Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
Server: Siren
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Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2019-08-31 18:33:40
That feels kind of sad. All that work for some bullets lol
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2019-08-31 18:37:11
IIRC fomalhaut is not best for salute spam unless you are at exactly 1k tp, which never happens, and then there is the dynamis augments which makes even better. DP for salute spam.
By SimonSes 2019-08-31 19:32:55
IIRC fomalhaut is not best for salute spam unless you are at exactly 1k tp, which never happens, and then there is the dynamis augments which makes even better. DP for salute spam.
Yeah it's late and my brain farts at this hour. Even 1.3 bonus from DP is enough to close the 500TP bonus gap with moonshade. They are very close tho.
The advantage for DP at 1250TP (assuming moonshade) is almost none
The advantage for DP at 1750TP is 4%
The advantage for DP at 2250TP is 6.6%
The real advantage for DP starts where TP bonus from Fomal becomes irrelevant, so above 2500TP.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-31 20:12:20
Lilith BCNM Armor preview
Marignos Grape defense 108 HP + 57 MP + 36 STR + 25 DEX + 56 VIT + 32 AGl + 24 INT + 11 MND + 42 CHR +21 Accuracy + 50 Ranged Life + 50 Magic Accuracy + 50 Avoidance + 80 Abandonment +112 Magic Defense +4 Haste + 4% Store TP +12 Physical Damage Upper Limit + 4% Damage Taken -5%
Marigna Starbird defense 143 HP + 68 MP + 44 STR + 19 DEX + 49 VIT + 25 AGl + 42 INT + 19 MND + 24 CHR + 24 Accuracy + 50 Ranged Life + 50 Magic Life + 50 Escape + 102 Magic Evasion +139 Magic Defense +8 Haste + 4% Store TP +11 Physical Damage Upper Limit + 6% Damage Taken -9%

These should pretty much be BiS for shooting now (outside of Triple Shot), right?
By Galkapryme 2019-09-09 07:10:24
This may have been answered, but I am now learning that Phantom Roll+ does not stack, thus Rostam path C gives the highest "plus" effect. However, does the Phantom Roll Duration stack? If it does, I can continue stacking items like the Regal Necklace and the Rostam.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-09-09 07:12:41
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2019-09-09 07:56:26
IIRC fomalhaut is not best for salute spam unless you are at exactly 1k tp, which never happens, and then there is the dynamis augments which makes even better. DP for salute spam.
Yeah it's late and my brain farts at this hour. Even 1.3 bonus from DP is enough to close the 500TP bonus gap with moonshade. They are very close tho.
The advantage for DP at 1250TP (assuming moonshade) is almost none
The advantage for DP at 1750TP is 4%
The advantage for DP at 2250TP is 6.6%
The real advantage for DP starts where TP bonus from Fomal becomes irrelevant, so above 2500TP.
wait am I reading this right? DP is only 6.6% better on Leaden than Fomalhut?? Is this both being R15? b/c tp bonus of fomal? wow I didnt know that made it so close.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-09-09 08:40:38
IIRC fomalhaut is not best for salute spam unless you are at exactly 1k tp, which never happens, and then there is the dynamis augments which makes even better. DP for salute spam.
Yeah it's late and my brain farts at this hour. Even 1.3 bonus from DP is enough to close the 500TP bonus gap with moonshade. They are very close tho.
The advantage for DP at 1250TP (assuming moonshade) is almost none
The advantage for DP at 1750TP is 4%
The advantage for DP at 2250TP is 6.6%
The real advantage for DP starts where TP bonus from Fomal becomes irrelevant, so above 2500TP.
wait am I reading this right? DP is only 6.6% better on Leaden than Fomalhut?? Is this both being R15? b/c tp bonus of fomal? wow I didnt know that made it so close.
The advantage for DP @ 2750 TP is 30% (49.5% @ R15). I'm not accounting for the extra magic damage on DP, or the fact that you have living bullets (in the case that you only have Fomalhaut).
