High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Phaded 2017-03-05 19:29:49
I do believe thf can win if super decked, not bc of ws avg, only because the fact they can SA faster is all. However, getting that lv of thf would require you to really be into thf, and since its drk forums idk if many of the readers here would apire to that needed lv of thf for 1 fight that they shine at.
It does not take as much work as you would think. Idle in as much STP for when TP wings are going off, fire WS as soon as SA or TA is up while using as many TP bonus buffs as possible. I was able to hit consistant 99k damage (using Aeonic no HQ abjurations), without any significant changes to my WS set. It doesn't take that much for any DPS job to optimize for that one particular fight.
Discounting SA or TA timer merits, I think THF comes out on top just because you can split up SA and TA, where as a DPS/THF can only depend on SA. There are of course a lot more variables involved as to why one job out performs others, but without enough information as to what buffs are on and how (not what) gear is being used there can never really be a direct comparison. While one might out parse everyone in their current group, that won't always be the case when you work with a different set of players.
All in all, 60K from a DRK/THF is a lot more impressive than the sorry WAR/THF I proceeded to watch spam Savage Blade for 20k during one of those fights. -.- I wish more players would be aware of their jobs like you seem to be, job well done optimizing on a job most don't know enough about.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-05 19:31:58
One thing drk will bring to the table that thf cant, and reason I go drk now instead of thf is abs-vit. This helps everyone by giving the mob -50 vit, then you get the chaos roll bonus for everyone else too 100% of the time. This all adds up for more dps for everyone. Couple that to the fact I see very little dmg difference between my drk and other's thfs (and way better than my thf), its a no brainer for me. Thats not to say drk will be #1 under ideal situations, but its going to be right there with the rest of them plus a few extra things :D
By Asura.Thorva 2017-03-05 19:35:07
I do believe thf can win if super decked, not bc of ws avg, only because the fact they can SA faster is all. However, getting that lv of thf would require you to really be into thf, and since its drk forums idk if many of the readers here would apire to that needed lv of thf for 1 fight that they shine at.
It does not take as much work as you would think. Idle in as much STP for when TP wings are going off, fire WS as soon as SA or TA is up while using as many TP bonus buffs as possible. I was able to hit consistant 99k damage (using Aeonic no HQ abjurations), without any significant changes to my WS set. It doesn't take that much for any DPS job to optimize for that one particular fight.
Discounting SA or TA timer merits, I think THF comes out on top just because you can split up SA and TA, where as a DPS/THF can only depend on SA. There are of course a lot more variables involved as to why one job out performs others, but without enough information as to what buffs are on and how (not what) gear is being used there can never really be a direct comparison. While one might out parse everyone in their current group, that won't always be the case when you work with a different set of players.
All in all, 60K from a DRK/THF is a lot more impressive than the sorry WAR/THF I proceeded to watch spam Savage Blade for 20k during one of those fights. -.- I wish more players would be aware of their jobs like you seem to be, well done.
We have a mythic thf, extremely decked out. Comes in 2nd place, aza using calad SA/torc holds first, I normally come in third on that fight as drk/thf, I don't have near the torc set aza has.
Furthermore Aza kept a lead on me vs WoC with his calad/torc drk vs my reso/rag drk. Confirming what was said many times over, the only thing that was holding calad back was the acc.
Calad is, and always has been, in my never to be humble opinion, the better weapon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-05 19:48:19
Ya After the 6~ Kirin/woc this week testing it I was impressed. I chose to NOT go acc set on most since I havent done kirin/woc on drk since the most recent eva nerf. Your run of the mill zerg buffs had me at 92% basically each fight with calad. This is a very easy to see example of Calad getting better in my eyes. That 3% ill make up very very fast by getting Emicho+1 hands. I also couldnt get near my dps with rag as I did with calad.
Rag still has its place and I recommend any Drk to get it, then once your gear is amazing get calad. I did try Rag on 1 fight to see if I would capp acc and I did at 97.~~% (luck), This lead me to try my mid-acc set which capped me on calad too, but i saw a dps drop from having to ditch so much multiattack, so overall I did better at the 92% acc mark, which means I got to find an additional 30~ acc and I should be capping calad on woc/kirin too.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Phaded 2017-03-05 19:51:39
We have a mythic thf, extremely decked out.
Not a knock to any mythic wielding THF, but for this particular fight I lean more towards Aeonic's TP bonus vs the benefit AM3 would give. Perhaps things would change if I actually had to TP off the mob so I could WS... (ie: low man situation).
the only thing that was holding calad back was the acc.
100% true, but then again Acc in general has always been a wall for DRK to break.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-03-05 20:04:59
We have a mythic thf, extremely decked out.
Not a knock to any mythic wielding THF, but for this particular fight I lean more towards Aeonic's TP bonus vs the benefit AM3 would give. Perhaps things would change if I actually had to TP off the mob so I could WS... (ie: low man situation).
Honestly, I haven't thf main in a few years, so I wouldn't know. The SA bonus seems pretty beefy, but the tp bonus is big too, I guess it would depend on the amount of tp you have between ws.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-05 20:09:22
The SA bonus seems pretty beefy, Mod Edit:Line removed for hostility.
The Mythics bonus to SA/TA is only applied AFTER the fTP multiplier and thus on single hit fTP WS's is a very small increase. For this fight Aeonic THF absolutely destroys Mythic, assuming both have the TP Bonus off hand dagger.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 84
By Shiva.Cahota 2017-03-05 20:13:39
yea i use aeneas for thf / with tp bonnus dagger. but if can land same dmg on DRK im all for it. nice to hear its a contender on that.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Phaded 2017-03-05 20:31:00
We have a mythic thf, extremely decked out.
Not a knock to any mythic wielding THF, but for this particular fight I lean more towards Aeonic's TP bonus vs the benefit AM3 would give. Perhaps things would change if I actually had to TP off the mob so I could WS... (ie: low man situation).
Honestly, I haven't thf main in a few years, so I wouldn't know. The SA bonus seems pretty beefy, but the tp bonus is big too, I guess it would depend on the amount of tp you have between ws.
With TP wing usage I was always well over 2k TP in my idle set, which is why I would always fire as soon as timers allowed. Sometimes things would fly so fast I would let out an unstacked Evisceration (I was always sub SAM) to open up double darkness, by the time timers were up I was back to over 2k TP again.
Out of pure curiosity, what setup are you guys using and what # of players do you guys run with? 2 DRK + THF + ???
By Asura.Thorva 2017-03-05 20:32:36
We have a mythic thf, extremely decked out.
Not a knock to any mythic wielding THF, but for this particular fight I lean more towards Aeonic's TP bonus vs the benefit AM3 would give. Perhaps things would change if I actually had to TP off the mob so I could WS... (ie: low man situation).
