Moogle Ambuscade V1 Kupo!
By geigei 2019-10-12 07:40:26
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »You can do 8 runs this method in the time it takes to do one VD method. Math is hard huh?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-12 08:12:10
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »You can do 8 runs this method in the time it takes to do one VD method. Math is hard huh? 10-15 mins VD. Then resetting two hours if you're doing smn burn. Far from worth it.
1-2 mins Normal
Yeah, a bit of a exaggeration on wait times to enter and people getting their KI. But I'd say 4 runs easy. The point is, you can ignore all mechanics and be done with 2mins counting buffs with no real effort.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Geriond 2019-10-12 08:18:07
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »Asura.Outlawbruce said: »You can do 8 runs this method in the time it takes to do one VD method. Math is hard huh? 10-15 mins VD. Then resetting two hours if you're doing smn burn. Far from worth it.
1-2 mins Normal
Yeah, a bit of a exaggeration on wait times to enter and people getting their KI. But I'd say 4 runs easy. The point is, you can ignore all mechanics and be done with 2mins counting buffs with no real effort. Possibly, but runs being 1/3 the reward means that seals are 1/3 as effective.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-12 08:52:24
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »Asura.Outlawbruce said: »You can do 8 runs this method in the time it takes to do one VD method. Math is hard huh? 10-15 mins VD. Then resetting two hours if you're doing smn burn. Far from worth it.
1-2 mins Normal
Yeah, a bit of a exaggeration on wait times to enter and people getting their KI. But I'd say 4 runs easy. The point is, you can ignore all mechanics and be done with 2mins counting buffs with no real effort. Possibly, but runs being 1/3 the reward means that seals are 1/3 as effective.
Not wasting seals lol. Can save for the smn burn. This method probably works on VD. we just didnt have the proper whm to make it happen. Still in full abyssea 99 gear. They died by one AoE move. With a proper whm, it would probably be the same amount of time as any other melee style
Server: Asura
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Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-10-12 23:12:34
Someone brought up a good point. Can the small moogles be bound? Gravitied? Slept? to stop movement?
By Mrgrim 2019-10-13 00:40:01
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »Someone brought up a good point. Can the small moogles be bound? Gravitied? Slept? to stop movement?
Tried, completely resisted :/
Server: Asura
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Posts: 281
By Asura.Ramsy 2019-10-13 02:59:05
Haven’t had the time to do D/VD yet. Was curious about how much acc is needed and if the smaller mogs move around based on time or dmg done to the boss?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2019-10-17 02:08:48
Setbgm 49 for Luck of the Mog music XD more fitting since fighting moogles
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Nekhekh 2019-10-18 12:52:14
Has anyone tried giving treats as mentioned in the ffxi digest 6?
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-18 16:36:02
Has anyone tried giving treats as mentioned in the ffxi digest 6?
That's v2, no one cares about v2
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-23 09:06:52
This month sucks but if you are going to do D you might as well do VD. The mechanics are the hard part.
Monk would be the best option but we've used SAM and DNC. Landing Silence is important and red mage is invaluable for stacking debuffs to weaken the boss, especially Paralyze/Addle2. The boss builds resistance to silence, important to stack Saboteur each time, but that's not always possible due to the Amnesia aura. 3 silences will land but 4-5 are dicey.
It's important that DDs don't just rush face-first into this dude. When you get close to aura phases, start dragging boss to regen moogle, then trigger aura. Turn around during aura phase, TP feed is too dangerous with him right on top of you.
Haven’t had the time to do D/VD yet. Was curious about how much acc is needed and if the smaller mogs move around based on time or dmg done to the boss?
They seem to move in random (?) intervals.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-28 23:57:49
Credit to my lsmate Lotso who came up with this, I think, we used a different strat tonight to get VD wins for alts. This strat's speed depends on what you bring to fill:
RDM- only job that's non-negotiable
DD- MNK BY FAR best in this slot, highest HP/meva, SAM or even NIN would work, you want tough jobs that can do DD without feeding much TP. NIN can blink tier 6 spells so that's handy.
healer- doesn't matter which really
And then some combination of BRD/GEO/COR alts or leeches or another DD. You're getting Haste2 so not too hard to cap haste.
