High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA

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High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
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Posts: 3655
By Taint 2020-10-06 13:48:52
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Need 88 stp (73 stp with /sam) and WS in Ratri legs (+10) to 4hit with 1 tic. (and no Epa ring as Simonses pointed out)
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-10-06 14:52:37
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Taint said: »
Need 88 stp (73 stp with /sam) and WS in Ratri legs (+10) to 4hit with 1 tic.

And not WS in Epam ring, which is a "big" damage loss if you dont have Karieyh Ring +1, so not really ideal either.

I was thinking about completely different approach.

ItemSet 375895

Its only 20%DA, 7%TA but it has +25% critical hit chance, +4% critical hit damage (total of +20% with DRK base). It also doesn't require Vim, so you are getting 10%PDL too. Catastrophe is not a super hard hitting WS and doesnt have benefits from TP overflow. Apocalypse also double damage proc on first hit only. So overall I thought it might be a good idea to improve your white damage, while keeping 4 hit. You can also use Epam for WS. It's not something you could easily compare for DPS, so idk which one is better, but I think I will stay with my idea XD
Posts: 3655
By Taint 2020-10-06 15:19:04
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SimonSes said: »
Taint said: »
Need 88 stp (73 stp with /sam) and WS in Ratri legs (+10) to 4hit with 1 tic.

And not WS in Epam ring, which is a "big" damage loss if you dont have Karieyh Ring +1, so not really ideal either.

I was thinking about completely different approach.

ItemSet 375895

Its only 20%DA, 7%TA but it has +25% critical hit chance, +4% critical hit damage (total of +20% with DRK base). It also doesn't require Vim, so you are getting 10%PDL too. Catastrophe is not a super hard hitting WS and doesnt have benefits from TP overflow. Apocalypse also double damage proc on first hit only. So overall I thought it might be a good idea to improve your white damage, while keeping 4 hit. You can also use Epam for WS. It's not something you could easily compare for DPS, so idk which one is better, but I think I will stay with my idea XD

Apoc is typically used defensively as well and your set provides good hybrid pieces.
Server: Asura
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user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-10-07 00:35:52
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yes thanks for the calrification the set I had I believe assumed 2 tics. However getting 1 tic like Taint said just requires 3 stp more and an easy way to get there would be to use chirich ring +1 and a cessance earring. Doesnt seem horrible to do that only a loss of 2 DA.

I think the 15 DA you get from my posted set over what Simon posted is the way to go though, your white damage should not really be a large factor here and even if it was 15DA should win out.

The DT taken though as noted is a factor to consider, but also I got a hybrid set for that anyhow with capped DT, which makes more sense to me and is a 5 hit.

The good/bad thing at this stage in ffxi is there is so much side grade gear that its hard to say whats best. I have been using my set though and liking it a ton, so I will stick to it.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-10-07 05:07:22
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I was kinda expecting I will need to go back to this lol

Asura.Azagarth said: »
your white damage should not really be a large factor here and even if it was 15DA should win out.

Its 14%DA actually (From 37% you lose 2% on earring and 1% on ring with your swaps). It also is very far from winning for white damage if that was what you meant? At capped attack my set has around 34% higher white damage DPS and assuming 25k damage Cata avg (I applied 95% accuracy cap for both melee and WS) white damage in my set is 26.7% of total damage and in your set its 21.4% of total damage. The exact WS frequency difference is hard to estimate, because assuming you normally have 3 rounds to WS. Triple attack in any of those rounds will cut rounds needed to 1, but if TA proc in 2nd round, it makes DA proc in first round irrelevant. If DA proc in first round, it makes DA proc in 2nd round irrelevant too. If DA proc in 3rd round its also irrelevant etc. Basically any combo of proc that will only lead to TP overflow instead of cutting rounds to exactly 1000TP will be irrelevant for WS frequency and for WS damage. Thats why that 14% DA advantage is not that awesome like for WSs with damage scaled with TP.

Self SCing will make white damage slightly less relevant, but not being able to WS asap will make white damage more relevant.

