Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By daviant 2019-07-27 08:02:36
So just to be clear, when doing the upgrades
1) r15 DP
2) r15 Fomal
3) r15 arma
By Afania 2019-07-27 10:21:13
So just to be clear, when doing the upgrades
1) r15 DP
2) r15 Fomal
3) r15 arma
Id do r15 DP > r15 arma > r15 fomal if you have dyna D LS doing w3 runs. Your LSs kill speed directly affect gil gain per run, and leaden/wildfire really shine on w3 runs if malaise is used, which they should.
If you dont do w3 runs I guess dp then doesnt matter.
Fomal is smaller upgrade at r15 than arma if you already have r0. You can do it if you rng burn things a lot and want some dps improvement, but wildfire is underratted with arma r15. Its probably the 3rd best cor ws at this point, and has different property from SB/leaden. Its also the best source of white dmg, best when enmity is an issue. And best when racc is an issue too. Its so versatile.
Def recommend prioritize arma a bit more.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2019-07-30 21:06:57
Do people always go /dnc when /nin shadows aren't necessary? I know each sub is probably going to be situational but what's general preference in terms of DPS?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 728
By Asura.Chaostaru 2019-07-30 21:15:40
Do people always go /dnc when /nin shadows aren't necessary? I know each sub is probably going to be situational but what's general preference in terms of DPS?
Personally, I always go /nin for shadows incase I pull hate/block some aoe's like in dyna, and because it requires less DW gear in my melee tp set.
I could see someone going /dnc if your whm is *** and wont remove your debuffs though.
By Afania 2019-07-30 21:28:59
Do people always go /dnc when /nin shadows aren't necessary? I know each sub is probably going to be situational but what's general preference in terms of DPS?
/nin for general DDing because higher dw, /DNC for multi stepping for SC bonus.
By Ccarter 2019-08-01 22:30:25
Set up cycler (and keybind):
Code function user_setup()
state.WeaponSet = M{['description']='Weapon Set', 'DeathPenaltyMelee ', 'DeathPenaltyRanged', 'AtaktosSword','AtaktosDagger'}-- no spaces in names!
send_command('bind @e gs c cycle WeaponSet')
Make sets for each weapon combo:
Code function init_gear_sets()
sets.DeathPenaltyMelee = {main="Rostam", sub="Eletta Knife", ranged="Death Penalty"}
sets.DeathPenaltyRanged = {main="Rostam", sub="Nusku Shield", ranged="Death Penalty"}
sets.AtaktosSword = {main="Hepatizon Sapara +1", "Blurred Knife +1", ranged="Ataktos"}
sets.AtaktosDagger = {main="Rostam", "Blurred Knife +1", ranged="Ataktos"}
The following will trigger set swaps as you cycle thru your weapon options:
Code function job_self_command(cmdParams, eventArgs)
if cmdParams[2] == 'WeaponSet' then
local weaponset = state.WeaponSet.current
Code function change_weapons(weaponset)
local weaponset = weaponset
local weaponset_index = table.find(state.WeaponSet,weaponset)
local weaponset_length = table.getn(state.WeaponSet)
if weaponset_index + 1 > weaponset_length then
weaponset = state.WeaponSet[1]
weaponset = state.WeaponSet[weaponset_index + 1]
send_command('gs equip sets.' ..weaponset)
end So i'm trying to set up some weapon toggles and i did everything in this post but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm no where near an expert when it comes to gearswap but i get the basics. Am i supposed to put this somewhere specific? Is there another file i need in order to make this work?
While i'm on the topic, i just finished my 2nd rostam for rolls. If i put that rostam in my roll set, how do i set it so it takes me back to my previously equipped weapons?
I realize this similar question was asked last page but i looked at those gearswaps and couldn't figure it out either.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-02 00:21:04
Honestly I just use aliases with/equipset for weapon sets. //dp1, //fomal1, //savage1, etc.
In my init.txt:
Code alias dp1 input /equipset 11
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2019-08-02 08:25:43
Do people always go /dnc when /nin shadows aren't necessary? I know each sub is probably going to be situational but what's general preference in terms of DPS?
/nin for general DDing because higher dw, /DNC for multi stepping for SC bonus.