By SimonSes 2019-09-09 09:24:28
IIRC fomalhaut is not best for salute spam unless you are at exactly 1k tp, which never happens, and then there is the dynamis augments which makes even better. DP for salute spam.
Yeah it's late and my brain farts at this hour. Even 1.3 bonus from DP is enough to close the 500TP bonus gap with moonshade. They are very close tho.
The advantage for DP at 1250TP (assuming moonshade) is almost none
The advantage for DP at 1750TP is 4%
The advantage for DP at 2250TP is 6.6%
The real advantage for DP starts where TP bonus from Fomal becomes irrelevant, so above 2500TP.
wait am I reading this right? DP is only 6.6% better on Leaden than Fomalhut?? Is this both being R15? b/c tp bonus of fomal? wow I didnt know that made it so close.
This was not for R15. This was an answer to guy asking about his new 119DP. R15 DP would be (assuming Living bullet and same set for both):
~16% more than Fomal at 1000TP + Moonshade
~19.6% more than Fomal at 1500TP + Moonshade
~22.59% more than Fomal at 2000TP + Moonshade
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2019-09-09 21:33:30
:( image hosting is down for the guide
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Sthrnrebel 2019-09-10 19:05:18
Lillith BCNM Gear - What are your thoughts?
These are a few of my thoughts on them. I'd love to hear if I am wrong and why/what's correct please.
1) PDL does nothing if you're not already at attack cap. Without RATK on gear, PDL is useless because COR wouldn't hit attack cap in it
2) Rephrasing but lack of RATK, Crit DMG, Crit Chance doesn't increase your damage output, and there are better RACC pieces for COR
3) if Triple Shot is up, you wouldn't use any of these pieces because then you lack Multihit procs
4) It would be relatively useful for the DT/MEVA set when rolling in range for the slots not impacting PR
By Afania 2019-09-10 19:14:59
4) It would be relatively very useful for the DT/MEVA set when rolling in range for the slots not impacting PR meleeing
Fixed it for you :) I find it weird that people has been discussing hybrid sets for melee blu rdm etc but none mentions melee cor. Before this update cors best mdef/meva set was oshosi +1, which has zero haste nor melee acc.
Now we have something equivalent to turms+1 set on thf dnc or ken+1 set on sam mnk nin isnt it. :)
Melee meva/dt is probably what cor benefit from these the most. I dont see ranged cor getting that much of a boost just because of how often triple shot is up with RD/WC rotate when cor shoots.
For meleeing it pretty much fixed cors biggest weakness and complaint.
Edit:I cant spell, typo fix.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Sthrnrebel 2019-09-10 20:08:05
I understand the point behind "dead DDs do no DPS" but this set lacks so much for damage output. Even 5/5 isn't haste capped and you have no crit chance/dmg, multiattack, or attack. With most fights being zergs, what fights would you be using a melee cor on that would require a set like this?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-09-10 20:20:15
Most of your damage comes from WS, not melee hits. Less multiattack kinda sucks, but if you're using Savage Blade then you're probably using an OAT offhand, so even that isn't so bad when it has plenty of STP.
By Unzero 2019-09-10 21:11:17
Sadness, image on front page is dead
By Afania 2019-09-11 12:04:47
I understand the point behind "dead DDs do no DPS" but this set lacks so much for damage output. Even 5/5 isn't haste capped and you have no crit chance/dmg, multiattack, or attack. With most fights being zergs, what fights would you be using a melee cor on that would require a set like this?
Thats the point of hybrid, its not meant to be full time.
Also stp is generally a better stat for melee tp set than attack crit unless you have amnesia on. Thats why we dont TP in nefarious collar +1 but something else with stp on.
I counted 26% haste from 5/5 too. So where did that "Even 5/5 isn't haste capped" came from?
With most fights being zergs, what fights would you be using a melee cor on that would require a set like this?
Zerg = anything that dies in 1 min or so.
So thats certainly not "most fights". Most of the ambuscade, dyna D, master trials, they all arent "zergs".
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2019-09-18 07:29:21
So, I don't have it all yet. But....