Overall I agree that there is a lot of sidegrade builds now. I honestly dont know which one between those 2 has higher DPS and I dont really care XD I will stick with mine, but Im far from saying that its objectively better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-10-07 18:34:36
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you just need the one chirich +1 and can leave petrov on. So it is 15%. I also agree with you I think it really comes down to playstyle and what you do.

Very often if I am on drk I am also self scing. Which means I normally CR->cata->cata or if its mid fight I will often cata->CR->cata in which case overflow isnt a huge issue since I am at least getting one CR in and hold a 50% chance that I can abuse that overflow on the next start of sc too(staring with CR). Add this to the fact that you will only have 95% accuracy and having a double attack on a missed first swing...... we could go down a huge rabbit hole at this point.

In a group setting also overflow just normally means I wait one extra attack round and CR with an effective 2k~ tp more than not which results also in better dps. Apoc can still pump out nice CR dmg.

In the end its getting very hard to make gear suggestions as I think ffxi has evolved to the point where there is just so much side grade gear its more an issue about inventory space.

Also the game is at the point where almost all jobs are better off in a very high DT hybrid set, as there is very little dps loss anyhow. I find myself on DRK I am almost always in a hybrid build anyhow at which point any pure 'dps' build is kind of an afterhtought of importance.
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By 2020-11-07 11:34:14
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Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-11-07 11:45:10
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Asura.Lioncourt said: »
Wouldn’t Stinger+1 beat Flamma head for Reso given the ftp transfer?

Not sure what you mean by pointing out ftp transfer? If anything ftp transfer would favor Flamma, because of 5%TA.
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-11-07 15:52:34
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Shouldn't even use reso on DRK!

Wouldn't this helmet be best though if you had a function in lua to equip it on correct days? https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Gavialis_Helm

I never see anyone really talk about it. But also I'm lazy and have it and haven't bothered adding it myself.
By 2020-11-08 01:35:46
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Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2020-11-08 11:15:58
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Yeah makes sense. I like anguta on kin personally, get tp in few hits and can ws right at 1k for strong cross reapers but reso works well on him too.
Posts: 380
By Galkapryme 2020-11-14 00:04:28
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This is what I primarily use with most battles. Tested as a 3~4 hit set. Assumes songs, rolls, last resort, AM, and Altana's Repast +1 (wasn't about to acid that for a test).

ItemSet 376582

Edit: Just got my fully augmented Sailfi Belt +1, so I'm using that instead of the Windbuffet. 2 less Quad attack, but more Double Attack, Attack, and STR. Also, I tend to /WAR rather than SAM. The difference in TP gain is less on the surface, but in 3~4 hits, I have the TP needed to drop a WS. It may be the difference between 1,000 TP and 1,500 TP, but it works. I'll test with /SAM and WAR for DPS.

Edit 2: I prefer /WAR. /SAM sometimes gets slightly faster TP, but /WAR seems to do more DPS for me (tested w/o Meditate or JA-made Skillchains). I suppose if I factor in skillchains and Meditate, I'd get more DPS, but it's late and I'm too tired to go hunting mobs that don't die after one WS. Overall, I'll take DA and attack bonus over STP.
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By 2020-12-28 19:08:05
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Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-12-28 19:27:32
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Asura.Hrohj said: »
Torcleaver: Same story. I am wondering why you would use a Stinger Helm +1 R15 for Scourge but not for Torcleaver, though? I wonder about the belt, too. Why a Fotia Belt over a Sailfi Belt +1 R15 or a Caudata Belt? I have a lot of trouble following the mathematical mechanics in this game and I get totally lost and my eyes glaze over.

There is few reasons. Assuming 10str/5wsd Odyssean helm, it would have slightly higher WSC than R15 Stinger, but PDL+5% is better than 5%WSD (assuming attack cap), because of PDL having less diminishing returns. Another big reason is that Scourge only has 3.0 fTP, so every multi-attack proc is actually more significant (and PDL works for all hits, while WSD only for first), while Torcleaver usually is used when fTP is somehwere between 6 and 9 and WSD is more significant.

