The A.M.A.N. Trove BC

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the A.M.A.N. Trove BC
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Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-03 09:03:12
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Drofrehter84 said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
likard said: »
For the people pulling all the nice gear, what is you chest piking strategy? More often than not, I get 6-7 noises and bow out or get a mimic on chest 1-2. What are people doing for their choice of chests that get good loot? I know sh!t should be random, but if someone has pulled 2-3 omen bodies, maybe there is something to their chest picking order.
As far as I can tell the only thing that's making a meaningful difference is having multiple characters:

1) Same account mules (can send stuff on same account characters)
2) Multiple accounts and relative mules (can't send stuff, but can do the BC together and u can lot stuff on the char you want, if it drops)

Think about it. With a single char you get like what, 5 Mars Orbs a day.
With 3 accounts with 1 mule each it's 30+ Mars Orbs each month.
It goes without saying when you have multiple accounts it's also much faster/easier to level additional mules to level 99 to get even more attempts.

Last but not least, you can buy Mars Orbs with gil.

So, yes between someone doing 5 attempts and one having over 30, of course the latter is gonna have a drastically higher chance of seeing something good on that month.
Me? I have 2 chars only (same account) and so far I got nothing but a shitty Zi'tah body and lotsa mats (and lotsa mimes! lol)
Sorry to be such a noob here but how do you go about getting 5 Mars Orbs each day?

I don’t want this getting lost. How do you get 5 Mars orbs a day? If this was a typo and you meant month how still do you get 5 Mars orbs a month, even?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-03 09:30:06
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He's exaggerating. You get 1 free orb monthly, 5 silvers from NPC, and 10 through ROE (I think). So unless you carry over silvers, thats 3 Mars/Month. Then again, buying orbs is still a reasonable option. 5 orbs for 12.5m isn't bad, considering the possibilities.

On another note, people may want to start considering leaving on Thuds now as well, rather than Loud Thuds, due to the recent use of Pulse weapons. I have seen 2 Router from Thuds, and I'm sure you can get the zitah variants. Might be worth the strategy to leave after getting several thuds vs one loud thud. I got 3 thuds last month and continued trying to get loud thud, and got a mimic. was sick. Truly a gambling event.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2019-04-03 09:35:31
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Maybe instead of day he meant month.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-03 09:47:14
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I meant a month of course, sorry about that. I usually do ~4 orbs a month (3 on mule) but put 5 just for the sake of the example.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-03 10:33:43
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The completionists will say I’m wrong but realistically you will be getting 3 orbs a month.

You can get a max of 7 orbs every two months (3 orbs 1st month, 4 orbs second month, repeat) but honestly the time it would take to do Conquest,Besieged,Campaign, etc. two months in a row it would be faster to just go farm Gil for an hour or two and buy someone’s orb if your server had sellers (mine doesn’t) and you cared that much for an extra orb.

I get that every orb matters for those seeking bodies if it is about a 1% drop rate but those 6 extra orbs a year wont make a big enough dent. Just wake up one Sunday morning extra early and do Gain-Exp an extra day. Boom, the 12M Gil it would cost to buy 6 orbs.

If you have like 4 or more characters MAYBE it would be worth it but I have 4 characters and still don’t want to do those extra RoE.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-03 11:00:29
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tyalangan said: »
the time it would take to do Conquest,Besieged,Campaign, etc. two months in a row it would be faster to just go farm Gil for an hour or two and buy someone’s orb

You can do both. Besieged you just have to be lucky enough to catch the event. Conquest takes no more than 3 minutes aoe burning Kuftal Tunnel if you start at any zone end and just run through crabs, spiders, cactuars etc. Campaign (one I never do) is probably easy if you can (again) catch it when it's happening, which is very frequent. The only one you have to really go out of your way for is Besieged, and that's because it's terrible timing wise and it won't alert you if you're not in AU. These are glorified anv keys, there's no reason to not do the quests since they are so simple. Barely takes anything away to get them done.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-04-03 11:39:24
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tyalangan said: »
the time it would take to do Conquest,Besieged,Campaign, etc. two months in a row it would be faster to just go farm Gil
Now Besieged I can understand. Even though more than "taking time" it takes "luck" I would say.