Honestly, I haven't thf main in a few years, so I wouldn't know. The SA bonus seems pretty beefy, but the tp bonus is big too, I guess it would depend on the amount of tp you have between ws.
With TP wing usage I was always well over 2k TP in my idle set, which is why I would always fire as soon as timers allowed. Sometimes things would fly so fast I would let out an unstacked Evisceration (I was always sub SAM) to open up double darkness, by the time timers were up I was back to over 2k TP again.
Out of pure curiosity, what setup are you guys using and what # of players do you guys run with? 2 DRK + THF + ???
It really varies, sometimes I don't even go drk and I rdm/sch, we always try to have some brds, cors, geos, obviously. But the dmg is normally held by the drks and the thfs on that particular fight.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2017-03-05 21:17:49
With Vajra, assuming you have a good STP idle set (let's say 96 STP) for your TP wings and a modest SAM roll (let's say 8 and no job bonus, so 40), you should be getting 2360 TP from your Lucid Wings II/Daedalus Wing and 1,180 TP from your Lucid Wings I. Adding in a modest Miser's Roll (let's use 8 again), you'd be getting 205 TP return from your WSs, for a total of 2565 from WS > Lucid Wings II/Daedalus Wing and 1385 TP from WS > Lucid Wings I. Now take into consideration you won't be WSing at those TP values, as you'll generally have to wait on SA/TA recasts. These numbers will be slightly larger with Aeneas. As long as your group has TP wing items to use, your Aeneas' TP bonus isn't doing anything for you as long as you have Lucid Wings II and Daedalus Wings to spare, and on a fair number of WSs, a portion of your Aeneas' TP bonus is going to waste after Lucid Wings I.
Instead of just choosing 1, I'd recommend using Vajra while you have TP wing items to rotate, then switch to Aeneas after they're all used up.
High End Sets Advice/Suggestions/Ideas/LUA for DRK - THF edition
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-05 21:22:09
This has been a good discussion so far, I reworked more stp into my idle for eriyns now. Will def boost my dps up (was like 20 stp inefficient). But bringing it back to drk again, I know i did toss a few non SA torcs out just to see what dmg ws like at 1k when we went wing spam mode. They landed fairly easy went 2/3~ however i never botherd to ever find his eva, what acc is needed to cap on him? I would bet with all my changes now I could easily pop off a 30k non SA torc in between SA and be just fine. That would be a huge dps gain.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-03-05 23:21:05
The SA bonus seems pretty beefy,
Mod Edit:Line removed for hostility.
The Mythics bonus to SA/TA is only applied AFTER the fTP multiplier and thus on single hit fTP WS's is a very small increase. For this fight Aeonic THF absolutely destroys Mythic, assuming both have the TP Bonus off hand dagger. Vajra's SA/TA bonus isn't a modifier enhancement. BGwiki claims it's critdmg+30%; last time I remember having this discussion I recall some questions about whether it was critdmg or a straight +30% damage bonus, but I'm having trouble finding those posts again. Either way it's far more potent than what you've claimed here.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-06 06:38:39
The SA bonus seems pretty beefy,
Mod Edit:Line removed for hostility.
The Mythics bonus to SA/TA is only applied AFTER the fTP multiplier and thus on single hit fTP WS's is a very small increase. For this fight Aeonic THF absolutely destroys Mythic, assuming both have the TP Bonus off hand dagger. Vajra's SA/TA bonus isn't a modifier enhancement. BGwiki claims it's critdmg+30%; last time I remember having this discussion I recall some questions about whether it was critdmg or a straight +30% damage bonus, but I'm having trouble finding those posts again. Either way it's far more potent than what you've claimed here.
I know several Mythic THF's, it's most certainly not +30% CHD during a WS. Best we can tell it's just a boost on the DEX/AGI modifier like the Gloves are, which on an unstacked attack is a huge bonus but on a WS with a high fTP like Rudras is a minor increase.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-03-06 10:34:32
Byrth's testing with 99 Vajra appears to contradict your claims:
Quote: 99 THF with Vajra 94+55 DEX and 19% Crit damage bonus.
896c 1011c 934c 1038c 1035c 1024c 997c 1041c 1023c 991c 1022c 929c 982c 1009c 1010c 952c 1037c 1041c 1004c 1016c 985c 930c 909c 1009c 934c 1040c
The predicted max for +30% damage is 1047, and I can't get over that but I can get close. The high frequency part of the distribution ends approximately where we would expect for +30% damage as well.
Shark Bite 100TP: 1962 1969 1969 1933 1834 1942
Well, this sucked for obvious reasons. Maximum predicted damage for Shark Bite with +30% damage to the whole term (including fTP/base damage/WSC) would be +1973. We do not exceed this maximum, but we come close. --Byrthnoth 18:25, 13 January 2012 (EST)
If you so firmly believe otherwise then you need to back it up with proper testing, but I think you'll find that these results preclude the possibility of a stat modifier bonus.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-06 16:30:21
Byrth was the person who informed me it was only a +30% boost to the DEX/AGI component. This was back when I was on Lakshmi years ago. Current screwing around with Mythic Rudras doesn't produce the numbers it should.
So did a *** ton of digging into old posts and looks like the original info was tossed out back in 2010 though not widely discussed and as usual buried in a BG thread.
So yeah CAB +30% now during SA/TA which is pretty damn nice. Probably not as good as Aeonic but becomes more useful if doing Mandalic for different SC properties.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-06 18:35:32
The numbers from the talk page actually show +30% dmg to the whole thing right? Not just CAB.
No it seems to be CAB, which is pretty nice. I'm at the point that I'm not going to trust any testing or information from before Abyssea because too much has been proven to be wrong with more recent testing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-06 19:25:47
take it to the thf forums, 1 full page is enough here of mythic thf talk, ty.
By alrunes 2017-03-06 20:54:15
So i have been talking with Azagarth quite a bit as when i was originally playing i was playing mainly ranger or paladin. I did level up DRK and fell in love with it. I feel that even if your putting out amazing damage there is always something to tweak, some change to implement, or other options that could be used. I know that right now my gear isn't optimized, as I am still in what I consider “gearing up” and most of my WS gear specifically resolution is placeholder gear until I can afford the Argosy +1. Most of my time has been in gearing up multiple jobs and farming to build two relics. As such I can’t afford to AG or invest in HQ abjurations yet, but it is something I am working towards. So here are my current gear-sets (not including casting/idle/regen/re-raise/and others). So, any tweaks/advice is appreciated as well as this is a poor man’s DRK right now.