I have my gear setup for /dnc for several reasons, SC bonus acc bonus and all the dnc abilities you get are so much more useful than a few shadows. If you have to give up too much to cap dual wield /dnc with your sets then /nin may be better for you but in about 90% of content that I am playing a DD cor I /dnc for better utility.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2019-08-02 18:49:51
So I can't seem to find this anywhere and it's been 3 years since I've last played so I've forgotten. Do I need to continue to wear Regal neck on double up or just the initial phantom's roll?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2019-08-02 21:34:32
So I can't seem to find this anywhere and it's been 3 years since I've last played so I've forgotten. Do I need to continue to wear Regal neck on double up or just the initial phantom's roll? Only initial, only thing that does matter on Double-Up is Luzaf's Ring if your trying to get the extended range still.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Odin.Botosi 2019-08-07 22:23:05
I'm just starting out Cor because I had almost all of the gear to make a melee-only Cor. My Melee-only Cor is solid, but my Ranged Cor is pretty scary looking.
As of now I have a Compensator as my only ilvl Ranged Weapon. Is this a good hold-off until I can get a Death Penalty? If so, what path should I choose? The front page guide doesn't go over weapons.
Also, is Melee-only Cor viable in today's endgame?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2019-08-07 23:49:38
you should at least have a decent shooting set, one of the major advantages to corsair is their IMENSE versatility > melee, ranged, magic, physical, JA dmg and buffs you cant get from anywhere else. compensator is meh for really anything but rolls lol, Holliday from reisenjasima is fairly easy to get and can be quite decent for most shooting needs and will likly be your last stand gun till an RMEA, Molybdosis can be tough to get as it drops from WOC in escha sky but it is a VERY solid salute/WF gun till DP (i still use it for WF spam fights), Doomsday from alluvian skirmish is also not bad if you like random number generators and with an insane amount of luck will beat Moly for Salute/WF.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 414
By Asura.Reichleiu 2019-08-08 08:16:02
I'm just starting out Cor because I had almost all of the gear to make a melee-only Cor. My Melee-only Cor is solid, but my Ranged Cor is pretty scary looking.
As of now I have a Compensator as my only ilvl Ranged Weapon. Is this a good hold-off until I can get a Death Penalty? If so, what path should I choose? The front page guide doesn't go over weapons.
Also, is Melee-only Cor viable in today's endgame?
Make at least Anarchy +2 and Naegling if you'e going to be meleeing. Anarchy is the TP Bonus gun from Trial of the Magians. 1000 TP Bonus is insane for Savage Blade. Naegling is the Ambuscade sword and increases your Savage Blade damage further.
With proper sets you can do almost everything except Dynamis with a melee COR.
However.. that defeats the purpose of the job. There will be times where ranged attacking is absolutely the better choice, and Leaden Salute is one of the strongest weapon skills in the game for certain content. There's even content where Last Stand or Wildfire spamming is going to win the day.
I suggest you start with Alluvion skirmish for a new gun. Doomsday can be augmented into a top 3 Leaden / Wildfire gun, and it's what I used for a long time. It can also be augmented into a decent Last Stand option, until Holliday or Fomalhaut. there's really no reason not to have at least that. Alluvion Skirmish can be soloed by any 119 job at this point in the game.
Other than that, just keep working on your sets little by little. COR has pretty much an endless amount of needed gear depending on the situation.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Odin.Botosi 2019-08-08 08:29:49
Yeah, my melee cor is solid right now. Has Naegling/Blurred +1 with Anarchy +2 and a bunch of solid TP gear/WS gear.
Where I'm lacking right now is Snapshot/Midshot/Triple Shot/WS Gear for Ranged attacks.
I actually made a Doomsday yesterday after coming on here. Got some solid augments for only 2mil.
Is there any specific event where COR is ranged only? Perhaps some Omen bosses?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-08-08 08:41:16
Yeah, my melee cor is solid right now. Has Naegling/Blurred +1 with Anarchy +2 and a bunch of solid TP gear/WS gear.
Where I'm lacking right now is Snapshot/Midshot/Triple Shot/WS Gear for Ranged attacks.
I actually made a Doomsday yesterday after coming on here. Got some solid augments for only 2mil.
Is there any specific event where COR is ranged only? Perhaps some Omen bosses?
There are quite a few actually. They are usually events that can be done other ways certainly.
I’ve done all of reisenjima t4 with ranged for, dynamics wave 3, quite a few ambuscades like quadav etc use ranged strats. Omen fu and kei (although this one is generally rng doing trueflight to close light, but you could radiance to extend the chain.
In weaker omen setups, I’ve done some really good ranged damage on kin with no buffs compared to buffed dds. This was in a really weak group, 2-3 song brd and weak geo, but I was in off party.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-08-08 08:47:38
I agree with Eightball, the versatility of corsair is what makes it special, and the suggestions he made are correct, but if you want to focus only on melee, make sure you get Anarchy/Ataktos, Naegling and a solid Savage Blade set as a bare minimum.