Fight at starting corner. RDM does enfeeble cycle during Saboteur, Silence, and then DDs slow damage before boss 1-hours. RDM Grav2, DD pushes, RDM Bind, and everyone runs to the opposite corner ASAP. You simply outrange the aura, no stupid chasing moogles or lag. If Bind wears early, run to little moogle. We had a high success rate with this strat. You want to limit TP feed because Crystalline Flare still sucks, and we got unlucky with Chainspell > Sleepga once, but this is the best way to approach the fight IMO if you have seals to burn.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-29 00:21:15
Interesting concept, without speed enhancing tools you would have to be preemptively far enough away to not die before you outranged it though. Specifically the ones doing damage would be very likely to get dropped by dotaura well before they got 40 yalms away, 3 tics is death. That means you've got like 7~9 seconds to get away?
Assume the healer runs out of range well before the aura and cure bombs the dd before they can fall over trying to get away.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Flippant 2019-10-29 01:11:56
Aura is not instant. Should have plenty of time to move after SP.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-29 03:10:41
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »Aura is not instant. Should have plenty of time to move after SP. That's the issue though, you don't have plenty of time and the amount of time you have is highly dependant on server-client communication, which means sometimes you will be in the perfect position at the right time on your screen, but not for the server. A tic of 1000+ damage is enough to kill you and from there it's a wipe.
I think there's a reason if this specific Ambuscade Fight is appearently the most hated and was the only one which got never repeated so far not even a second time, where multiple fights have already been repeated for their third time.
So again it's not the strategy in itself that's insanely hard, it's more that due to technical issues the potential space for error is sometimes almost non existant.
By Draylo 2019-10-29 04:12:11
It's very easy to SMN burn, so it isn't the hardest one there is.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-29 04:14:57
It's very easy to SMN burn, so it isn't the hardest one there is. It's incredibly easy to SMN burn but that's kinda like "cheating" to completely ignore the meant-to-be strategy to complete this fight, which is what Flippant and the others were talking about, no?
By Artsncrafts 2019-10-29 06:52:20
It's very easy to SMN burn, so it isn't the hardest one there is. It's incredibly easy to SMN burn but that's kinda like "cheating" to completely ignore the meant-to-be strategy to complete this fight, which is what Flippant and the others were talking about, no?
SE would make this nm take reduces damage from repeated BP if this wasnt "working as intended"
i mean *** werent meant to go in butts either
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-29 07:02:40
You say it's incredibly easy to smn burn, but I've seen at least 10 groups on Asura wipe using smn burn lmao.
But yes it is basically cheating. Conduit OP.
I personally think Mnk DD Strat is the best/safest strat for Ambu this month.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-29 07:04:13
Monk effectively doubles your aura survival timer(triples, Inner Strength), if you use Chakra at the appropriate moment. I like the strategy above. Margin for error is greater due to having to pay attention to mechanics. And as usual, finding a good RDM could prove challenging.
SMN isn't fool proof. He can benediction at the wrong moment, or worse, just use a sleepga 2 and its basically over.
By Pantafernando 2019-10-29 07:43:38
Sleepga is a real danger but unless youre using less than 3 SMN, even bene wont be an issue.
Make sure THF land feint on moogle and use bully.
Pets on att food.
GEO start with bolstered indi frailty (to reduce risk of being caught by silencega before casting geo), and use geo paralysis to reduce even further the risk of it casting something.
Shits happen but layering bully intimidation, paralysis and eventual stuns from voltstrikes, can reduce quite well the odds of failure
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-29 08:02:43
I don't see how sleepga is an issue if you bring a RDM to silence.
I've actually been in groups where the GEO was landing the silence.
Never tried myself, not sure what sort of gear do you need.
But I guess if you bolster prepull, have Indifocus up and have good macc gear, it shouldn't be an issue to land it.
Or were you guys talking about fights that last too much time and silence wear? Of course a silence landed from a non-RDM job will last way less time.
Other than that I've only seen SMN groups fail if:
1) The SMN are utter *** (especially if you go wih the "only" 2 SMNs setup, they need to be good)
2) There is no THF or the THF fails at stealing Invincible
3) Benediction goes off at like 1% or close to that
Other than that SMN strat is pretty failproof and each attempt, fail or not, lasts like what, 1,5 mins max? So it's not too big of a deal to go again even if you fail, with the current very fast queues.
