High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
By Felgarr 2020-06-16 02:22:05
Yup, just went back and edited it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-16 06:27:24
Wouldn't the latest BiS set have Liberator, Khonsu and Ullr instead? (I'm assuming it's OK to lose TP if I want the most potent Absorb possible, with the best chance of landing).
Thoughts? Yes you are right. However if this is accurate (https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Category:Absorb_Spell) then skill does nothing past the macc it gives, making the belt needing to be updated also. Possibly other spots too. Also means Mani is not BiS.
I would not recommend using abs midfight though, unless say the mob has used PD or Invincible. You will just lose to much dps. I have also found in those situations is when I will reapply endark2, dreadspikes, hasso, use med, another ja prob, and maybe if time allows finish off with an abs tp. By this point I am probably ending the time I can actually do stuff...
However even with all that said if we are casting on real mobs, with noteable meva, then we would also want to get rid of the hands for macc, we also would want to add if macc isnt a concern some Onyx gear.
I actually have all this done in my personal lua with a toggle to let me change between normal use, duration, potency, macc.... however this is so very uncommon and I have no idea how to transmitt this in one box with a few lines under it. I really want to stray from huge explanations on the first page itself as text scares people away.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-16 06:46:45
Also hate to double post but while we are on the first pages sets.... It is becomming hard for me to justify casting in Ratri Feet normally for Drain3, and SU5 will have the same reason (though I dont have it). When we cast in that set over the tp sets its easily 600 hp over, meaning you will be something like 2100/2700 aprox~ (potentially lower depending your FC sets hp, making the difference even worse, also a good reason to add some hp to waist slott in FC set)
The issue lies in that when drain lands, say 2500, will actually only be giving a buff of 1900, which is a VERY HUGE difference. It may be worth even going as far as to fit items into our drain sets that purposefully lower hp. For example Mephitas rings are -210 hp, would evanessence/archon actually do better than this? I will have to test for sure but gut feeling says no. Other items like tipha sting, and various hp down earring will grants another 100+.
When I start to look at these slotts they are generally the weakest for the actual drain itself and now we are talking a difference of 900-1k hp easily of true hp increase.
I have a near perfect drain set as I have listed on the first page, and I normally am getting 2k-3.5k depending on event and mob. I would say 2500 is avg if not bursted which every drk knows in group content is rare to be able to do. For someone like me with a top end set thats a possible 33%-50% gain in practical application.
None of this applies if your are bursting to capped hp.
I know for myself this has prompted yet another toggle for me.... getting to be tedious though with so many toggles haha. And again how to you convey this through a small post...
Also before people go crazy, your still at 4:31 sec on drain3. WHen you factor in the actual time to trigger Jas, and cast the drain your probably closer to like 4:50 sec of total used time, meaning your going to only have a few seconds of non capped HP, for a trade of 30%+ potency which in my mind is very fair. It will be a 0 sec diff also if you play anything like I do and pop your Jas preemptively while running as oftentime the timer will have gone down from 5 mins to near 4 anyhow, meaning you can maintain theoretically for 9:31 sec of 10 mins, and most events that are over 10 mins will have running time anyhow meaning you can probably keep HP up anyhow in full actual "fighting" time.
By Taint 2020-06-16 11:45:17
Ratri feet are for the duration.
Less casting equals more DPS.
By Felgarr 2020-06-16 12:15:44
Wouldn't the latest BiS set have Liberator, Khonsu and Ullr instead? (I'm assuming it's OK to lose TP if I want the most potent Absorb possible, with the best chance of landing).
Thoughts? Yes you are right. However if this is accurate (https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Category:Absorb_Spell) then skill does nothing past the macc it gives, making the belt needing to be updated also. Possibly other spots too. Also means Mani is not BiS.
I would not recommend using abs midfight though, unless say the mob has used PD or Invincible. You will just lose to much dps. I have also found in those situations is when I will reapply endark2, dreadspikes, hasso, use med, another ja prob, and maybe if time allows finish off with an abs tp. By this point I am probably ending the time I can actually do stuff...
However even with all that said if we are casting on real mobs, with noteable meva, then we would also want to get rid of the hands for macc, we also would want to add if macc isnt a concern some Onyx gear.
I actually have all this done in my personal lua with a toggle to let me change between normal use, duration, potency, macc.... however this is so very uncommon and I have no idea how to transmitt this in one box with a few lines under it. I really want to stray from huge explanations on the first page itself as text scares people away.