Some ranged event examples:
1) Omen midbosses and some caturaes.
2) Ambuscade depending on the month (some setups this month require a cor opening skillchain with leaden salute).
3) Dynamis wave 3, there is no comparison with melee and ranged. My linkshell has very very well geared melee DDs, but nothing compares to having a buffed COR with triple shot up spamming 80-99k leadens every 5 seconds. The damage is just ridiculous and you can turn the parse with just one job ability.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 69
By Odin.Botosi 2019-08-08 08:58:53
Ok thanks for the input. Looks like I'll be working on my Doomsday sets next. Then I'll work on a DP.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-08-08 10:37:09
Even if you're mostly melee, you want to have ranged sets prepared in case you die and want to keep DPS up while weakened. Triple-shot gains TP even faster than meleeing, and you can still spam Savage Blade or whatever. By the time it's over, you'll be unweak from Arise.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-09 02:31:02
Okay I need help deciding what to prioritize:
Rank A Rostam (already have Rank C)
Getting my DP to Rank 15 (already at R10)
Commodore Charm +2 (Already have +1)
Comedy option: Finish Arma (200 HMP into level 90)
Right now I'm saving for the first option, but kind of wondering of finishing out my DP rank would be a better investment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 35
By Asura.Korgull 2019-08-09 03:50:17
I'd do DP R15 first, it's going to be the bigger boost on your damage for the 15% LS boost, and the extra macc/racc helps with the resist on wave 3. Second i'd do Rostam and third the charm since you already have a +1.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 195
By Bahamut.Minimuse 2019-08-09 07:37:30
It sounds like you are wanting to spend money to buy either Detritus or Heroism to do your upgrades. In that case, it's your game money and you should spend it however you want.
I don't spend money on detritus or heroism. I'm usually saving to purchase HPB, Alex, Beit, HMP, etc to build more REMAs.
I will however patiently farm RP, detritus and heroism. I do this so I can glare at my LS members who complain how expensive detritus is and how it will take several months to farm detritus because they are too broke to buy it.
Rank-up DP while ranking-up your Rostam A.
You can easily solo farm detritus from Omen on COR/THF with a few pieces of TH gear and get roughly 10-15 detritus per run. This comes out to 1 stack of detritus per week in Omen plus any detritus from Dyna [D] Wave3. It should only take you a couple of weeks to get your R10 DP to R15.
I help run Wave3 clear/detritus farm with Dreadnaught on the weekends and RP Volte gear Wave1&2 runs midweek on a couple of characters. You should be able to get your new Rostam to R25 in a month or sooner if your LS also does RP volte gear wave1&2 farms.
The Commodore Neck+2 is the icing on the cake to RP after you are done RPing the Rostam. Don't RP both as the RP will be shared between both pieces and take twice as long to complete. Doing the Rostam A before the Neck will help your LS kill the Wave3 Boss faster. Doing the Neck will help your Savage Blade damage on Volte, WOC, Enriys and whatever else your LS chooses to melee.
Definitely finish that Arma and RP it! It's great for RNG team in Wave3 and won't drive your BRD and RDM nuts trying to give you the right buffs.
Best regards,
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-09 08:27:18
Unfortunately I'm in the situation where my LS does Omen regularly and we're only doing Wave 3 Dynamis clears, so we hardly get any Astrals and I can't really farm them.
I'd probably be buying Astrals but farming RP for the Rostam.
By tyalangan 2019-08-09 08:59:12
[li]Commodore Charm +2 (Already have +1)[/li]
Ouch. And this is why I’m afraid to invest in +1 if I know I’ll eventually upgrade. For most it will be a 15-20M loss but for people like me who don’t have a static LS it would be like 80-90M loss.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-08-09 09:11:48
[li]Commodore Charm +2 (Already have +1)[/li]
Ouch. And this is why I’m afraid to invest in +1 if I know I’ll eventually upgrade. For most it will be a 15-20M loss but for people like me who don’t have a static LS it would be like 80-90M loss.
Very comfortable owning a +1 neck knowing I'll bump up to a +2 at some point. I could hurt my overall DPS and preshot sets for a long period of time saving up for that +2, or I could spend 10mil on the +1 neck and just by going COR to dyna-D (90% of the time my job there anyways) rank it up and make improvements to my sets.