Greatsword Gear sets
Scythe Gear-sets
TP Gear Augments
Valor.Body.TP (Dex+8, Acc+36, Attk+22)
Valor.Hands.TP (Dex+14, Acc+37, Attk+24)
Odyss.Legs.TP (Acc+32, Attk+23, sTP+2)
Valor.Feet.TP (Dex+7, Acc+35, Attk+21, sTP+3)
WS Gear Augments
Valor.Head.WS (STR+5, Acc+15, Attack+18, WSD +2%)
Odyss.Hands.WS (STR+12, Acc+24, Attack+13, WSD +2%)
Valor.Legs.WS (Acc +13, Attack+13, WSD +4%)
For some reason the code is getting messed up and not displaying properly in this sub-forum so i apologize for the inconvenience as i am currently working on trying to get it to display properly. So i have removed the code sections and just provided links to the lua files.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-07 17:53:16
Great post first off!! Secondly, your sets are looking very nice so far. Quick suggestions to work on :
ApocTP: Use cessance+brutal there, valo legs change to odys legs, Change to lissome neck also, and get either a DA5 aug on a valo mask for head, or betetr is to use flamma+1 head.
Change bale earring out for brutal in reso, for moonshade in CR/enthropy, and id probably use cessance for scourge over it also.
torc set get 2 titan rings, 300k and gives you a big chuunk of vit more.
Last easy to do change is get another pair of ody legs to aug for wsd, they are much better than valo (valo legs is a bst/drg thing).
Good start! Good lua! When i get time i might take a few things.
By alrunes 2017-03-07 18:01:39
These are my gear swap files that i am currently using. In the event that you catch something that doesn't work or need something changed please PM me or post on here. I am trying to build a comprehensive Dark Knight Gear swap file that is flexible but solid enough to be used in end game.
Gearswap - drk.luaCode
Created by: Enurihel of Asura
Based off AlanWarren's GearSwap file
This lua will automatically do the following based off triggers
while asleep equips Berserker's Torque
While weakened Equips Twilight Helm and Mail
Will auto cancel Souleater based off defined rules
Auto-cancel Hasso when Last Resort is active
This lua will also auto detect whether you have Great Sword or Scythe
equiped and equip the defined gearset based off that
Current Auto-detect weapons:
[*]Ragnarok: Uses engaged.Ragnarok
[*]Caladbolg: Uses engaged.Caladbolg
[*]Apocalypse: Uses engaged.Apocalypse
[*]gsList: Uses the defined Greatsword list of weapons
Additional files needed
CharName_drk_gear (this will house your gearsets)
Additionally you can choose to house your augments
at the top of your gear file or create another file
to house your augments for all your jobs.
User Defined Modes
Melee Offense Mode
Weaponskill Mode
Hybrid Modes
[*]Damage Taken (DT)
Casting modes
Job ability Defined Modes
[*]Souleater mode (will toggle Souleater off after 1 WS)
[*]Last Resort (will toggle Hasso off when active)
Other aspects of this file
[*]Capactiy Mode - equip your CP mantle when engaged and Idle
[*]Equips Ygna's Resolve +1 while reive status is active
[*]If you are wekened will keep Reraise set on
Rune Fencer as a Sub Job and Rune rules
When you are /run you will have the option to create
and in game macro to cycle through the runes and display
specific rune information
[*]/console gs c rune
[*]/console gs c cycle runes
[*]/console gs c cycle rayke
[*]/console gs c cycle rune
if you want to create another macro to move backwards use
the same as above just edit cycle to cycleback
Custom Aftermath gear and gearsets
Currently this is only setup for Liberator and Apocalypse
and in the car file this will only work with Apocalypse
but in the end that you so choose to create a new gearset
follow this structure for constructing it
sets.engaged.Weapon.AM --For Liberator it will be AM3
sets.engaged.Weapon.Mid.AM --For Liberator it will be AM3
sets.engaged.Weapon.Mid.AM --For Liberator it will be AM3
-- Initialization function required for --
-- this to work properly --
function get_sets()
mote_include_version = 2
-- Load and initialize the include file.
-- Job Setup Section --
function job_setup()
state.Buff.Souleater = buffactive.souleater or false
state.Buff['Last Resort'] = buffactive['Last Resort'] or false
--[[ Set the default to false if you'd rather SE always stay acitve ]]
state.SouleaterMode = M(false, 'Soul Eater Mode')
state.LastResortMode = M(false, 'Last Resort Mode')
state.CapacityMode = M(false, 'Capacity Point Mantle')
gsList = S{'Macbain', 'Crobaci +1'}
--[[ Correction to the errors in the Mote libs]]
absorbs = S{ 'Absorb-STR', 'Absorb-DEX', 'Absorb-VIT', 'Absorb-AGI',
'Absorb-INT', 'Absorb-MND', 'Absorb-CHR', 'Absorb-Attri',
'Absorb-ACC', 'Absorb-TP'
--[[ Define the Weapon Skills that benefit from Moonshade Earring ]]
moonshade_WS = S{"Resolution", "Torcleaver", "Cross Reaper", "Quietus",
"Entropy", "Insurgency", "Savage Blade", "Vorpal Blade",
"Requiescat", 'Sanguine Blade'}
-- User Setup Section --
function user_setup()
state.OffenseMode:options('Normal', 'Mid', 'Acc')
state.HybridMode:options ('Normal', 'DT', 'Reraise')
state.WeaponskillMode:options('Normal', 'Mid', 'Acc')
state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Resistant', 'Enmity')
--[[ Overriding default hotkeys ]]
send_command('bind f10 gs c cycle HybridMode') --F10
send_command('bind f11 gs c cycle WeaponskillMode') --F11
send_command('bind != gs c toggle CapacityMode') --alt=
send_command('bind @f9 gs c toggle SouleaterMode') --windowsKey+F9
send_command('bind f12 gs c cycle CastingMode') --F12
--[[ Additional User Defined Settings ]]
--[[ Section for Rune Fencer sub job to diplay which rune ]]
state.Runes = M{['description']='Rune',
state.Rune = M{['description']='which',
"Fire Dmg | Ice Resist: Paralyze, Bind, Frost",
"Ice Dmg | Wind Resist: Choke, Gravity, Silence",
"Wind dmg | Earth Resist: Slow, Petrify, Rasp",
"Earth dmg | Lightning Resist: Stun, Shock",
"Lightning Dmg | Water Resist: Poison, Drown",
"Water dmg | Fire Resist: Addle, Burn, Plague, Amnesia",
"Light Dmg | Dark Resist's: Blind, Bio, Sleep",
"Dark Dmg | Light Resist's: Repose, Dia, Charm"
send_command('bind ^` input //gs c rune')
send_command('bind ^- gs c cycleback Runes')
send_command('bind ^= gs c cycle Runes')
-- Elements for skillchain names --
skillchain_elements = {}
skillchain_elements.Light = S{'Light','Fire','Wind','Lightning'}
skillchain_elements.Darkness = S{'Dark','Ice','Earth','Water'}
skillchain_elements.Fusion = S{'Light','Fire'}
skillchain_elements.Fragmentation = S{'Wind','Lightning'}
skillchain_elements.Distortion = S{'Ice','Water'}
skillchain_elements.Gravitation = S{'Dark','Earth'}
skillchain_elements.Transfixion = S{'Light'}
skillchain_elements.Compression = S{'Dark'}
skillchain_elements.Liquification = S{'Fire'}
