High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Leviathan.Sidra 2017-07-20 20:44:00
I am not sure if this will help you all since I play DRG, but as an example, the high WSD pieces are Cape (10) AF+3 Legs (10) Sulvia2 (7) and Knobkierrie (6).
Ideally from a dmg perspective, Head, Body, and Hands would have WSD augmented Valorous. But instead, and along with rings, I use them for as much STP as I can get with a nice mod stat. The result is I am still getting most of the damage, while greatly reducing the amount of STP I need in my TP set to keep QA/TA/DA rates as high as possible while having a 5hit build. Combined it basically gives me 2 gear slots in my TP set to do as I want with that otherwise would be slaves to STP.
The asterisk here is the 3 weaponskills I use this on (Camlanns, Geirskogul, Sonic Thrust) tend to be used for skillchains or to get AM up, as opposed to spammed over and over where the damage loss per ws might lead to a larger dps decrease.
Conceptually, though, I'd imagine some of this could still provide value to you folks.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-20 20:49:55
Ideally from a dmg perspective, Head, Body, and Hands would have WSD augmented Valorous. But instead, and along with rings, I use them for as much STP as I can get with a nice mod stat. The result is I am still getting most of the damage, while greatly reducing the amount of STP I need in my TP set to keep QA/TA/DA rates as high as possible while having a 5hit build.
I use this for Scourge and Metatron, WSD in the major slots with +Store TP in the others to get a proper TP return. My damaging WS's are all multi-hit so it works out pretty well.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-20 21:55:39
ItemSet 352468
Is my current low acc set, Augs are listed on the item set page. Lotta work to be done yet on both it an torc set. Reso I'm set on using af+3 currently until I can afford to hunt down hq abj gear
Edit: 60stp (/sam) for 5hit 10qa 7-9TA 35DA sitting around 1040acc 1700 atk prebuff
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-20 22:02:18
Uggh... the difference between a perfect torc set, and a perfect reso set is 13 stp. I think both of you are way over exaggerating what impact that has. While yes it is noticeable, even if you account for a perfect 5/5 reso every time, your only dropping 3 stp from your tp set. However you miss a main hit, or enough sub hits and all of a sudden your xhit breaks. Sure you could compensate this with more stp, but then your kind of defeating the argument of dropping stp?
I cant find any game changing swaps in my tp set for 3 stp right now. Yes there would be some change, but nothing that going to really shine. Your literally talking about the biggest difference being about 2 DA at a cost of acc too, or getting like 10 acc at most. If your going to tell me that all of a sudden covers a 15% gap I find from spamming torc to spamming reso (no sc dmg included) then .... idk what to say.
This then trickles down to scourge not needing to compensate its dmg, since it will have same or more stp than torc, other jobs/ws arent really applicable here on the 'advanced drk forum' so I wont comment, even though I do have war/drg too and geared and understand that the best dmg ws's for them are multihit, and 1hits are linker's (aka not specifically for top dmg).
Also lets be honest, when was the last time you did something and didnt have 1+ cor on a zerg?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-20 23:03:06
Uggh... the difference between a perfect torc set, and a perfect reso set is 13 stp. I think both of you are way over exaggerating what impact that has. While yes it is noticeable, even if you account for a perfect 5/5 reso every time, your only dropping 3 stp from your tp set.
Cala has a low delay and only gives back 122.11 TP per swing, so in WS sets your looking at 146 TP back from WS needing another 854 in four swings for 214 per swing, Resolution at 4/5 hits gives back 152 base for 208 TP return needing 792 in four hits or 198 TP. That thirteen Store TP is another 5~6 DA, or 3 TA or 3 QA at a minimum, in all likeliness it's more because you'll be converting two slots from Store TP to Multi-Attack.
That's with my deliberately understating resolution and giving torc a 100% hit rate. They end up washing out and being dead even with the deciding factor being how much effort the DRK put into their gear. Someone with extremely well augmented Torc gear and a tweaked Torc spam TP set is going to do better with that build then using NQ Argosy with the exact same TP set that's not tweaked. Conversely the person with HQ Argosy and tweaked Reso spam set is going to do better with that then their thrown together Torc spam set.
And both are beat by the Anguta user doing a five step Umbra.
I'm just extremely happy that there is multiple ways to do things now instead of the "must do X or your gimp" mentality.
