High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2017-07-21 14:48:51
this +1, wish people who talk so much about optimization would figure this out. Its literally a make once thing, then copy and paste into each job you play and done. I have never taken 3500 from that ***, its called a -dt set, and even if i had taken 3500, why the heck on drk do you not have 5k+ hp?
There is a downside... I now carry around even more situational gear... :(
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 15:05:34
I just finished my +3 body. Using it for Torc.
Would it be better to use +3 Body for CR/Cata/Quitus instead of Ratri+1?
Hard to say since they are both extremely similar. Af+3 will offer more acc is wager but the hq has slightly higher damage stats.
Also, how does the convert damage to tp thing work out? I'm actually curious if soul can trigger it at all or how it works in general
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 15:23:19
And Saevel it wasnt just Thorva, a few had shown that argosy+1 body and af+3 will be side grades basically, with each winning by a marginal amount in different situations. To me that puts them so close that it doesn't even matter, especially for 150m. I might one day get it for war, but not drk....
No they didn't.
They showed that DRK AF +3 body and +3 Legs were marginally
better then Argosy +1 Body and +1 Legs. They completely ignored Argosy +1 Body and AF +3 Legs which would of been the logical choice. There is no universe that DRK AF +3 body comes close to beating Argosy +1 body for Resolution. The exact wording used was "Resolution does most of it's damage on the first hit anyway" to justify using WSD over DA. WSD +10% increases your average reso damage by 1.8% while DA +7 does much more then that because of the fTP transfer feature, they both have the same STR but Argosy has more DEX so slightly higher WSC and the acc delta is 12 and the Resolution set is already much higher accuracy then the TP set. It was purely "I don't want to spend this money but I also don't want to admit not having the absolute best gear". I had said several times that a well augmented Valorous mail would also work, but that was ignored. It's ~ok~ to not want to spend big gil when your builds are tweaked in a different direction, nobody is judging you so stop reacting defensively.
Stop trying to play drk like its war
You are the only person bringing up WAR in this thread. The rest is just word vomit from a bruised ego. This is about high end gear sets for DRK and so far everything I've said has been exactly about that. If you don't like hearing something you don't agree with then don't discuss stuff on an internet forum.
Yea I was curious if augmenting it (Val items) with SCdmg would be any good vs DA. I use mujin and niq myself was thinking since I don't have hq Emicho so nq/sulv+2/Val/af+3 are my current body options. Thinking ill have couple dif sets for it eventually
The Emicho stuff is just kind of a placeholder, those two together have DA +9, solid INT and a ton of accuracy. I plan to eventually use Regal Captain Gloves or even DRK AF +3 hands, which means I'll be breaking the set and swap out the body for something else. The SC Bonus has me pretty intrigued because Entropy it used to close Dark or Umbra and that bonus could help out more then the base stats otherwise available from that slot.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-24 10:53:22
Also, how does the convert damage to tp thing work out? I'm actually curious if soul can trigger it at all or how it works in general You mean souleater HP loss converting it to TP? Interesting question, but I doubt it. Will confirm for sure though.
EDIT: Also all these DRKs reporting that they sport 9+k HP all the time - I assume those are always under NV/DS MB DrainIII with Misantrhopy swapped in? Only way I ever break 10k HP is that way.
I'm getting hell of resists recently (just yesterday actually) where my NV/DS drain III (not MB'ed because ***dies too fast) was only giving me 1.5k HP back. My drain sets are all BiS. It was in omen though, so might be a case of lost/dropped packets and gearswap *** up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 12:10:40
I'm getting hell of resists recently (just yesterday actually) where my NV/DS drain III (not MB'ed because ***dies too fast) was only giving me 1.5k HP back. My drain sets are all BiS. It was in omen though, so might be a case of lost/dropped packets and gearswap *** up.
Lots of targets are resistant to dark magic, even NV DS has limited effect on Omen boss's outside of a MB. I can usually tell the content people do on DRK by the tone they take towards defense in general.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-24 13:04:25
On omen bosses I can get 4-6k non bursted but there are still times I only get 1-2k. Make sure arcane circle is up and arcana breaker to lower its meva and damage boosted
Ps don't forget scarlet its a big boost when timed properly and properly geared
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 13:20:32
On omen bosses I can get 4-6k non bursted but there are still times I only get 1-2k.