(well you do need to reset SPs in that case of course, and that can be annoying)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-29 08:05:10
SE would make this nm take reduces damage from repeated BP if this wasnt "working as intended" Right, because SE always fix stuff that isn't working as they intend it to, inorite? /rolleyes
Sorry I don't think this is an efficient mean to measure things "intended to be" and ways to exploit in-game mechanics.
Quote: i mean *** werent meant to go in butts either What is this even supposed to mean?
Before being basically wrong this is quite homophobic.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-29 08:09:48
I don't see how sleepga is an issue if you bring a RDM to silence.
And as usual, finding a good RDM could prove challenging.
You just listed the 4 areas where SMN method isn't failproof. For built groups this is nothing to overcome, shout groups could struggle with an errant benediction, no silencer, cutting corners for an easy clear etc. But it's not necessarily Meebles level failproof. That ambu was run in, rayke/battuta/sforzo/odyllic > afac win. This one there are a few things that need to happen or that can go wrong to cause a failure.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-29 08:12:01
Interesting concept, without speed enhancing tools you would have to be preemptively far enough away to not die before you outranged it though. Specifically the ones doing damage would be very likely to get dropped by dotaura well before they got 40 yalms away, 3 tics is death. That means you've got like 7~9 seconds to get away?
Assume the healer runs out of range well before the aura and cure bombs the dd before they can fall over trying to get away.
Like Flippant said, aura has a bit of a wind-up (10 seconds?). With movement speed gear you can make it safely. Healer and red mage stay 20' out so they have a head start. This strat probably isn't pug-friendly because it requires communication between DD and RDM for disengage/Bind.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-29 08:23:24
You just listed the 4 areas where SMN method isn't failproof. For built groups this is nothing to overcome, shout groups could struggle with an errant benediction, no silencer, cutting corners for an easy clear etc. But it's not necessarily Meebles level failproof. That ambu was run in, rayke/battuta/sforzo/odyllic > afac win. This one there are a few things that need to happen or that can go wrong to cause a failure. Didn't you need a mage to properly use barspells (wether with or without React) for it to become failproof?
I mean the 3 aspects I listed don't even completely count imho.
The first is "SMNs are ***". I mean 99% of the ambuscade are gonna fail if you bring DDs that simply are so ***their damage isn't enough.
The second is "THF doesn't do what he's supposed to do and the reason why he's invited in the pt". Translating this with your Meeble example, it's the same as if the RUN runs in and doesn't Rayke/Battuta/Sforzo/Odyllic, exactely the same.
RDM (or other mage) not landing silence could be in this same group.
Third is Benediction at 1%, this is random, nothing you can do about it, and it's the only real aspect of all the list, I would dare to say.
Everything else is not "chance of failure because of uncontrollable aspects or low margin for error", it's more something about people not doing what they're supposed to do in that pt, period. And if you have this, 99% of Ambu fights would similarly fail.
So yeah, 1% Benediction is the only chance of random, uncontrollable failure. From my experience it's very rare, and it is the more rare the more your DDs are good at what they're supposed to do (dealing damage!)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-29 08:25:45
Didn't you need a mage to properly use barspells (wether with or without React) for it to become failproof?
Not with SMN burn. It died before the barspell move even went off lol.
Repeat of the Moogle
From March 2018, old thread; https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/52061/vol-1-ambuscade-march-2018
Do not kill the Moogles that appear at the start
SMN burn is the "go-to" THF to steal 2hours, wait until mini moogles position so that you don't get amnesia aura, profit.
@ 2hours the Moogle gets a powerful DOT aura, that can't be stopped, but standing by the small moogles gives an equal amount of regen aura to counteract it. uses 2hour 6 times.
Ranger strat is good for E-N just stand on mini2 and tank on mini1 shoot until dead.
Melee party sucks. A shitload of wasting time running around and avoiding Stewards. But totally winnable. just slow as hell.
The spawned stewards have DOT auras too. reposition as required.