Campaign feels pretty fast but then again I guess you need a certain degree of luck.

But conquest? Really? You're done like in a couple of minutes with that D:

Truly I would say the only tricky one is Besieged. As a matter of fact I didn't manage to complete it every month. Only once so far actually lol.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-03 11:43:59
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1/1 mimic on 2 orbs. :)
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-03 12:25:19
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I should have chosen Just beiseiged and campaign if people were going to strip the text apart lol. I just meant you’d have to complete every single one to get 7 every two weeks. So if I just put besieged it would still stand. Two months worth of that just isn’t worth it to me for one extra orb.

Remember, bodies are 1/100~. So if you’re going for Loud Thud only you could go 3 months in a row getting mimic and never see a single drop. Doing a year worth of besieged plus two more RoE (let’s say reives and campaign since my conquest example was aggroed) gives you like a 6% chance of body on the year. Personally, I was saying farming Gil would be more time efficient.

I’d just do 3 and call it a good month. My opinion.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-04-03 12:27:23
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I don't do any more than my monthly 3, and don't go out of my way to buy any additional orbs. I guess you could sell your orbs on each of your characters, and then use the money to just buy the omen body. Once again, mercing proves 100% more foolproof than magical lottery options.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
Posts: 3705
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-04-03 12:37:14
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Conquest takes no more than 3 minutes aoe burning Kuftal Tunnel if you start at any zone end and just run through crabs, spiders, cactuars etc.

Most months, it's also likely that you can do Conquest with no additional effort from just refilling Ambuscade KIs (and having Signet up).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: gario1
Posts: 19
By Asura.Bertoli 2019-04-03 13:27:43
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Thanks TROVE!
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2019-04-03 13:32:09
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everyone gets good stuff, and this is my life:

I either get 1st/2nd chest mimics or a full run with jack! :p
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kealohaa
Posts: 156
By Bahamut.Nebohh 2019-04-03 15:48:48
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Working as intended.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-03 16:52:51
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So, a cool update. The 100 gold chest only (Now at 140+) I did a while back I noted I did not receive the 5M Gil. Well, I’m still doing gold chest only and got 5M today!

So it might be as rare as a body from last chest or I’m very unlucky.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Flowen255
Posts: 526
By Shiva.Flowen 2019-04-03 22:11:43
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Regal captains gloves - Mars orb, loud thud 1/1, Waughroon shrine

Cool but struggling to think where they shine. High acc, high hp I guess. High str for hand slot.. Gimmick looks useless
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-03 23:32:17
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Results of tonights work on my stream. Streamer RNG at it again~

(Included accurate representations of my face as the night carried on)

Total income: 485m gil

Total cost: 115m gil

Net: 370m in about 5 hours work.

Neato burrito.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-04-03 23:50:47
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Worth. That's the only way to do it. Brute force. Open a thousand god damn orbs and sell it off.
By clearlyamule 2019-04-22 00:52:38
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Decided to try out a bunch of venus orbs I'd been saving up on a bunch of mules. Would stop at 2 noises or 1 thud and at least 1 noise except the first couple

orbs used-108
pulse weapons-3
t3 bodies-2
omen bodies-2
cash- 5 mil *1 (only the first first run where I got 4 noises)
items worth ahing prices (only counting stuff at least 50k)~ 26.1

Kind of interesting the only time I got direct gil was when I did 4 chests so might try that later when I get more stuff
Posts: 16
By runelore 2019-04-22 04:45:05
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Lol it baffles me how people get so so many orbs. over 100 orbs, can I ask how many mules that is across and how long you were saving them up?

Sorry, just interestd! Thanks
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2019-04-22 07:11:54
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14 mars this weekend.
8 fails.
5 loud thuds.
1 double thud.

