High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-20 18:42:33
By all means get them if you have the other 4 :D I know I will probably someday have them just due to card saturation if relic gear doesnt pop out soon haha, and it IS the best macc we get so its not terrible idea to get them, after the other 4.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-03-21 09:34:25
Yeah, I totally don't have those yet. I just get frustrated with the absolute randomness of the Yorium augments. I guess that pertains to any of the Skirmish gear. But that just how it goes. lol Looking for any excuse to not have to keep augmenting them.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-21 09:41:09
Its a small upgrade, and the stones are on the cheaper side for that augment (think leafdim ya? been awhile). Honestly though its one of the least impactful slotts, if you have deficiencies elsewhere fix those first imo.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-23 15:21:58
So I have been thinking over gear options we have now and I thinking in terms of max high acc sets that this comes as perfect as any. It would retain 38% DA and break 1300 base acc easily (actually 1335). That means 1450 with food, 1480 with hasso+endark, 1505 with AG rag/apoc on, and over 1705 with a decent amount of vorseals. Might come in handy when low man and dont have massive SV brd songs.
The set retains 33 stp, reason being that is a 5 hit for apoc, and 6 hit (only really need 27) for rag. You basically have a shitton of acc and lose 1 hit on your build plus a good chunk of multi attack.
ItemSet 350164
Tell me what you think or what I am overlooking. I realize there are a few higher acc swaps, but no reason to gain 2-3 acc if your losing yet another hit off xhit because in the end you would probably lose more dps than worth.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Lakshmi.Geneyus 2017-03-25 11:44:13
Can I get some screenshots of your stat menus on each WS? My resos and torcleavers both are severely underperforming and I'm just wondering how far behind I am on WS mods.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-25 13:14:13
I'll get some pics later for you sure, but its pretty strait forward if you look at front page :D my torc with calad runs +280~ vit and my reso +260~ str
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Lakshmi.Geneyus 2017-03-25 13:49:20
Thanks. Does that account for absorb spells? I'm a little over +200 on Torcleaver now, but wanted to get my sets in order before I decide to turn in all the crap for Caladbolg. It's a big investment for a job I basically will only use for Schah, so I want it to be worth it when I'm on it.
Edit: Nevermind, I read what you wrote more closely and just added it up myself. With perfect augs we'd be looking at +251 VIT not counting Calad for the sets you describe. Just in case anyone else was wondering and didn't feel like adding it up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-25 15:21:21
Honestly if your drk is for schah only, just get rag Ag, will be half the price, and will do very well on him since he can be more evasive. Calad does tear him a new one though haha.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 81
By Lakshmi.Geneyus 2017-03-25 15:27:39
Already got that in hand. Calad seems so strong that maybe I'll have to make an argument that I get to take it out on other stuff too.
The Liberator just for absorb bonus might have to wait, though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-04-14 05:27:36
So I put up on the first page my edited lua. I hasnt changed to much, but more than anything has been cleaned up and a few things here and there added. I by no means do alot with lua, and tbh I am quite lost on how to do a few things, maybe someone out there can help.
I have seen some luas that account for different weapons. I would like this lua to be able to do that also.
so for example I have a sets.engaged.Apoc set I am currently in, and if I toggle a weapons functions it will change to sets.engaged.Rag and then if I hit an accuracy up function it would then change to sets.engaged.Rag.Acc.... all at the same time swapping the weapons accordingly. Basically would be 2 independent toggle- 1 to control weapon, other to control accuracy.
I know this is simple to do, but I need to do this now as the current lua just cycle through rag/apoc sets manually which is a terrible way to do it when soon I will get 5 REAm for drk.... Thats over 20 toggle for base sets!!! ya... not happening or efficient so I need another way.
This lua is great though if you just have 2~ weapons on drk, more of a beginner lua in that respect.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2017-04-14 06:22:33
So I put up on the first page my edited lua. I hasnt changed to much, but more than anything has been cleaned up and a few things here and there added. I by no means do alot with lua, and tbh I am quite lost on how to do a few things, maybe someone out there can help.
I have seen some luas that account for different weapons. I would like this lua to be able to do that also.
so for example I have a sets.engaged.Apoc set I am currently in, and if I toggle a weapons functions it will change to sets.engaged.Rag and then if I hit an accuracy up function it would then change to sets.engaged.Rag.Acc.... all at the same time swapping the weapons accordingly. Basically would be 2 independent toggle- 1 to control weapon, other to control accuracy.
I know this is simple to do, but I need to do this now as the current lua just cycle through rag/apoc sets manually which is a terrible way to do it when soon I will get 5 REAm for drk.... Thats over 20 toggle for base sets!!! ya... not happening or efficient so I need another way.