COR midshot updates? (non tripleshot)
head - malignance
body - malignance
hands - adhemar HQ
legs adhemar HQ
feet - malignance
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 08:08:16
To me, its 5/5 Malignance:
Adhemar hands STP + 7 AGI +19 RACC +52 vs STP +12 AGI + 24 RACC +50
Adhemar legs STP +8 AGI+42 RACC +54 vs STP+10 AGI +42 RACC+ 50.
Malignance all the way. Also with malignance in your idle set, you would have DT-% on most of your shooting, and that helps on those cases when you get hit by aoe stuff.
By SimonSes 2019-09-18 08:20:15
Malignance all the way. Also with malignance in your idle set, you would have DT-% on most of your shooting, and that helps on those cases when you get hit by aoe stuff.
It's even better, with that much -DT and MEVA you can force standing in sweet spot and just eat those AoE.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2019-09-18 08:29:13
I was looking at the recycle and crit bonus from set for those two pieces. Idk if the extra STP is a bonus to hitting 3hit (ws+2)
Sorry this entire line was ment for the RNG forum. Not enough coffee this morning.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 08:50:11
I was looking at the recycle and crit bonus from set for those two pieces. Idk if the extra STP is a bonus to hitting 3hit (ws+2)
About what you said:
1) CORs crit rate doesn't matter much as our ranged attacks dont hit for anything special.
2) REMA guns have infinite ammo and at most you use 2 or 2 1/2 stacks of bullets for the longest event we can shoot (dyna D), so recycle has no value to me.
On the other hand:
1)On dyna D the extra STP can help you get back AM3 with less shots, even if its by a small margin, also malignance sets improve tremendously our quick draw store tp set, so it adds up in the long run.
2) Leaden scales with tp so every extra stp helps with damage.
3)What Simon Ses said.
That's the way i see cor working.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2019-09-18 08:54:32
Editted original post for me being wrong.
I didn't even think about the QD side of things.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 09:05:57
No problem man, it's still early.
I'm still drooling over this set, because cor had limited options on some slots like head (no decent stp piece, you go meghanada +2 for 0 stp, 5 stp on pursuer's beret but low racc, or pray to god volte tiara dropped) and feet (adhemar feet give 0 racc). I think those two pieces are the game changers, the other are good improvements over what we had. I only have boots so far.
By Afania 2019-09-18 11:47:02
No problem man, it's still early.
I'm still drooling over this set, because cor had limited options on some slots like head (no decent stp piece, you go meghanada +2 for 0 stp, 5 stp on pursuer's beret but low racc, or pray to god volte tiara dropped) and feet (adhemar feet give 0 racc). I think those two pieces are the game changers, the other are good improvements over what we had. I only have boots so far.
I have a +9 stp Herculean head from DM augments. But it's not beating mega +2 head on spreadsheet due to the lack of dead aim.
I still use stp head for DP TP set for wave 1 boss in dyna D though. White dmg is way too low on that NM so stp matters more.
For physical dmg, if your pdif isn't capped mega +2 may still win. Perhaps more so for Armageddon users.
Some said ranged tp within aoe range. I don't see it being THAT practical. If I can TP in aoe range with meva set I'd just melee. Melee with a good hybrid set will still hit harder than range TP without triple shot up.
Nevermind moving into aoe range means your geo and other ranged needs to move with you. And THEY may die if they don't have same set. The time that I deal with that via chat and movement probably lose more dps on parse.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 12:25:44
I have yet to check the cor spreadsheet, so i don't have any actual proof of what i'm about to say, but i like the idea of packing lots of Racc and STP over Dead aim, crit rate, true shot, etc, mostly because there are times on wave 3 when buffs/debuffs are down and you miss some shots, like:
1) Tank pulls and mages wait for them to position before bubbling (Torpor on HQ/NQ Thiefs) and standard debuffs (Distract), and;
2) The time it takes for brds, cors (you and others), to reapply buffs.
On those cases missing a single shot can cost you a 60-99k Leaden, so in my mind i'd rather shoot for a little less damage. Also i don't have arma so i'm missing 15 racc from the bullet.