This then trickles down to scourge not needing to compensate its dmg, since it will have same or more stp than torc, other jobs/ws arent really applicable here on the 'advanced drk forum' so I wont comment, even though I do have war/drg too and geared and understand that the best dmg ws's for them are multihit, and 1hits are linker's (aka not specifically for top dmg).
We just said that we don't gear Scourge for pure damage. I specifically sacrificed some WSD for Store TP in my Scourge set to give back exactly enough TP to work with my base 5-hit. And to be quite frank it's rarely worth putting up AM on Rag, the only time you'd ever do it is if you started with 3K and used Sekka to do a 1K Scourge -> 2.5K Reso and get a light SC and free AM out of it, otherwise you don't use scourge and never save up 3K for AM3.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-20 23:19:50
Yes recent adjustments have opened up some gearing options. I favour torc-spam since I often play with a couple blus so we can consistently albeit inadvertently make sc's easy along with a lionheart rune. I also have not been able to afford hq argosy/Emicho and with a looming content addition+we know at some point there's going to be relic/emp +2/3 I am loathe to buy it. Whereas DM Augs can be game changing and free and reis stones are easily farmed. Recently cap'd my alch and am working on final stage for shield. Hoping to craft my own carmine hq/Ratri(hq /pray). Also finally got my 50k beads for anguta now to actually be online when lsmates go.....
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-21 00:54:39
Using the set below (not including earring, bc at night your lugra earring will have no stp), I get 162 + 13~ tp a hit. The issue is I never know at what level you should plan your "rag build" because if you miss hits then it starts to cause your xhit to become xhit+1 and lower your dps a lot. A 3/5 will pull 188 tp return. 4/5 at 201. at 49 stp /sam you get 200 tp a hit, so your good for 4/5+ but will lose a xhit to 3/5 and below. Adding 3 stp gets you to +52 and a 203 hit which is exactly 1k tp with a 3/5 hit.
ItemSet 349378
this tp set has 61stp for me for example, DA on body, stp7 on feet, 6 on legs. Lets assume you get perfect augs on feet/legs for 64 stp total. That means you could drop up to 15 which is quite a lot tbh, but I still feel planning for a 3/5 is probably more ideal for the 3 stp extra, so lets say 12. My numbers above were off sorry, I was not counting the return on reso right, factoring each hit as just 10.
ItemSet 347333
The obvious choices to change are neck for lissome, +1 da 18 acc 10 att and -4stp. Next would probably more realistically for anyone be valo feet for flamma, for +5 da and other stat changes based upon your augs. Not saying these are the only changes, but you begin to see its not going to be making you reso twice as often with 6 DA more.
Then you get to the real issue, if you use scourge/torc or w/e then your now xhit+1, you 'could' ws in +40 stp (and tp in 52), but that seems silly to me. You get so much strength from Rag-Drk with the combination of using torc and reso, and mixing in scourge. Doesnt seem worth it in my eyes. Plus torc>reso in terms of dmg at 1k anyhow so its kind of moot point, yes even with rag.
War is another story as they will normally only ever use scourge at 3k+sekka for 3 min AM, so your tp return on scourge has minimal effect. I honestly would just ignore using scourge on war outside of that, because rag is for pure ws dmg spam, if you want better overall dmg you use chango and do light sc's.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-21 02:45:53
Every mouse I feed my snake is called Oseem.
I'm getting tired of having to retweek augments or fill up my inventory with another set of odys/val/herc/merlinic gear everytime I get something that means I have re-ballance augments on ***I already have, but don't want to risk it because Its taken so long to get where they are, so I go farm a new set, and the stones as well, and start the entire process again, and my inventory is screaming like its a persian cat that just tried to have sex with a blue whale...
then i have to update my *** lua... then I gotta do a new //org freeze and make sure its working right...
I'm going to go release some frustration, considering sex or King of Fighters... King of fighters, *** sex.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 07:56:08
Using the set below (not including earring, bc at night your lugra earring will have no stp), I get 162 + 13~ tp a hit. The issue is I never know at what level you should plan your "rag build" because if you miss hits then it starts to cause your xhit to become xhit+1 and lower your dps a lot. A 3/5 will pull 188 tp return. 4/5 at 201. at 49 stp /sam you get 200 tp a hit, so your good for 4/5+ but will lose a xhit to 3/5 and below. Adding 3 stp gets you to +52 and a 203 hit which is exactly 1k tp with a 3/5 hit.