This lua is great though if you just have 2~ weapons on drk, more of a beginner lua in that respect.
I forgot to send you my lua...
I haven't had time to update sets but i promised to pass you few weeks ago yet..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-04-14 16:02:51
Awesome lua! I was trying to combine what I like about mine with yours, and its just not working haha! I will probably be using yours soon though once I can clean up some code/old useless stuff and make it a little more user friendly. It works well so far, been testing it out slightly. Gearsets galore!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-04-27 16:20:07
I added gannos lua to the front page. Its a pretty advanced lua but I suggest any drk with multiple weapons to give it a try. I have just started editing it down for my uses, can see them HERE. Still a lot of thing missing that I need to add to his, but for now I am having fun seeing if I like it.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-05-02 02:53:04
Awesome lua! I was trying to combine what I like about mine with yours, and its just not working haha! I will probably be using yours soon though once I can clean up some code/old useless stuff and make it a little more user friendly. It works well so far, been testing it out slightly. Gearsets galore! I loved your lua Azagarth cuz for one I suck at them but I modified yours a little bit to my liking, still a few things I dont know how to do but im getting there--
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-02 04:01:48
does that really work with the weapons like that? If so i like that alot haha and would be very easy ti implement.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Bahamut.Ballzack 2017-05-02 04:34:05
It doesnt auto swap but if you manually change the weapons the yeah the appropriate sets will equip
Edit: Or should I say theres no toggle to auto swap weapons but im sure I could figure it out somehow? Lmao im just doing trial and error atm on things I want/like, whats driving me nuts is a STP toggle instead of a auto stp set, I dont know exactly how to do it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-10 13:51:27
So this is my thoughts on the new drk JSE set. Instead of posting on the other threads and derailing them, I will post my thoughts here. Take it or leave it. Overall the set seems lacking but has a few good uses for scythe users. While technically you would use the high wsd for torc, there just seems to be no point imo since the vit seems lower overall and thus will probably under perform. Not to mention NO ACC... which in my book immediately disqualifies them for any endgame activities (which this forum is addressed to). My comments below will reflect to scythe only, not GS. None should be used as normal tp gear (arguments for SE usage may be applicable).
Feet: This is the shining star to me so far, if the 20% duration boost applies like af+3 head, then we are easily breaking 5 min abs spells, and spikes/endark just go a lot nicer to keep up. As far as these go for WS, the NQ wont be worn over sulv+2, the HQ however do win, and give a bit more acc.
CONCLUSION: get NQ for sure, aim for HQ
Legs: Probably the 2nd best from the set. While Af+3 is probably better for CR still (2nd hit has no +100 bonus), on cata these are great! The stp 7 on NQ is nice to help you take off a little needed in tp set. Your looking at a good 2 stp 2 wsd gain over odys legs. HQ will probably be best for CR and cata.
CONCLUSION: get NQ for cata, HQ if got the gil
Hands:Fairly low acc on NQ, HQ is decent acc. If acc is not a concern the NQ will be a side grade to well augged odys, HQ win for cata/cr
CONCLUSION: NQ on CR, HQ great for CR and cata
Body: just get af+3 - its better. Now if you are far from getting it, thats ok, get the NQ body and hold over until you get af+3.
CONCLUSION: save your gil on HQ, nq until af+3
Head: NQ is great for cata and CR. Even with ody helm nearing perfect augs, the NQ is side grade territory already, and we are talking perfect augs on ody helm... good luck with that! The HQ just makes it even better.
CONCLUSION: get HQ for sure, save up for HQ
Overall: The set has some good uses for WS, but we arent seeing leaps and bounds over augged odys for the most part. The issue lies in this, while the set will do great for low and up to mid level sets. If your using the NQ set once you hit high end acc needs it will fail mostly. These scenarios arent to common, but I can see anguta/redemption and lib maybe experiencing issues (apoc less so).
In terms of which I would aim for first? Assuming you have af+2, working on +3 - ody gear with 75% max augs....
NQ - feet > legs > head > hands > body
HQ - feet > head > legs > hands > body
By Asura.Fiasko 2017-05-11 10:58:07
So I have been thinking over gear options we have now and I thinking in terms of max high acc sets that this comes as perfect as any. It would retain 38% DA and break 1300 base acc easily (actually 1335). That means 1450 with food, 1480 with hasso+endark, 1505 with AG rag/apoc on, and over 1705 with a decent amount of vorseals. Might come in handy when low man and dont have massive SV brd songs.
The set retains 33 stp, reason being that is a 5 hit for apoc, and 6 hit (only really need 27) for rag. You basically have a shitton of acc and lose 1 hit on your build plus a good chunk of multi attack.
