Insurgency possibly bugged or buffed
By Boshi 2018-09-19 16:25:02
Carbuncle.Lunatone said: »Did someone say Blade: Metsu?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-09-19 16:38:08
Last Stand in Abyssea:
Glen Crab, Musketeer Gun +1 and Bronze Bullets, 2x Minuet Fury and Frailty but was honestly overkill.
Normal Shot at 210 to verify capped attack (35+3+22)*3.5
Don't have numbers for non-WSD Last Stand, but basically just to verify WSC and FTP transferring/scaling worked as expected (it did).
Shot at 1573 TP, so 1773 TP after Fencer. Translates into (1/1000)*1773 + 1 = 2.77 fTP
249 AGI, WSD+5 on Herc Helm, nothing else, Rank 1 Last Stand so 73% WSC. Actual damage is 4900.
Assuming WSD on first hit only:
Assuming WSD on all hits:
241*3.5*2.77*1.05*2 = 4900
Edit, at 3000TP -
7084 Actual Damage
First Calc (non-transfer WSD): 6916
Second (WSD transfers): 7084
By clearlyamule 2018-09-19 16:46:44
Assuming WSD on all hits:
241*3.5*2.77*1.05*2 = 4906
Not sure why I can't get digits to match exactly, but the second result is clearly closer. Because you are multiplying in the wrong order and not flooring after each step
Should be
667*3.5= 2334.5
2334*1.05= 2450.7
24500* 2 = 4900
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2018-09-19 16:54:13
Carbuncle.Lunatone said: »Did someone say Blade: Metsu?
If it's true then Shun would eclipse Metsu completely. I'm busy at work for the next few days so I can't really test much. Not only Shun but probably Ku too. Poor Metsu..
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-09-19 16:57:43
Assuming WSD on all hits:
241*3.5*2.77*1.05*2 = 4906
Not sure why I can't get digits to match exactly, but the second result is clearly closer. Because you are multiplying in the wrong order and not flooring after each step
Should be
667*3.5= 2334.5
2334*1.05= 2450.7
24500* 2 = 4900
Thanks! It's been a while so definitely brain farted there. Don't have Jishnu's unlocked to test unfortunately.
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-09-19 17:15:49
If the change is deliberate then some weaponskills got mega buffed. OMGWTFResolutionBBQ
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 83
By Bismarck.Dunigs 2018-09-19 17:28:25
At this point could still only apply to a second hit vs. all hits though my personal thought says that's unlikely. It could also only apply to REMA-oriented WS since those were the ones tinkered with to add the augment damage, which wouldn't matter to the majority of people since most jobs use those WS anyways.
Lots of good candidates to verify either way, but I'm not invested enough to do anything beyond the RNG test since it was painless to set up.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Cziella 2018-09-19 18:27:01
I've been doing levi VD x7 a day on RUN since the campaign/VU, always same buffs, and I have not seen a big difference or anything noticeable on resolution than before, and that's a lot of resolutions, then again I'm just eyeballing, and avatars have innate DT and DT stages w/o !! procs, so who knows, maybe a bad target comparison + anecdotal non-controlled *** of mine.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-19 18:38:53
Asuran will be another one to test easily with and worth doing since all the WS claims so far are ones that were boosted by augments. I can do asuran in a little bit.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 19:03:40
How is this not resolved yet lol.
Saeval posted a large increase in reso damage.
It's not that tough to go do a couple ws with and without wsd on asuran raging pk de ku shun etcetc
5 asuran fists w/o hizamaru legs knobkerri vs 5 w/ and you should all have both of those incidentally.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-19 19:14:09
well let's see, the information came from a guy who doesn't know how to do a controlled test and is incapable of doing the proper numbers behind any more than one step damage formula. if it doesn't give you enough of an idea of why it should be tested under proper conditions, the dude even said he's inconclusive of it.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Sidra 2018-09-19 19:16:36
Went to Giddeus, Stardivered the NM with utsu up so a latter hit kills it. Did close to 1k tp with 0 WSD and then with 43%.