Quote: Bozzetto Voyager Moogle:
Uses the following TP Moves:
Invite Over: Summons Bozzetto Steward, which has a short-ranged aura consisting of extremely potent Dia and elemental(?) DoTs
Washtub: AoE damage and stun
Mogsplosion: AoE damage with knockback
Contaminated Concoction: Disease
Somnic Shell: short-timed AoE sleep
Crystaline Flare: AoE light-based damage with flash and stun effects
Atra. Libations: conal gaze terror
Can use any of the SP moves available to the starter jobs (e.g. Chainspell, Perfect Dodge, Mighty Strikes, Benediction, Manafont); usage seems to be dependent on HP; number of uses available varies according to difficulty; will have a visible white aura
Bozzetto Steward:
has extremely potent Dia and elemental(?) DoT
does not move
will despawn over time (approx 1 minute)
Does not move on Normal and lower difficulty; will roam on Difficult and Very Difficult
Provides an aura that will counter-act the Voyager Moogle's aura but also gives amnesia; aura only activated when boss uses SP
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult: Setup: SMN x3, GEO, THF/PLD, RDM
RDM gives Protect & Shell to the THF.
GEO uses Bolster and Entrusts Indi-Languor on THF, Indi-Frailty on themselves and will use Geo-Torpor once the boss moogle is in position.
SMN's have Ramuh's out and ready.
THF will run in, Perfect Dodge, Flash & Sentinel. Moogles will move, if they remain close to the boss moogle in the center, then the THF will need to bring the boss moogle away from the helpers.
RDM will Stymie Silence & Dia 3 then cast cures as needed.
SMN will Astral Flow/Astral Conduit right out the gate at 100% HP once the RDM has debuffed. This is the only real way you can kill him if he uses Benediction as his first 1-hour, and even then it's not guaranteed.
At 85% HP, THF will Larceny once the 1-hour animation goes off on the boss moogle unless it's Benediction. If it's Benediction, THF will need to Larceny if he uses Perfect Dodge, but you will most likely wipe unless your SMN's are stacked and can kill it before the aura becomes active and tick's twice. If the second 1-hour is Benediction, it's a wipe.
Alternate Strategy (not luck-based):
Rolls: Hunter's and Monk's (for Subtle Blow), Samurai's and Chaos
Barsilencera and Auspice (along with Subtle Blow will help reduce the chances of Invite Over)
If the boss uses Invite Over, PLD should move a few steps away to avoid the spawn's aura.
Boss uses SP at 85%, 65%, 45%, 25%, and 10% HP. Reduce boss HP down to 88%, 68%, etc. and stop all damage. Then look for a nearby moogle. Wait until that moogle starts moving and then drop the boss HP down to the trigger level. The idea is to make it to the safety moogles right as they are about to stop. (If the boss has an SP aura up and the moogle starts moving, there is a good chance death). No damage during this waiting phase so as to avoid AoE damage and Invite Over. Spam Curaga IV and Curaga V (WHM needs Eber's Pantaloons +1) to ensure that no one dies if the boss happens to use an AoE spell or ability that everyone can still survive. Using any type of bind effect on the moogle can be helpful.
Save Rampart and Sacrosanctity for Chainspell; spam Finale to prevent the boss from self-curing.
If anyone dies, stop damage just before the next SP trigger level and wait out the weakness before forcing the SP move on the boss. Do NOT get up near a steward or when an aura is out -- wait until nearby stewards despawn and/or SP auras to drop.
This method is a sure way to win (unlike the SMN burn method) and does not require the use of SPs. Moreover, it is very easy on support jobs since only the PLD is ever in range of more dangerous moves such as Crys. Flare (high damage to non-tanks even with Shell V), Washtub and Atra. Lib. (stun/terrorize) followed by SP aura.
For D+ the regen moogles will roam around and not stay stationary.
Boss will 2-hour at 85%, 65%, 45%, 25%, and 10% hp.
It helps to DPS during the periods the boss has not used 2-hour and you do not have amnesia.
When boss uses 2-hour everyone should run to either regen moogle and stay close during the whole time amnesia is on.
It helps to slow down damage before a trigger point and pull boss close to a regen moogle, just depends how alert everyone in your party is.
Keep using dispel to remove pro/shell on boss, this keeps boss from curing himself.
The stewards will randomly spawn around the boss while you are DPSing.
Just move a bit away from them when that happens.
Silence during 2-hour phase helps. D and VD can easily be melee burned.