ItemSet 350164
Tell me what you think or what I am overlooking. I realize there are a few higher acc swaps, but no reason to gain 2-3 acc if your losing yet another hit off xhit because in the end you would probably lose more dps than worth.
Emicho Haubert +1 would add 9Double Attack (5 off the body and 4 with the set bonus).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-11 11:12:32
Probably a wise choice to make if you have it :D
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Roughwind 2017-05-20 17:08:57
ItemSet 351389
Weapon: Redemption Afterglow
Back: STR+30 Wsdmg+10 Acc/Atck+20
Cross Reaper/Quietus NQ Su3 Set.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-25 13:28:34
In game and out I have got alot of Q's regarding scythe builds. By no means am I the best scythe user but my sets are updated on front page. I would be happy for any critique on changes, assume all gear is accessible except HQ-Ratri for the time being. What would you change? af+3 swaps, HQ abj gear, etc? Also what are scythe user's aiming for nowadays, 4hit or 5 hit? I think it will be nice to get some discussion so I know where to direct people for answers/ideas.
ItemSet 349518
assume odys hands have 10 str 5 wsd.
ItemSet 349519
This is also for Quietus.
On CR I notice nice dmg spikes with some DA, Has anyone tested a DA build?
Cool side note too, I was playing around with different stp gear today, and its actually possible to obtain a 2 hit, literally ws+1 hit. fully impractical, requires a perfect cor roll, best stp gear in the game in every slott, and the nice +25 stp food using anguta, buts its doable haha.
I have updated, and am still working on the front page too. I added spoilers so you dont have to scroll so much.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Ragnarok.Zaryun 2017-05-25 18:38:18
I haven't been using Scythe much lately either but not hard to tell those sets look legit. The CR set is probably going to shine more 200~300 tp while a more DA focused set would probably beat it for 100~199 but you'll see good numbers either way.
Cool side note too, I was playing around with different stp gear today, and its actually possible to obtain a 2 hit, literally ws+1 hit. fully impractical, requires a perfect cor roll, best stp gear in the game in every slott, and the nice +25 stp food using anguta, buts its doable haha.
I have updated, and am still working on the front page too. I added spoilers so you dont have to scroll so much.
Very nice. Anguta is probably a week or two away for me and can't wait to test it out, like Calad it has massive potential.
Just wanted to add that this is a great thread and many thanks for all the time/effort you've put into it. I'll get around to posting some dread spikes/endark/drain 3 sets just for the sake of variety and comparison in the near future. I use a bit more of FC/quick magic in spikes/endark to ensure they stay up as much as possible without sacrificing as much dps/chance to be interrupted in and between fighting mobs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-25 22:20:11
Hey thanks! Yes its a lot of work tbh, I have spent way to many hours on it haha. I like having it though as guide because it has helped so many mid ranged drks push it to the next lv.
What it REALLY NEEDS is more user submitted luas. I would like to link more so that users can have a variety of luas to choose from. Dozens have used mine, which is okay, but I know there are many better out there. I am actually slowly converting to Ganno's as my drk becomes more complex. Though I cant figure out how to write a few must-have-rules like mine has (doom, bing most important).
What the guide is in desperate need of, and I would love to have someone work on this as a contribution to the drk would is...... a SPREADSHEET! Please if anyone has good excel knowledge or is holding off on us with one, please let me know. I need to link it on the front page, its something the drk community is greatly missing.
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-05-25 22:24:33
On CR I notice nice dmg spikes with some DA, Has anyone tested a DA build? It has the opportunity to MA twice, so you could see some decent spikes when lucky. WSDMG is still the way to go for a far better average.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2017-05-26 12:51:37
Was updating my sheets a bit ago. Stopped before Ambu +2 and SU3 came out. I also haven't put the Calad AM3 Triple in yet. Maybe if I have some time this weekend I can work on it. Of course, I always worry because mine is no where close to Braden's gorgeous DRG one...and is very custom to me lol. (in terms of the Ody/Val).
Edit: Also, good to see this thread and the main one going smoothly.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-26 12:59:34
if you get even a semi-workable sheet done post it, its better than nothing and maybe will allow someone else to finish it up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-26 13:03:52
I haven't been using Scythe much lately either but not hard to tell those sets look legit. The CR set is probably going to shine more 200~300 tp while a more DA focused set would probably beat it for 100~199 but you'll see good numbers either way.