For all that is holy stop using DRK AF+3 body for Optimal Resolution. Thorva didn't want to spend the gil to get the Argosy +1 crafted and made up a *** excuse about WSD being great for Resolution to justify him not having it. HQ Argosy body is BiS for Resolution, DRK AF3 +2 legs are BiS for Resolution.
As for planning, it's simple 4/5 hits on resolution, it's been this way since Voidwatch and Rag 6-hits. It's no different then if you whiff Torcleaver.
Rag is 122.36 base from first hit, then an additional 10 for extra hits, then multiply by Store TP. A 4/5 hit Resolution is 152.36, your WS set should have 34 total Store TP for a value of 204 TP return. I was slightly off since my previous numbers assumed a different ring from before I upgraded to regal.
And if your TPing in Argosy then your not fighting anything worth discussing. The lack of MEVD, MDB, INT and MDB will get you killed by the high damage magic aoe attacks that 135+ stuff likes to use. One time I was stunned immediately after hitting my Resolution macro and didn't realize I was still in WS set, the following Malign Invocation hit me for over 3500 damage. And even if I did survive I would of been hit with an amnesia, which I normally resist due to my WHM's Barfira + Baramensia.
I use HQ Emicho because it's a nice Multi-Attack + Store TP combo but Augmented Reisen gear and some upgraded Ambuscade gear can accomplish the same thing. Valorous feet are Store TP +5 already, instead of putting more Store TP someone could augment them with DA +4/5. Instead of wearing Store TP on body or hands they could wear another DA +5 or QA +3 or even TA +5 if they got that body, could TP in DRK AF+3 legs instead of Odyssean, lots of little changes, that is what Store TP +13 is worth.
Plus torc>reso in terms of dmg at 1k anyhow so its kind of moot point, yes even with rag.
I mentioned above that it depends on how much effort you put into your appropriate gear. Every last one of those VIT +10 WSD +5 Accuracy +25 pieces could of been STR +15 DA +4 Accuracy +25. There is a lot more WSD gear now so you can make Torc do more then Reso, at the expense of TP return on WS which is where the different TP sets are coming into play. And again you don't ever do Scourge unless your sitting at 3K TP at the start with sekka up.
Here is how TP works on Sekka, it first consumes 1000TP exactly and then whatever your WS return is added to your remaining TP total.
3000TP -> Sekka
1000TP used on Scourge, 200 TP Return
2200TP remaining, one attack round happens
2400TP Resolution
Congrats you got an acc / crit bonus for 60s that was free from a DPS point of view or even a positive if you could use that time to make a light SC.
I never said anything about WAR, it never entered the conversation. I've been playing DRK lately btw so this is about DRK. See my Anguta comment above.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2017-07-21 11:00:41
And if your TPing in Argosy then your not fighting anything worth discussing. The lack of MEVD, MDB, INT and MDB will get you killed by the high damage magic aoe attacks that 135+ stuff likes to use. One time I was stunned immediately after hitting my Resolution macro and didn't realize I was still in WS set, the following Malign Invocation hit me for over 3500 damage. And even if I did survive I would of been hit with an amnesia, which I normally resist due to my WHM's Barfira + Baramensia.
Saevel, do you have any time to talk about our lord and savior, React? :D
By Blazed1979 2017-07-21 11:58:28
HQ Argosy body is BiS for Resolution, DRK AF3 +2 legs are BiS for Resolution. How does Dagon Body do for resolution?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 12:18:45
I would imagine it does quite well lol, high STR high acc+atk plus a large amount of tripke. Possibly best in slot barring set bonus from Emicho/argosy. It will really come down to the overall makeup of the build but I could see it as being a centre piece
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 12:24:29
HQ Argosy body is BiS for Resolution, DRK AF3 +2 legs are BiS for Resolution. How does Dagon Body do for resolution?
Oh forgot about that, the two are damn close to each other.
Dagon Breastplate
40 STR = +34
30 DEX = +3
Acc 45 (67.5)
Atk 45 (75)
TA +5
Argosy +1
46 STR = +39.1
46 DEX = +4.6
40 Acc (74.5)
60 Atk (94.5)
DA +7
TA +5 is approximately the same as DA +10 so in absolutely everything capped situations I think Dagon edges out HQ Argosy.