3,049 > 4,043
Not 43% (32.6%) but far more than random variance. Something odd is going on, just not sure exactly what. Gear changes most definitely altered STR some, and the tp was very close but not exact. Not saying it is the best test, but enough to know something is fishy.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 19:16:42
Literally 10 minutes in zone:
Zero wsd asuran fists 5514 192 tp return, 5263 192, 4851 192, 5299 192
12% wsd asuran fists 6361 192 tp return, 6688 192, 5931 192, 5914 192
Pretty obvious difference, and I didn't even put in any effort to do it.
It would be even more obvious If I had pieces of actual WSD to use. (it was 12%, sorry forgot ishvara earring)
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-19 19:19:24
wow it's almost like 5514 * 1.1 is less than 6361
it might be pretty obvious, but you don't even know what's going on.
here is some under controlled conditions, since yours are very clearly not:
440 skill, no weapon PUP has 59 base damage with capped fSTR. Damage range of 206 to 216. No store TP gives me 53 TP a hit.
247 STR and 236 VIT would be (59 + 37 + 35) = 131 base damage.
131 * 3.5 = 458, 10% WSD = 503 + 458 = 961 low roll
high roll being 528 + 480 = 1008
503 + 503 = 1006
528 + 528 = 1056
first asuran was 988 which was inconclusive and second was 1009, right above the range, so I did a third to confirm and was 1030.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-19 19:33:35
Someone needs to test Upheaval or Stardiver. I would do it, but I'm not going to be free to play ffxi for a while. :(
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 19:41:10
Not trying to make exact numbers just show that it does work, that's it. it either works or it doesn't. thats all I give a ***about.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Talryn 2018-09-19 19:41:59
Took my mnk to apex bats. Spammed asuran fists in a set that stacked WSD and one that didn't, trying to keep the str and vit stats comparable. WSD set consistently got in the 5-6k range, non WSD set consistently in the 3.5-4.5k damage range. I was mostly just keeping track of the max damage I was able to hit though. Had to use defender in WSD set since it had so much more attack and didn't want that to skew numbers.
Weak set:
1083 attack
10% wsd
4500 max damage
Strong set:
1101 attack with defender
51% wsd
6200 max damage
4500 / 1.1 * 1.51 = 6177.27272727272727
Even if the numbers aren't perfect, it's hard for 41% increased wsd to cause such a large increase in damage if it only effected the first hit.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-19 19:42:49
for all i know, you went and wsed on mandies and got guarded.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 419
By Quetzalcoatl.Senaki 2018-09-19 19:51:13
Took my mnk to apex bats. Spammed asuran fists in a set that stacked WSD and one that didn't, trying to keep the str and vit stats comparable. WSD set consistently got in the 5-6k range, non WSD set consistently in the 3.5-4.5k damage range. I was mostly just keeping track of the max damage I was able to hit though. Had to use defender in WSD set since it had so much more attack and didn't want that to skew numbers.
Weak set:
1083 attack
10% wsd
4500 max damage
Strong set:
1101 attack with defender
51% wsd
6200 max damage
4500 / 1.1 * 1.51 = 6177.27272727272727
Even if the numbers aren't perfect, it's hard for 41% increased wsd to cause such a large increase in damage if it only effected the first hit.
If this truly does impact all melee jobs, as it seems to do. Then it is a huge "balance" in the right direction imo. Hopefully it will change up the dynamics a bit in end game; and/or SE won't nuke it as soon as they realize it is a thing.
Server: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Lunatone 2018-09-19 19:53:33
I wont be able to tonight, but tomorrow I'll try out Ku. Did like 3 quick w/ and w/o WSD just on bees outside of Ceizak HP,
0WSD 6400 52%WSD 8159. I'll actually do more tomorrow when I get off work.
So from these results I speculate Blade: Metsu should be doing probably 76kish dmg right Boshi?
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 20:00:40
Debating the ***for literally hours, solved by taking 10 minutes and just hitting ***.
