Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-16 11:35:08
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SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Newzarb said: »
Rostam is +8 on rolls, so it's an upgrade compared to Regal necklace, unless I missed something !

You haven't missed anything. Celeb probably was tired :D

ROSTAM is. Lanun is only +7.

Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
If you're not going to go full Rostam for your path C option, remember that its in reality a very expensive +duration piece, as +7 on it becomes redundant with a Regal Necklace (which is free).

Not tired. Just assuming people read vs scan.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-16 12:09:09
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Just saying that is not at all how that reads.
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By SimonSes 2021-03-16 12:11:18
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Not tired. Just assuming people read vs scan.

Tbh, I have read that, but I think I havent understood it the way you wanted it. Newzarb too I guess.

I read that as "If you are not doing Rostam C (for whatever reason), dont feel bad, because thats only a very expensive duration+ piece if you have got Regal Neck"

EDIT: That Lanun you had mind with "not full Rostam" was probably obvious for you, but not really for someone who read that :)
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-16 12:45:59
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I'll fully admit that I often word things awkwardly. Like many, I type as I'm "hearing" the words, and often in a conversation, long extended sentences are easier to process vs reading.
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-16 12:59:05
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It's okay I can't read for ***.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2021-03-16 13:13:40
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Asura.Bippin said: »
It's okay I can't read for ***.

Same, but I can always use the "not native english" excuse :D
Server: Bahamut
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user: newzarb
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By Bahamut.Newzarb 2021-03-16 13:36:50
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I did miss that "not" in the middle !
Posts: 94
By Haorhu8 2021-03-16 16:37:22
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Asura.Raitoken said: »
So I've been thinking about picking up this job over ranger as something new but keep hearing how gear intensive it is. How much gear do you need to have before touching endgame? I just want to know what stats/items/weapons I should have when I roll into an ambu or whatnot since I've never played the class and its all new to me.

I tested gleti's knife in savage blade spam mode not really convinced In sheol C (+Brd song) on the other hand in Meva / Malignance + Trust the difference is significant I'm not math guy.
on the other hand I take the delay of blurred + Occasionally attack twice changes the gives for me especially DEX + 15 AGI + 15 with armageddon for multistep SC at rank 20 for like 5 step maybe can be bis for physical ? Sorry for Google traduction english -_-
Posts: 94
By Haorhu8 2021-03-16 16:38:34
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Haorhu8 said: »
Asura.Raitoken said: »
So I've been thinking about picking up this job over ranger as something new but keep hearing how gear intensive it is. How much gear do you need to have before touching endgame? I just want to know what stats/items/weapons I should have when I roll into an ambu or whatnot since I've never played the class and its all new to me.

I tested gleti's knife in savage blade spam mode not really convinced In sheol C (+Brd song) on the other hand in Meva / Malignance + Trust the difference is significant I'm not math guy.
on the other hand I take the delay of blurred + Occasionally attack twice changes the gives for me especially DEX + 15 AGI + 15 with armageddon for multistep SC at rank 20 for like 5 step maybe can be bis for physical ? Sorry for Google traduction english -_-

Lost myself on Google traduction ignore this post lol damn it !!!!
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-03-16 16:43:14
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I also had to read Cele's post a couple times, but then I got his intent ;)

But speaking of Rostam... COR isn't my highest focus, but I've recently been working on optimizing my gear sets. I want to do
a Rostam C as my first Su5.

After that, how much of a need is there these days for A/B Rostam if you didn't have it already? Not sure how much those got watered down or the lead narrowed to a tiny amount over stuff like UNM R15 gear. In particular the FUA path B for melee, considering new options like Demersal R15, Gleti's knife, etc.

I'm thinking maybe just do a Su4/Lanun for A path for a STP shooting option on a bit more of a budget. Does that make sense?