skillchain_elements.Induration = S{'Ice'}
skillchain_elements.Detonation = S{'Wind'}
skillchain_elements.Scission = S{'Earth'}
skillchain_elements.Impaction = S{'Lightning'}
skillchain_elements.Reverberation = S{'Water'}
-- This section is called when you change jobs --
function file_unload()
send_command('unbind ^`')
send_command('unbind !=')
send_command('unbind ^[')
send_command('unbind ![')
send_command('unbind @f9')
-- This tells Gearswap what sets to fetch --
-- Reccomend creating a Car file. --
function init_gear_sets()
-- Custom Idle Gearset --
function customize_idle_set(idleSet)
if player.mpp < 50 then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.latent_refresh)
if player.mpp < 80 then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.refresh)
if player.hpp < 80 then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.regen)
if state.Buff.Doom then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.buff.Doom)
if buffactive['Weakness'] then
equip({head="Twilight helm", body="Twilight mail"})
disable('head', 'body')
enable('head', 'body')
if state.CapacityMode.value then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet, sets.CapacityMantle)
if S{"Eastern Adoulin","Western Adoulin"}:contains(world.area) then
idleSet = set_combine(idleSet,{body="Councilor's Garb", head="Jumalik helm"})
return idleSet
-- Custom melee Gearset --
function customize_melee_set(meleeSet)
if state.Buff.Sleep and player.hp > 120 and player.status == "Engaged" then
-- Equip Berserker's Torque When You Are Asleep
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet,{neck="Berserker's torque"})
if player.hp < 1000 then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.DT)
add_to_chat(8, 'Low HP" Switching to DT set')
if player.hp < 800 then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.Reraise)
add_to_chat(8, 'Low HP" Switching to DT set')
if state.Buff.Doom then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.buff.Doom)
if state.Buff['Souleater'] then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.buff.Souleater)
if buffactive['Weakness'] then
equip({head="Twilight helm", body="Twilight mail"})
add_to_chat(8, '--ReRaise Set Engaged--')
enable('head', 'body')
if state.CapacityMode.value then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, sets.CapacityMantle)
if buffactive['Arcane Circle'] then
meleeSet = set_combine(meleeSet, {body="Founder's Breastplate"})
return meleeSet
-- General hooks for setting combat state --
-- Called by the 'update' self-command, for common needs. --
-- Set eventArgs.handled to true if we don't want automatic --
-- equipping of gear. --
function job_status_change(newStatus, oldStatus, eventArgs)
if newStatus == "Engaged" then
-- handle weapon sets
if player.equipment.main == 'Ragnarok' then
elseif gsList:contains(player.equipment.main) then
elseif player.equipment.main == 'Apocalypse' then
elseif player.equipment.main == 'Caladbolg' then
function job_update(cmdParams, eventArgs)
war_sj = player.sub_job == 'WAR' or false
function get_combat_form()
if buffactive['Last Resort'] and buffactive.haste then
add_to_chat(8, '---Weapon Delay Capped---')
elseif (buffactive.haste and buffactive.hasso and buffactive.march == 2) then
add_to_chat(8, '---Weapon Delay is not Capped---')
-- Can add in more here this is just a placeholder --
function get_combat_weapon()
if gsList:contains(player.equipment.main) then
elseif player.equipment.main == 'Apocalypse' then
elseif player.equipment.main == 'Ragnarok' then
elseif player.equipment.main == 'Caladbolg' then
else -- use regular set, which caters to Liberator
function job_state_change(stateField, newValue, oldValue)
--nothing added in here
function update_melee_groups()
-- mythic AM
if player.equipment.main == 'Liberator' then
if buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] then
elseif buffactive['Aftermath'] then
if buffactive['Samurai Roll'] then
-- Creating a custom spellMap, --
-- since Mote capitalized absorbs incorrectly --
function job_get_spell_map(spell, default_spell_map)
if spell.skill == 'Dark Magic' and absorbs:contains(spell.english) then
return 'Absorb'
-- Precast section --
function job_post_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' then
if world.time >= 17*60 or world.time < 7*60 then -- Dusk to Dawn time.
equip({ear1="Lugra Earring +1", ear2="Lugra Earring"})
if spell.action_type=="Magic" and buffactive.Silence then
eventArgs.cancel = true
send_command('input /item "Echo Drops" <me>')
if spell.type=='WeaponSkill' then
if moonshade_WS:contains(spell.english) and player.tp < 2900 then
equip({ear2="Moonshade Earring"})
--[[ Lock weaponskill if you are to far from the mob as to not lose TP ]]
if spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' then
if spell.target.distance > 5 then
add_to_chat(8, 'Target to far away. Move closer')
-- Midcast Section --
function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.skill == 'Elemental Magic' then
if spell.element == world.day_element or spell.element == world.weather_element then
equip(sets.midcast['Elemental Magic'], {waist="Hachirin-no-Obi"})
if S{"Torcleaver","Resolution","Catastrophe","Scourge","Cross Reaper"}:contains(spell.english) and (spell.element==world.day_element or spell.element==world.weather_element) then
equip({head="Gavialis Helm"})
if S{"Drain","Drain II","Drain III", "Aspir", "Aspir II", "Aspir III"}:contains(spell.english) and (spell.element==world.day_element or spell.element==world.weather_element) then
if buffactive['Dark Seal'] and buffactive['Nether Void'] and S{"Drain II","Drain III"}:contains(spell.english) and player.tp < 1000 then
add_to_chat(100,'WARNING: Misanthropy is now equiped ** Manually Swap weapons ***')
if buffactive['Dark Seal'] and S{"Drain III"}:contains(spell.english)then
equip({head="Fallen's Burgeonet +1"})
-- Called when a player gains or loses a buff. --
-- buff == buff gained or lost --
-- gain == true if the buff was gained, false if it was lost. --
function job_buff_change(buff, gain)
if state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
state.Buff[buff] = gain
if buff:lower()=='terror' or buff:lower()=='petrification' or buff:lower()=='sleep' or buff:lower()=='stun' then
if gain then
add_to_chat(8, 'DT set is equiped')
elseif not gain then
if buff:lower()=='sleep' then
if gain and player.hp > 120 and player.status == "Engaged" then -- Equip Berserker's Torque / frenzy When You Are Asleep
equip({neck="Berserker's torque"})
elseif not gain then -- Take Berserker's off
if buffactive['Reive Mark'] then
if buffactive['Souleater'] then
equip({head="Ignominy Burgonet +1"})
add_to_chat(100,'WARNING: Souleater set equiped.')
