My notes from years ago:
Corse Ambu:
PLD tanks the Corse, MNK does a nice long SC (Godhands are nice here) like Shijin > Asuran > Smite > Shijin > Smite. At around ~95% and ~35%, a bunch of adds will pop. Use Holy Circle when the adds come up, and try to focus down the one(s) that targeted squishy people. After all the adds are down, get back on the main boss.
If BRD and COR have DD gear, they can help MNK with adds.
Normal BRD and COR buffs. BRD should apply Wind Threnody II, Elegy, Requiem, and Nocturne.
It's important for the WHM to remove blind, it's brutal (200 acc)
BLU must set Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind and use them to remove the TP from the boss.