FWIW, I have Armageddon & Fomalhaut, all relevant +3/Su3 gear, TP bonus gun, etc. My COR is really only lacking Rostams and Death Penalty (and any new Odyssey augments lollllll)
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-03-16 17:08:09
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Haorhu8 said: »
I tested gleti's knife in savage blade spam mode not really convinced In sheol C (+Brd song) on the other hand in Meva / Malignance + Trust the difference is significant I'm not math guy.
on the other hand I take the delay of blurred + Occasionally attack twice changes the gives for me especially DEX + 15 AGI + 15 with armageddon for multistep SC at rank 20 for like 5 step maybe can be bis for physical ? Sorry for Google traduction english -_-

with maligance gear blurred+1 is almost certain to be a better offhand, you give up almost all your multistrike gear that that normally blocks blurred occasionally attack twice.

Its going to be a bit more complex even if gleti comes out ahead because its going to be a tp rate vs acc/dmg trade-off I suspect. I also think it may require fighter's roll. I am waiting for chiaia to see whats up with spreadsheet before looking into it that way.

Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
I also had to read Cele's post a couple times, but then I got his intent ;)

But speaking of Rostam... COR isn't my highest focus, but I've recently been working on optimizing my gear sets. I want to do
a Rostam C as my first Su5.

After that, how much of a need is there these days for A/B Rostam if you didn't have it already? Not sure how much those got watered down or the lead narrowed to a tiny amount over stuff like UNM R15 gear. In particular the FUA path B for melee, considering new options like Demersal R15, Gleti's knife, etc.

I'm thinking maybe just do a Su4/Lanun for A path for a STP shooting option on a bit more of a budget. Does that make sense?

FWIW, I have Armageddon & Fomalhaut, all relevant +3/Su3 gear, TP bonus gun, etc. My COR is really only lacking Rostams and Death Penalty (and any new Odyssey augments lollllll)

Rostam C and Lanun A is a decent compromise. I usually recommend someone make rostam A first then C then B. If you know wont make multiple rostams the drop from rostam to lanun on A is 5stp. OAT on degen doesn't work like FUA and prob better off just MH Lanun A.
Posts: 94
By Haorhu8 2021-03-16 18:43:59
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Cant wait about it love this new cor versatility Nyame Ikenga dagger really like ikenga (miss 10raac) to match malignance but for none gearswap player its heaven !
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-16 19:04:48
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I am not sure what makes Ikenga set so nice w/o gearswap. You can set up preshot/midshot sets with gearsets I thought?

Edit: Ikenga is really nice boost for people who are lazy about killing lith
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-03-16 20:31:56
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Asura.Bippin said: »
I am not sure what makes Ikenga set so nice w/o gearswap. You can set up preshot/midshot sets with gearsets I thought?

Yeah you totally can.

What won't work well is doing (a) equipset (preshot) to equipset (midshot), or (b) windower standard .txt gear set to another windower set... unless you do a 1 sec wait, which messes stuff up with high snapshot/rapid shot.

But what you CAN do is mix one in-game /equipset and a windower macro (with no wait required), like so:
1 /equipset ## (where this is your preshot set)
2 /ra <t>
3 /console exec [midshot.txt]

It's very reliable. I'd suggest making different preshot /equipset macros for different levels of flurry 0/1/2. But if you wanted to simplify, could just make a single "preshot" macro and load it up with snapshot, though potentially overdoing snap if you're getting flurry 1~2. As a practical matter, the slot where this matters the most is body (may need Oshosi/+1 to hit snapshot cap if not getting flurry, whereas you'd rather do AF+3 for all that rapid shot if you are getting flurry).

Just make different windower macro midshot sets for different purposes. For example, my COR is generally always using one of STP/Racc, Triple Shot, or Crit/Empy AM3 for midshot (I have a max Racc set too, but it's very similar to the STP set and I rarely actually use it). I just stick em each on their own macro. And I actually manually swap between three different macro palettes set up with shot macros that account for different Flurry level preshot sets (with the macro organization otherwise duplicated across each palette). It's not hard, and I've never had issues keeping up with/exceeding other ranged jobs or spell users using GS with this method.