if buffactive['Blood Weapon'] and buffactive['Souleater'] and player.hp > 8000 then
equip({main="Dacnomania", head="Ignominy Burgonet +1"})
--add_to_chat(100,'WARNING: SOUL EATER HEAD ON AND &&&& Dacnomania.')
if buff == "doom" then
if gain then
--send_command('@input /p Doomed please cursna.')
send_command('@input /item "Holy Water" <me>')
--[[ Checks if Last resort is active if so cancels Hasso, will put
hasso back on after Last Resort falls off. ]]
if buff == "Last Resort" and player.status == 'Engaged' then
if gain then
send_command('@wait 1.0;cancel hasso')
elseif not midaction() then
send_command('@wait 1.0;input /ja "Hasso" <me>')
--[[ Drain II HP Boost. Set SE to stay on. ]]
if buff == "Max HP Boost" and state.SouleaterMode.value then
if gain or buffactive['Max HP Boost'] then
--[[ Make sure SE stays on for BW ]]
if buff == 'Blood Weapon' and state.SouleaterMode.value then
if gain or buffactive['Blood Weapon'] then
--[[ AM custom groups ]]
if buff:startswith('Aftermath') then
if player.equipment.main == 'Liberator' then
if (buff == "Aftermath: Lv.3" and gain) or buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------AM3 UP-------------')
if not midaction() then
if player.equipment.main == "Apocalypse" then
if buff == "Aftermath" and gain or buffactive.Aftermath then
add_to_chat(8, '--Apocalypse haste is active. Switching to AM set--')
if player.equipment.main == 'Ragnarok' then
if buff == 'Aftermath' and gain then
add_to_chat(8, '---Ragnarok AM active providing Crit---')
if not midaction() then
-- Sub job section for Ninja --
ninjaTools = {
Utsusemi = S{"Shihei",},--"Shikanofuda"
Hojo = S{"Kaginawa",},--"Chonofuda"
Migawari = S{"Mokujin",},
Kakka = S{"Ryuno",},
Tonko = S{"Shinobi-tabi",},
Kurayami = S{"Sairui-Ran",},
Raiton = S{"Hiraishin",},
Hyoton = S{"Tsurara",},
Monomi = S{"Sanjaku-Tenugui",},
function job_precast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
if spell.type=="Ninjutsu" then check_tools(spell) end
function check_tools(spell)
for prefix,tools in pairs(ninjaTools) do
if spell.english:startswith(prefix) then
for tool in tools:it() do
if not player.inventory[tool] then
add_to_chat(100,'WARNING: You are out of '..tool..'.')
elseif player.inventory[tool].count < 10 then
add_to_chat(100,'WARNING: You are low on '..tool..'. '..player.inventory[tool].count..' remaining.')
-- Rune Fencer Sub Job section for displaying rune info --
function define_rune_info()
rune_info = {
["Ignis"] = {damage="Fire", resistance="Ice"},
["Gelus"] = {damage="Ice", resistance="Wind"},
["Flabra"] = {damage="Wind", resistance="Earth"},
["Tellus"] = {damage="Earth", resistance="Lightning"},
["Sulpor"] = {damage="Lightning", resistance="Water"},
["Unda"] = {damage="Water", resistance="Fire"},
["Lux"] = {damage="Light", resistance="Darkness"},
["Tenebrae"]= {damage="Darkness", resistance="Light"},
function display_rune_info(spell)
runeinfo = rune_info[spell.english]
if runeinfo then
add_to_chat(122, '*'..spell.english..' is '..runeinfo.damage..'-based dmg. and '..runeinfo.resistance..' resistance*')
function job_self_command(cmdParams, eventArgs)
if cmdParams[1]:lower() == 'rune' then
send_command('@input /ja '..state.Runes.value..' <me>')
-- Selecting and Setting the default Macro book and Lock style --
function select_default_macro_book()
-- Default macro set/book
if player.sub_job == 'DNC' then
set_macro_page(4, 6)
elseif player.sub_job == 'SAM' and player.equipment.main == 'Ragnarok' then
set_macro_page(4, 6)
elseif player.sub_job == 'SAM' and player.equipment.main == 'Caladbolg' then
set_macro_page(1, 6)
elseif player.sub_job == 'WAR' then
set_macro_page(3, 6)
set_macro_page(2, 6)
function set_lockstyle()
send_command('wait 4; input /lockstyleset 1')
Gearswap - augments.luaCode
-- Augmented Gear --
When adding in Augmented gear follow
these simple guidelines
gearNameSimple = {}
gear.name = {
augments={'augment1', 'augment2', 'augment3'}
and when adding gear to sets add in as
this way GearSwap knows what item to put in there
1 Dexterity is .75 accuracy
1 Strength is .75 Attack
-- Augmented Capes --
Niht = {}
Ankou = {}
Rosmerta = {}
-- Dark Knight Capes --
Niht.DarkMagic = {
name="Niht Mantle",
augments={'Attack+12','Dark magic skill +10',
'"Drain" and "Aspir" potency +15',
'Weapon skill damage +3%'
Ankou.TP = {
name="Ankou's mantle",
augments ={'DEX+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','"Dbl.Atk."+10'}
Ankou.StrWS = {
name="Ankou's mantle",
augments={'STR+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','STR+5','Weapon skill damage +10%'}
Ankou.VitWS = {
name="Ankou's mantle",
augments={'VIT+20','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','Weapon skill damage +10%'}
-- Blue Mage Capes --
Rosmerta.TP = {
name="Rosmerta's Cape",
augments={'DEX+17','Accuracy+20 Attack+20','DEX+3','"Dual Wield"+10'}
-- Augmented Valor --
Valor = {}
Valor.Head ={}
Valor.Body = {}
Valor.Hands = {}
Valor.Legs = {}
Valor.Feet = {}
-- Valor Head --
Valor.Head.TP = {
name="Valorous Mask",
augments={'Accuracy+17 Attack+17','"Store TP"+3','Accuracy+15'}
Valor.Head.WS = {
name="Valorous Mask",
augments={'Attack+18','Weapon skill damage +2%','STR+5','Accuracy+15'}
-- Valor Body --
Valor.Body.TP = {
name="Valorous mail",
augments = {'Accuracy+22 Attack+22','DEX+8','Accuracy+14'}
-- Valor Hand --
Valor.Hands.TP = {
name="Valorous mitts",
augments={'Accuracy+24 Attack+24','DEX+14','Accuracy+13'}
Valor.Hands.WS = {
name="Valorous mitts",
augments={'Accuracy+16 Attack+16','Weapon skill damage +3%',
-- Valor Legs --
Valor.Legs.TP = {
name="Valor. Hose",
Valor.Legs.WS = {
name="Valor. Hose",
augments={'Accuracy+13 Attack+13','Weapon skill damage +4%'}
Valor.Legs.DA = {
--For Aftermath Set--
name="Valor. Hose",
-- Valor Feet --
Valor.Feet.TP = {
name="Valorous Greaves",
augments={'Accuracy+21 Attack+21','"Store TP"+3','DEX+7','Accuracy+14'}
-- Augmented Odyss. --
Odyssean = {}
Odyssean.Body = {}
Odyssean.Hands = {}
Odyssean.Legs = {}
Odyssean.Feet = {}
-- Odyss. Head --
-- Odyss. Body --
Odyssean.Body.FC = {
