The A.M.A.N. Trove BC

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the A.M.A.N. Trove BC
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Posts: 898
By Rips 2023-04-03 10:35:22
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
This one had me excited!

It's always exciting to see a crep piece in the pool, especially cloak or dagger.
Posts: 134
By Slowforever 2023-04-03 12:46:42
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
This one had me excited!

Server: Bahamut
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user: Anaurine
By Bahamut.Angenard 2023-04-03 13:25:31
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Congrats :)
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-04-03 14:25:36
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Seun said: »
Outside of bringing other people along when possible, there is zero reason to pay for another account just so I can see the gear drop. If I already had it... I already knew it was something I didn't need.

Yup, agreed. I always go in with my two characters, and will invite friends too if I'm doing a lot of orbs since there might be a good drop that my two already have... but I'm not going crazy to bring in a naked mule just to maybe see a 0.001% chance of another Malignance Boots drop from a Loud Thud when my characters both have it. If I get a no drop/duplicate item, oh well.

And remember that if there's something that would be REALLY rare and nice to give to an LS mate, you can always dbox those if you want. The number of items I'd care to do that for are very small, like I would send myself a Crepuscular Cloak since both of mine have that (both from Trove lol), and it would be very nice to give a duplicate to a friend if it dropped. But outside of Omen/Shinryu bodies that I already have on both of my characters and would be nice to gift to friends, my thought is that if I already have the thing on both characters I don't need extras!
Posts: 3653
By Taint 2023-04-03 16:09:24
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Orpheus's Sash, Sroda and other gil items are worth having a friend or second account there for. Unless you are going to mog deliver all the potential gil items to your mules or yourself.
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2023-04-03 16:19:54
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ive gotten 2 crep dagger, gave both away,
got orpheus, but alreayd got one so gave to guildmate. He gave me a crep cloak later when he got one in his chest tho.
epaminondas x1
2 sroda belts
found like 2 omen ranger bodys too
shamash robe, gave away as well I don't use it.
0 malignance, my mules are sad.
Server: Bahamut
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user: NoScrying
Posts: 70
By Bahamut.Noscrying 2023-04-03 16:21:58
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I was super excited to get Regal Gloves, because I thought they were the PLD/RUN ones :(

Atleast I got a pulse this month
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-04-03 16:36:44
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Taint said: »
Orpheus's Sash, Sroda and other gil items are worth having a friend or second account there for. Unless you are going to mog deliver all the potential gil items to your mules or yourself.

Yeah, there are things worth having a second character there. I was more taking issue with the "Alts need to be NAKED" type of argument. I don't have much sellable Rare-tagged stuff like Orpheus, Epam Ring, Sroda on both of my characters - though yeah, if everyone in the zone already had an Orpheus sash, I can certainly see the desire to bring in someone without it, or dbox/mule the item(s) when you do AMAN runs.

Bigger issue is for those who go in totally solo and have no 2nd account. Worth trying to bring a friend in that case.
Server: Asura
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user: Malkavius
Posts: 93
By Asura.Malkavius 2023-04-09 20:35:39
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Just in case anyone finds it useful, here's the orbs I've done this month so far

