Lilith HTBF

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Lilith HTBF
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-01-05 22:42:37
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Ahhhh, back when I was doing E I was doing the Gyve method, yes. I would TP and fight her as normal and then as soon as the Gyve spawned, I would position myself so that she’s on the corner of my screen but not looking at my Character’s face. That way I could target Evisceration onto her daily easily but not be at risk of Charm.

Just like ou suspect, it’s pretty simple.
Happy hunting
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2020-01-06 03:36:30
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Thanks for the details, I'll try my luck!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2020-01-08 18:06:53
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Testimonials seem to be all over the place, so I logged everything when I started farming Lilith. I went blu/drk for tp suppression, and brought a thf mule for th8. Every fight was done on E.

I understand random is random, and anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, but for anyone interested, here are my results:

Fight 19: Head #1
Fight 33: Boots #1
Fight 52: Head #2
Fight 54: Body #1
Fight 56: Earring #1 (that was a nice string of drops over 5 fights, random is random)
Fight 63: Boots #2
Fight 64: Earring #2
(things slow down now that I've got a few of the drops)
Fight 99: Legs #1
Fight 118: Legs #2
(things really slow down now, main 4/5 and mule 3/5)
Fight 152: Boots #3 (brought a friend along for a few runs)
Fight 154: Body #2
Fight 161: Gloves #1

Took me a total of 161 runs to go 5/5 on my main, and 4/5 on surplus drops for my mule.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-02-08 04:21:35
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Good information, I find it interesting that you’ve seen no Daybreaks or Sword/Pole. Or are you only reporting Armor/Earring?
Posts: 93
By AsAller 2020-02-08 08:14:15
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Been ODing this on PUP (Easy) and want something that I can spam more. THF (gyve method) vs MNK WS spam, which would be the fastest and safest?

Regarding the THF method is the idea to stay locked on the gyve while keeping Lilith on peripherary so that can WS without unlocking target?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-02-08 08:18:35
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I’d recommend THF gyve method on E if you can complete the fight in about 5~ minutes and have a good win rate.

Drop rates suck so in my mind not having TH is insane.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-02-08 09:53:22
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The Gyve method is pretty safe no matter what you do really and yes, that’s the idea. Have her lined up that you merely need to turn your character to WS her.

Try not to be facing her or you run the risk of Charm.
Posts: 93
By AsAller 2020-02-08 10:23:14
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Is there any particular gear sets that are necessary? I'm assuming you would want to use a hybrid/malignance set and maybe a decent evisceration set?

How long does this way typically take?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 791
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-02-08 11:29:16
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Nothing in particular honestly but a Hybrid set is always a very good idea. When I used this method I engaged with my TH Set which is Hybrid but Relic Hands/Empy Feet.

As long as your Evisceration sets are solid, should take only like.. 7 or 8 Minutes to kill?

Make sure you bring meds like Panacea Incase she impacts
Posts: 30
By tarujedi 2020-02-16 10:01:42
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Lots of people are mentioning Gyve method, can someone explain it?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-02-16 10:24:31
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tarujedi said: »
Lots of people are mentioning Gyve method, can someone explain it?

Make tp on Gyve, then WS Lilith. Lower TP feed on Lilith is safer. That's all. Keep in mind Lilith has hate reset move, so it's good to have some provoke/flash ready for that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-02-16 10:28:49
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SimonSes said: »
tarujedi said: »
Lots of people are mentioning Gyve method, can someone explain it?

Make tp on Gyve, then WS Lilith. Lower TP feed on Lilith is safer. That's all. Keep in mind Lilith has hate reset move, so it's good to have some provoke/flash ready for that.
As an addendum, in addition to lower TP feed on Lilith, it also reduces the amount of time you're looking at her (and thus in danger of charm if she's not on a tank trust) and the amount of time you're meleeing her (and thus in danger of Dread Spikes).
Posts: 30
By tarujedi 2020-02-16 12:38:27
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Posts: 30
By tarujedi 2020-02-17 15:18:10
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still failing miserably, think its time to accept i cannot solo this
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Zelllo
Posts: 64
By Leviathan.Zelllo 2020-02-17 16:08:59
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What job are you trying to solo this on?

I suggest starting on VE with a halfway decently geared mnk (NQ Kendatsuba set and some workable accessories with ambu cape as a minimum). After you get some lilith armor, try incorporating that into your tp set to mitigate some of the damage. Once you feel like VE is too easy, start trying E. E adds dread spikes and charm(gaze/conal) as new dangers. Set up your chat filters so you can see the tp moves and react in a timely manner. Or you can try the gyve method with other jobs, which I didn’t find too much value in with my setup.

