High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-07-24 09:33:55
Finally got drain3. What’s the best macro set up for self weaponbash skill chain into darkness setting up DS, NV and d3?
Is it most efficient to /ja DS and NV before bash or after skill chain etc? Just trying to find the most optimized order of Operations.
Don't macro them all together, the more complicated your macro the more room there is for something to go wrong and mess up the whole process.
Personally, I have DS/NV on one keybind, weapon bash on it's own key, and weapon skills on their own keys.
I press my DS/NV key early, and eyeball that they both have triggered. Then when the timing is right, the mob isn't running away, party members aren't taking swings at it, etc, I'll weapon bash, wait a short bit, and weaponskill. Generally I'm closing the skillchain with Nightmare Scythe or Keen Edge so as not to immediately kill the mob, but knowledge of skillchains is good. Have a backup plan to self-SC if something goes wrong.
Assuming things go right, skillchain goes off and I immediately magic burst with drain 3. Its important to have the JA's prepped ahead of time, because lag can easily kill your MB if you try to trigger JAs after the SC.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Lakshmi.Abaddon 2020-07-27 23:31:36
Thanks Guys. This was exactly what I was looking for. I pretty much figured that would be the best way after setting up this elaborate set of macros. And it not always turning out the way I wanted.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 286
By Asura.Aquatiq 2020-07-28 14:42:05
Now that you're self-9999ing you can enjoy the thrill of your omen party wrecking your sweetwater mobs mid-cast and not getting a single MB during a run
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-07-28 15:01:25
Now that you're self-9999ing you can enjoy the thrill of your omen party wrecking your sweetwater mobs mid-cast and not getting a single MB during a run
You have people all like
"Im helping!"
By eeternal 2020-07-28 17:49:17
Its been a while trying to get this.. almost 15-20 runs, I guess its time to drk and not worry about idle or magic evasion
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-07-28 17:50:19
Now that you're self-9999ing you can enjoy the thrill of your omen party wrecking your sweetwater mobs mid-cast and not getting a single MB during a run That or people doing it in dynamis lol. Its one of the reasons I can't get more than like 6k hp in namis because I can't make my own sc do to mob dying fast from me or someone who could mess sc up.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2020-07-28 18:51:28
ya.. i got like 2 sc's off last dynamis.. so annoying. lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-07-28 21:00:18
Keeping Drain3's HP bonus fulltime in Dynamis is a critical skill that, from my personal observations of other players, the average Dark Knight is bad at.
It's a fast paced environment, pulling large groups and tearing through them as fast as possible. I personally love playing Drk in Dynamis. It is not, however, a place where there is enough room to reliably MB drains. Mobs die fast, often getting oneshot in wave 1 and 2, party members will mess up SCs, sleepgas and stuns and any number of things can interrupt landing a Drain3 MB. So much so that the only time I actually aim for a Drain3 MB is when I'm opening darkness skill chains on the wave 1 boss, since we abuse Last Stand and Wildfire SC damage to burn that NM down.
I am not saying to give up on Drain3 in Dynamis, quite the opposite.
Here's a little Dynamis - Divergence primer:
Take the time to learn the states of eye modes per zone.
As a general rule, try to primarily target statues for Drain3 immediately after the tank pulls, before a Cor obliterates it. Its tricky, but doable. Red eyes and eyeless (Aurix) monsters have no darkness resistance either, so they are generally fine. Yagudo and Goblins are mostly fine to cast on, blue eyed Quadavs and Orcs will drain quite nicely. Green eyed Orcs and Quadavs, on the other hand, will take so little damage that you will think your drains are broken.
When there is any doubt about what color eyes you are fighting, which is common on messy pulls, try to drain a pet, wyvern, or non-Fenrir avatar. You're a Dark Knight, you can re-sleep it after you wake it up if you have to. In wave 3, Fomors are going to take comparatively less damage, so again try and drain their pets if you can. Obviously wave3 NMs are no joke, and even under ideal conditions your tank can die.
Drain3 is the difference between being a backup tank, and being a hole in the ground. Be the backup tank, not the hole.