The gil I spent on that +1 was for that temporary usage. No need to see it as lost, I rented good damage. Now, if you're going to have to buy all your heroisms, I see why you'd be afraid to buy a +1 vs going straight to a +2.
I hate to say it but unless you're doing dyna-D, what do you honestly need that increase from a +1 to a +2 for? There's nothing in this game that requires it at this point. The difference, while there, is marginal compared to the cost. That 100+ mil could be much better spent on a Rostam, buying swarts to Rank up a RMEA, or several pieces of +1 abjuration gear.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 2284
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2019-08-09 09:36:32
Minimuse pretty much hit the nail on the head
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »what do you honestly need that increase from a +1 to a +2 for?
Dat blue box yo....
By Afania 2019-08-09 11:19:02
Okay I need help deciding what to prioritize:
Rank A Rostam (already have Rank C)
Getting my DP to Rank 15 (already at R10)
Commodore Charm +2 (Already have +1)
Comedy option: Finish Arma (200 HMP into level 90)
Right now I'm saving for the first option, but kind of wondering of finishing out my DP rank would be a better investment.
Rostam > DP r15 > Arma > charm +2 IMO. Here's the reason.
Rostam A or B will be bigger boost than DP r10 > r15 if you don't already own any of A B rostam. Not just because is BiS melee mainhand, but because of the 12% DT you gain from it.
I watch Clair's stream from time to time and you guys die A LOT. Rostam mainhand will certainly help.
The difference between R15 DP and r10 isn't huge, but it cost quite a bit of Gil so it's lower priority IMO.
The biggest benefit of charm +2 is Macc for wave 3 volte, and slight dmg increase for leaden/SB, that's it. So the increase is relatively small compare with +1.
Arms isn't comedy option. It's legit powerful weapon and really underrated. Wildfire with malaise is a much stronger ws than SB on volte, or other mobs that leaden doesn't work. I see cor use SB on dyna volte from time to time and they rarely parse above 10% to 15% alliance DPS between r15 DDs on volte. While r15 arma DP cor easily do well over 20% alliance dps and that's just on volte and fetter. It's even further ahead if boss counts.
Against mobs like drg which stuns you every melee swing cor can just pop triple shot, shoot it and wildfire it to death without ever getting stunned. Arma cor gains extra tp round between pull and more dps on THF when they PD.
Basically, arma will open up play style that's previously not available with other weapon options.
Thus IMO it's overall bigger increase than neck +1 to +2.
On a side note, to anyone who doesn't believe how powerful arma is, I did dyna D with another LS for a few times and two month later the leader made an arma himself. I asked him why he said because he saw how powerful it is on parse. Yes, it's just that good.
Just my 2 Gil.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-09 11:43:35
It's only a comedy option because it's several times more expensive than the other options. It's on my radar, but it's a much slower burn than anything else. I don't think we're set up to put Malaise on Wave 3, so I've been sticking with Naegling on W3.
Thanks for the advice, that's what I was going to do anyway most likely, but I wanted to make sure it was the right decision.
By Afania 2019-08-09 11:52:46
It's only a comedy option because it's several times more expensive than the other options. It's on my radar, but it's a much slower burn than anything else.
Well yeah, cor sucked so bad when it comes go Gil grind...I farmed close to 1 billion Gil for cor in past 1 year just for new relevant gears released past July 2018. ***is ridiculous. =/ And I don't even play cor anymore.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2019-08-09 12:01:13
Well yeah, cor sucked so bad when it comes go Gil grind...I farmed close to 1 billion Gil for cor in past 1 year just for new relevant gears released past July 2018. ***is ridiculous. And I don't even play cor anymore.
And people ask me why I don't level any other jobs, all my gil is going towards one!
I never even had 100m at once before I got my first Rostam, now I'm farming for my second.
By Afania 2019-08-09 12:08:03
Well yeah, cor sucked so bad when it comes go Gil grind...I farmed close to 1 billion Gil for cor in past 1 year just for new relevant gears released past July 2018. ***is ridiculous. And I don't even play cor anymore.
And people ask me why I don't level any other jobs, all my gil is going towards one!
I never even had 100m at once before I got my first Rostam, now I'm farming for my second.
Faced the same situation for a decade in endgame community....All Gil goes toward 1 job, then people ask "why don't you have more jobs" "we want run whm etc do you have those" kind of question.
Eventually I level more jobs anyways. But then it runs into the issue of not being able to keep up gear wise. Jobs like RDM pretty much need su5 to be competitive now, so I couldn't play it in endgame because someone else with su5 will do way better.