeuno non-stop 24/7 even i report special force team with all the detail and times where they are bottings ... SE did nothing's about it but if you scold those Bots RMT i get a warning ... it's really sucks nowsaday in game.....To SE it's business and profit money money money ...
By Pantafernando 2020-12-05 10:00:04
Yeah, you better think twice before messing with my honest business next time...
I told you
By Taint 2020-12-05 10:03:32
You are more likely to get banned for harassment of a bot/player than actual botting. Its been that way forever.
You talk ***to a bot and report them. Nothing.
Bot player reports you for talking ***. Warning/Ban.
So, I'm just curious... I've reported probably 30 or 40 RMT bots that I've noticed out-of-bounds in Adoulin near the waypoint, and going through doing RoEs in Ceizak Battlegrounds I found there was an entire alliance of Anonymous lv99 Beastmasters speedhacking and teleporting around the entire zone killing anything and everything they see, and whatever botting software they use doesn't detect players as they do it right in front of other people.
I'm sure others have seen this too in other Adoulin areas. Are these guys botting Reives or something? It's very annoying and they blatantly speedhack right next to players; you can tell no one is playing that character.
Can anyone shed some light on whether this is common on larger servers like Asura, etc? I didn't mind fishbots back in the day so much, but these guys are like vultures that interrupt people actually trying to play the game, just make as much as they can before their accounts get banned. I wish SE was more pro-active, I've reported these exact same players over a month ago and they're still 24/7 farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds. Back in the day these bots would have been banned weeks ago when I made my detailed report with every single name included.
Just curious how common this is, at this point I have zero patience left to report these people as SE requires you to fill out a forum with all their names and it takes forever to do this, and when you don't see any results except a few times a year it's sort of pointless since you know these RMT are already making and leveling new accounts for the next 'ban wave'.
Quite frankly I'm just curious what the hell they are farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds and places like Sih Gates, seems like there are better ways to bot gil. Does anyone know if this is as common servers the larger servers like Asura? I can't imagine fighting bots AND the several thousand active players daily.
Sorry if the server forums are the wrong place for this, I just came back from about 2016 and I can't believe how blatantly obvious this type of botting is and how many I see.