Oh we can jack the numbers up too, have the RUN do Gambit / Rayke, the GEO Langour + Focus and you do your JA's.
The point is that NVDS by itself isn't enough to get crazy returns on dark resistant NMs, you need to set it up and even then the HP effect can be dispelled *cough* interference *cough*. It's absolutely amazing but should never be counted as always being around cause Murphy and all.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-24 13:25:40
Yeah my group isn't going out of their way to switch things up to get my drain III's to be exceptional. Both the BRD and COR are my mules so I guess I could pull a *** "my characters, do buffs for me!" card XD
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-24 13:31:32
Yea I never expect it either especially since we have some exceptionally geared/skilled ppl in crew (I'm good at drk but they have vast amounts more experience in various settings then i, damn real life making me take extended breaks an all lol) and that ever so wonderful dispel-all that's omnipresent in all bosses now. Wish more mobs were stunable and that we had the macc to consistently do such.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-24 13:33:10
Also what have you guys found as acc needed for Gin without acc buffs? Shut had me crying in a corner other night :(
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 13:35:02
Well during OU we pause at 12% to reapply all buffs and that's when the DRK does another supercharged HP absorb. Essentially 100 -> 60 is a slow controlled fight, then 59 -> 12 is a burn and right about then buffs are starting to wear and it's just a good moment to rebuff for the final multi-step to finish him off. We've tried both VS and Scythe SC's and found Anguta doing a five step Umbra guarantees victory, no one-hit "whoops your ***" moments. Hell it's normally dead at the fourth step but having that extra WS in reserve is nice backup.
Also what have you guys found as acc needed for Gin without acc buffs? Shut had me crying in a corner other night :(
If your using melee you should have a BRD so Honor March + Blade Madrigal + Sushi is all we need. Our actual buff load out on the melee mobs are.
Geo-Frailty + Indi-Fade + Dia II
Sam's Roll + Chaos Roll (can be switched out for Fighters)
TN Honor March (M) + Victory March + Minuet V + Blade Madrigal.
Barfira + Baramnesia + Boost-STR
That's been enough for us to crush all of them easily enough. We normally have around 1100 ~ 1120 base accuracy before food.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-24 13:52:55
Essentially 100 -> 60 is a slow controlled fight, then 59 -> 12 is a burn Ah the good times. My group doesn't even bother with certain mechanics anymore. Because it literally dies from AC/AF Volt strike spaghettios before it can even pull off certain mechanics. If one of the HP gated mechanics lands on Ramuh, even better. There's no penalty for a pet dying or being enfeebled to a muppet. just release, resummon and assault.
SMN is so ridiculous right now. Broken game is broken. I can tell you, it sure as hell isn't fun killing everything in the game with spamming VOLT STRIKE VOLT STRIKE VOLT STRIKE repeatedly for hours. Holy ***the audacity of SMNs who think "Hey I'm leet ***because I pump out aenoics and its hard" .. The *** it is, the *** anything is in this game right now with SMN spam.
We watched a group of JPs wipe to Neak yesterday. They were going at it with 18 people. I think we killed every single T2/T3 before they got it down to 10% and wiped @ Flux 9. We got examined and I saw a bunch of squibly lines with question marks. But I don't need to understand Kanji or Japanese to understand what they were thinking or feeling... "WTF MAN?"
Apparently SMN zerg isn't nearly as well known in the JP community.
For me to ask them, my group, to let my DRK pull that off is similar to asking "hey guys can I tank Genbu naked as WAR/WHM and kill it with DiaII" @ 75 Cap.
Nerf SMN!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 14:13:09
Ah the good times. My group doesn't even bother with certain mechanics anymore. Because it literally dies from AC/AF Volt strike spaghettios before it can even pull off certain mechanics. If one of the HP gated mechanics lands on Ramuh, even better. There's no penalty for a pet dying or being enfeebled to a muppet. just release, resummon and assault.
