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Server: Asura
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user: Raytheon
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By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2024-03-20 14:06:37
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
but as mentioned we used the pukatrice eggs for the remaining 8

I even read that, then completely dumped it from my brain by the end of the post lol...
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-20 14:35:57
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Shiva.Flowen said: »

It's definitely nothing new, because it's the setup we used for clear like one year ago and we haven't invented it too, we took it from here or from YouTube videos. Can't remember.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2024-03-20 14:59:40
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SimonSes said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »

It's definitely nothing new, because it's the setup we used for clear like one year ago and we haven't invented it too, we took it from here or from YouTube videos. Can't remember.

I saw several close variations of this similar approach, but not this exact split. This KI2 comp really works well together
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-20 18:22:12
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
SimonSes said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »

It's definitely nothing new, because it's the setup we used for clear like one year ago and we haven't invented it too, we took it from here or from YouTube videos. Can't remember.

I saw several close variations of this similar approach, but not this exact split. This KI2 comp really works well together

I think we get idea from this:
YouTube Video Placeholder

They used RDM instead of WHM, but it's the same exact concept.
We used RUN tank instead of PLD for KI2 (Dimidiation was doing very nice damage) and WHM instead of RDM like you did. Ultimately it's the same core for KI2 though, which is BLU for TP reset, tank for adds, DD tanking Mboze, BRD, COR and WHM or RDM (possibly SCH could work too).
By Godfry 2024-03-20 19:12:07
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
SimonSes said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »

It's definitely nothing new, because it's the setup we used for clear like one year ago and we haven't invented it too, we took it from here or from YouTube videos. Can't remember.

I saw several close variations of this similar approach, but not this exact split. This KI2 comp really works well together

Congrats on your clear Flowen. Thanks for sharing your strat!
Posts: 9181
By SimonSes 2024-03-21 03:33:10
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Btw my comment wasn't mean to downplay your achievement and tactic. I think it's by far the best tactic for Mboze. Just wanted to point the fact, that it was probably invented by JP and most importantly it has some flexibility and what's required for it to work is the core mentioned in my previous post.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-03-21 09:42:30
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
SimonSes said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »

It's definitely nothing new, because it's the setup we used for clear like one year ago and we haven't invented it too, we took it from here or from YouTube videos. Can't remember.

I saw several close variations of this similar approach, but not this exact split. This KI2 comp really works well together

Well it helps increase your damage if you yell out the names of your moves before doing them.
By Godfry 2024-03-21 12:28:28
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SimonSes said: »
Btw my comment wasn't mean to downplay your achievement and tactic. I think it's by far the best tactic for Mboze. Just wanted to point the fact, that it was probably invented by JP and most importantly it has some flexibility and what's required for it to work is the core mentioned in my previous post.

I didn't think that at all. For better or for worse you have always been very direct with your comments. One thing that can't be attributed to you is you being passive-aggressive.

You complimented Flowen's comment with extra info and even provided video of the strat. That's all great stuff for the community.
By K123 2024-03-29 19:46:44
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Doing Bumba V20 as WAR DRG WHM GEO BRD COR, is it worth bothering to open with Armor Break or just do Angon at the start and redo if reset by Wild Card?

Or can you just Angon, Spirit Surge + Jump, then Angon later if still alive?

My ws damage doesn't seem to change on WAR whether I have no GEO and 7k attack and having GEO and 9999 attack. Probably irrelevant granted the BRD COR and GEO would gain from the extra attack from Fury but am I wrong to think I am attack capped with -35/40% DEF and 7k attack?
Posts: 3646
By Taint 2024-03-29 19:59:51
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Angon is enough. And yes WAR caps faster than the other jobs especially with Naegling.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2024-03-29 20:06:15
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K123 said: »
Doing Bumba V20 as WAR DRG WHM GEO BRD COR, is it worth bothering to open with Armor Break or just do Angon at the start and redo if reset by Wild Card?

Angon and Armor Break don't stack anyway so you should be able to keep Angon on the entire fight between RDs and Wildcards.
By K123 2024-03-29 20:09:28
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Taint said: »
Angon is enough. And yes WAR caps faster than the other jobs especially with Naegling.
DRG with Spirit Surge is likely attack capped too.

My thinking is more along the lines of, is GEO really better than a 3rd DD if the main 2DD are attack capped? THF would bring Larceny which removes PD and Invincible, and BLU brings MG. Doubtful it matters much either way as it is all RNG related, but in terms of trying to produce the set up with the most probable set up for winning.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1824
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-03-30 07:41:39
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You can always give it a try. If you believe in the heart of the cards then maybe you can try a comp that doesn't COR BRD GEO.