Remember you can, and should be layering your defenses. Drain3 HP is one, remember we can keep Seigan/Third Eye up while still capping haste as well. DT gear is a must, if you don't have it you shouldn't be in wave3 in the first place. Stun and weapon bash can also potentially save your life, but that doesn't mean you should try to spam them. Keep Apocalypse handy, always be ready to grab it with a weapon swap if you need it. This is especially important if the tank goes down and you need to keep hate, because that 10% JA haste can matter big time when Last Resort is down. Catastrophe is a pretty obvious reason to R15 your Apoc, but when you tack on 269 skill, +75 accuracy, and the JA haste to offset Last Resort, Apocalypse is really competetive in wave3. I'm not saying to fulltime it, but that you should always be ready to whip it out on a moments notice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2020-07-29 01:30:19
I just free cast d3 cause #lazy. End up with 4-5k hp gets the job done let’s me focus on the important things like cross reaper spam till the 4-5k hp fails me when I get bopped by a hexa strike or some ***in the ws set and eat the floor and complain to the incompetent whm! Then I can afk for 3mins to make a sandwich.
By Fayona 2020-07-29 06:40:37
I just free cast d3 cause #lazy. End up with 4-5k hp gets the job done let’s me focus on the important things like cross reaper spam till the 4-5k hp fails me when I get bopped by a hexa strike or some ***in the ws set and eat the floor and complain to the incompetent whm! Then I can afk for 3mins to make a sandwich.
This hurts my soul. It cuts my life into pieces. Writing this is my last resort. Please cease and desist sir.
By levelxplane 2020-08-10 14:45:35
I found a lua in this thread and have modified it a bit. I figured out most of it, but what is the purpose of HighHaste? While I generally try to focus on Accuracy from the get go, I usually end up haste capped anyway, and even more so with the Apoc's Aftermath, so i'm not sure what "High Haste" is supposed to be relative to my TP AM and Non AM sets. I thought I could figure it out by looking at the logic that determines when to use it, but it left me even more confused.
It seems to be used when LR and some form haste from spells or songs are active.
I'm not too familiar with Lua with style guides, but the original lua had everything on one line and it was hard(er) to read.
if buffactive["Aftermath: Lv.3"] and equipSet["AM3"] then
if (buffactive["Last Resort"]
and ((buffactive.Haste and buffactive.March == 2)
or (buffactive.Embrava
and (buffactive.March == 2
or (buffactive.March and buffactive.Haste)
or (buffactive.March and buffactive['Mighty Guard'])
or (buffactive['Mighty Guard'] and buffactive.Haste)
or (buffactive[580]
and (buffactive.March
or buffactive.Haste or buffactive.Embrava
or buffactive['Mighty Guard']
and equipSet["HighHaste"]
) then
equipSet = equipSet["AM3_HighHaste"]
elseif Rancor == 'ON' then -- Default Rancor Toggle Is Rancorous Mantle --
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet["AM3"],sets.TP.Rancor)
else -- Use Rancor Toggle For Atheling Mantle --
equipSet = equipSet["AM3"]
if buffactive.Aftermath and equipSet["AM"] then
equipSet = equipSet["AM"]
if (buffactive["Last Resort"]
and ((buffactive.Haste and buffactive.March == 2)
or (buffactive.Embrava
and (buffactive.March == 2
or (buffactive.March and buffactive.Haste)
or (buffactive.March and buffactive['Mighty Guard'])
or (buffactive['Mighty Guard'] and buffactive.Haste)
or (buffactive[580]
and (buffactive.March
or buffactive.Haste
or buffactive.Embrava
or buffactive['Mighty Guard']
and equipSet["HighHaste"]
) then
equipSet = equipSet["HighHaste"]
this is what the actual set creation look likes. Code
-- Apocalypse(AM Down) TP Sets --
sets.TP.Apocalypse = set_combine(
{main="Apocalypse", ammo="Hasty Pinion +1", sub="Utu Grip"}
sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse, drk_gear.tp_high_acc)
sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighACC = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC,{})
-- Apocalypse(AM Up) TP Sets --
sets.TP.Apocalypse.AM = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse,{
ammo="Seeth. Bomblet +1",
waist="Sailfi Belt +1",
sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.AM = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.AM,{})
sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighACC.AM = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.AM,{})
-- Apocalypse(AM Down: High Haste) TP Sets --
sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse,{})
sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighHaste,{})
sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighACC.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.HighHaste,{})
-- Apocalypse(AM Up: High Haste) TP Sets --
sets.TP.Apocalypse.AM.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.AM,{})
sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.AM.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.AM.HighHaste,{})
sets.TP.Apocalypse.HighACC.AM.HighHaste = set_combine(sets.TP.Apocalypse.MidACC.AM.HighHaste,{})
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Tristonx 2020-08-10 15:15:57
Hey quick question, I have 2 interesting augments on Odyssean hands. I want to know which would pump out higher numbers on Torcleaver. Only reason I'm asking is because I have an Utu Grip and wondering if the 14 DEX is higher than the extra 2% WSDMG. 