Ask yourself one question, what jobs do you want cards on?
Our runs are deliberately designed around getting people cards on jobs they need them on. A good OU run will give you 4~5 cards from hitting objectives and killing the MB, with the bonus campaign it's like 8~10 cards per run. I'm finishing my DRK, WAR, RUN and RDM AF upgrades from doing this.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-24 15:21:57
DRK WAR. We've capitalized on the campaign for those jobs. But we dont do Ou during this campaign.
Anyways lol, my group read these threads and said we're cool to try DRK when I want.
So lets see.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 15:32:09
But we dont do Ou during this campaign.
Dude you missing out. A good OU run can yield 8~10 cards during this campaign along with potential drops. We're at the point of using mules for all support jobs so we can leech cards on our mains in the off party. OU is really easy with a coordinated group.
Tank (RUN / PLD)
Heavy DD (WAR / DRK / SAM / DRG) needs to be capable of doing a 5 step SC.
COR/DNC (needs to have ranged and melee sets, used to remotely push OU under 95, and 60).
BRD (it's BRD duh)
GEO Frailty + Fade, Fade really useful for lowering their damage since the dangerous stuff is magic.
WHM Healer
Run in, melee it to 96% then run out and have your tank only have 3~4 buffs on them and COR push's it under.
Melee down to 78% and have everyone stack (this happens super fast) up for bravado, Arcane Circle helps here.
Beat it down to 61%, run out and have COR push it under and tank either absorb the hit or out range it.
From 59% to 30% go hog wild since it's going to reset your hate at 45% anyway. 45% is a great time to use SD btw since Zero Hour is a percentage of your HP reduction. At 30% need to bounce hate between tank and heavy DD because target's coming, whomever it targets turns around while the other one pulls hate.
Beat it down to 12%, change weapons after guardz if need be.
Rebuff, run in and multi-step it. Cross Reaper -> Insurgency -> Entropy -> Cross Reaper -> Entropy
It's normally dead after the second Cross Reaper.
That strat works with any melee orientated setup. Most of our runs are with a 900 skill Dunna mule, mule COR and often mule BRD and WHM.
By Taint 2017-07-24 15:46:22
Yeah we did a card farm Ou since we found someone with a pop. 9 cards and easy win with a melee set up. First time doing a melee set up for all of us and we were all on new ish jobs. My DRK had 300JP at the time and no AF+2.
Building an Ou pop during campaign isn't ideal but Ou itself is very good.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-07-24 15:50:32
But we dont do Ou during this campaign.
Dude you missing out. A good OU run can yield 8~10 cards during this campaign along with potential drops. We're at the point of using mules for all support jobs so we can leech cards on our mains in the off party. OU is really easy with a coordinated group.
Tank (RUN / PLD)
Heavy DD (WAR / DRK / SAM / DRG) needs to be capable of doing a 5 step SC.
COR/DNC (needs to have ranged and melee sets, used to remotely push OU under 95, and 60).
BRD (it's BRD duh)
GEO Frailty + Fade, Fade really useful for lowering their damage since the dangerous stuff is magic.
WHM Healer
Run in, melee it to 96% then run out and have your tank only have 3~4 buffs on them and COR push's it under.
Melee down to 78% and have everyone stack (this happens super fast) up for bravado, Arcane Circle helps here.
Beat it down to 61%, run out and have COR push it under and tank either absorb the hit or out range it.
From 59% to 30% go hog wild since it's going to reset your hate at 45% anyway. 45% is a great time to use SD btw since Zero Hour is a percentage of your HP reduction. At 30% need to bounce hate between tank and heavy DD because target's coming, whomever it targets turns around while the other one pulls hate.
Beat it down to 12%, change weapons after guardz if need be.
Rebuff, run in and multi-step it. Cross Reaper -> Insurgency -> Entropy -> Cross Reaper -> Entropy
It's normally dead after the second Cross Reaper.
That strat works with any melee orientated setup. Most of our runs are with a 900 skill Dunna mule, mule COR and often mule BRD and WHM.
Omen is very painful (at least for me) to do, worst designed event in history so i tend to setup the runs for a "fast to do while covering objetives" thing.