Your posted comp is what I used to clear it. We went 3 for 4 on wins rotating people in for clears and luck was with us that day.
By K123 2024-03-30 07:53:31
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I know someone beat it recently with WAR DRG SAM, and I got a 1% lose with WAR DRG THF so it is definitely possible. Getting ***luck with pug WHM and bad 2h/pet/aura is getting boring now though.

Cleared it on other chars as BRD and WHM but trying to get this last one (which I've built up to being able to pop from nothing in pug) is proving hard. Noone is interested in joining shouts - loads of people paid 150m for wins.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2024-04-04 00:21:48
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Wanted to share a few winning tweaks we made for our Arebati v25 clear, which we won with attack down as first aura, no wc 5/6 and over a minute left on the clock.

We did tp denial set up (tp add, ws boss, and tp drainkiss boss) which is popular in vids and write ups.


KI1 nothing new here vs previously posted strats, other than on DRG I would spirit surge and super jump hate shed the RUN just before 75 so the raaz popped on him. Can also pacifying ruby but usually takes 2, taking away from smn rebuff or mewing. With good synergy we were getting it down to low 40s, so he showed up at 45 on KI2.

I see most doing crooked chaos and sams roll, then tweaking ws sets for sb to prevent a TP move going off. We tried this several times, but found it better to do crooked chaos and monks roll, then bis ws gear + a few sb2 pieces for jobs that have them. This resulted in lower ws frequency and therefore less tp feed, but no real impact on dps as ws were a good deal stronger than the sb heavy sets.

Playing RDM, I started off using mandau and using mercy stroke on boss. I improved my dps by using tp bonus sword, forfend r15 for acc, ullr and beryllium arrows. Empyreal arrow has a 2x att mod which works very well on this guy without excess buffs/def down. I dropped distract 3 on the add to ensure melee acc was capped. Tp gain was fast with temper 2.

Also, getting BST in for rd/wc so it can cycle pets to plantoid in between TP drainkiss and get killer instinct back up is a solid dps boost, so dont sleep on that.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2024-04-21 12:04:06
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Bumba v25 cleared!!

KI1: DRG, THF, BST, WHM, WAR, BRD. Ooze, larceny his SP ability, go ham and hope for the best. Try make WAR not on GEO/SCH/COR on KI2 so they can MS this. Definitely some job flexibility for this KI, but we went with what we had. Got him down to 55% a few times like this, but it's random what SP he uses (cant larceny Yaeg) and what TP move. A blue proc is a nice help but again it's just luck. We got it to 65% on our winning run (turned up at 67 for KI2 because this NM is bugged lol).

KI2 we used the only strat out there and prayed. The strat isn't hard to execute, but you need a near bis high mlvl SCH and then roll the dice on no macc or mab aura and a 5/6 wildcard. Darksday is a nice boost to DPS, but still not winning without the aura and WC 5/6. We won on firesday.

And BLUs don't sleep on MB tenebral crush once that last kaustra goes out! Can get some nice numbers, especially when the empy set bonus procs..

Thanks to Liam, Crescient, Myamoto, Kactuar and Gnar - it was fun!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Raytheon
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2024-04-21 14:06:15
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Bumba v25 cleared!!

Awesome! Congrats!!
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15912
By Asura.Vyre 2024-04-21 14:18:08
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Bumba v25 cleared!!

KI1: DRG, THF, BST, WHM, WAR, BRD. Ooze, larceny his SP ability, go ham and hope for the best. Try make WAR not on GEO/SCH/COR on KI2 so they can MS this. Definitely some job flexibility for this KI, but we went with what we had. Got him down to 55% a few times like this, but it's random what SP he uses (cant larceny Yaeg) and what TP move. A blue proc is a nice help but again it's just luck. We got it to 65% on our winning run (turned up at 67 for KI2 because this NM is bugged lol).

KI2 we used the only strat out there and prayed. The strat isn't hard to execute, but you need a near bis high mlvl SCH and then roll the dice on no macc or mab aura and a 5/6 wildcard. Darksday is a nice boost to DPS, but still not winning without the aura and WC 5/6. We won on firesday.

And BLUs don't sleep on MB tenebral crush once that last kaustra goes out! Can get some nice numbers, especially when the empy set bonus procs..

Thanks to Liam, Crescient, Myamoto, Kactuar and Gnar - it was fun!
I dig Gnar's lockstyle. Congrats!!!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-04-21 16:49:37
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
KI1: DRG, THF, BST, WHM, WAR, BRD. Ooze, larceny his SP ability, go ham and hope for the best. Try make WAR not on GEO/SCH/COR on KI2 so they can MS this. Definitely some job flexibility for this KI, but we went with what we had. Got him down to 55% a few times like this, but it's random what SP he uses (cant larceny Yaeg) and what TP move. A blue proc is a nice help but again it's just luck. We got it to 65% on our winning run (turned up at 67 for KI2 because this NM is bugged lol).