name="Odyssean chestplate",
augments={'STR+9', 'Attack+11', '"Fast Cast"+2'}
Odyssean.Body.WS = {
name="Odyssean chestplate",
augments={'Accuracy+30','Weapon skill damage +4%','DEX+5','Attack+12'}
-- Odyss. Hand --
Odyssean.Hands.FC = {
name="Odyssean gauntlets",
augments={'VIT+7', 'Accuracy+12', 'Attack+12', '"Fast Cast"+5'}
Odyssean.Hands.WS = {
name="Odyssean gauntlets",
augments={'Accuracy+24','Weapon skill damage +2%','STR+12','Attack+13'}
-- Odyss. Legs --
Odyssean.Legs.TP = {
name="Odyssean Cuisses",
augments={'Accuracy+23 Attack+23','"Store TP"+2','Accuracy+10'}
-- Odyss. Feet --
Odyssean.Feet.FC = {
name="Odyssean Greaves",
augments={'Mag. Acc.+22','INT+12','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+11'}
-- Augmented Herc --
Herc = {}
Herc.Head = {}
Herc.Body = {}
Herc.Hands = {}
Herc.Legs = {}
Herc.Feet = {}
-- Herc Head --
Herc.Head.MAB = {
name="Herculean Helm",
augments={'Mag. Acc.+17 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+17','Crit. hit damage +2%','STR+8','Mag. Acc.+6','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+9'}
-- Herc Body --
Herc.Body.TP = {
name="Herculean Vest",
augments={'"Store TP"+1','DEX+6','Accuracy+9'}
-- Herc Hand --
Herc.Hands.PDT = {
name="Herculean Gloves",
augments={'Rng.Acc.+10','Phys. dmg. taken -4%'}
Herc.Hands.TP = {
name="Herculean Gloves",
-- Herc Legs --
Herc.Legs.TP = {
name="Herculean Trousers",
augments={'Accuracy+20 Attack+20','"Triple Atk."+1','VIT+2','Accuracy+7','Attack+8'}
-- Herc Feet --
Herc.Feet.TP = {
name="Herculean Boots",
augments={'Accuracy+26','Crit.hit rate+4','STR+8','Attack+12'}
-- Augmented Merl. --
Merl = {}
Merl.Head = {}
Merl.Body = {}
Merl.Hands = {}
Merl.Legs = {}
Merl.Feet = {}
-- Merl. Head --
-- Merl. Body --
-- Merl. Hand --
-- Merl. Legs --
-- Merl. Feet --
-- Augmented Chir. --
Chir = {}
Chir.Head = {}
Chir.Body = {}
Chir.Hands = {}
Chir.Legs = {}
Chir.Feet = {}
-- Chir. Head --
-- Chir. Body --
-- Chir. Hand --
-- Chir. Legs --
-- Chir. Feet --
-- Augmented Sinister Reign --
Samnuha = {}
-- SR. Head --
-- SR. Body --
-- SR. Hand --
-- SR. Legs --
Samnuha.Legs = {
name="Samnuha Tights",
augments={'STR+9','DEX+8','"Dbl.Atk."+2','"Triple Atk."+2'}
-- SR. Feet --
Gearswap - enuri_drk_gear.luaCode
-- Field/Town Idle --
sets.idle = {
head="Sulevia's mask",
body="Sulevia's platemail",
hands="Sulevia's gauntlets +1",
legs="Carmine cuisses +1",
feet="Sulevia's leggings +1",
neck="Twilight torque",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Infused earring",
ring1="Warp ring",
ring2="Vocane ring",
back="Solemnity cape",
waist="Flume belt"
sets.idle.Town = set_combine(sets.idle, {
ring1="Dark Ring"
-- Job Ability sets --
sets.precast.JA['Diabolic Eye'] = {
hands="Abyss gauntlets +2"
sets.precast.JA['Diabolic Eye'] = {
hands="Fallen's Finger Gauntlets"
sets.precast.JA['Nether Void'] = {
legs="Bale Flanchard +2"
sets.precast.JA['Dark Seal'] = {
head="Fallen's burgeonet +1"
sets.precast.JA['Souleater'] = {
head="Ignominy burgeonet +1"
sets.precast.JA['Blood Weapon'] = {
body="Fallen's Cuirass +1"
sets.precast.JA['Last Resort'] = {
back="Ankou's mantle"
-- Casting Gear sets --
sets.precast.FC = {
--[[ Fast Cast 33% ]]
head="Carmine mask",
ear1="Loquacious Earring",
ring2="Prolix Ring",
legs="Enif Cosciales",
feet="Carmine Greaves"
sets.midcast.FastRecast = {
head="Carmine mask",
ear2="Loquacious earring",
legs="Enif Cosciales",
feet="Carmine Greaves"
sets.midcast['Dark Magic'] = set_combine(sets.precast.FC, {
head="Ignominy burgeonet +1",
neck="Erra Pendant",
body="Demon's harness",
hands="Fallen's finger gauntlets",
legs="Eschite cuisses",
ring1="Etana ring",
ring2="Evanescence ring",
ear1="Hermetic earring",
ear2="Gwati earring",
waist="Casso sash",
sets.midcast['Dread Spikes'] = set_combine(sets.precast.FC, {
ammo="Aqreqaq bomblet",
head="Ignominy burgeonet +1",
body="Bale cuirass +2",
hands="Odyssean gauntlets",
legs="Valorous hose",
feet="Dornen schuhs",
neck="Sanctity necklace",
ear1="Thureous earring",
ear2="Bloodbead earring",
ring1="Meridian ring",
ring2="Etana ring",
back="Repulse mantle",
sets.midcast.Absorb = set_combine(sets.midcast['Dark Magic'], {
body="Valorous Mail",
hands="Fallen's finger gauntlets",
sets.midcast.Absorb.Resistant = set_combine(sets.midcast.Absorb, {
head="Carmine Mask"
sets.midcast['Absorb-TP'] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Absorb,{
hands="Bale gauntlets +2",
sets.midcast['Stun'] = set_combine(sets.midcast['Dark Magic'], {
sets.midcast.Endark = {
head="Ignominy Burgonet +2",
neck="Erra Pendant",
ear2="Dark Earring",
ear1="Loquacious Earring",
body="Carmine Scale Mail",
hands="Fallen's finger gauntlets +1",
ring1="Stikini Ring",
ring2="Evanescence Ring",
waist="Casso sash",
legs="Eschite cuisses",
back="Niht Mantle",
--sets.midcast['Endark II'] = set_combine(sets.midcast.Endark, {})
sets.midcast.Drain = set_combine(sets.midcast.Absorb, {
neck="Erra pendant",
body="Terminal plate",
hands="Fallen's finger gauntlets",
legs="Eschite cuisses",
ear2="Hirudinea earring",
ring2="Evanescence ring",
sets.midcast.Aspir = sets.midcast.Drain
sets.midcast['Elemental Magic'] = {}
sets.midcast['Enfeebling Magic'] = {}
-- Enmity Section --
sets.Enmity = {
head="Despair Helm",
neck="Invidia Torque",
body="Odyssean chestplate",
ring1="Odium Ring",
ring2="Petrov ring",
ear2="Friomisi earring",
waist="Goading Belt",
legs="Odyssean cuirass",
feet="Dornen schuhs"
sets.midcast.Stun.Enmity = set_combine(sets.Enmity, {})
sets.midcast.Absorb.Enmity = set_combine(sets.Enmity, {})
sets.midcast['Absorb-TP'].Enmity = set_combine(sets.Enmity, {})
sets.midcast['Elemental Magic'].Enmity = set_combine(sets.Enmity, {})
sets.midcast['Enfeebling Magic'].Enmity = set_combine(sets.Enmity, {})
-- Scythe Engaged sets --
--[[ Non-REMA Scythe Set]]
sets.engaged = {
hands="Sulevia's gauntlets +1",
neck="Clotharius torque",
ear1="Steelflash earring",
ear2="Bladeborn earring",
ring1="Rajas ring",
ring2="Petrov Ring",
waist="Ioskeha belt",
sets.engaged.Mid = set_combine(sets.engaged, {