So yeah I'd accept Dagon Breastplate instead of HQ Argosy along with an extremely well augmented Valorous body (10~15 STR 4~5 DA 20~30 Acc / Atk). All of them beat out DRK AF+3 body.
Ignominy Cuirass +3
STR 46 = +39.1
DEX 29 = +2.9
50 Acc (71.75)
48 Atk (82.5)
WSD +10
DRK AF +3 body is for single hit WS's or WS's where the first hit carries a large fTP bonus (CR / Insurgency). Dagon Breastplate actually beats it for Entropy.
By Blazed1979 2017-07-21 12:33:07
I just finished my +3 body. Using it for Torc.
Would it be better to use +3 Body for CR/Cata/Quitus instead of Ratri+1?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 12:41:22
Yea I am admittedly a tightwad and until I have a couple remas done I won't be purchasing hqs unless I make em lol. Thought the acc boost is nice since I'm using a 242 weapon and no +acc on it.
What's the stance on Mont vs Zulf? I don't see myself completing cala this or next month due to lack of playtime but I should be fairly far along. Probably have it in srptember.
Mont I do very well with and havnt had a chance to properly farm up a zulf to test drive
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 12:44:59
I just finished my +3 body. Using it for Torc.
Would it be better to use +3 Body for CR/Cata/Quitus instead of Ratri+1? I would use the +3 I believe the stats are higher and the set bonus is a good chunk of acc as well. Ratri hq body maybe for souleater up situations with a max hp buff (nonbursted I would expect you to be around 6-7k in Ratri set) but I havnt had any chance to make it yet
By Blazed1979 2017-07-21 12:51:34
holy double post batman!
Don't know if I should use the next 10 days of Omen to upgrade my DRK head and hands, now that body/legs are+3, or if I should upgrade WAR legs/feet.
Tough decisions
By Gruknor 2017-07-21 13:02:33
Drk head and hands, save war legs/feet for another time.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 13:05:27
Lol choppy Wi-Fi at work lol /slacking but my job is pretty easy. I just stare and look hungry at ppl until they leave then resume doing nothing. Life of a security worker
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 13:06:09
Yea I am admittedly a tightwad and until I have a couple remas done I won't be purchasing hqs unless I make em lol. Thought the acc boost is nice since I'm using a 242 weapon and no +acc on it.
Could just use a Valorous mail and toss stones at it until you get a decent augment. STR / DA / Acc / Atk is what you want. I absolutely loath the RNG of Reisen gear, which is why I tend to use known sets whenever feasible but that's not a requirement by any stretch.
What's the stance on Mont vs Zulf? I don't see myself completing cala this or next month due to lack of playtime but I should be fairly far along. Probably have it in srptember.
Augmented Zulf should be stronger, but again stones and random augments. I ended up with amazing augments on mine so it's beastly but if you don't wanna mess with stones you can use Mont+1 and get the same results.
That's what is so good about the current game meta, lots of options to get the same general result instead of "You MUST USE X OR YOUR GIMP".
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 13:07:37
Honestly get the drk head, hands are meh then do war things unless you're collecting all drk things like I am for some obscure reason
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 13:11:57
Have 9STR 33acc 20atk 3da Val body I think... also have nq Emicho body (acc path) and a nearly maxed founders (14on all but 13macc) might need to tinker with it a bit and make sure it works (Val I mean) for my sets. Next DM that comes I have a second Val ill be spamming hoping for stronger tp piece
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 13:17:17
Have 9STR 33acc 20atk 3da Val body I think... also have nq Emicho body (acc path) and a nearly maxed founders (14on all but 13macc) might need to tinker with it a bit and make sure it works (Val I mean) for my sets. Next DM that comes I have a second Val ill be spamming hoping for stronger tp piece
Emicho is a fine TP piece, high accuracy and DA but a shitty WS piece (thought it has higher INT for some strange reason). That Val body is fine for Resolution, could be higher but overall it works.