KI2 we used the only strat out there and prayed. The strat isn't hard to execute, but you need a near bis high mlvl SCH and then roll the dice on no macc or mab aura and a 5/6 wildcard. Darksday is a nice boost to DPS, but still not winning without the aura and WC 5/6. We won on firesday.

We found it infinitely easier to not go ham on the first KI, once it goes SP, run to the corner and die. This way it starts the next fight at 76~77% and no aura. Our SCH would burst a 92K kaustra, triggered the aura. If it as Mag Acc / Mag Atk down, no biggie, the second kaustra would be kinda but enough to push it under 40% for a new aura. Doing this we found we could completely ignore first aura randomness and only had to worry about SP reset and sub 40% not being Mag Acc / Mag Atk down.

Conversely if we pushed it too low and it started with Mag Acc / Mag Atk aura, then there wouldn't be enough juice to hit the end even if you got a reset and good 2nd aura. Basically out of the four kaustras, you need the first and last two to be good.
By 2024-04-22 00:09:10
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2024-04-23 13:09:00
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
KI1: DRG, THF, BST, WHM, WAR, BRD. Ooze, larceny his SP ability, go ham and hope for the best. Try make WAR not on GEO/SCH/COR on KI2 so they can MS this. Definitely some job flexibility for this KI, but we went with what we had. Got him down to 55% a few times like this, but it's random what SP he uses (cant larceny Yaeg) and what TP move. A blue proc is a nice help but again it's just luck. We got it to 65% on our winning run (turned up at 67 for KI2 because this NM is bugged lol).

KI2 we used the only strat out there and prayed. The strat isn't hard to execute, but you need a near bis high mlvl SCH and then roll the dice on no macc or mab aura and a 5/6 wildcard. Darksday is a nice boost to DPS, but still not winning without the aura and WC 5/6. We won on firesday.

We found it infinitely easier to not go ham on the first KI, once it goes SP, run to the corner and die. This way it starts the next fight at 76~77% and no aura. Our SCH would burst a 92K kaustra, triggered the aura. If it as Mag Acc / Mag Atk down, no biggie, the second kaustra would be kinda but enough to push it under 40% for a new aura. Doing this we found we could completely ignore first aura randomness and only had to worry about SP reset and sub 40% not being Mag Acc / Mag Atk down.

Conversely if we pushed it too low and it started with Mag Acc / Mag Atk aura, then there wouldn't be enough juice to hit the end even if you got a reset and good 2nd aura. Basically out of the four kaustras, you need the first and last two to be good.

Yeah we tried a fair number of runs like this. It's definitely nice to remove the rng of the first aura but I do feel like it adds another layer of rng on the DPS check. Probably fine if you get some very high end kaustra off though I agree. Even macc/mab down first aura you can get it to 40 with a fair bit of time left.. the real rng is that wildcard and second aura. Dumb fight glad it's over lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-04-23 13:25:53
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
Shiva.Flowen said: »
KI1: DRG, THF, BST, WHM, WAR, BRD. Ooze, larceny his SP ability, go ham and hope for the best. Try make WAR not on GEO/SCH/COR on KI2 so they can MS this. Definitely some job flexibility for this KI, but we went with what we had. Got him down to 55% a few times like this, but it's random what SP he uses (cant larceny Yaeg) and what TP move. A blue proc is a nice help but again it's just luck. We got it to 65% on our winning run (turned up at 67 for KI2 because this NM is bugged lol).

KI2 we used the only strat out there and prayed. The strat isn't hard to execute, but you need a near bis high mlvl SCH and then roll the dice on no macc or mab aura and a 5/6 wildcard. Darksday is a nice boost to DPS, but still not winning without the aura and WC 5/6. We won on firesday.

We found it infinitely easier to not go ham on the first KI, once it goes SP, run to the corner and die. This way it starts the next fight at 76~77% and no aura. Our SCH would burst a 92K kaustra, triggered the aura. If it as Mag Acc / Mag Atk down, no biggie, the second kaustra would be kinda but enough to push it under 40% for a new aura. Doing this we found we could completely ignore first aura randomness and only had to worry about SP reset and sub 40% not being Mag Acc / Mag Atk down.

Conversely if we pushed it too low and it started with Mag Acc / Mag Atk aura, then there wouldn't be enough juice to hit the end even if you got a reset and good 2nd aura. Basically out of the four kaustras, you need the first and last two to be good.