Asura.Hrohj said: »
Resolution: Why Abyssal Beads +2 over Fotia Gorget? Why Fallen's Flanchard +3 over Ignominy Flanchard +3? I thought for sure that "Double Attack" +10% would be a better option over Weapon Skill Damage +10% on a 5-hit WS.

Well +2 neck assumes capped attack. 10%PDL is better than +0.1fTP, assuming fTP on Resolution is higher than 1.0 and with Fotia belt and Moonshade Earring, it is even at exactly 1000TP. Now +2 neck on top of 10%PDL also has +25STR, which pushes +2 advantage even more. Now for legs, its almost a 100% mistake and I think it was already pointed out.
By 2020-12-28 19:37:55
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Asura.Kronkeykong 2020-12-30 12:00:29
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Just rolled these from Oseem

Would these be better than Igno. +3 Boots? Not sure of calcs.

It's hard to decide on these or Ratri +1 as well. :/
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-12-30 12:17:33
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Ratri for duration IMO
Server: Asura
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Posts: 40
By Asura.Kronkeykong 2020-12-30 12:25:26
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Yeah definitely thinking about it I agree. 5min D3 is too op.
Posts: 17
By Manilladoom 2020-12-30 13:18:23
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Curious about the cata set in the OP... because it is a single hit WS (same with cross reaper), why use Sailfi Belt? Wouldn't fotia belt be more effective?

Posts: 2759
By Nariont 2020-12-30 13:40:00
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WSD wording on fotia pieces isnt the same as actual WSD, so the str+15 will pull ahead on I want to say all single hit WS with a STR mod
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ginza
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-12-30 13:40:50
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Asura.Kronkeykong said: »
Just rolled these from Oseem

Would these be better than Igno. +3 Boots? Not sure of calcs.

It's hard to decide on these or Ratri +1 as well. :/

Keep that augment.
Yes Ratri+1 feet will be better 95% of the time, but I do keep a pair of drain potency feet like those for when I'm doing a short fight that I know I will need all the potency I can get for. Case in point, back when I did a lot more Avatar HTBF fights I would use feet like those over Ratri. Potency feet have two advantages, first is obviously potency, the second is that they don't have Ratri's +500 ish HP, so you can cast drain3 at a higher HP%, for more effective returns.
As for Igno +3, the only thing those have is magic accuracy going for them, so beating Igno+3 is really easy.

Manilladoom said: »
Curious about the cata set in the OP... because it is a single hit WS (same with cross reaper), why use Sailfi Belt? Wouldn't fotia belt be more effective?


Because Fotia is not WSD like other pieces of gear, it adds .1 fTP to the base fTP value of the WS. The more fTP a WS has, the less Fotia gains you. As a general rule don't use Fotia on big single-hit WS unless you don't have any better options.
So, since Cata and CR both have STR mods, STR belts like R15 Sailfi+1 or R15 Kentarch+1 are great.
We don't have any really good VIT options for waist, so Fotia is pretty much the only meaningful thing we can put in the waist slot for Torcleaver, and Insurgency is in the same boat for slightly different reasons.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-30 14:09:00
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Asura.Kronkeykong said: »
Just rolled these from Oseem

Would these be better than Igno. +3 Boots? Not sure of calcs.

It's hard to decide on these or Ratri +1 as well. :/
I'd keep them around for Drain I/II personally.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-12-30 15:35:40
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Asura.Mims said: »
Because Fotia is not WSD like other pieces of gear, it adds .1 fTP to the base fTP value of the WS. The more fTP a WS has, the less Fotia gains you. As a general rule don't use Fotia on big single-hit WS unless you don't have any better options.
So, since Cata and CR both have STR mods, STR belts like R15 Sailfi+1 or R15 Kentarch+1 are great.