Hades.Dade said: »
Rostam C and Lanun A is a decent compromise. I usually recommend someone make rostam A first then C then B. If you know wont make multiple rostams the drop from rostam to lanun on A is 5stp. OAT on degen doesn't work like FUA and prob better off just MH Lanun A.

Thanks for the input, sounds like pretty reasonable advice to me. I realize it's a YMMV situation, but for me personally I want to prioritize C just due to the rolls being my priority for "serious" situations where I'm on COR (e.g., supporting a SMN-burn setup where my pew pew doesn't necessarily matter). Plus I'm an enhancing/roll duration junkie lol...

Otherwise, we have so many solid CORs that I'm more likely to switch to RNG if we need actual ranged damage and I'll just let someone else roll. Or if I am on COR, there's a good chance I'm doing Naegling SB spam, where Rostam augments are irrelevant anyway.
Posts: 94
By Haorhu8 2021-03-17 06:18:10
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Asura.Bippin said: »
I am not sure what makes Ikenga set so nice w/o gearswap. You can set up preshot/midshot sets with gearsets I thought?

Yeah you totally can.

What won't work well is doing (a) equipset (preshot) to equipset (midshot), or (b) windower standard .txt gear set to another windower set... unless you do a 1 sec wait, which messes stuff up with high snapshot/rapid shot.

But what you CAN do is mix one in-game /equipset and a windower macro (with no wait required), like so:
1 /equipset ## (where this is your preshot set)
2 /ra <t>
3 /console exec [midshot.txt]

It's very reliable. I'd suggest making different preshot /equipset macros for different levels of flurry 0/1/2. But if you wanted to simplify, could just make a single "preshot" macro and load it up with snapshot, though potentially overdoing snap if you're getting flurry 1~2. As a practical matter, the slot where this matters the most is body (may need Oshosi/+1 to hit snapshot cap if not getting flurry, whereas you'd rather do AF+3 for all that rapid shot if you are getting flurry).

Just make different windower macro midshot sets for different purposes. For example, my COR is generally always using one of STP/Racc, Triple Shot, or Crit/Empy AM3 for midshot (I have a max Racc set too, but it's very similar to the STP set and I rarely actually use it). I just stick em each on their own macro. And I actually manually swap between three different macro palettes set up with shot macros that account for different Flurry level preshot sets (with the macro organization otherwise duplicated across each palette). It's not hard, and I've never had issues keeping up with/exceeding other ranged jobs or spell users using GS with this method.

OK now I understood equipviewer allowed me to understand the functioning of equipset thank you for the explanation! and sorry calling lazzy gearswap users /blush
Posts: 94
By Haorhu8 2021-03-17 06:18:52
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OK now I understood equipviewer allowed me to understand the functioning of equipset thank you for the explanation! Thanks to equipviewer I was able to visualize the whole mechanism :)

error quote -_-
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-17 10:02:07
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nopenopenopenopenope I'm out
Server: Asura
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user: Gunit
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2021-03-17 10:56:38
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What? you have to compare what you are using now to what new gear comes out to see if its worth using.
If you are lacking a bit of Malignance, Ikenga is a good boost for midshot. Does Ikenga fill every use that Malignance does? Of course not, but for midshot its helps.
Posts: 68
By Wyrmnax 2021-03-18 12:06:04
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Ikenga loooks really good when you are on lilith kill *437 and is still missing a couple of pieces...

OR you should be making parties to do higher dificulties so you can fail harder.
Posts: 225
By olson2189 2021-03-25 01:34:58
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Does anyone have a melee subtle blow TP set that they could share?
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-03-25 02:27:13
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olson2189 said: »
Does anyone have a melee subtle blow TP set that they could share?