By Afania 2019-09-18 14:09:28
I have yet to check the cor spreadsheet, so i don't have any actual proof of what i'm about to say, but i like the idea of packing lots of Racc and STP over Dead aim, crit rate, true shot, etc, mostly because there are times on wave 3 when buffs/debuffs are down and you miss some shots, like:
1) Tank pulls and mages wait for them to position before bubbling (Torpor on HQ/NQ Thiefs) and standard debuffs (Distract), and;
2) The time it takes for brds, cors (you and others), to reapply buffs.
On those cases missing a single shot can cost you a 60-99k Leaden, so in my mind i'd rather shoot for a little less damage. Also i don't have arma so i'm missing 15 racc from the bullet.
These aren't relevant in stp v.s dead aim discussion. Having downtime between pulls will affect your dps equally regardless what set you use.
Both gear has quite a bit of racc so that's also irrelevant. You aren't picking a gear with 50 racc v.s none.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-09-18 14:28:49
It is related because this conversation started with my comment stating that COR was lacking decent gear for head and feet midshot slots:
1) Meghanada +2 dead aim, decent racc/att but 0 STP vs Malignance Chapeu high STP and racc, and;
2) Adhemar Gamashes +1 crit bonus & ratt (ZERO Racc) and average STP vs Malignance boots whooping +50 RACC and higher stp.
Your gear matters between pulls because you'll want to shoot asap, and without buffs/debuffs you might miss a few shots.
From my point of view on TP phase is capping midshot, getting some rapid shot, landing all shots and getting a lot of tp. So i don't see the appeal on crit rate, dead aim, etc, unless we're talking about arma, but that's a different story.
PD: I came back from zero 1 year ago after leaving the game in 2011 and followed the COR guide all the way to BIS sets, so much respect for you.
By Afania 2019-09-18 18:57:44
I said nothing about feet, just head.
Decided to check spreadsheet again for both heads using various target and buffs. Stp head seems to win in majority of situation but mega+2 can win if your crit rate is high enough. That's with fomal.
So if you aren't sure what to use, stp head is a safer choice. It's just not always the best in every situation.
Gear doesn't matter when it comes to downtime. Your JA priority or WS choice may matter, not gears sets.
Think this way. If set A does 1000 dps, set B does 900. Set A beats set B by 10%.
Now if you DD for 5 sec then pull or reroll for 5 sec. In last 10 sec you would do 5000 dps with set A and 4500 dps with set B.
5000 x 0.9 = 4500. So set A is still 10% ahead of set B.
Basically, if one set of gear is already behind another set, having downtime won't make it catch up. As long as you compare them with equal downtime.
That's why I said your point about cor rolling or waiting for pull doesn't matter in a dps discussion when we are just comparing gear sets.
Edit: a bit more info on this matter. Spreadsheet calculate everything with avg. But in real parses it's not as "avg" as spreadsheet. So it's entirely possible that set A with 5 hit has avg 1000 dps lose parse to set B with 4 hit and 950 dps avg just because the player with set B WS 1 more time in a short fight.
That's probably what you are trying to say.
But it can go both ways. Maybe player with set A would win next parse because they made the last WS, and won with higher white dmg.
In the long run, avg is what matters.
By Nightstriker 2019-09-20 11:30:32
Not sure if this been talked about hows the lilith body compare to af+3 body for savage blade? Having an actual melee body would be great for melee ws.
By SimonSes 2019-09-20 11:40:01
Not sure if this been talked about hows the lilith body compare to af+3 body for savage blade? Having an actual melee body would be great for melee ws.
I mean it's not even close.
Savage blade is 50%STR/50%MND
AF+3 is 39STR and 33MND and 10%WSD
Malignance is 19STR and 24MND and 6%PDL
Even assuming you can take advantage of PDL it's still less than 10%WSD and the rest is obvious.
So unless you really need accuracy Malignance is not an option and if you need accuracy you should probably make Herc body with acc/str/5%WSD