This, but also:
1. Cross Reaper is not 1hit. It has most fTP on first hit, but it's 2 hits, so can trigger multi-attack proc twice. This is especially important for CR damage at low TP values, when fTP on the first hit is lower and 2nd hit and Multi-attack proc add substantial damage.
2. Even that Catastrophe is single hit and it can proc Multi-attack only once, it also has very low fTP for single hit WS and multi-attack proc adds quite a lot of damage. Triple attack proc will add like +40% damage for example. On the other hand for same reason +0.1 fTP is also strong for it (+3.6% damage on main hit), but 5%DA and 2%TA is almost break even vs +0.1fTP . 15STR is what pushing Sailfi ahead.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-31 06:46:00
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I probably already know the answer to this but would appreciate a confirmation:

Will a Rank 15 Stinger Helm offer anywhere near as much benefit on mid-tier content (125~129) soloing with trusts. Assuming +10% WSD (except +7% from Sulevia feet) in all main slots.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-12-31 06:55:10
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I probably already know the answer to this but would appreciate a confirmation:

Will a Rank 15 Stinger Helm offer anywhere near as much dmg on mid-tier content (125~129) soloing with trusts. Assuming +10% WSD (except +7% from Sulevia feet) in all main slots.

For what WS tho.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-31 07:46:04
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SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I probably already know the answer to this but would appreciate a confirmation:

Will a Rank 15 Stinger Helm offer anywhere near as much benefit on mid-tier content (125~129) soloing with trusts. Assuming +10% WSD (except +7% from Sulevia feet) in all main slots.

For what WS tho.

Let's say Torcleaver and Cross Reaper specifically.
Posts: 9209
By SimonSes 2020-12-31 08:48:26
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Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I probably already know the answer to this but would appreciate a confirmation:

Will a Rank 15 Stinger Helm offer anywhere near as much benefit on mid-tier content (125~129) soloing with trusts. Assuming +10% WSD (except +7% from Sulevia feet) in all main slots.

For what WS tho.

Let's say Torcleaver and Cross Reaper specifically.

For sure not better than Odyssean for Torc and vs Ratri for CR its probably competitive at low TP, where CR has still low fTP at first hit. It also kinda depends what you use. If you for example use KoH and Sylvie for fury/diaIII and when necessary you add armor break, than you should be able to cap attack even on DRK.

For example 126lv Apex Eruca suppose to have 1100 def. Dia III and armor break is -45%def (its even more when entrust for sylvie is up and you have -12.5% more with frailty). Lets say its 700def. On Scythe you would have 5.175 pdif cap with stinger and +2 neck. So you need 3622 attack. Pretty sure its easily achievable on DRK with fury from Sylvie and Last Resort.

EDIT: Ok maybe not easily. With just Last resort and fury im getting 3390 attack. 3657 with fresh Endark2.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2020-12-31 09:34:47
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SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
SimonSes said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
I probably already know the answer to this but would appreciate a confirmation:

Will a Rank 15 Stinger Helm offer anywhere near as much benefit on mid-tier content (125~129) soloing with trusts. Assuming +10% WSD (except +7% from Sulevia feet) in all main slots.

For what WS tho.

Let's say Torcleaver and Cross Reaper specifically.

For sure not better than Odyssean for Torc and vs Ratri for CR its probably competitive at low TP, where CR has still low fTP at first hit. It also kinda depends what you use. If you for example use KoH and Sylvie for fury/diaIII and when necessary you add armor break, than you should be able to cap attack even on DRK.

For example 126lv Apex Eruca suppose to have 1100 def. Dia III and armor break is -45%def (its even more when entrust for sylvie is up and you have -12.5% more with frailty). Lets say its 700def. On Scythe you would have 5.175 pdif cap with stinger and +2 neck. So you need 3622 attack. Pretty sure its easily achievable on DRK with fury from Sylvie and Last Resort.

EDIT: Ok maybe not easily. With just Last resort and fury im getting 3390 attack. 3657 with fresh Endark2.

OK. This makes sense and more or less confirms my thoughts for mid-tier mobs/content. Kind of figured Torc may not necessarily benefit as much, but that Cross Reaper "should." Assuming Sylvie's Fury/Frail, Koru's or King's Dia III, as well as (fingers crossed) Qultada's Chaos Roll, this seems pretty feasible.

Hadn't considered Armor Break, but that's an option as well.

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