ItemSet 360411

I still use this from forever ago Afania made. I don't think they added any new SB gear from unity/ody?
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2021-03-25 03:45:54
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Add bathy choker +1 and you can cap overall Subtle Blow. Path D on adhemar wristbands +1 is another consideration for the hands.
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-03-26 14:54:38
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has anyone messed around with PDL gear with arma in high buff situations? Did Lion v15 last night and crit build felt pretty lacking. Although, may still not attack cap in that situation with geo nerfed. Kind of think 5/5 Ikenga may have a place for arma even at rank 0.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-26 15:14:50
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Hades.Dade said: »
has anyone messed around with PDL gear with arma in high buff situations? Did Lion v15 last night and crit build felt pretty lacking. Although, may still not attack cap in that situation with geo nerfed. Kind of think 5/5 Ikenga may have a place for arma even at rank 0.

If RNG can't pull off maximizing all the +PDL in a 5/5 Ikenga build, I seriously doubt COR can. I use 2 pieces right now in my AM3 set for Armageddon even with full strength Idris Bolstered Fury/Frailty, Crooked Lucky +8 Chaos Roll, and Soul Voice Honor March/Minuet x2. On RNG I might try 3/5, which I feel is functional with Annihilator due to its +10% Ranged Attack aftermath.

Lastly, there's clearly some non-removable buff associated with all NMs in Sheol:Gaol affecting our "expected" damage output beyond resistances or dispellable buffs. I don't think that's a good place to test things personally.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-03-26 15:22:40
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
has anyone messed around with PDL gear with arma in high buff situations? Did Lion v15 last night and crit build felt pretty lacking. Although, may still not attack cap in that situation with geo nerfed. Kind of think 5/5 Ikenga may have a place for arma even at rank 0.

If RNG can't pull off maximizing all the +PDL in a 5/5 Ikenga build, I seriously doubt COR can. I use 2 pieces right now in my AM3 set for Armageddon even with full strength Idris Bolstered Fury/Frailty, Crooked Lucky +8 Chaos Roll, and Soul Voice Honor March/Minuet x2. On RNG I might try 3/5, which I feel is functional with Annihilator due to its +10% Ranged Attack aftermath.

Lastly, there's clearly some non-removable buff associated with all NMs in Sheol:Gaol affecting our "expected" damage output beyond resistances or dispellable buffs. I don't think that's a good place to test things personally.

Oh lion was just where I was thinking about it because was first time I used arma in months. That fight has really weird numbers and even has a crit mechanic.

Ranger gets way more vslue off crit with deadaim than cor. I was more thinking about situations where bolster/BOG+EA frailty and dia work.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-26 15:28:48
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Hades.Dade said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
has anyone messed around with PDL gear with arma in high buff situations? Did Lion v15 last night and crit build felt pretty lacking. Although, may still not attack cap in that situation with geo nerfed. Kind of think 5/5 Ikenga may have a place for arma even at rank 0.

If RNG can't pull off maximizing all the +PDL in a 5/5 Ikenga build, I seriously doubt COR can. I use 2 pieces right now in my AM3 set for Armageddon even with full strength Idris Bolstered Fury/Frailty, Crooked Lucky +8 Chaos Roll, and Soul Voice Honor March/Minuet x2. On RNG I might try 3/5, which I feel is functional with Annihilator due to its +10% Ranged Attack aftermath.

Lastly, there's clearly some non-removable buff associated with all NMs in Sheol:Gaol affecting our "expected" damage output beyond resistances or dispellable buffs. I don't think that's a good place to test things personally.

Oh lion was just where I was thinking about it because was first time I used arma in months. That fight has really weird numbers and even has a crit mechanic.

Ranger gets way more vslue off crit with deadaim than cor. I was more thinking about situations where bolster/BOG+EA frailty and dia work.

Crit rate, Crit Damage, or Dead Aim have zero effect on how PDL works in terms of using PDL.

We talk about being "at attack cap" a lot- what does that mean? It means the point at which adding more attack buffs no longer results in more damage. PDL increases the potential attack cap- meaning you need more buffs to even see it in action, otherwise it just sits there doing nothing, crit or no crit. Like the +PDL on Malignance gear does 99% of the time on Corsair.

Ranger can take advantage of more PDL than COR because we have more natural attack, not dead aim or the like.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2021-03-26 15:36:27
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Hades.Dade said: »
has anyone messed around with PDL gear with arma in high buff situations? Did Lion v15 last night and crit build felt pretty lacking. Although, may still not attack cap in that situation with geo nerfed. Kind of think 5/5 Ikenga may have a place for arma even at rank 0.