If you can get a decent WHM to duo with, they can tank E lilith during recovery and prevent a loss in the event of a dread spike + lag combo. If you can get a brd, dark carol can help even more with the damage mitigation.

If you’re after a full set your in for quite a few battles, so it’s reasonable to assume that you’re going to get better at this fight as you iterate.

I got up to N, but wasn’t feeling the time/risk/reward/benefit calculation and dropped back down to E for faster kills.

Edit: Don’t forget panacea for impact and other annoying debuffs.
By Draylo 2020-02-18 19:01:57
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You didn't mention what trusts you're using or what your gear looks like, it might help to give suggestions.
Posts: 704
By kishr 2020-02-18 22:11:42
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Do VE a bunch to get used to the battle.
Next learn gyve trick. (previous pages explain)
After attempt E.
GL, rng is rough.
Posts: 15220
By Pantafernando 2020-02-19 01:35:17
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tarujedi said: »
still failing miserably, think its time to accept i cannot solo this

Tarus are the very definition of failing miserably so here is your problem.

Not even the force can save you.
Posts: 497
By Homsar 2020-02-25 02:00:40
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Can anyone help me out? I've soloed this on MNK over 100 times and still cannot get her to drop her pants. It seems like no matter how much I beat her, she won't drop her pants for me, despite her being Very Easy. Any suggestions?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Xavierr
Posts: 172
By Asura.Zidaner 2020-02-25 02:03:26
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well said sir, well said.

Could take 100s of fights just be patient
Posts: 15220
By Pantafernando 2020-02-25 02:26:31
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Homsar said: »
It seems like no matter how much I beat her, she won't drop her pants for me, despite her being Very Easy. Any suggestions?

This sound so wrong to me...
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Phoenix.Bloodred 2020-02-25 02:53:45
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I am now 5/5 on gear it took me 387 runs all VE except 4 I done on E with a ls mate.
everytime I went MNK/THF macroing in my TH4 with my chi blast set, in the 1st 254 runs I got only the hat , which was discouraging, so I tried something different.
on VE she will spawn 2 gyrve and the 1st 254 runs i just powered thru them as with Impetus up 3K TP with my r15 Godhands > VS then a VS - VS for Radiance and she was dead, so I decieded to just tp no ws until she spawned both adds then I Spinning Attack to hit all 3, then powered her down, got my last 4 pieces in 133 runs which on VE is pretty good IMO.
Just my 2 cents but it seemed to work for me.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-02-25 03:43:43
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Why were you killing gyves tho? :) They doesnt matter below N.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Phoenix.Bloodred 2020-02-25 03:46:58
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i didnt kill them just hit them with 1 spinning attack
By 2020-02-25 04:06:02
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Posts: 3653
By Taint 2020-02-25 06:07:11
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Homsar said: »
Can anyone help me out? I've soloed this on MNK over 100 times and still cannot get her to drop her pants. It seems like no matter how much I beat her, she won't drop her pants for me, despite her being Very Easy. Any suggestions?

I’m in the same boat 100s upon 100s of Kills on E 99% with TH9 and still need pants. All my mules are 4/5 as well.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-02-25 07:53:04
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Taint said: »
Homsar said: »
Can anyone help me out? I've soloed this on MNK over 100 times and still cannot get her to drop her pants. It seems like no matter how much I beat her, she won't drop her pants for me, despite her being Very Easy. Any suggestions?

I’m in the same boat 100s upon 100s of Kills on E 99% with TH9 and still need pants. All my mules are 4/5 as well.

I had the same but with boots. Finally dropped tho.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Asura.Bayonette 2020-02-25 08:28:09
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Homsar said: »
Can anyone help me out? I've soloed this on MNK over 100 times and still cannot get her to drop her pants. It seems like no matter how much I beat her, she won't drop her pants for me, despite her being Very Easy. Any suggestions?

Try asking her questions about herself. Let her know you’re really listening.
Posts: 497
By Homsar 2020-02-27 00:20:34
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Pantafernando said: »
This sound so wrong to me...

I got literally everything else in under 100 runs solo, but the pants continue to elude me.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2712
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2020-02-27 07:18:39
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What is a decent solo method on either SCH or BLU? VE or E.
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