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

10:T, 3:Thwack
10:N, 4:N, 8:N, 1:N, 2:Thwack
5:N, 9:N, 3:T, 6:N, 8:N, 10:T, 1:N, 2:N, 4:LT(rainbow), Term:N (Bewitched Greaves)
4:T, 5:N, 9:N, 6:N, 2:T, 8:N, 3:N, 1:N, 7:T(Gold), Term:N
2:T, 8:N, 7:N, 6:N, 4:T, 10:T, 9:T, 3:N, 5:LT(rainbow), Term:N (Orpheus's Sash)
2:N, 1:N, 5:N, 8:N, 6:T, 10:N, 4:N, 9:N, 3:LT(rainbow), Term:N (Volte Spats)
10:N, 9:N, 8:N, 7:N, 6:Thwack
5:LT, Term:N (Vexed Coronet)
6:N, 2:N, 8:N, 4:N, 10:N(BB), 3:N, 9:LT, Term:N (Bewitched Handschuhs)
7:N, 6:N, 2:T, 9:T, 5:N, 3:N, 10:N, 4:Thwack
9:N, 5:N, 10:N, 4:N(BB), 6:LT, Term:N (Voidfoot:NIN)
5:N, 10:N, 6:N(BB), 9:T, 3:N, 8:N, 1:T, 4:LT, 2:LT(rainbow), Term:N (Malignance Boots, Pulse)
2:N, 8:N, 4:T, 5:N, 9:N, 10:T, 7:Thwack
2:LT, Term:N (Voidfoot: DRK, 5m gil)
5:N, 9:N, 2:LT, Term:N (VOidtorso: BLM)
10:N, 9:Thwack
6:N, 3:N, 10:T, 7:N, 9:N, 5:N, 4:Thwack
5:N, 9:N, 3:N, 7:N, 4:N, 8:N, 6:Thwack
3:T, 2:T, 8:T, 6:LT, Term:T (Voidleg BLU)
9:N, 5:T, 10:N, 4:Thwack
1:T, 2:T, 10:N, 9:N, 5:Thwack
6:T, 3:LT, Term:N (Hjarrandi Helm)
5:N, 9:N, 3:N, 7:N, 10:Thwack
5:N, 9:T, 3:N, 7:N, 10:N, 4:N, 1:Thwack
1:N, 2:N, 8:Thwack
6:N, 7:N, 4:N, 5:N, 9:Thwack
1:N, 5:LT, Term:N (Ammurapi Shield)
5:N, 9:N, 3:N, 7:N, 10:N, 4:T, 8:Thwack
1:N, 2:N, 8:N, 4:N, 10:n, 6:N, 3:N, 7:N, 5:T(Gold), Term:N (5m gil)
3:N, 4:N, 5:Thwack
9:N, 10:T, 6:N, 4:N, 3:N, 8:N, 7:Thwack
9:N, 5:N, 3:T, 1:N, 2:N, 4:N, 7:T, 6:N, 10:LT (rainbow), Term:T (Moonbow Steel)
6:N, 7:N, 1:T, 2:N, 5:N, 10:N, 8:Thwack
1:N, 2:N, 8:N, 4:N, 9:N, 7:N, 6:LT, Term:N (Voidtorso: DNC)
8:N, 3:T, 6:N, 1:N, 10:Thwack
9:T, 5:N, 1:Thwack
5:T, 4:N, 7:N, 6:N, 3:N, 9:Thwack
10:N, 9:N, 5:N, 4:N, 7:Thwack
1:T, 5:N, 8:N, 9:N, 10:N, 6:N, 3:T, 2:N, 7:T(Gold), Term:N
6:N, 7:T, 3:LT, Term:T (Voidleg: DRG, 5m gil)
5:N, 9:T, 6:T, 8:T, 10:N, 3:N, 4:Thwack
1:N, 5:T, 7:LT, Term:N (Nzingha Cuirass)
9:T, 10:N, 3:N, 6:N, 2:T, 8:N, 4:N, 7:T, 5:LT(rainbow), Term:N (Bewitched Leggings)
1:T, 2:T, 9:N, 10:T, 8:N, 4:T, 6:Thwack
9:n, 10:N, 1:T, 4:N, 3:N, 6:N, 7:N, 8:T, 5:LT(Rainbow), Term:LT (Malignance Tights, Volte Doublet)
1:N, 2:N, 6:N, 7:N, 3:Thwack
9:N, 5:LT, Term:T (Vexed Slops)
4:N, 5:N, 1:Thwack
9:N, 10:N, 6:N, 7:Thwack
1:N, 2:N, 9:N(BB), 7:N, 4:LT, Term:N (Ipoca Beret)
8:N, 3:N, 4:N(BB), 1:Thwack
1:T, 2:T, 9:N, 10:N, 6:N, 5:N, 8:N, 4:T, 3:LT(Rainbow), Term:T (Sroda Earring) (Refreshed Orb)
5:LT, 9:N, Term:T (Voidleg RDM)
6:N, 7:Thwack
Posts: 187
By Manque 2023-04-10 01:14:40
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Asura.Malkavius said: »
Just in case anyone finds it useful, here's the orbs I've done this month so far

Do you have the chest furnishing?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 543
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-04-10 07:57:09
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Chest furnishing only improves rate of receiving free Orbs on returning cracked ones, no?
By 2023-04-10 09:48:25
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Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 3007
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-04-10 11:30:49
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Take this with an appropriately-sized grain of salt since I've never killed the chest, but I'm pretty sure that a solid kill strategy has existed for years. You just reraise/stoneskin up so you don't die from the initial hit, regularly re-apply reraise to avoid future ka-thwacks, and have a BRD (probably a bot) prepared to sleep it if it tries to cast Death on you. Other than that, there's not much to it, use weapon skills and skillchains to do damage to the enemy until its HP reaches 0. Bring buffs and a healer.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's best to use Scherzo to reduce the damage you take when he ka-thwacks, but that's just a guess and possibly me just being too safe.