Yes that's fine, I totally understand. What updates to my set would you make? What changes to the belt, exactly?
Do you mind sharing your max accuracy and max potency Absorb sets? (Again, I care about BiS for the purposes of theory crafting and trying to successfully debuff the toughest mobs, so sometimes, I am OK with losing TP for a weapon swap. I have a toggle for this too btw).
Anyway, could you please share your max accuracy and max potency absorb sets? (I don't care personally if the first page gets updated; However, for posterity, having these 2 sets written down somewhere, seems like a good thing to have).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-16 15:50:11
Ratri feet are for the duration.
Less casting equals more DPS. Yes I understand this. However the duration was always a plus because the fact you can ride it full time. Let me explain.
If I fight is under 4:31 then its the same, this means all zerg fights basically, at which point that extra 900+ hp will give you better protection and performance (Apoc and souleater). This could truly mean better dps as you could also lighten your defensive builds too since you got more hp to work with.
If a fight is longer 5-10 mins and there is time to pre buff (say soloing an Omen boss, low man a Helm, not sure what single fight past these could honestly be over 10 mins at this point), then you would have to recast Drain3 at some point anyhow, which means there is no DPs difference, also in this scenario you also can use the ja 30 sec before the fight, and thus have them ready immediately when it is wearing, meaning that any fight can have HP Boost for a total of 9:02 sec. I am not sure about you but 9:02 is plenty for me on anything I do in this game.
If the event is Omen, then you will probably start the floor with jas and have that 60 sec timer depleting the 29 sec difference to maintain fulltime anyhow and 4:31 sec is enough to clear first 2 floors, then on 3rd floor your probably casting it on a Omen mid boss/bunnies, and as the scenario above really your first 9:02 sec will have Hp Boost and by the time that you hit main boss it will be ready for a fresh recast.
In the event of the most 'difficult' event, Dyna D, your also running so much I think it wont matter in realistic terms. I also would wager than having a 900hp+ extra buffer for nins is a net positive and then only time having that 29 sec extra HP boost would matter is if it feel off during a nin you messed up on and let explode, or you for some reason are tanking multiple mobs. Your wave 1 and 2 bosses are short fights and fall into zerg catergory above, and w3 boss could be the only argument for that extra 29 sec. Realistically you will probably be pre buffing anyhow and thus can have HP boost the first 9:02 sec anyhow.
just my thoughts, for me and my playstyle its becoming very obvious I would rather get a 30%+ boost to my actual HP drained. We are not talking about some small amount. This amount of HP is a huge relief for healers, great benefit for dps to apoc users, safety guard against not dying (no dps from dead dd) and safer dread spikes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-16 15:56:06
Do you mind sharing your max accuracy and max potency Absorb sets?
I havent touched them in awhile and not all gear reflects what we have talked about or is BiS, but here is my Lua snippet which should be a good enough guide.
-- Absorb Set --
sets.Midcast.Absorb = {
ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum",
head="Ignominy Burgonet +3",
body="Carmine Scale Mail +1",
legs="Fallen's Flanchard +3",
feet="Ratri Sollerets +1",
neck="Erra Pendant",
waist="Casso Sash",
ear1="Mani Earring",
ear2="Malignance Earring",
ring2="Kishar Ring",
ring1="Stikini Ring +1",
hands="Pavor Gauntlets",
back="Chuparrosa Mantle",}
sets.Midcast.Absorb.Resist = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Absorb,{
head="Carmine Mask +1",
hands="Fallen's Finger Gauntlets +3",
ring2="Stikini Ring",
waist="Eschan Stone",
feet="Ignominy Sollerets +3",
sets.Midcast.Absorb.Duration = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Absorb,{hands="Onyx Gadlings", legs="Black Cuisses"})
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 3371
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-06-16 15:58:59
Oh cool. I forgot Pavor Gauntlets are a thing
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 257
By Asura.Mims 2020-06-16 17:59:10
Okay, here are some modernized Liberator sets.
These sets assume the user is /Sam and is using a single hit WS.
The reason for assuming a single hit WS is so that they can function optimally in a variety of settings, including when you aren't just spamming Insurgency.
The store TP target for this is +70 from gear, and an additional +15 from /Sam, which makes for a fault-tolerant WS + 3 hit build without Samurai Roll, and can become a WS + 2 hit build with a decent Samurai Roll.