Sometimes guys, really.
Now figure out, does it work on ALL mutli hits, of all ws (non elemental) or, just specifically mutlihit ws.
That takes actual effort to test.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-09-19 20:02:27
a difference that can be written off as simply as not capped attack.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3
By Asura.Juggernautxi 2018-09-19 20:21:08
Something I did notice when I went out to test weapon skills was that if I had my eyes open I could see exactly how much damage I was doing. However, when I closed my eyes (using the exact same weapon skills); all of the sudden I could not see my damage at all. I'm not sure what exactly is taking place. Something is happening. I'm absolutely sure of it. Though now that I think about...
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 20:21:12
I mean like you want it to be some complicated thing, it really wasn't. we weren't looking for modifiers, or stats, or values, just a greater than sign.
Question; does wsd make it hurtie more. Answer; yes
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1435
By Asura.Toralin 2018-09-19 20:28:00
Epaminondas's Ring for sale 900m, lmk
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 20:30:03
Epaminondas's Ring for sale 900m, lmk
Sigh, but, I laughed.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Asura.Pinsquid 2018-09-19 20:37:23
Didn't do any extensive averages or anything, but went out as DRK to Ronfaure to hit wild rabbits with Resolution. Went as /sam, used Caladbolg, 63% total WSD.
TP Return in WSD set was 140, WSed at exactly 1030 tp for a good 15 rounds until I missed the first hit. Average on the 15 was right around 3700-3800. When first hit missed, Reso still did 3715 damage. Repeated that and got the same result again. Obviously can't confirm if it would apply to the other 3 hits of Reso but at least for the first and second hit, WSD appears to be in full effect.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-09-19 21:39:24
So now, the universal truth, for ALL ws, is add WSD.
Only exceptions being crit ws, they would probably be case by case. like CDC Evisceration and VSmite (and JR, Raging Rush, SP, Rampage)
CDC with 50% WSD probably does some disgusting numbers...
By Sabishii 2018-09-19 22:59:45
So now, the universal truth, for ALL ws, is add WSD.
Only exceptions being crit ws, they would probably be case by case. like CDC Evisceration and VSmite (and JR, Raging Rush, SP, Rampage)
CDC with 50% WSD probably does some disgusting numbers...
The results I had from a shitty test against belphagor, (I shouldn't have had COR trust up, he did evoker's at one point), I did 2 tests, one with my regular CDC set with 2 belphagors, the other with 67% WSD against 2 belphagors.
The WSAVG with standard CDC set was 13,548 (29s), while the WSD set gave me 13,439 (31s). The WSD one spiked higher, but it had a few WSs that did less damage. My WSD set peaked at a 25.9k CDC. I used Tizona/Almace on both tests. Maybe if my cape had DEX + WSD instead of STR + WSD, it would've performed even better, and if I took out variables like the COR trust.
Since the September update, Insurgency seems to be doing higher damage for me.
I try to do Salvage daily on Drk/Rdm, and Arrapago Remnants Khimaira bosses have become my point of WS and gear comparison, because the damage has been so consistent day to day.
I've been doing some testing, and it appears to come down to the additional hits.
Prior to the update, Insurgency has been landing (At 3000 TP) for about 27k initial hit, and 2.5k per additional hit landed.
After the update, the initial hit seems to still be 27k, but the addional hits appear to be landing for about 4.2k apiece.
It doesnt appear to be an issue with Fotia belt/gorget, I tested vs Aura weapons in Sky and the additional hits were landing that high both with and without Fotia.
Here's my Insurgency set:
ItemSet 360043
So far the only thing that makes sense is that WSD% may be applying to all hits of Insurgency now. Can anyone else corroborate this? I know its not an issue of Arcane Circle, Souleater, or Scarlet Delerium, so those can be ruled out. My data on initial hit vs additional hits has been from watching TP return, taking data only from hits where either only the initial hit lands, or the first hit missing and generating TP return numbers in the 10-40 range.