If RNG can't pull off maximizing all the +PDL in a 5/5 Ikenga build, I seriously doubt COR can. I use 2 pieces right now in my AM3 set for Armageddon even with full strength Idris Bolstered Fury/Frailty, Crooked Lucky +8 Chaos Roll, and Soul Voice Honor March/Minuet x2. On RNG I might try 3/5, which I feel is functional with Annihilator due to its +10% Ranged Attack aftermath.

Lastly, there's clearly some non-removable buff associated with all NMs in Sheol:Gaol affecting our "expected" damage output beyond resistances or dispellable buffs. I don't think that's a good place to test things personally.

Oh lion was just where I was thinking about it because was first time I used arma in months. That fight has really weird numbers and even has a crit mechanic.

Ranger gets way more vslue off crit with deadaim than cor. I was more thinking about situations where bolster/BOG+EA frailty and dia work.

Crit rate, Crit Damage, or Dead Aim have zero effect on how PDL works in terms of using PDL.

We talk about being "at attack cap" a lot- what does that mean? It means the point at which adding more attack buffs no longer results in more damage. PDL increases the potential attack cap- meaning you need more buffs to even see it in action, otherwise it just sits there doing nothing, crit or no crit. Like the +PDL on Malignance gear does 99% of the time on Corsair.

Ranger can take advantage of more PDL than COR because we have more natural attack, not dead aim or the like.

opportunity cost. cant wear both crit gear and pdl gear even range attack gear. dead aim makes crit hit rate gear more valuable for ranger than it does cor. The general assumption for corsair is wear hit like meg hat/crit accessories with arma even with TS up. That can be true for ranger and false for cor because they have different traits.

even in a situation not near attack cap you have the choice of wearing ***like mummu vs more stp/ratk from ikenga when TS down.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-26 15:46:58
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wear ikenga because its superior to malignance when ranged accuracy allows (pre augment). Wear ikenga because it has ranged attack and -enmity, both things that COR needs.

But don't wear 5/5 Ikenga and think that you're using all that PDL under any circumstance.
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2021-03-26 15:47:16
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Ranger can take advantage of more PDL than COR because we have more natural attack, not dead aim or the like.

Isn't this incorrect or am I making a mathing error here?

If my maximum base damage goes up then the value I am getting from Dead Aim goes up.

If I can deal 100 damage at most and my crit does 45% more damage then I am only gaining 45 damage.

If I can deal 20 more damage thanks to PDL and still crit for 45% more damage then I am now gaining 54 damage from the crit.

It is all multiplicative, so having more dead aim does indeed make more PDL more effective and vice-versa. The stronger argument is definitely that ranger gets more R.ATK though, because PDL doesn't mean anything if you aren't reaching the attack cap.

Edit: Also a good use case for malignance is the DT. Rangers / Corsairs should have a hybrid shooting set available in the event that you need to shoot and take damage.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-03-26 15:56:16
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1. no one is saying have 1 shooting set. If you're trying to do that on either ranged DD job, you're going to have poor results. Of course there's a need for Malignance, Oshosi, Ikenga, and JSE. In fact, that very point is why I started off saying don't go 5/5 Ikenga.

2. the statement was made that that because RNG had more Dead Aim, that made more PDL useful. They are unique modifiers- having more Dead Aim isn't what makes PDL useful, but having enough buffs to support PDL does. And that makes for more potent ranged attacks both crit and non-crit. If you're not taking advantage of extra PDL on a non crit hit, a crit doesn't all of a sudden make it useful.

my entire point being that you can't remain at the same levels of ranged attack, and then add PDL gear and see more damage unless you were already at attack cap. And the more PDL you add, the more attack it takes to reach that cap. It doesn't work like straight damage on top of your existing amount. Its like a larger glass of water- without extra water to fill it up(buffs), its just an empty glass.
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