I am using this as my baseline Insurgency set ItemSet 373840
This has 17 store TP in gear, changing the store TP value will change the store TP target for the TP set.
This Insurgency set should be over 1200 accuracy and can go higher, fine tune accuracy by adjusting the augment on the cape. The Ankou's Mantle should have WSD +10%, but the Accuracy, STR, and potentially DEX augments on it are up to you as needed.
ItemSet 373839
This is a high-end, but still starter AM3 TP set.
It has 25% haste, and with augments should be over 1200 accuracy, it is meant to be used with the Insurgency set above.
Also it mixes in some DT and crit gear.
The cape should be Accuracy 30 Dex 20 Store TP 10
For the Odyssean Cuisses, aim for 30+ accuracy and 3 store TP at a minimum. You may want to use Pellucid stones over Fern for this.
For the Valorous Greaves, aim for 30+ accuracy and a critical hit modifier, either rate or damage. Again, you may want to use Pellucid stones over Fern for this.
ItemSet 373841
This is an example of a high-accuracy AM3 set.
It has 26% haste, and at least 1290 accuracy.
The cape should be Accuracy 30 Dex 20 Store TP 10
The Gloves should be path B.
Obviously this set should be used with a higher accuracy Insurgency set.
I want to emphasize that these examples are starting points, and you should mix and match your own gear as needed.
By sefalon 2020-06-16 18:47:51
IS the LUA on the front page a good one? anyone have a link to 1 that is easy to use?
By Felgarr 2020-06-16 18:56:52
Do you mind sharing your max accuracy and max potency Absorb sets?
I havent touched them in awhile and not all gear reflects what we have talked about or is BiS, but here is my Lua snippet which should be a good enough guide.
-- Absorb Set --
sets.Midcast.Absorb = {
ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum",
head="Ignominy Burgonet +3",
body="Carmine Scale Mail +1",
legs="Fallen's Flanchard +3",
feet="Ratri Sollerets +1",
neck="Erra Pendant",
waist="Casso Sash",
ear1="Mani Earring",
ear2="Malignance Earring",
ring2="Kishar Ring",
ring1="Stikini Ring +1",
hands="Pavor Gauntlets",
back="Chuparrosa Mantle",}
sets.Midcast.Absorb.Resist = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Absorb,{
head="Carmine Mask +1",
hands="Fallen's Finger Gauntlets +3",
ring2="Stikini Ring",
waist="Eschan Stone",
feet="Ignominy Sollerets +3",
sets.Midcast.Absorb.Duration = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Absorb,{hands="Onyx Gadlings", legs="Black Cuisses"})
Ok so you use Casso Sash too ...and Mani Earring too? Then what was the point of your post? What should I change from the "BiS" set I posted? ...I guess Onyx and Pavor ....but you specifically said waist, though.
Also, specifically when using Liberator (+50% Absorb potency), it just doesn't stack with other Absorb Potency items, like Pavor Gauntlets...so ???
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-16 23:37:22
I am but its not Bis and I will be changing it too
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 140
By Sylph.Seidell 2020-06-17 00:16:34
My first attempt at a DT hybrid set. Please let me know how I can improve!
ItemSet 373669
Mantle: DEX +20, acc/att +20, DA +10%, Damage -5%
By Pilipinoboi 2020-06-17 03:16:03
My first attempt at a DT hybrid set. Please let me know how I can improve!
ItemSet 373669
Mantle: DEX +20, acc/att +20, DA +10%, Damage -5%
Not a bad start, majority of your pieces would stay in place but easy swaps to start with would be;
Ginsen on Ammo or NQ Aurgelmir
Cessance Over Brutal
Moonlight/beam ring over Niqmaddu & eventually Defending. (2x HQ)
Other than that, working with what you have, it's a good start.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 140
By Sylph.Seidell 2020-06-17 03:23:14
My first attempt at a DT hybrid set. Please let me know how I can improve!
ItemSet 373669
Mantle: DEX +20, acc/att +20, DA +10%, Damage -5%
Not a bad start, majority of your pieces would stay in place but easy swaps to start with would be;
Ginsen on Ammo or NQ Aurgelmir
Cessance Over Brutal
Moonlight/beam ring over Niqmaddu & eventually Defending. (2x HQ)
Other than that, working with what you have, it's a good start.