Our ou:
Pld gets ou, goes to a corner, smn drops it to 95 > 2 skillchains and its at 63-65 > another skillchain + pld runs out of range for fullers > gets dropped to 30 pretty fast > steal hate from tank > rebuff at 12 (not really needed but well lol) > ou dies in 3 secs.
We lack a main healer in the group, one of our members is still learning and is improving his speed and reflexes during the events, during this campaign i went several runs as geo and i've been doing 90% of the healing so i hope it gives u an idea lol.
Btw the runs i've done as geo (idris), i've always seen indi-fend to be more useful cutting raw magic aoe bs from the NMs but ill try fade and see how it rolls whenever im geo again on normal runs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 15:54:14
Stopped reading right there.
"This event is horrible for us"
Use's cheesiest tactic possible
Building an Ou pop during campaign isn't ideal but Ou itself is very good.
Well we have a routine where we build pop sets on an army of mules and then spend the next few weeks burning them all. Twice a week, three times per day, and we're usually 18/18 with the majority being either mules or LS mates leeching cards.
This event isn't hard, just requires communication and teamwork. There are a variety of setups and it's really flexible, which is what I like about it.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-07-24 16:16:08
Stopped reading right there.
"This event is horrible for us"
Use's cheesiest tactic possible
Building an Ou pop during campaign isn't ideal but Ou itself is very good.
Well we have a routine where we build pop sets on an army of mules and then spend the next few weeks burning them all. Twice a week, three times per day, and we're usually 18/18 with the majority being either mules or LS mates leeching cards.
This event isn't hard, just requires communication and teamwork. There are a variety of setups and it's really flexible, which is what I like about it.
First read and understand and then write your statement, i said this: Omen is very painful (at least for me) to do, worst designed event in history so i tend to setup the runs for a "fast to do while covering objetives" thing -- and you post "this event is horrible for us".
Its painful for me, some of the ppl i run with will find it better or worse but as i said, its designed really really bad.
And yes, if they are farming SMN cards that means they are on SMN doing all runs and that means we use SMN!!! You wanna use war or drk, so be it but respect what other people will be using because (thank god) this game isnt about 1 strat.
And yes i agree, this event isnt hard because you are fighting reisenjima scrub mobs and badly designed NMs, waste of time.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-24 17:10:11
Re; Drain3
There are two ways to do this, and its dependent upon your ls really and what you do in the run. If your group isnt one that takes 5 mins "thinking" about what to do and how to kill a boss, then on the floor right b4 make sure they dont touch the last mob, melee it to 50%, sleep, then have the person get on port and get the option to port selected. You then DS/NV drain3 for 5:30 duration and it should go off for 4k~ non-resisted. you now have 5+ min on boss with 6k+ hp.
Most cast on boss with ds/nv are 1500-3500 from what I see. thats still 4k hp+
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-24 17:35:26
What we do involves a DRK making a self SC and MBing Drain III. After we push it under 95% and it does buff zapga, Rua or myself will do Entropy -> Entropy and MB NVDS Drain III which is a sizable HP buff that lasts until rebuff time at 12%. Kinda of mitigates DRK's natural squishiness.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-24 17:42:18
Yes if you have that luxury to do self darkness and MB, thats the way to go. I am never in that situation though so I tend to find the most opportune time. Normally its the floor b4, then I just live with having to recast it once on boss. Honestly between circle, crest, etc you should be taking much dmg on drk. react as said b4 is a life saver.
By Gruknor 2017-07-24 18:20:19
I have trouble getting to a solo 4 step sc. So I can not imagine a 5 step solo sc on drk. Would anyone be able to list a step by step guide that even a layman can understand? I must be missing something. Thanks in advance.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-25 06:28:10
So interesting comparisons I was doing earlier. To get a base 4-hit with Anguta you need 82 Store TP, which is really harsh. The culprit is TP return on WS, CR is only only extra hit so you end up with 206 TP back from it which push's your 250 per swing to needing 265 per swing and Anguta gives 146.07 per swing. I then compared it to a hastily thrown together 5-hit that focus'd on Multi-Attack and the results were shocking, the WS at the same speed. I'm going to do some more number crunching later on, especially with SAM's roll and how that upgrades the two x-hits, but for now it seems a 5-hit focused on Multi-Hit does the same as a 4-hit focused on Store TP.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Arnan 2017-07-25 07:38:14
I has similar results when switching from a 5 hit rag/calad to a multi-attack set with with 6 hits, I found it also makes the SAM roll requirement to get to the next hit build alot easier to reach, if your COR's roll is not so great or whatever.