2 pulse weapons, regal gauntlets, tartarus platemail.
Posts: 81
By DononofSylph 2019-04-22 07:33:10
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
1/1 mimic on 2 orbs. :)

Last 6 orbs I've hit mimic 4x 1st chest...I feel you.
Posts: 635
By tyalangan 2019-04-22 08:09:41
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runelore said: »
Lol it baffles me how people get so so many orbs. over 100 orbs, can I ask how many mules that is across and how long you were saving them up?

Sorry, just interestd! Thanks

If he has 6 characters with max mules all 99 that’s 90 mules. If he did the bare minimum RoE that’s 3-4 vouchers a month without buying any from NPC. So 3 months for 100~. If he has less than 6 with max could have spent the 500k per char (yikes)
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-22 11:42:47
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I've found, stopping at whichever comes first of the following:

* Loud Thud
* Thud x3
* 7 chests

Has given best results. I average a loud thud every 4 runs or so, I've done several hundred runs on my stream now.

Also wearing my moogle outfit helps a lot, on my stream we have theorized looking like a medium sized moogle confuses the mimic and makes it second guess how good I taste.

We have also had mixed results from me flexing on stream then opening chests.

Chests do NOT respond well to ASMR crooning into the mic. Highly recommend against that strategy.
By clearlyamule 2019-04-22 12:26:50
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runelore said: »
Lol it baffles me how people get so so many orbs. over 100 orbs, can I ask how many mules that is across and how long you were saving them up?

Sorry, just interestd! Thanks
that's 9 mules and think been saving up since the 2nd month or so? They do most the quests except things that require a bit of access or too annoying like DD, omen or besieged. So gotta figure that's like 12 vouchers a month with buying

oh something I forgot but my mimic rate seemed to go waaaaay up when I had another character in BC (compared to right outside) Like we talking of the 20 or so I did like that mostly to get someone outside resulted in about 15-16 of those Mimics I got
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-22 12:56:19
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clearlyamule said: »
oh something I forgot but my mimic rate seemed to go waaaaay up when I had another character in BC (compared to right outside) Like we talking of the 20 or so I did like that mostly to get someone outside resulted in about 15-16 of those Mimics I got

1/10 of the chests is always a mimic, and its pre-determined.

If you go 9/10 on chests, and open the 10th, it will ALWAYS be the mimic.

But of course we're talking about a gambling event here so of course people will look for patterns that are not there.

There's no major pattern, I've done so many now at this point its become apparent.

Except for wearing the moogle suit, of course. But thats just logical that a moogle suit would confuse a mimic!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-04-22 13:02:38
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soralin said: »
There's no major pattern, I've done so many now at this point its become apparent.

A few hundred? I've done over a thousand of just my own and I wouldn't presume to say there's no pattern. Did you actually record any hard data on anything to share with us or are you just plugging your stream?

1/10 of the chests is always a mimic, and its pre-determined.

If you go 9/10 on chests, and open the 10th, it will ALWAYS be the mimic.
While we're at it, how many samples do you have of this? Sure, it appears to be common sense, but if you're going to state fact you should be able to back it up. I can only think of one post that opened the tenth chest, and I've done it myself twice. 3/3 is probably solid enough to discourage people from doing it, but it's far from proof.

Further, let's look into this;
I've found, stopping at whichever comes first of the following:

* Loud Thud
* Thud x3
* 7 chests

Has given best results.
So, what's the average value of a Loud Thud, Thud, or Noise? To find it gives the best results, you must've compared to 2 Thuds or 6 chests, but getting a meaningful sample of that is pretty damn hard in just a few hundred orbs. I guess you did the math behind it and can tell us these numbers, right?

I average a loud thud every 4 runs or so, I've done several hundred runs on my stream now.
Ok, so you're 75/300? Or what? You don't average anything if you don't track numbers.

You're trying to come off as intelligent and trumpeting that it's random, while posting inaccurate and unsubstantiated conclusions yourself. If you want to add meaningful info, start tracking:

-The rate of noise, thud, and loud thud per chest opened.
-The average value of noise, thud, and loud thud(list of drops for each is also useful)
-Statistics for when mimic actually shows up(you can assume it's predetermined, but there's no proof of that, the server could just as easily be doing a 1/10 > 1/9 > 1/8 > etc roll when you check a chest, or even a less straightforward method).