I think most people don't bother because you have to get 6 people together and you still only get the drops from the chests you popped before you popped the mimic, so if you got mimic first chest you'll get terminal coffer only, or if you get 3 noises and then a mimic you'll probably just end up with trash drops, and you just spent 15 minutes fighting a mimic with 6 people so you could get a voidleg: BST
Server: Carbuncle
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user: NynJa
Posts: 4576
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-04-10 13:30:56
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It could be worth it for Venus Orbs. Isnt a minimum of two loud thuds not uncommon in that one? Being able to kill the mimic reliably would be the difference between trying to open all 9 boxes vs bailing after one loud thud, not to mention the potential third loud thud from main box.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
Posts: 3007
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-04-10 13:58:51
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
It could be worth it for Venus Orbs. Isnt a minimum of two loud thuds not uncommon in that one? Being able to kill the mimic reliably would be the difference between trying to open all 9 boxes vs bailing after one loud thud, not to mention the potential third loud thud from main box.

I suppose it's true that planning to kill the mimic would allow for more aggressive picking strategies. I and many others I know bail immediately after a single LT, but you could continue knowing that you aren't going to lose your "good drops" to a mimic.

I'm not sure anyone has consolidated enough data to be sure of the difference between venus and mars, but from what I've read on the forums, it seems that venus has a higher chance of having LT in the center chest, and possibly can't have a noise in the center chest. I've not seen anyone claim that there is a higher chance of getting T/LT from the 10 brown chests, but TBH most attestations are likely to be from small sample sizes and/or eyeballed results. The final conflicting part in trying to gather data about this is using the same "strategy" for every orb. If you always open 8 chests no matter what, open a max of 5, continue after LT, stop after 3 total thuds, how do you handle belligerent bangs, etc. it will change the results of your orbs.

Guess you could just compare # of individual chests opened and their results (N/T/LT) across mars/venus and see what you get.
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2023-04-11 17:07:46
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I'm not sure anyone has consolidated enough data to be sure of the difference between venus and mars, but from what I've read on the forums, it seems that venus has a higher chance of having LT in the center chest, and possibly can't have a noise in the center chest.

I think the only known difference between M and V is that the center chest no longer rewards noise. Still unknown if Loud Thud chances are increased or if Thud simply pushes Noise off the table.

Anecdotally, LT is more common in Venus than Mars. However, Mars orbs end up being better overall when I consider how many LT I get per voucher. Better to spend all your vouchers on Mars and only run Venus you get from monthly deeds imo.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Aladeus
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2023-04-12 07:35:41
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Beau said: »
Anyone have a solid Chest O'Plenty kill strategy now that we have all these master levels?

Ejin made a video a long time ago of having a 6 man party kill it
Server: Valefor
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user: detlef
Posts: 482
By Valefor.Philemon 2023-04-12 14:11:23
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Seun said: »
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I'm not sure anyone has consolidated enough data to be sure of the difference between venus and mars, but from what I've read on the forums, it seems that venus has a higher chance of having LT in the center chest, and possibly can't have a noise in the center chest.

I think the only known difference between M and V is that the center chest no longer rewards noise. Still unknown if Loud Thud chances are increased or if Thud simply pushes Noise off the table.

Anecdotally, LT is more common in Venus than Mars. However, Mars orbs end up being better overall when I consider how many LT I get per voucher. Better to spend all your vouchers on Mars and only run Venus you get from monthly deeds imo.
I've always favored Venus Orbs since LTs seem to be more common. But lately I've only been doing Mars Orbs and I've been surprised how many LT/rainbow chests you get. Plus it's more fun pushing to open 9 boxes. The downside is it takes nearly twice as long to get through your orbs.
Posts: 1184
By Seun 2023-04-12 18:59:32
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Valefor.Philemon said: »
I've always favored Venus Orbs since LTs seem to be more common. But lately I've only been doing Mars Orbs and I've been surprised how many LT/rainbow chests you get. Plus it's more fun pushing to open 9 boxes. The downside is it takes nearly twice as long to get through your orbs.

Well there's always one mimic. Strategy should be the same for either orb type since the mechanics are the same, just the odds are assumed to be different.