CR always favors WSD even at 1000TP. It's two hits with a 2.0 / 1.0 split at 1000TP, but nobody here should have 1K WSTP as moonshade exists. At 1250 WSTP you have a 2.5 / 1.0 split where the first hit is 150% stronger then the second or any additional hits. CR doesn't get interesting until you try it with an Anguta and that's where it gets really strong. 3.5 / 1.0 at 1750 WSTP. Fotia makes first hit even more relevant for +WSD. The newer SU gear helps relieve some of the issues with gearing around Scythe WS's though they are still behind either of the power Great Sword WS's.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Ragnarok.Zaryun 2017-05-27 07:32:54
I haven't been using Scythe much lately either but not hard to tell those sets look legit. The CR set is probably going to shine more 200~300 tp while a more DA focused set would probably beat it for 100~199 but you'll see good numbers either way.
CR always favors WSD even at 1000TP. It's two hits with a 2.0 / 1.0 split at 1000TP, but nobody here should have 1K WSTP as moonshade exists. At 1250 WSTP you have a 2.5 / 1.0 split where the first hit is 150% stronger then the second or any additional hits. CR doesn't get interesting until you try it with an Anguta and that's where it gets really strong. 3.5 / 1.0 at 1750 WSTP. Fotia makes first hit even more relevant for +WSD. The newer SU gear helps relieve some of the issues with gearing around Scythe WS's though they are still behind either of the power Great Sword WS's.
Cheers. I'll have to test once Anguta arrives, I'd been using pretty much a reso set and always managed good numbers with CR at lower TP. I don't really get too anal about factoring moonshade into everything, if you have one you should be able to do that math yourself, I think. Agree with your last line and I can't realistically see SE doing much more to buff scythe other than these sort of gear updates but we'll wait and see.
By Asura.Byrne 2017-05-27 09:36:53
I haven't been using Scythe much lately either but not hard to tell those sets look legit. The CR set is probably going to shine more 200~300 tp while a more DA focused set would probably beat it for 100~199 but you'll see good numbers either way.
CR always favors WSD even at 1000TP. It's two hits with a 2.0 / 1.0 split at 1000TP, but nobody here should have 1K WSTP as moonshade exists. At 1250 WSTP you have a 2.5 / 1.0 split where the first hit is 150% stronger then the second or any additional hits. CR doesn't get interesting until you try it with an Anguta and that's where it gets really strong. 3.5 / 1.0 at 1750 WSTP. Fotia makes first hit even more relevant for +WSD. The newer SU gear helps relieve some of the issues with gearing around Scythe WS's though they are still behind either of the power Great Sword WS's.
I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but to clarify, Fotia in this instance fits into a niche, at the 1000 ƒTP mod, the 0.2 ƒTP offered by Fotia is relatively attractive, especially when paired with the 2% chance to not use TP and the added accuracy. However, if you're using anguta and moonshade, you'll likely want to swap Fotia out for something else at 1250 WSTP, as the ƒTP mod jumps to 4.0 at 2000TP and ƒTP only counts on the first hit anyway, as unlike Reso and CDC, the ƒTP mod doesn't transfer across all hits (and typically doesn't on WS where the ƒTP changes with WSTP value); meaning the damage bonus you get from Fotia gets cut in half. Given that Cross Reaper is STR/MND based just like Savage blade is, in these instances when TP is over 1250 with anguta/moonshade, or otherwise over 1750 with only moonshade, the best neck/belt option likely switches to being Caro Necklace and Prosilio Belt +1.
Side note: at 3000TP (2250 WSTP w/ Anguta/MS) that ƒTP jumps again from 4.0 to 7.0, so at the very least you shouldn't be using Fotia at 2250/2750+
To be a little more specific for anyone that isn't familiar with why, which I'm sure most of you are, so I'm not trying to patronize but:
Fotia is not Weaponskill damage +10% as the item indicates on it's help text, it is actually +25/256ƒTP or +0.0976ƒTP (~0.1ƒTP) which on weaponskills that already have high ƒTP mods is less, and in some instances far less than the purported "+10% WSD"
For the layman:
(ƒTP is the number by which your weapon's base damage is multiplied by at the beginning of a weaponskill calculation)
Another tip for anyone that is interested, if you're pretty good with editing luas, it's not very difficult to edit your TParty addon to change through multiple colors depending on your TP. For instance, mine turns light blue at 1000TP, Green at 1250TP, yellow at 2250TP, and red at 3000TP (for aftermath). It may seem like a small quality of life change, but it's really helpful for any build you have that rely on 2000 effective TP ƒTP/WSD builds.
Sorry for the length of the message, I would have liked to have put some of this in spoilers, but it seems to be bugged.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-27 12:47:41
I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but to clarify, Fotia in this instance fits into a niche, at the 1000 ƒTP mod, the 0.2 ƒTP offered by Fotia is relatively attractive, especially when paired with the 2% chance to not use TP and the added accuracy.
I didn't mention Fotia anywhere in that, merely pointing out that "Holding TP" is a very bad idea along with using a Multi-Attack instead of a WSD set on CR.
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!