By Aquatiq 2020-08-10 15:33:29
too close to call (not because of the DEX's value in the damage calc, but because of all the extra combined acc on the 7% piece), i'd probably use the 9% just because it looks sexier when /checked
but to have like +30 acc / +7% WSD in augments on your acc swap piece, you can't really ask for much more
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-08-10 15:36:14
It seems to be used when LR and some form haste from spells or songs are active. Yes, I will help you through the power of math.
also check out the wiki link: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Attack_Speed
here is an small part of it
Equipment haste has its own cap of 25% (256/1024).
Magic haste caps at 43.75% (448/1024).
Job abilities haste is the third and final category, and it also caps at 25% (256/1024).
you can see these go over the haste cap by 13.75%, so this means when we have them all maxed which is possible to do on drk, then we can shave from somewhere, since we have little control and 0 reason to remove magical haste and JA haste then this will normally happen in our gearsets, which is why you then have those high haste gearsets.
In practical application this use to mean swap out your haste belt for windbuffet, however with the addition of Odin gear this usually will be seen in using that now since it has great defensive stats and good dps but kills your gear haste, which is going to be ok for drk when you have your ja haste capped with magical haste capped.
Ragnarok.Tristonx said: »14 DEX is higher than the extra 2% WSDMG.
It is not, stick with the amazing 9 wsd aug you got for max dmg, use the other when acc becomes an issue (which is common for calad drks)
By levelxplane 2020-08-10 17:01:46
It seems to be used when LR and some form haste from spells or songs are active. Yes, I will help you through the power of math.
you can see these go over the haste cap by 13.75%, so this means when we have them all maxed which is possible to do on drk,
Ahh. Okay. I just assumed 93.75 was the most you could get. Didn't realize there was a global cap of 80%.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3373
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-08-10 17:14:24
too close to call (not because of the DEX's value in the damage calc, but because of all the extra combined acc on the 7% piece), i'd probably use the 9% just because it looks sexier when /checked
but to have like +30 acc / +7% WSD in augments on your acc swap piece, you can't really ask for much more
The 14 DEX when using Utu Grip has to come close to 1 point of WSDMG or slightly under it, so the difference between pure damage seems kind of insignificant imo.
Even if I'm over-estimating DEX's value, worse case scenario its a 1.5% WSDMG difference when all is said and done.
But, Id only use the heavy DEX hands if acc is an issue.
Have a standard set and a high acc set. Though I believe 1 hit WS have a an accuracy bonus that can give you some flexibility on gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-08-10 17:31:13
Ahh. Okay. I just assumed 93.75 was the most you could get. Didn't realize there was a global cap of 80%.
Thanks! Sadly yes, this was not always the case, an apoc drk back in the 75 days could hit the 93.75% haste level and it was so cool.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2020-08-10 18:16:02
too close to call (not because of the DEX's value in the damage calc, but because of all the extra combined acc on the 7% piece), i'd probably use the 9% just because it looks sexier when /checked
but to have like +30 acc / +7% WSD in augments on your acc swap piece, you can't really ask for much more
The 14 DEX when using Utu Grip has to come close to 1 point of WSDMG or slightly under it, so the difference between pure damage seems kind of insignificant imo.
Even if I'm over-estimating DEX's value, worse case scenario its a 1.5% WSDMG difference when all is said and done.
But, Id only use the heavy DEX hands if acc is an issue.
Have a standard set and a high acc set. Though I believe 1 hit WS have a an accuracy bonus that can give you some flexibility on gear. 14 dex is 1 or 2 base damage
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Lakshmi.Abaddon 2020-08-22 20:07:32
Where does Seething bomb +2 with augments stand vs Knobkierrie?