Everyone will have different outcomes, but I think generally speaking we lost here. They increased the rate so we see twice as many loud thuds, but they added so many common items that you need three times as many loud thuds on average to get something rare.
Posts: 898
By Rips 2023-04-12 22:52:07
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Just going to throw this question out there:

Has anyone seen an increase of Adapa shields dropping when you get a loud thud? Or are the 6 I got in my 20 loud thuds just a huge coincidence?
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2023-04-13 07:25:44
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Rips said: »
Just going to throw this question out there:

Has anyone seen an increase of Adapa shields dropping when you get a loud thud? Or are the 6 I got in my 20 loud thuds just a huge coincidence?

Coincidence for sure. My loud thud luck has been absolutely crap for the last 6 months or so, and then yesterday I got 3 in a row which resulted in Nisroch, Nisroch, and Shamash. 3 omen bodies in a row might be the record xD
By Tanag 2023-05-11 13:19:54
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Got loud thud chest 1, tabbed to Discord to ask some friends if I should push my luck, accidentally clicked gold chest when going back to FFXI as main window. Worked out well.

Posts: 898
By Rips 2023-05-11 13:21:38
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Tanag said: »
Got loud thud chest 1, tabbed ti Discord to ask some friends if I should push my luck, accidentally clicked gold chest when going back to FFXI as main window. Worked out well.

Oh my Altana.

Welcome to the cool kids club. Even I haven't had that mega combo yet.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Smasher
Posts: 878
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2023-05-11 13:27:52
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Tanag said: »
Got loud thud chest 1, tabbed to Discord to ask some friends if I should push my luck, accidentally clicked gold chest when going back to FFXI as main window. Worked out well.

Wow! That's quite impressive.
By 2023-05-11 14:45:40
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3711
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-05-11 14:50:08
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Tanag said: »
Got loud thud chest 1, tabbed to Discord to ask some friends if I should push my luck, accidentally clicked gold chest when going back to FFXI as main window. Worked out well.

Congrats on probably the best AMAN Trove roll ever! That's unreal.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-14 18:04:58
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For whomever is interested in some numbers, these are my AMAN data with the campaign up:

# of Mars: 38
# of Venus: 3
# of rainbow/gold chests at start: 0
# of gold chests at the end: 1 (rest were all rainbow)
# of recovered Mars/Venus from Greyson: 0

I'm a bit surprised by the last one. Considering how half of those orbs have been turned in from a character with the special Mog Enhancement.
Wonder if the numbers were accidentally higher some time ago?
In the end my sample is pretty small so it could still be well within the statistical range.

For those interested in my drops, here we go:
1x Dagon Breastplate (the 2nd! Q_Q)
1x Coruscanti
1x pet earring with PDT-5%
1x Epaminondas
1x Orpheus
Rest was cheap mats, cards, shards, stones and various ***. One double loud thud has been particularly shitty but I guess it's because it dropped something I already owned?

Shame I couldn't sell the Dagon and Coruscanti, but I doubt they go for more than 15mils each anyway.
By 2023-05-14 19:48:02
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Posts: 898
By Rips 2023-05-14 19:59:06
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Sechs, the 7% with the mog enhancement is pretty damn accurate. It's RNG at the end of the day.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10291
By Asura.Sechs 2023-05-15 01:04:04
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Rips said: »
Sechs, the 7% with the mog enhancement is pretty damn accurate. It's RNG at the end of the day.
Oh I have no trouble believing it!
As I mentioned my sample is pretty small so at the end of the day we're still within the statistical range of error.

I was just a bit surprised considered that before the Mog Enhancement existed my orb refresh rate was something like ~5% so I was expecting to see at least 1 orb refreshed out of those >40 orbs.

I had a similar experience with the "rainbow/gold chest at start" when they first introduced it. So it kinda makes me wonder if I've been unlucky this time around, lucky when they made that change or if, like they seem to do for many things in this game, the % of some new feature when they introduce it is slightly higher for the first month.
(they do this when they add new items to the GobbieBox, for instance, but only for the first month/patch)

For what it's worth let's talk about the Gold/Rainbow chest when you open 8 chests. A feature that was introduced last time they updated the AMAN trove.
I know many people reported it before but for me it's the first time that I see a Gold Chest instead of a Rainbow at the end. Until now I've only seen Rainbow.
We're talking about a considerable amount of samples here, so this leads me to believe that maybe Rainbow at the end has a somewhat noticeably higher % than gold? Maybe?
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