Very cool, ty!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 252
By Asura.Friedrik 2020-06-17 05:34:02
Also, specifically when using Liberator (+50% Absorb potency), it just doesn't stack with other Absorb Potency items, like Pavor Gauntlets...so ???
Absorb-STR with Liberator and all the other ***minus Pavor Gauntlets: 37 STR
With Pavor Gauntlets added back in: 41 STR
By SimonSes 2020-06-17 07:48:06
Ratri feet are for the duration.
Less casting equals more DPS. Yes I understand this. However the duration was always a plus because the fact you can ride it full time. Let me explain.
If I fight is under 4:31 then its the same, this means all zerg fights basically, at which point that extra 900+ hp will give you better protection and performance (Apoc and souleater). This could truly mean better dps as you could also lighten your defensive builds too since you got more hp to work with.
If a fight is longer 5-10 mins and there is time to pre buff (say soloing an Omen boss, low man a Helm, not sure what single fight past these could honestly be over 10 mins at this point), then you would have to recast Drain3 at some point anyhow, which means there is no DPs difference, also in this scenario you also can use the ja 30 sec before the fight, and thus have them ready immediately when it is wearing, meaning that any fight can have HP Boost for a total of 9:02 sec. I am not sure about you but 9:02 is plenty for me on anything I do in this game.
If the event is Omen, then you will probably start the floor with jas and have that 60 sec timer depleting the 29 sec difference to maintain fulltime anyhow and 4:31 sec is enough to clear first 2 floors, then on 3rd floor your probably casting it on a Omen mid boss/bunnies, and as the scenario above really your first 9:02 sec will have Hp Boost and by the time that you hit main boss it will be ready for a fresh recast.
In the event of the most 'difficult' event, Dyna D, your also running so much I think it wont matter in realistic terms. I also would wager than having a 900hp+ extra buffer for nins is a net positive and then only time having that 29 sec extra HP boost would matter is if it feel off during a nin you messed up on and let explode, or you for some reason are tanking multiple mobs. Your wave 1 and 2 bosses are short fights and fall into zerg catergory above, and w3 boss could be the only argument for that extra 29 sec. Realistically you will probably be pre buffing anyhow and thus can have HP boost the first 9:02 sec anyhow.
just my thoughts, for me and my playstyle its becoming very obvious I would rather get a 30%+ boost to my actual HP drained. We are not talking about some small amount. This amount of HP is a huge relief for healers, great benefit for dps to apoc users, safety guard against not dying (no dps from dead dd) and safer dread spikes.
Why not simply lock your feet to ratri, do Catastrophe, then cast drain 3? All you gonna lose is some fast cast on feet, but you will have both potency and duration. You can also just lock feet and ask someone to cure 3 you instead of using catastrophe (in case you use Liberator for example and dont want to lose am3). I dont think its that hard to set up cure3 every 5min+
Also my drains are doing more like 4k avg (with 20% drain scythe) and sometimes spikes to 4500 or more (outside dynamis), so even that HP lost from Ratri isnt doing much for genereal survivability.
By Felgarr 2020-06-17 09:57:51
Also, specifically when using Liberator (+50% Absorb potency), it just doesn't stack with other Absorb Potency items, like Pavor Gauntlets...so ???
Absorb-STR with Liberator and all the other ***minus Pavor Gauntlets: 37 STR
With Pavor Gauntlets added back in: 41 STR
OK What gives? So Pavor Gauntlets DOES stack with Liberator?
Before I came to this thread, I didn't know Pavor Gauntlets existed, so I was using Fallen Gauntlets+3 (which have MagicAcc+38 and Dark Magic Skill+18, and yes, I know this does nothing for Absorb potency).
Also, I have to conclude that there is no better waist than Casso Sash for Absorb spells, despite what Azagarth mentioned earlier...
OK so ...looks like I might as well just put Pavor Gauntlets in my Absorb set then...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Asura.Gesetz 2020-06-17 10:14:54
Also, I have to conclude that there is no better waist than Casso Sash for Absorb spells, despite what Azagarth mentioned earlier...
Eschan Stone is better than Casso by 2 m.acc.
By SimonSes 2020-06-17 10:46:24
Also, specifically when using Liberator (+50% Absorb potency), it just doesn't stack with other Absorb Potency items, like Pavor Gauntlets...so ???
Absorb-STR with Liberator and all the other ***minus Pavor Gauntlets: 37 STR
With Pavor Gauntlets added back in: 41 STR
Also, I have to conclude that there is no better waist than Casso Sash for Absorb spells, despite what Azagarth mentioned earlier...