The truth is we have exceedingly little hard data, and while you want to plug your stream or pretend you're adding to it, you've given nothing of value. The only way to actually narrow this stuff down is to collect large samples of unbiased data and *** single variables.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1400
By Fenrir.Richybear 2019-04-22 13:15:13
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Gotta add even more confusion and say "Which slot of the 8 did you put the orb into when trading to start the BCNM?"
Posts: 693
By soralin 2019-04-22 14:22:15
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
soralin said: »
There's no major pattern, I've done so many now at this point its become apparent.

A few hundred? I've done over a thousand of just my own and I wouldn't presume to say there's no pattern. Did you actually record any hard data on anything to share with us or are you just plugging your stream?

1/10 of the chests is always a mimic, and its pre-determined.

If you go 9/10 on chests, and open the 10th, it will ALWAYS be the mimic.
While we're at it, how many samples do you have of this? Sure, it appears to be common sense, but if you're going to state fact you should be able to back it up. I can only think of one post that opened the tenth chest, and I've done it myself twice. 3/3 is probably solid enough to discourage people from doing it, but it's far from proof.

Further, let's look into this;
I've found, stopping at whichever comes first of the following:

* Loud Thud
* Thud x3
* 7 chests

Has given best results.
So, what's the average value of a Loud Thud, Thud, or Noise? To find it gives the best results, you must've compared to 2 Thuds or 6 chests, but getting a meaningful sample of that is pretty damn hard in just a few hundred orbs. I guess you did the math behind it and can tell us these numbers, right?

I average a loud thud every 4 runs or so, I've done several hundred runs on my stream now.
Ok, so you're 75/300? Or what? You don't average anything if you don't track numbers.

You're trying to come off as intelligent and trumpeting that it's random, while posting inaccurate and unsubstantiated conclusions yourself. If you want to add meaningful info, start tracking:

-The rate of noise, thud, and loud thud per chest opened.
-The average value of noise, thud, and loud thud(list of drops for each is also useful)
-Statistics for when mimic actually shows up(you can assume it's predetermined, but there's no proof of that, the server could just as easily be doing a 1/10 > 1/9 > 1/8 > etc roll when you check a chest, or even a less straightforward method).

The truth is we have exceedingly little hard data, and while you want to plug your stream or pretend you're adding to it, you've given nothing of value. The only way to actually narrow this stuff down is to collect large samples of unbiased data and *** single variables.

I livestream myself opening chests, so you can always feel free to check my stream link on the left where I live log my results every time I do it :)

I would have to sit down and parse my raw video logs I have copies of on my machine, but I could certainly provide that data if needed.

Not gonna do it for funsies though because I honestly don't think its 'new' info. Everyone I have ever chatted with thats been doing it as much as I is in agreement that 3 thuds, 7 chests, or 1 loud thud is the correct game plan.

Average value of a noise is about 50K

Average value of a thud is about 300K.

Average value of a Loud Thud is about 20 mil, depending on if you already have buyers on standby for Omen bodies willing to pay a lot. Buyers on my stream are sitting at around 200~300mil for omen bodies, all on stand by for drops ready to scoop them up at a moments notice. So that heavily weights the value of my loud thuds up.

This also heavily depends on if you are doing Venus or Mars orb of course.

So, the value of a Loud Thud is VERY subjectively weighted on how strong your networking is, is my point, and you should adjust your strategy to match it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-04-22 14:41:21
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Noise isn't worth 50k. You can get Relic upgrade mats which are 300k a piece.

I wish my Loud Thuds averaged more than 1mil....

I've also went 9/10 noises and opened last chest cos why not and been a mimic at least 6 times. I've only ever opened 9 chests in a row and all noises 6 times, so.

Also how the *** does everyone get omen bodies.... I haven't seen Regal Gauntlets or Ashera harness ever.

I've never seen 1 omen body or anything remotely "valuable" since Aman came out. Thing sucks ***.

Average value of a thud and loud thud = 1 piece of shitty gear no one wants...
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