ItemSet 348841
Only need 5 STP (odyssean legs) for torcleaver/scourge.
I changed my apoc set also, it only requires a few more STP than above set for 5 hit
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-25 08:30:19
ya 61 stp on calad build when you have 5 stp in ws can be hard sometimes, however Arnan a few changes for you would make it quite easy and more beneficial than your current build. Since you have 26 stp already your only lacking 35 to 5 hit.
Neck -> Ainia -> 8 stp
Body -> Valo DA -> 3 stp
feet - > Valo -> +aug
legs -> Odys -> 5stp+aug
ammo -> ginsen -> 3 stp
thats 19 stp + you need high augs to account for the extra 16, honestly this could even be done on the body if you really want flamma too. at your level of gear expecting 8 stp and high acc is always a possible thing.
you lose 2 QA and 15 DA but lower your hit needs by one full hit, IMO thats worth it. Plus there are other changes you can do also to increase your DA not mentioned, you could tp in argosy+1 head/hands for 10 DA which nets you +1 stp also at a trade off of flammas 4 TA which now puts you at - 2 QA -4 TA -2 DA, and an extra 1 stp, swap in telos+dedition for a 9 stp gain and now your looking at -7 DA but you can now remove 10 stp in other gear, such as ody legs, and swapping to dagon body. for an end result of -2 QA, +1 TA, -10 DA. You see the impact keeps lessening. and you still have +2 stp to play with which you could assume lesser augs or go back to cessance over telos for +2 da, making your end result -2QA -8 DA but +1 TA, so you can see most people would trade for that. A 6 hit I just dont see keeping up with a proper 5 hit. Mine on front page is very nice, and I have QA augs etc too for super multi hit build, but its never produced the results I want in my personal parses.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 132
By Asura.Arnan 2017-07-25 09:52:25
There are other benefits to alot of the gear choices i've made in that set than just multi-attack. I first made the set just for calad to see what results i could get with AM, Those pieces all have very high accuracy and DEX without making much sacrifice.
Standing outside of my mog house atm with no buffs in that set with calad and im 1188 acc, 104+203 DEX. Thats pretty good for low acc set if you ask me, especially on a job that's not as great for accuracy as other DD's. Thats enough accuracy to cap on things like omen bosses with minimal buffs and has enough dDEX to cap on most stuff.
Most of the time i have atleast my COR mule with me and I found sometimes my SAM roll would not put me up from a 5-hit to a 4-hit but with this set you dont need a good SAM roll to go to from a 6-hit to a 5-hit build.
I have a valo head with 8 STP and 21 acc, feet with 25 acc and 7 STP, body with 29 acc and 6 STP and a ody legs with 30 acc and 7 stp but none of those pieces compare in terms of acc or DEX and all but body slot have more STR. TP'ing in Argosy +1 head is out of the question for me.
Like I said I had originaly was just trying out this set for Calad AM3 to see what results I could get with a multi-attack set aiming to cap dDEX with plenty of STR and acc for white damage but i ended up prefering it, TP gain was not noticeably slower than before and in this set i pretty much have the same acc as i used to have in my 5 hit rag set but with calad and that was my aim
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 7
By Bahamut.Faites 2017-07-25 10:00:36
Can someone tell me how to figure out how much Store TP I need for Gungir to get different Set builds etc? (Subbing SAM)
Also, whats haste cap on gear? Is it still 26%?
I've been away for awhile!
I know this is a DRK Post, but no one is active in DRG and this ones getting lots of responses!
Is there an up-to-date Store TP Calculator somewhere I can use for all jobs?
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!