Man you are very passive aggressive. I noticed this in your post about free floors in Nyzul. Actually there you were just aggressive, but you at least had very poor arguments for it.
Now you have none. It takes 10 sec to type magic accuracy in Power Search and check boxes with DRK and waist and find Eschan Stone being better belt.
By Felgarr 2020-06-17 21:07:12
Also, specifically when using Liberator (+50% Absorb potency), it just doesn't stack with other Absorb Potency items, like Pavor Gauntlets...so ???
Absorb-STR with Liberator and all the other ***minus Pavor Gauntlets: 37 STR
With Pavor Gauntlets added back in: 41 STR
Also, I have to conclude that there is no better waist than Casso Sash for Absorb spells, despite what Azagarth mentioned earlier...
Man you are very passive aggressive. I noticed this in your post about free floors in Nyzul. Actually there you were just aggressive, but you at least had very poor arguments for it.
Now you have none. It takes 10 sec to type magic accuracy in Power Search and check boxes with DRK and waist and find Eschan Stone being better belt.
The Nyzule thread was just theater.
Also, no passive-aggressive-ness intended, honestly. On page 26-27, I showed two sets for Absorb with Casso Sash in both and Azagarth replied with "waist" slot, a few times. I actually did a power search for DRK, Waist abd "Dark Magic skill" ....I didn't know he was referencing to magic accuracy. I just drew the wrong conclusion without enough information and I asked repeatedly for more info and didn't get it.
From a player perspective, it really sucks that so many slots have Dark Magic Skill and Magic Accuracy interchangeable? I guess I don't need Mani Earring then right? I guess I can just use Dignitary and Malignance Earring (it wasn't stated explicitly but I'm assuming 1 Dark Magic Skill = 1 Magic accuracy?)
Edit: my mistake (according to BG Wiki, Dark Magic skill is both Magic accuracy and duration: See here )
By Asura.Veikur 2020-06-17 21:16:34
Depends on the spell in question. Dark Magic Skill can increase the effectiveness of a skill beyond ensuring it lands.
In which case, DMS is better than MACC on a point by point basis.
By Felgarr 2020-06-17 21:20:26
Depends on the spell in question. Dark Magic Skill can increase the effectiveness of a skill beyond ensuring it lands.
In which case, DMS is better than MACC on a point by point basis.
Yup, depends on the spell. (For me, it was about Absorb spells specifically)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-17 23:28:51
Felgarr just a heads up I have eschan stone in the spoiler if you would check again, I havent touched abs set in a long long time. There must have been a reason I went skill over strait macc, it could be a duration thing, I will verify tonight if that was my 3 yr ago train of mind. Hopeing dark skill really does increase duration as I recall it didnt and thats why the Onyx gear was chosen and I know for a fact I tested that yrs ago vs other stuff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-18 00:58:56
Ok glad we got to talking about this and yes dark skill effects duration, this is what I just tested;
6:18 @ 578 skill (dark earring + casso + mani + relic+3 hands)
6:10 @ 560 skill (dark earring + casso + mani)
6:05 @ 550 skill (dark earring + casso)
6:04 @ 545 skill (dark earring)
6:02 @ 542 skill (no earrings, waist, hands, everything else main page)
so that extra 36 skill produced an extra 16 seconds, and thus you would want max dark skill in your set if your not worried about resists. Tiers are not 100% clear to me sadly, I based this all off of time stamps too. I would assume its because we got duration gear and the equation modified that at some point, which I am to lazy to go figure out, this is good enough testing for me.
I wish I could find my old testing on Onyx gear, but if you look at ffxiah and bgwiki you get 10 or 11 seconds (range of 21~ dark skill), I remember being dissapointed that HQ didnt seem to give any duration benefit over NQ, so I assume 10 sec still and dont really feel like taking the time to test that right now, maybe a later date unless someone wants to test it. This would make body/hands/legs probably BiS for duration, but gl landing them at that point.
We now also have the decision is the 3-4~ stats worth the loss off macc and duration? I suggest having a toggle for this like I have posted above if it is important to you. If not I personally would just use relic+3 fror inv space issues. For the sake of the guide I will leave Pavor there, however I personally will be using relic+3 at this point since I want to recoupe the inv spot.