ear1="Zennaroi Earring",
ear2="Mache Earring",
sets.engaged.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged.Mid, {
hands="Emicho gauntlets",
neck="Iqabi necklace",
feet="Emicho gambieras",
waist="Kentarch belt +1"
-- Apocalypse Engaged Gear --
-- 1114 Accuracy --
sets.engaged.Apocalypse = set_combine(sets.engaged, {
head="Argosy Celata",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear1="Cessance earring",
neck="Lissome necklace"
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Mid = set_combine(sets.engaged.Apocalypse, {
-- 1152 Accuracy --
ear1="Zennaroi Earring",
ear2="Mache Earring",
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Mid, {
-- 1184 Accuracy --
neck="Iqabi necklace",
ring2="Begrudging ring",
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.DT = set_combine(sets.idle, {
ring1="Dark ring",
ring2="Vocane ring",
legs="Valor. hose"
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Mid.DT = sets.engaged.Apocalypse.DT
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Acc.DT = sets.engaged.Apocalypse.DT
-- AfterMath Gearsets --
-- AM Gear --
-- Removes some haste --
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.AM = set_combine(sets.engaged.Apocalypse, {
head="Argosy celata",
waist="Kentarch Belt +1",
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Mid.AM = set_combine(sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Mid, {
head="Argosy celata",
waist="Kentarch Belt +1",
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Acc.AM = set_combine(sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Acc, {
head="Argosy celata",
waist="Kentarch Belt +1",
-- Greatsword Engaged sets --
sets.engaged.GreatSword = set_combine(sets.engaged, {
--[[ This set has +34 sTP for 5 Hit ]]
sub="Tzacab grip",
head="Argosy celata",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Cessance earring",
neck="Clotharius torque",
ring1="Rajas ring",
ring2="Petrov Ring",
waist="Ioskeha belt",
sets.engaged.GreatSword.Mid = set_combine(sets.engaged.GreatSword, {
ear1="Zennaroi Earring",
ear2="Mache Earring",
sets.engaged.GreatSword.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged.GreatSword.Mid, {
hands="Emicho gauntlets",
neck="Iqabi necklace",
ring2="Begrudging ring",
feet="Emicho gambieras",
waist="Kentarch belt +1"
sets.engaged.Caladbolg = set_combine(sets.engaged.GreatSword, {
sub="Bloodrain Strap",
head="Argosy celata",
hands="Emicho gauntlets",
neck="Lissome necklace",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Cessance earring",
sets.engaged.Ragnarok = set_combine(sets.engaged.GreatSword, {
sub="Bloodrain Strap",
head="Argosy celata",
neck="Lissome necklace",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Cessance earring"
sets.engaged.Ragnarok.Mid = set_combine(sets.engaged.Ragnarok, {
--ring1="Chirich ring",
ring2="Chirich ring",
ear2="Steelflash earring"
sets.engaged.Ragnarok.Acc = set_combine(sets.engaged.Ragnarok.Mid, {
-- Weaponskill Gearsets --
sets.precast.WS = {
ammo="Aqreqaq bomblet",
body="Ignominy cuirass +2",
feet="Sulev. leggings +1",
neck="Fotia gorget",
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Bale earring",
ring1="Ifrit ring",
ring2="Ifrit ring",
waist="Fotia belt",
sets.WSDayBonus = {head="Gavialis Helm"}
-- Scythe Weaponskill --
--[[ Entropy Weaponskill ]]
sets.precast.WS['Entropy'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
body="Ignominy cuirass +2",
ring1="Shiva ring",
ring2="Shiva ring",
legs="Odyssean cuisses",
sets.precast.WS['Entropy'].Mid = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Entropy'], {
ear1="Zennaroi earring",
sets.precast.WS['Entropy'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Entropy'].Mid, {
ear2="Mache earring",
ring1="Begrudging ring"
--[[ Catastrophe Weaponskill ]]
sets.precast.WS['Catastrophe'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Cessance earring",
ring1="Ifrit ring",
ring2="Ifrit ring",
--[[ Quietus Weaponskill ]]
sets.precast.WS['Quietus'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
--[[ Insurgency Weaponskill ]]
sets.precast.WS['Insurgency'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
head="Argosy celata",
hands="Argosy mufflers",
legs="Argosy breeches",
feet="Argosy sollerets"
sets.precast.WS['Insurgency'].Mid = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Insurgency'], {
ear1="Zennaroi earring",
sets.precast.WS['Insurgency'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Insurgency'].Mid, {
ear2="Mache earring",
ring1="Begrudging ring"
--[[ Cross Reaper Weaponskill ]]
sets.precast.WS['Cross Reaper'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
--head="Argosy celata",
sets.precast.WS['Cross Reaper'].Mid = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Cross Reaper'],
ear1="Zennaroi earring",
sets.precast.WS['Cross Reaper'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Cross Reaper'].Mid, {
ear2="Mache earring",
ring1="Begrudging ring"
-- Greatsword Weaponskill --
sets.precast.WS['Scourge'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
ear2="Cessance earring"
sets.precast.WS['Torcleaver'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
ear1="Brutal earring",
ear2="Cessance earring",
ring1="Spiral ring",
ring2="Terra's ring",
sets.precast.WS['Resolution'] = set_combine(sets.precast.WS, {
head="Argosy celata",
hands="Argosy mufflers",
legs="Argosy breeches",
feet="Argosy sollerets",
ear1="Brutal earring"
sets.precast.WS['Resolution'].Mid = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Resolution'], {
ear1="Zennaroi earring",
sets.precast.WS['Resolution'].Acc = set_combine(sets.precast.WS['Resolution'].Mid, {
ear2="Mache earring",
ring1="Begrudging ring"
-- Misc. Gearsets --
sets.CapacityMantle = set_combine(sets.Idle, {
name="Mecisto. Mantle",
augments={'Cap. Point+49%','MP+20','DEF+3'}
sets.Reive = {
neck="Ygnas's Resolve +1"
sets.buff.Doom = {
head="Twilight helm",
body="Twilight mail",
ring2="Saida Ring"
sets.Reraise = {
head="Twilight helm",
body="Twilight mail"
sets.engaged.Apocalypse.Reraise ={
