Insane numbers of bots...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Odin.Darkhavans 2020-04-23 08:16:08
So, I'm just curious... I've reported probably 30 or 40 RMT bots that I've noticed out-of-bounds in Adoulin near the waypoint, and going through doing RoEs in Ceizak Battlegrounds I found there was an entire alliance of Anonymous lv99 Beastmasters speedhacking and teleporting around the entire zone killing anything and everything they see, and whatever botting software they use doesn't detect players as they do it right in front of other people.
I'm sure others have seen this too in other Adoulin areas. Are these guys botting Reives or something? It's very annoying and they blatantly speedhack right next to players; you can tell no one is playing that character.
Can anyone shed some light on whether this is common on larger servers like Asura, etc? I didn't mind fishbots back in the day so much, but these guys are like vultures that interrupt people actually trying to play the game, just make as much as they can before their accounts get banned. I wish SE was more pro-active, I've reported these exact same players over a month ago and they're still 24/7 farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds. Back in the day these bots would have been banned weeks ago when I made my detailed report with every single name included.
Just curious how common this is, at this point I have zero patience left to report these people as SE requires you to fill out a forum with all their names and it takes forever to do this, and when you don't see any results except a few times a year it's sort of pointless since you know these RMT are already making and leveling new accounts for the next 'ban wave'.
Quite frankly I'm just curious what the hell they are farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds and places like Sih Gates, seems like there are better ways to bot gil. Does anyone know if this is as common servers the larger servers like Asura? I can't imagine fighting bots AND the several thousand active players daily.
Sorry if the server forums are the wrong place for this, I just came back from about 2016 and I can't believe how blatantly obvious this type of botting is and how many I see.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-04-23 09:04:20
They don't care if you see them... there are so many new toons being pumped out daily on fenrir. In one days time I compiled a spreadsheet of 9 alliances of new toons all running the guantlet.
Easy search of "/sea all 1-98" and you will see where they are and what they do. We aren't talking hundreds of new toons; we are talking thousands.
By Drayco 2020-04-23 09:05:03
Please point out on the doll where the RMT hurt you.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-04-23 09:05:33
Please point out on the doll where the RMT hurt you.
Haha I wish I was this witty. /clap
By Drayco 2020-04-23 09:13:34
I just don't understand why people get so agro over accounts doing things they never do in zones they never go to.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-23 09:21:17
It's entirely pointless to report these bots and the yearly STF report is fabricated. They also have no plans on fixing it so you just have to work around them. It doesn't matter which zone they are in or what they are farming. AFK farming is still farming so who cares what it is when they are selling it to vendors or stacks on AH as crafting supplies. It makes them money. The real objective behind it is the sparks botting and the reive waypoint hacking. You create a cycle of bots to kill stuff on repeat and then dump sparks for instant money. You create a few waypoints for reives and you can insta-farm HPB/Bayld/mats as well. It's just mass gil farming of all sorts, and it's done in literally every zone.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-23 09:21:18
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 09:33:43
Funny thing they should be same player (or company?) because their behaviour evolve about the same at same time.
From MNKs with spark gear, moving to DRGs now finally BSTs.
The reason of those changes seems to be more self sustained char over a long time. DRGs had the healing breath to recover their HP. BST should allows them more safety. Having a self sustained char is good because you can survive lv100+ mobs without resorting trusts. Thus you can have 18 chars actively beating shits.
Im not sure if anything can be more profitable than crystal/spoils with the investment done on those chars. Its too much flow of sparks/accolades.
Mind you, on my server they already moved to Cirdas Caverns. They are surely spreading like a coronavirus in vanadiel. For every adjustment SE does on jobs that allow them more power/surviability, they will surely move to higher lv camps (i didnt see them on marjami, kamihr or yorcia so far).
Also, while we just can guess how SE handle bans, they have a clear vision how long it takes to ban a char due to an offense. If they are already running fleehacks open in the wild, it just mean how poor SE enforces their own rules. Though, should be about clear to anyone to see how "safe" is boting in current game. Just ask your friends, im sure your shell should have a solid amount of players botting exp/cp. I will never stress how many months i see same three chars owning palborough mines crafting sphere.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 09:35:28
You create a few waypoints for reives and you can insta-farm HPB/Bayld/mats as well.
This sounded new to me. What do you mean creating a waypoint?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 51
By Lakshmi.Guyledouche 2020-04-23 09:36:52
I generally only report bots that directly effect my play but i usually just move to a new zone or something. But even then i have never seen bots removed that I have reported. Things like old school dyna bots or sphere farm/syth bots. It can be fun to mess with them thou. There is this botter in Palborough that you can get trapped on the boat to Zeruhn Mines and send them sailing, good times. Bot moto is definitely "DON"T GET ELIMINATED!!!"