Yeah we tried a fair number of runs like this. It's definitely nice to remove the rng of the first aura but I do feel like it adds another layer of rng on the DPS check. Probably fine if you get some very high end kaustra off though I agree. Even macc/mab down first aura you can get it to 40 with a fair bit of time left.. the real rng is that wildcard and second aura. Dumb fight glad it's over lol

Magic damage should be very consistent, our guy was able to get 92K on that first nuke every single time outside of darksday, then it was 99K. Second one depended on aura, if no bad aura it would be mid 80k's, third and fourth are obviously lower. The only question there is helix, if your helix bursts for over 10K then that can trigger the magic wall. We messed around a lot to try to get it 8~9K but it was just too random due to not knowing the aura so just accepted the first helix would trigger the resistance.

Having only two RNG gateways let us beat it in two weeks, three nights per week, start to finish. First week was just getting the strategy down and experimenting with first KI. Second week was us using our above method and on the third day we got WC + good 2nd aura and won (even had bad 1st aura). I can see if a team has a weaker SCH, they might need lower HP + WC + 2 good auras.
By Dodik 2024-04-23 13:45:24
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Asura.Saevel said: »
let us beat it in two weeks, three nights per week, start to finish.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-04-23 13:51:15
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Dodik said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
let us beat it in two weeks, three nights per week, start to finish.


The strategy is not hard, after you have it down it's just keep trying until the stars align. We figured it's best to have as few of those stars as possible.

Oh another thing, ensure the RUN isn't using any of their JA's other then Rayke / Gambit. You want RD to have the highest chance possible of resetting those for the 2nd and 4th Kaustra.
By Dodik 2024-04-23 16:21:24
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Gonna pass on it, still. Your logic is very sound though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2024-04-23 18:20:55
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For the record we did it in a similar amount of time, so I dont think starting without first aura is some magic trick. Starting low hp from KI1 can also help you get over a bad first aura etc. Did you win with mab or macc down on first aura out of interest? I feel like macc was possibly the worst because it wiped klimaform, losing the empy feet buff
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-04-23 19:58:09
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Shiva.Flowen said: »
Did you win with mab or macc down on first aura out of interest? I feel like macc was possibly the worst because it wiped klimaform, losing the empy feet buff

First KI had Yaegsumi as the SP anyway. Second KI's first aura was mag acc down which didn't matter because our first Kaustra was 92K and while the second one was nerfed it was still strong enough to get to the 2nd aura which was a good one.

It's very simple, we want to remove as much RNG as possible because the fight itself isn't hard. This way we do not have to worry about his first SP, procing him, doing a bunch of damage on first KI or what the 2nd KI first aura is. The only remaining random gateways are WC and 2nd KI aura, that's it, everything else is pure skill.
Server: Asura
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user: toralin
Posts: 1428
By Asura.Toralin 2024-04-24 08:44:30
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We had him to <5% about 8-10x with macc/mab down, and tbh I think the macc is worse because it cancels out klimaform which is a MASSSSSSIVE bump to Kaustra

Once the stars aligned on our win, it was on the third kaustra, didnt even need the 4th
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2024-04-24 09:05:11
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Asura.Toralin said: »
We had him to <5% about 8-10x with macc/mab down, and tbh I think the macc is worse because it cancels out klimaform which is a MASSSSSSIVE bump to Kaustra

Once the stars aligned on our win, it was on the third kaustra, didnt even need the 4th

Yes macc down is the worst. The whole "stars aligning" thing is what makes this such a tedious fight and why we decided to reduce it to just 2 stars. Get a 5/6 or WC and not have a bad 2nd aura, that's it, no other random requirements. Skill is something we have control over and would prefer as much rely on that as possible, not what dice SE rolls.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Raytheon
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2024-04-24 09:44:07
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Dodik said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
let us beat it in two weeks, three nights per week, start to finish.


The strategy is not hard, after you have it down it's just keep trying until the stars align. We figured it's best to have as few of those stars as possible.

Oh another thing, ensure the RUN isn't using any of their JA's other then Rayke / Gambit. You want RD to have the highest chance possible of resetting those for the 2nd and 4th Kaustra.

Agree with this. I was WAR KI1 and RUN KI2. I'd not use Brazen Rush in KI1 (no point really) so I'd open KI2 with a crusaded Odyllic on pull, foil, then immediately drop crusade, let the BLU get Bumba then add should be cemented on you instead of the backline.

While this might be obvious to most, if your mage is having difficulty sleeping/binding the adds, between rayke/gambit windows, you can get out of melee range, engage Bumba and get the adds in front of you to farm parry procs. Battuta not necessary but there in a pinch if you need it.
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