By Felgarr 2020-06-18 03:42:29
Ok glad we got to talking about this and yes dark skill effects duration, this is what I just tested;
6:18 @ 578 skill (dark earring + casso + mani + relic+3 hands)
6:10 @ 560 skill (dark earring + casso + mani)
6:05 @ 550 skill (dark earring + casso)
6:04 @ 545 skill (dark earring)
6:02 @ 542 skill (no earrings, waist, hands, everything else main page)
so that extra 36 skill produced an extra 16 seconds, and thus you would want max dark skill in your set if your not worried about resists. Tiers are not 100% clear to me sadly, I based this all off of time stamps too. I would assume its because we got duration gear and the equation modified that at some point, which I am to lazy to go figure out, this is good enough testing for me.
I wish I could find my old testing on Onyx gear, but if you look at ffxiah and bgwiki you get 10 or 11 seconds (range of 21~ dark skill), I remember being dissapointed that HQ didnt seem to give any duration benefit over NQ, so I assume 10 sec still and dont really feel like taking the time to test that right now, maybe a later date unless someone wants to test it. This would make body/hands/legs probably BiS for duration, but gl landing them at that point.
We now also have the decision is the 3-4~ stats worth the loss off macc and duration? I suggest having a toggle for this like I have posted above if it is important to you. If not I personally would just use relic+3 fror inv space issues. For the sake of the guide I will leave Pavor there, however I personally will be using relic+3 at this point since I want to recoupe the inv spot.
Thank you sir. I appreciate the insight. I'll do the same, given inventory space
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-18 04:27:14
I am still working on the BiS drain setup too, this is my current set I view at BiS for previous reasons given; The legs/body/feet/grip/ear? I would like to find something to replace with similar macc, but set to include needs -100hp more then it will be at your fc set Hp basically which is the goal. Any ideas? Also if you dont have SU5 like I would say the majority dont, then this already is Bis since you dont have to compenstate for the hp gain it gives.
ItemSet 349380
By SimonSes 2020-06-18 06:44:53
I am still working on the BiS drain setup too, this is my current set I view at BiS for previous reasons given; The legs/body/feet/grip/ear? I would like to find something to replace with similar macc, but set to include needs -100hp more then it will be at your fc set Hp basically which is the goal. Any ideas? Also if you dont have SU5 like I would say the majority dont, then this already is Bis since you dont have to compenstate for the hp gain it gives.
ItemSet 349380
Have you totally missed or ignored my answer to your previous post about drain? XD
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2020-06-18 07:06:27
about locking the feet? That isnt really an ideal way to build a set... we will have a difference of opinion on that, sorry. I understand what you are after but having to hold a whm whos not yourself to cure you so you can drain is going way above and beyond and with how terrible playing whm is last thing I would want is to burden them more.
Now if you have your own mule whm or w/e then I can see it making sense, but that would be specific to that person and not really what a guide is intended for.
I cannot express every situation in a gear set, it need to be strait forward. Aka best drain set when your just casting drain, not with pre reqs like whm cure, or locking certain pieces etc. AAs far as getting the highest HP increase out of your drain it requires the set I posted, plus I am trying to find a way to lower hp 100 more to rule in SU5 since that technically is BiS even though I think 99% of drks will probably just use misanthropy and then it would mean no need for 100 hp less.
Hope that calrifies but I like your out of the box thinking! If your way works, hey do it!
By SimonSes 2020-06-18 07:44:26
about locking the feet? That isnt really an ideal way to build a set... we will have a difference of opinion on that, sorry. I understand what you are after but having to hold a whm whos not yourself to cure you so you can drain is going way above and beyond and with how terrible playing whm is last thing I would want is to burden them more.
They will make one cure III, so you can get like 6k HP, which will take away a LOT of burden from them for next 5min. I dont think any WHM would make problem out of it. Not to mention you can do it yourself with Catastrophe, since I see you changing weapon anyway for drain.
You was also specifically defending your idea of less than 5 minute Drain with argument that there is plenty of time between fights, so in reality you wont be without drained HP a lot in actual fight. The same apply for WHM giving you cure III. If there is plenty of time between fights, then WHM shouldnt have problem to throw you cure 3 then.
Lastly you said 2.5k drains? Is that without Nether Void? Because it seems really low. You are missing very potent piece in that set, which is Orpheus's Sash, but I dont think that would be enough to explain why I do like 3.5k-4.5 Drains and I even has 10% less Drain potency (dont have weapon and im 0/12 on earring with TH9+)
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!