By SimonSes 2020-04-23 09:37:29
They most likely botting sparks by getting crystals. If they are in 18/18 ally they have chance to get crystal for each person I think for every single kill, so you can get like 10+ crystals per kill or wo.wthing like that? Not sure, I never CPed with Ionis with more than a party.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-04-23 09:38:59
They most likely botting sparks by getting crystals. If they are in 18/18 ally they have chance to get crystal for each person I think for every single kill, so you can get like 10+ crystals per kill or wo.wthing like that? Not sure, I never CPed with Ionis with more than a party. Ionis/Signet/etc crystal chance is per character in party, so max 6 per mob. But, they get credit for all 18 chars kills since they are in same zone, which makes it drastically better.
All SE needs to do to end these guys forever is remove crystal RoE, which would have little impact to real players. But, seems they don't want to.
By RadialArcana 2020-04-23 09:55:03
Most people running bots are smart enough to not annoy others, if they aren't impacting your play I don't see a point worrying about it these days.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 10:01:39
Most people running bots are smart enough to not annoy others, if they aren't impacting your play I don't see a point worrying about it these days.
They wont annoy you till the point its safe to annoy.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Odin.Darkhavans 2020-04-23 10:12:55
I assume it's just 3 separate parties in that case. Thanks for the insight, I'm just going through completing RoEs I haven't done and noticed they're absolutely everywhere on Odin and it's just annoying to see so many RMT hacking for weeks/months without ever getting banned. And there are people (new players, new accounts) that do still use these areas but I've only found them to be a slight inconvenience in general. Right now on Odin there are 18 bots in every single Reive zone from what I've seen over the last two days, and I know the same guys have been botting in Ceizak for over a month now on BSTs. In Sih Gates they use THFs that look more legitimate but they're job masters wearing Skirmish gear, which is obviously huge red flag.
You'd think SE is pulling at least enough money in to take care of these guys a bit more quickly, but as Thorny says it seems they don't care (focused on FFXIV) which I find a bit unusual since they announced a new content expansion for the 20th anniversary and the game shows no signs of dying any time soon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Epigram 2020-04-23 10:21:47
For a few months on Asura the bst alliances were getting banned every Monday and come back every Friday with new chars. Over the last few weeks they stopped being auto-banned, maybe they can't auto-ban remotely or w/e.
By geigei 2020-04-23 10:24:29
Looks like them bots have better gear than you do...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-23 10:28:12
You create a few waypoints for reives and you can insta-farm HPB/Bayld/mats as well.
This sounded new to me. What do you mean creating a waypoint?
They just create an organized pattern to hit all of the Reives along a certain path. Record it and run on repeat. Some tools just allow you to save waypoints and warp there directly, but that probably wont work as well since reives have repop timers. I know when adoulin first came out, this was how some people were botting HPB for Ergon. Outer Ra'Kaznar, create waypoint, hit every Reive, repeat indefinitely overnight for several weeks, have the bayld/hpb for weapon.
By Felgarr 2020-04-23 11:50:56
I don't really care that bots exist, but I genuinely hate that they're used so hap-hazardly. You'll find on Asura, which currently has 3300+ online at the moment, that nearly every room of Outer Raz or *Gates Zones has 1-6 people solo camping the ~4-5 mobs in a room for a hours on end.
Typically, you can cap merits in ~20 minutes in the best CP/XP areas. Those areas are packed, but you can get in and out, in 20 minutes and no one is really impacted. It's when you see some smoothbrain camping the same room for Bayld, Merits, JP etc for hours on end. (Sure, if it's a bot, then who cares if it takes hours, but when these secondary areas become your first option to obtain merits, it's just compounded stupidity.
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-23 11:52:52
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels. It's already there, you just now realized it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-04-23 12:01:51
Its funny because Ra'Kaznar Inner Court + Incursion exist for CP but nobody really bothers with it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 377
By Asura.Slyshenx 2020-04-23 12:09:46
I don't really care that bots exist, but I genuinely hate that they're used so hap-hazardly. You'll find on Asura, which currently has 3300+ online at the moment, that nearly every room of Outer Raz or *Gates Zones has 1-6 people solo camping the ~4-5 mobs in a room for a hours on end.
Typically, you can cap merits in ~20 minutes in the best CP/XP areas. Those areas are packed, but you can get in and out, in 20 minutes and no one is really impacted. It's when you see some smoothbrain camping the same room for Bayld, Merits, JP etc for hours on end. (Sure, if it's a bot, then who cares if it takes hours, but when these secondary areas become your first option to obtain merits, it's just compounded stupidity.
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels.
Sounds like the entrance of Reisenjima, if not ALL of the zone on Asura. Very few camps you can find that monsters are't claimed within 2 seconds of them spawning. I'm not complaining, it's just, holy ***. They've been there for quite some time too, and some are even sporting aeonics lulz.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:10:42
I don't really care that bots exist, but I genuinely hate that they're used so hap-hazardly. You'll find on Asura, which currently has 3300+ online at the moment, that nearly every room of Outer Raz or *Gates Zones has 1-6 people solo camping the ~4-5 mobs in a room for a hours on end.