I also just finished my Sailfi +1 belt with augments. I’m pretty much full timing it for tp/WS for cross and cata. I’m on a unity kick. Working on lugra augments now.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Cerberus.Castien 2020-08-29 21:09:15
Hello can someone share a few possible ideas for more a mid tier player for a Ground Strike set? I have been more focusing on stacking WSD like torcleaver, not sure if this is the best way
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-08-29 21:46:10
Hello can someone share a few possible ideas for more a mid tier player for a Ground Strike set? I have been more focusing on stacking WSD like torcleaver, not sure if this is the best way
That is the best way, you can see the mods are str and int, so just go crazy on str/wsd augs on ody gear where applicable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Asura.Warusha 2020-08-30 09:48:44
Why is Ragnarok better than Nandaka for Resolution? I was using Resolution the other day in a fight where I couldn't skillchain, and I had to use Resolution to maximize the group's options. My damage sucked compared to just using savage blade. Any tips?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-08-30 11:22:56
Why is Ragnarok better than Nandaka for Resolution? I was using Resolution the other day in a fight where I couldn't skillchain, and I had to use Resolution to maximize the group's options. My damage sucked compared to just using savage blade. Any tips? Well they do two different stats and they have a weapon that boost savage blade where you dont have a weapon that boost Resolution. Base damage on nandaka is better also has 30 attack on it compared to Rag. Naegling also has a buff on it for attack % based on buff effects that with the 15% WSD for savage blade using that weapon is gonna push you back more and more. Also doesn't help that resolution even if SE says no feels like it got nerfed awhile back and the fact Naegling is broken in my eyes at this point. Resolution is also a merit which I assume you have 5/5 in so ya Long story short Savage is just gonna do more damage over resolution nothing you doing wrong.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-08-30 13:28:29
Why is Ragnarok better than Nandaka for Resolution? I was using Resolution the other day in a fight where I couldn't skillchain, and I had to use Resolution to maximize the group's options. My damage sucked compared to just using savage blade. Any tips?
Savage Blade is from a one handed weapon, meaning you likely single wielding and not at delay cap, -68.75% delay reduction to be precise. With 2H you would be at -80%. That is a 56%.25 reduction in attack speed. Things like Haste Samba can correct for this or some amount of dual wield.
As for damage, Ragnarok isn't the best GS for Resolution and hasn't been for a long time. It's low delay makes TP optimization difficult and there is nothing inherent about it that would boost total WS damage. Typically we recommend weapons like Montante +1 or augmented Zulfigar, Nandaka gets special mention if your not at attack cap due to it's special properties. Montante +1 has a good delay along with STP 11 and TA +5, means lots of fast WS's. Zulfigar augmented correctly can also hit really hard and get fast paced WS's. Once SE augments Montante +1 with Odyssea it'll just get better. Ragnarok, even at R15 (I was bored) isn't that great a weapon. It's all about crits and well those aren't that great without a crit WS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-08-30 16:41:50
I like Ragnarok, it gets a bad rap these days.
Is it the best Great Sword all the time?
Absolutely not.
But it isn't bad.
269 skill and 75 accuracy firmly cements it as the highest accuracy great sword anywhere. I had R15 Caladbolg before I even started Ragnarok, and I made Rag specifically for taking into Dyna wave3.
Is it inferior to other options 95% of the time? Yes it is. Is it worth spending hundreds of millions of gil to R15? That's subjective. I know that I'm glad I have mine and it does get use, but it is absolutely a low-priority item. For me at least, the extra bells and whistles on Rag are much less important than raw accuracy.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-30 17:49:24
As someone who thoroughly enjoys DRK and expanding my playing of it, but not as someone who considers it their "main", I always saw Rag as the RNG-equivalent to a Gandiva (sorry, easiest way for me to compare). Is it a great weapon at times? No doubt- but the times where it's truly at its best are very limited, and you'll never say "Man, I wish I had a Gandiva" before most other options.
I considered Ragnarok the same- there might be one or two times where I really think it would be nice to have, but they're so few and far between that I never miss it. I'm hoping I'll miss it even less when we see the Montante+1 augs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 147
By Asura.Haxetc 2020-08-30 18:02:44
I miss the days before resolution when you'd use scourge and let the crits go to town :(
By Taint 2020-08-30 18:41:53
I miss the days before resolution when you'd use scourge and let the crits go to town :(
I miss when white damage mattered and you had to calculate your best option.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-08-30 18:51:42
I miss the days before resolution when you'd use scourge and let the crits go to town :(
I miss when white damage mattered and you had to calculate your best option. Yea now monks swear they best dps because of white damage and weaponskills. Tbh If montante +1 gets the augments it could ***on everything but cala. Montante is already kinda nuts for what it is/was so i can't wait to see it.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-08-30 20:48:33
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »I miss the days before resolution when you'd use scourge and let the crits go to town :(
I miss when white damage mattered and you had to calculate your best option. Yea now monks swear they best dps because of white damage and weaponskills. Tbh If montante +1 gets the augments it could ***on everything but cala. Montante is already kinda nuts for what it is/was so i can't wait to see it.
I sure hope so as well- but prepping for "Magic Evasion +30".
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!