head="Twilight helm",
body="Twilight mail"
sets.regen = {
head="Twilight helm",
body="Twilight mail",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
ring1="Paguroidea Ring",
ring2="Chirich Ring"
sets.refresh = {
neck="Bale Choker",
body="Ares' Cuirass"
sets.latent_refresh = set_combine(sets.refresh, {
sets.TP = {
head="Valorous mask"
sets.DT = set_combine(sets.idle, {
ring1="Dark ring",
ring2="Vocane ring",
legs="Valor. hose"
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-16 18:03:52
So I have been pondering on getting Anguta or not, and I think I will pull the trigger for it here soon as my next aeonic. With what seems an undying trend of giving 2h DD's 1h buffs, I figured I might as well try and optimize them. Mainly an issue of sam roll which I normally find inferior for drk except for a 3 hit (ws+2hit) build on anguta drk.
With /sam and a lucky roll 4/11 from cor your looking at +52 stp (technically sam bonus 7+ too). This means a 258 tp return from anguta ws as a minimum for first hit landing. So you need to have 78 stp from gear during tp phase for 372 tp a hit or 742 tp in 2 hits. I found this build most drks can achieve, high 7+ stp augs on reisen gear : it has for me exactly 78 stp with my augs
ItemSet 350017
Now could this rival/beat a GS build? I honestly dont know and I would challenge any drk who can test this out to please check, I cannot atm since no aeonic haha.
Just brainstorming, it seems like it could perform well, avg of 1.33 attacks a round isnt bad at all for a 3hit (I view this as 1/4 rounds will allow an instant ws after for practical use). You can really pump out the ws's. If nothing it would be very fun .
Each ws too would be an effective 1750, but where it really shines is with a smn buff, or warcry on effectively letting you ws at 2500. Thats pretty huge and a potential powerhouse.
With max haste your looking at 3.5sec~ needed for 2 rounds, add that to ws lockout of 3 sec, you now have an effective 6.5 sec per ws. However its even better! If you treated all multi hit gear as only a means to 1k+ tp you will every 1/4 rounds get an extra saved round. This means 6.5(4) - 1.5 (saved round) = 24.5 sec for 4 ws. Thats pretty awesome for frequency especially when a 2500 full buffed CR should do 30k~ on most content.
With the af+3 giving us finally useable stat vomit gear for scythe ws (never had as nice before bs no mnd/int etc on argosy), I think it might just give scythe the edge to be very competitive now.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-03-20 12:46:14
Do you think that the AF1 +3 feet would be better for drain over yorium?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-03-20 14:06:16
Macc wise, yes. However I currently have Ody feet with +31 macc aug which I use for non- DN/NV usage. They are less macc but by very little and have 9 FC which is nice for recast/time and the 20% spell down is nice since if your draining (non-ds/nv d3) your normally getting hit or might be. Honestly, the feet are probably the last of the 5 af+3 you should get as the increases are very little over other options and useless for a tp/ws. Now if the arcane circle+1 does something cool, then ya it might be a worthwhile piece, but from my understanding theres no difference.
I am not sure about you but I normally am using drain when DS/NV is up since on anything the matters it would resist you heavily anyways without DS up, which means when you would get good returns w/o the Ja's, I am normally macc capped anyhow (fodder). So for me the yorium feet are best because its the only way to get potency in that slott, and with DS the macc becomes trivial in a decent set.
So short answer, if you have af+3 use them on non DS casting. Otherwise id wager yorium with DS/NV is better.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-03-20 18:35:13
Thanks Aza. That was something that just popped into my head as I was reading and though huh, this might be an interesting alternative.
Welcome To advanced drk thread! Read spoiler if its your first time here. So I have been contemplating to start a new thread like this as it seemed redundant, but Some people have suggested/asked if I would. The drk guide is great and getting updated quickly, so this is by no means to replace or even compete with that. If your new, have fun reading this guide, but post Q's in the normal forums for beginning things. The focus here is true endgame such as Helms, etc.
The idea of this thread is for HIGH END sets only. We can theory craft about other sets too for such content. I highly suggest that if you plan to post/comment in this Thread that you also Post your sets for people to see. Less pages of crap posts is better (fighting), I hate panning through 117+ pages of dark thread to find an answer, lets not do that here.
I will personally try and keep my sets as up to date as possible, with augment remarks. I feel this wil help alot more than "Its to variable!", that helps no one asking. While augments are a pain in the butt, non-DM augments can be closely replicated between players, it does require a lot of stones/time, but if you're here its bc you have said gil/time probably. I find that between high end drks, augs start to look closely the same. Maybe DRK A got 5 acc 1 stp more on said piece, but 7 acc 1 stp less on another compared to DRK B, so in the end they are nearly identical. Don't include DM augs when making suggestions without mentioning its a DM aug.
I also have included below after my sets my lua, the gear sets will not match what I post here and what is there since one (probably lua) or the other could be out of date. However the basic format of the Lua is what matters, so use that too. Lets talk and code in some needed things and get a really good Lua built for the community too. I would love to have someone who has the know-how to make a DRK spreadsheet and I will publish it here too. Nearly every forum at least has one and I have yet to find an up to date spreadsheet for drk.
Enjoy and be nice!