Typically, you can cap merits in ~20 minutes in the best CP/XP areas. Those areas are packed, but you can get in and out, in 20 minutes and no one is really impacted. It's when you see some smoothbrain camping the same room for Bayld, Merits, JP etc for hours on end. (Sure, if it's a bot, then who cares if it takes hours, but when these secondary areas become your first option to obtain merits, it's just compounded stupidity.
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels.
They even asnwered sarcastically if we needed more exp/cp zones in the last QA they did.
IMO we really need more zones not just because most good zones are already being boted but because since reisenjima we didnt have a new exp/cp zone. And thats like 3 or 4 years already.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:13:19
Its funny because Ra'Kaznar Inner Court + Incursion exist for CP but nobody really bothers with it
Personally I dont think incursion a good place. Too much walking, mobs dont respawn, velkks, unless im missing some approach that makes this at least competitive with gates zones
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:15:10
You create a few waypoints for reives and you can insta-farm HPB/Bayld/mats as well.
This sounded new to me. What do you mean creating a waypoint?
They just create an organized pattern to hit all of the Reives along a certain path. Record it and run on repeat. Some tools just allow you to save waypoints and warp there directly, but that probably wont work as well since reives have repop timers. I know when adoulin first came out, this was how some people were botting HPB for Ergon. Outer Ra'Kaznar, create waypoint, hit every Reive, repeat indefinitely overnight for several weeks, have the bayld/hpb for weapon.
Im not sure if its worth their time to go out of the way to get bayld rewards. Reive in general rewards too little bayld, and HP bayld is so cheap.
Maybe this could be a thing back when we had few supply of HP bayld. Nowaday its just for coalitions.
By Felgarr 2020-04-23 12:15:37
Its funny because Ra'Kaznar Inner Court + Incursion exist for CP but nobody really bothers with it
Personally I dont think incursion a good place. Too much walking, mobs dont respawn, velkks, unless im missing some approach that makes this at least competitive with gates zones
yeah, this wouldn't be my first (alternative) choice.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:17:32
I DO want incursion to be viable though.
Its amazing thinking an entire zone just for your party.
But it just doesnt work (to me)
By Felgarr 2020-04-23 12:17:56
I don't really care that bots exist, but I genuinely hate that they're used so hap-hazardly. You'll find on Asura, which currently has 3300+ online at the moment, that nearly every room of Outer Raz or *Gates Zones has 1-6 people solo camping the ~4-5 mobs in a room for a hours on end.
Typically, you can cap merits in ~20 minutes in the best CP/XP areas. Those areas are packed, but you can get in and out, in 20 minutes and no one is really impacted. It's when you see some smoothbrain camping the same room for Bayld, Merits, JP etc for hours on end. (Sure, if it's a bot, then who cares if it takes hours, but when these secondary areas become your first option to obtain merits, it's just compounded stupidity.
SE needs to add more CP/JP/XP areas, because on Asura, the congestion is approaching 2005 Valkurm Dunes levels.
They even asnwered sarcastically if we needed more exp/cp zones in the last QA they did.
IMO we really need more zones not just because most good zones are already being boted but because since reisenjima we didnt have a new exp/cp zone. And thats like 3 or 4 years already.
I would like new zones as well. And I don't give a ***about the story. Put a swirling vortex or Archiac Rampart in Korroloka Tunnel and just have mobs pour out of it.
I mean, jeez, even the Altepa deserts could use an I-Level variant.
By Jetackuu 2020-04-23 12:18:50
There's something wrong with you.
By Pantafernando 2020-04-23 12:19:15
So, I'm just curious... I've reported probably 30 or 40 RMT bots that I've noticed out-of-bounds in Adoulin near the waypoint, and going through doing RoEs in Ceizak Battlegrounds I found there was an entire alliance of Anonymous lv99 Beastmasters speedhacking and teleporting around the entire zone killing anything and everything they see, and whatever botting software they use doesn't detect players as they do it right in front of other people.
I'm sure others have seen this too in other Adoulin areas. Are these guys botting Reives or something? It's very annoying and they blatantly speedhack right next to players; you can tell no one is playing that character.
Can anyone shed some light on whether this is common on larger servers like Asura, etc? I didn't mind fishbots back in the day so much, but these guys are like vultures that interrupt people actually trying to play the game, just make as much as they can before their accounts get banned. I wish SE was more pro-active, I've reported these exact same players over a month ago and they're still 24/7 farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds. Back in the day these bots would have been banned weeks ago when I made my detailed report with every single name included.
Just curious how common this is, at this point I have zero patience left to report these people as SE requires you to fill out a forum with all their names and it takes forever to do this, and when you don't see any results except a few times a year it's sort of pointless since you know these RMT are already making and leveling new accounts for the next 'ban wave'.
Quite frankly I'm just curious what the hell they are farming in Ceizak Battlegrounds and places like Sih Gates, seems like there are better ways to bot gil. Does anyone know if this is as common servers the larger servers like Asura? I can't imagine fighting bots AND the several thousand active players daily.
Sorry if the server forums are the wrong place for this, I just came back from about 2016 and I can't believe how blatantly obvious this type of botting is and how many I see.