With Body / Hands, typically one is Store TP the other is Multi-Attack. You can mix and match different slots depending on what augments you have for Legs / Feet. I've seen builds with HQ Sulvia hands and DRK AF legs and using the other slots for Store TP cause that's what the person had available.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 13:27:36
ItemSet 351782
Currently what I use.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 14:00:08
Yeah DRK AF+3 is kinda bleh for Resolution, outside of the amazing legs.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 14:04:40
I like the extra acc and I often throw souleater on reso so the head knocks it up a nice amount. What's your entropy set look like Saev?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-07-21 14:30:44
INT_Back={ name="Ankou's Mantle", augments={'INT+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','INT+10','"Dbl.Atk."+10'}}
sets.Entropy = {ammo="Pemphredo tathlum",
head="Ignominy burgonet +2",neck="Fotia gorget", ear1="Brutal earring",ear2="Moonshade earring",
body="Emicho haubert +1",hands="Emicho gauntlets +1",ring1="Niqmaddu ring",ring2="Shiva ring +1",
back=INT_Back,waist="Fotia belt",legs="Ignominy flanchard +3",feet="Valorous greaves"}
Like I said Emicho +1 has quite a bit higher INT then I thought it would, four less then +3 body but comes with DA +9. Once I get Regal Captains Gloves I will probably swap out the body, though the +3 hands are attractive since Entropy is typically used for multi-step SC's like Umbra. Rua has recommended using the Mujin band instead of Shiva precisely for that reason. Using this I was able to get decent damage out of it with Anguta, still not competitive for WS spam but solid for multi-step SC's.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-07-21 14:40:56
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »And if your TPing in Argosy then your not fighting anything worth discussing. The lack of MEVD, MDB, INT and MDB will get you killed by the high damage magic aoe attacks that 135+ stuff likes to use. One time I was stunned immediately after hitting my Resolution macro and didn't realize I was still in WS set, the following Malign Invocation hit me for over 3500 damage. And even if I did survive I would of been hit with an amnesia, which I normally resist due to my WHM's Barfira + Baramensia.
Saevel, do you have any time to talk about our lord and savior, React? :D
this +1, wish people who talk so much about optimization would figure this out. Its literally a make once thing, then copy and paste into each job you play and done. I have never taken 3500 from that ***, its called a -dt set, and even if i had taken 3500, why the heck on drk do you not have 5k+ hp?
And Saevel it wasnt just Thorva, a few had shown that argosy+1 body and af+3 will be side grades basically, with each winning by a marginal amount in different situations. To me that puts them so close that it doesn't even matter, especially for 150m. I might one day get it for war, but not drk....
Also, you forget that af+3 and regal will give you +15 acc, which as someone who always fought for +30 acc instead of +30 str on reso cape you should understand that 15 acc on reso isnt a small amount, and IF it was then it opens up your argosy+1 head to A instead of D more or less. Netting you 12 str more etc.
Until you actually get a calad and parse it yourself, you dont really realize just how nice it is for your personal dps (mine went up around 15-20% and I test it very often). It performs great in low buff scenarios too since the dmg stays very high and consistent unlike reso. It also goes crazy high dps if your doing any form of sc, which now for me is most common. A few zergs you cant, but we arent bringing 18 ppl now to helm fights, normally 3~ dds are enough and even then its going to almost always be jobs that you can light sc with (blu,thf,drks,sam,war). Then you get to times when your doing stuff like ambu VD, and your soloing adds in 1 sc and thus avoiding pulling hate because you do 28k-28k-light-dead.
Stop trying to play drk like its war, war is better at reso spam, drk can reso great, but its unique strength lies in calad. I can tell when you talk about 3500 aoes etc, you dont understand what drk is or how to utilize it. Hell when you take that 3500 use scarlet beforehand and be happy with the HUGE dmg boost you now have.... plus are you even using circle, crest, founders body, etc? Maybe you are, but you dont transmit that you understand these very big impacts on drks dps.
Blazed, I am pretty sure af+3 > ratri+1 body, literally of the set the body+1 is the most useless of them all, only being good for souleater and town gear :D the head+3 is a must get in my book, and the hands are very nice for anguta builds because the higher than avg int for entropy and the sc dmg+ since thats where angutas strength lies. However, is it a big deal? No its not, so you can skip it and do war, but do get +3 head.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 306
By Leviathan.Vedder 2017-07-21 14:42:51
Yea I was curious if augmenting it (Val items) with SCdmg would be any good vs DA. I use mujin and niq myself was thinking since I don't have hq Emicho so nq/sulv+2/Val/af+3 are my current body options. Thinking ill have couple dif sets for it eventually
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!